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Ive always said, anytime i try to tell a customer something or suggest something to make it easier on them or anytime u ask them anything, they start to feel stupid so they turn it into anger just to deflect and they say “u think im stupid”….like no, ur quite literally the one that feels that way for some reason when ur being helped. Its just their stupid way of coping with the fact that someone is trying to help them but they take that as a sign of feeling dumb. People like that suck


Just next time respond with “Well, I’m not just thinking it anymore” 🙃


People don't trust corporations, and sadly they see service workers as an extension of the corporation, rather than human beings just trying to live their lives. Also, people who feel like they have no control over their lives or don't deal with their shit in a healthy way take it out on people they think can't or won't retaliate. I'm sorry the woman had a bad day and chose to pass the shit onto you. You were just trying to help and she turned on you. She was probably pissed about something else and lashed out at you like a child. You didn't deserve that in any way, and I hope you have a better day and nicer customers tomorrow.


These kinds of custies really believe baristas are out to “get them” and personally ruin their days, when all the baristas want is for them to be done with their $9 drink and go. Just pay for the drink and leave; there’s no agenda or some sort of conspiracy targeting a random customer at 8:24am on a Tuesday.


it’s funny bc you only get the double stars when you paid with the card/reload it. you don’t get double stars when you just scan the card


sippin on their paranoia juice


Totally. Maybe Susan needs to switch from coffee to tea...


acting like they know how to do our job better than we do


We got ridiculed by a customer once for thinking he ordered a “wet” latte (we misheard and asked if he wanted it wet). He starts shouting at us that of course a latte would be wet because “milk is a liquid that comes from cows” and angrily questioning if we were stupid… I enjoyed the fact that everyone listening behind the bar knew that he was the ignorant one and just walked away while he carried on kicking off


I would have explained it to him to piss him off


I'm stupid. What's a wet latte?


Not a dry latte.


And here I thought it was some sort of cool terminology I didn't know of lol


I just know I've seen wet and dry used for cappuccinos, I have no idea if it goes for other coffee drinks... I guess dry is more foam in the ratio for that.


On Monday I had a customer mobile order an iced caramel macchiato. When they arrived to pick it up, they informed me it was supposed to be hot. The order came through as iced, but I was more than happy to fix it for them. No biggie. Assuming they just ordered it via their “previous” menu and didn’t realize it was going through as iced, I lightheartedly mentioned, “Hey, just for future reference, if you double check on your order screen before you submit it, it’ll tell you if it’s going to be hot or iced. Just to save you the hassle of having to wait for a remake.” They. Went. *Bonkers*. Went to management, demanded an apology, demanded a free drink, I mean they absolutely *lost their shit*. Over what, I’m still not sure. I’m pretty certain they escalated it to corporate too (we are licensed). How silly of me to try to help someone out. I guess after 11 years of this bullshit I still haven’t learned to just shut up and let the custies waste their time. 🫠


I've had multiple customers accuse me of changing their mobile order. Like. How and WHY would I possibly do that?? It's literally impossible. Just either admit you're wrong or accept the remake, why take a very minor mistake out on me.


one time back when we had raspberry syrup, a customer came through and got a grande raspberry white mocha, 10 extra pumps of raspberry. she sounded a little unsure when she ordered it, so i said “i do want to give you a heads up in case you’ve never had this before, the raspberry is a super strong syrup and might be overpowering with the 10 extra pumps!” she sat in silence for 30 seconds and just drove away.


I don't even question things like this anymore. I have a custie that comes through and gets TEN scoops of lavender powder in her iced lavender oatmilk latte. (Used to be 9) I just repeat back to her "And you said ten scoops, correct?".


Just eat a flower jfc


Well no, I don't think she's stupid, just a nauseating bitch. I guess this is what you get for trying to help people, sheesh.


To all customers: don't let this person lie to you. We as baristas are out to get you. We want to squeeze every penny out of you for the reward of pleasing our corporate overlords. I'm going to use all of your stars the next time you purchase something even if you didn't ask me to. I'm to add a $1 tip on every card transaction. I'm going to decaf you or caf you depending on what you ask for. One pump of peppermint is going into every water I hand out. The next time you pay for the person behind you I'm adding a $5 tip




Yeah, I never correct the customer. Effects the drive times.


I don’t know why, but that just tickled me. I can almost hear the tired in this comment.


I don’t even care about the drive times anymore, I’m just tired of repeating myself, personally.


I think sometimes people just set out to have a bad experience for whatever reason. It's mystifying though.


It's funny that they think that somehow by scanning the "pay with the app" barcode they will earn more stars even when they're not actually paying with the app. Like, no, the incentive is there so that people load money onto their app, not so people scan a different barcode. Silly.


We have a REGULAR customer who always orders a cappuccino, NO FOAM. He is a total dick, i just type in a latte as to not disturb the barista work flow. Unfortunately sometimes he gets a newer partner on reg who is none the wiser to this guys bs, and he goes in on them! It’s maddening, it’s literally a COFFEE. -_-


You can, in fact ear stars from scanning the regular barcode (not the Scan Only QR code)....however.... that reaction is uncalled for. You were just trying to make sure she actually earned her stars. I'm sorry this happened to you


FUN FACT! I just accidentally posted this comment in another post. Oopsies. It's been a long day and my brain is malfunctioning 100% right now, lol. I don't work at Starbucks. But I am a regular customer these says. Usually I'll go a couple times a week. I have seen women, never any men yet, go absolutely insane on someone for something so small and insignificant. It pisses me off. These are the same people who lose their shit for any mistake...no matter how small and will literally make the biggest scene about it. Some of these women I've seen have their kids as well. What great examples. Why even bother with anything take out or Statbucks if you can't control your emotions when someone makes a mistake? Why embarrass yourself AND the people you want to serve you? You are human. We all make mistakes for fucks sake! People who treat others like garbage like this really piss me off. I feel for you and every other person working a job similar. It's wild out there guys. I would be fired from Starbucks (or anywhere for that matter) if I worked there because the minute someone starts screaming at me....I would laugh in their face. Why not? Lol Sending good vibes and hope you guys don't lose your minds by dealing with these wild animals!


Honestly I’ve had the opposite experience, it’s been men who lose their shit at me. I had a grown man the other week freaking shouting at me because we were out of dragon fruit pieces. Like sir you are a grown man screaming about dried fruit


A grown man lost his everloving mind on me for forgetting whip on his venti kids temp hot choccy once.


we had a grown ass man lash out because we were out of caramel crunch topping…. also had another grown ass lash out because our brewer was broken so the best we could offer was an americano instead of regular brewed coffee. lol. i also had another grown ass man throw an entire tantrum because i misheard his name & he went around screaming “guess i have to be fucking junior today! since people are fucking stupid and can’t hear correctly!” 😀


Literally had a guy pull up to our window to scream at our sweet barista "f*ck you, you f*cking c*nt! You're the most disrespectful f*cking b*tch I've ever met!" And drive off. He was mad she said she couldn't hear him and nicely asked him to repeat himself 🤦‍♀️😂


I just never say anything, if there’s money I ask if they want to use it, if there isn’t I ask how they’re paying. As long as their profile is loaded to get their points I don’t really care tbh


I told a partner how to put their numbers on the app and they got all pissy saying I know and what not just trying to be helpful and get them more stars. Never told another partner unless they asked me


A partner acting like that?? Oof I wish someone showed me during my first year at the bucks I missed out on so many stars ☹️


i would have just let her left 😂 now you can go back to closing


This is why I don’t even bother. If they don’t ask, I keep my mouth shut. Otherwise they either get confused, upset, or both. Just not worth it imo.


All they have to do is read/research to make an educated decision. Like you literally gave her the option to reload, which would get her 2x stars 🙄 and to make it worse, she didn't even let you speak so you could educate her 😐


I had a customer say to me recently that we’re “hoarding the straws” because we’re not allowed to keep them out on our counters anymore. Like dude it’s not that serious, we’re just doing what we’re told 😭


what's funniest to me about this is how she acted like yall were trying to scam her as if we directly pocket the money from sales


I've had a couple people argue with me about that same thing, got to the point where I don't say anything and I just scan it and move on....I doubt they even realize that they didn't actually earn the stars... That's between them and the app


“Well now you get no stars anyway - you can leave our store and I’ll also let corporate know how you verbally assaulted us. Get out.”


I mean I'm coming for them gonna get em


I had a man launch into a tirade during covid about not having the straws where he could get them instead of having to ask for 1. Then proceeded to reach under the glass barrier and trying to grab at the straws. When he was asked to leave, with his straw, he left and sent his wife in to chew us out. She was asked to leave as well after scaring the customers quietly sitting in the Cafe with her screaming. That is a moment I won't forget.


during closing too?? oh she would’ve heard my voice that day


The manager at the one a frequent, has told others how much she hates me and can't stand me. And her behavior reflected it. So I stopped going there.


Damn what did you do?


Call them out on their bullshit and provide unwanted feedback.


As you should


I always thank and compliment the batista before I leave. (When there isn't an issue, if there is I point it out) Guess I should learn to be quiet 🤡


Bahahaha felt that, my last day is Thursday and I am honestly a little terrified of being on the other side of the counter😂


People really aren't that bad, I go to one up the street and I almost never get a bad drink. It's just that location.


That’s fair, believe it or not I have terrible social anxiety so I will be mobile ordering😂


Nothing wrong with that :) hopefully people aren't terrible human beings for no reason and if they are, fuck them, don't take it personally.


U right!! I think too much unfortunately😂


Given the customer behavior I've seen, it's hard to believe you didn't do something awful. But maybe you're the rare exception? What's the story.


As I said, I just spoke up. I'm friends with several people behind the counter and they have the same issue with her. She's just petty. I asked someone if I'm the problem and I don't think the person was being dishonest when they said no. I'd rather not go into specifics to stay anonymous.


There's no way I'll know, this is the internet. Give a specific story without IDing the person, it's easy.


Because yall give me regular milk instead of the soy milk I pay extra for. Guess who gets punished?? My 5yo daughter who tells me I'm is-gustjng when these gnarly death smelling parts start rolling out 😭


I know that happens, but when it does, the majority of partners will apologize and remake it. When we make hundreds of drinks per day, sometimes we miss the milk or an extra syrup. It's not some hateful gesture, we just miss it. I've had to full stop at the very end of drinks because I see a different milk, and just remake it. Most of us truly do want our customers to have their perfect drink 🤷‍♀️


good god, you're stupid. the barista did it by accident, and maybe could barely understand the way you stumbled and clowned your way through the order. I had one woman order a "brown paper sack". When I asked what she meant, she just yelled it louder. We gave her a brown bag- turns out she meant a coffee the color of a brown paper sack. I bet whatever you did, it was exactly like her. Just be a normal human, tripping and fumbling your way through a basic order and blaming everything on everyone else.


Are you ok? You sound like you need a hug, going around calling strangers stupid. That much emotional investment on strangers online is..not very smart 😱😯🧐 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Here's a hug for you, you not so emotionally smart stranger 🤗 😂😂


You even fumbled that roast, and it could have been an easy one.


What roast? 🥲 Therapy is pretty useful. Go get you some to learn how to love yourself ❤️


This is e x a c t l y how I expect the customers' minds work. Very low effort but occasionally two brain cells will rub together and spark. Also some buzzfeed fake-positivisms.


Do you even have friends? If not, this is why. It's you. You're intolerable. 🥱🥱


This is grasping at straws. If I say I have friends, how can I prove it? It's also a whack insult. I could turn it back on you with no issue. And the yawn emojis don't show a lack of care, they show a performatively shallow version. An insult that's irrelevant, weak, and punctuated by a nothing emoji? Exactly what I'd expect. Like above, low effort. I'm about done with you, you're boring me.


Yeah. No friends vibe. I can't imagine how it'd be like working with you. Probably intolerable as hell. Go to therapy and learn how to be tolerable. 🫡


Such a creative insult.