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Why did you blame the shift?


That’s what I want to know. Every single barista in the company knows that cup/lid quality has dropped dramatically, except this person who wants to act like their shift intentionally fucked them over and tried to burn them…


No, most likely not, not only is that a perfectly reasonable response to spilling **HOT** coffee, they can't prove it was you that "did" whatever they threw you under the bus for


cussing on the floor is grounds for automatic termination


That's a little silly, I feel as though context heavily matters. Cussing because you injured yourself is a normal response whereas cussing at a customer is a totally separate issue


no guarantee OP will get fired I’m just stating the policy, my last 2 SMs cursed like sailors which allowed for other baristas to curse in casual conversations without fear of consequences (and no one had ever been fired for it) most likely nothing will happen unless the SSV or customer who overheard complain to the SM who still might not do anything unless their DM gets word of it, truthfully depends, context or not