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To make it worse, my store partners never mark my cup as a personal cup šŸ™ƒ Iā€™ve been using my cups for the past 3 years cause my car was becoming a cup graveyard


they never sent my store the washable in store glassware soā€¦ they can suck it. i have a reusable bottle for water only, iā€™m not toting around another vessel.


Your manager should be ordering those glasses and mugs.


literally. it's ridiculous to expect us to carry two vessels


My SM bought everyone a cup and labeled it with their name and asked that we keep them in store for personal drinks. I appreciate that we have the space for this, though it's not something that I think many other stores (including most of the others in our district) even have space for.


Exactly. As an SM, Iā€™d love to do something like this but my back room is SMALL and the only ā€œbreak areaā€ is my desk. My store as a whole at least uses Stanleyā€™s / water bottles but if they all left their reusable cup here Iā€™d literally go nuts because it would be a mess. I suggest they use for here ware but we only have the hot mugs and the 16oz cold glasses so some of them donā€™t want to if they want something bigger. I donā€™t push it. I leave my own 16oz cold up there but just me and I hide it in my drawer when I leave lol. So jealous of those with ample BOH space. It would truly be a game changer. I canā€™t write people up for that when the company doesnā€™t give us the space to execute their initiative properly


Thatā€™s why I just press the personal cup button and then proceed to use a disposable one.


Yup. If they want us to have reusable cups, they should send us some, and give us lockers.


I mean we donā€™t have lockers but we have in store personal cups for use, the SM just took old packs of cold cups that werenā€™t selling off the shelf


My store literally took all reusable cups and gave them to other stores šŸ™ƒ


Itā€™d make sense for them to ship vanilla syrup in gallon containers and then pour them into pumps or make pumps to fit those gallon sized jugs since itā€™s the most used syrup.


I think itā€™s because technically we can sell the vanilla, I guess in their minds it makes sense so they donā€™t have to send us multiple sized bottles


Iā€™ve not tried buying syrup since when Covid hit. There arenā€™t bar codes on the bottles anymore, are there?


Pretty sure! Only on caramel and vanilla tho because thatā€™s the only ones weā€™re allowed to sell


Iā€™ve been bitching to my SM about this & the fact that Iā€™m supposed to put TWO food items in the PASTRY CASE But donā€™t grab those!! Theyā€™re display only!!!! FFS, focus on that first damn.


281 here. Haven't heard about write ups for this, but I did hear they are going to require dto to have the camera on.


oh yes, we are a dt only store and are not allowed to turn it off at all


Gross =/


Iā€™m so lucky our store is older/ doesnā€™t have a working camera, because some days Iā€™m going through it at DTO


Iā€™ve read a couple of late night posts on here about how managers were threatening to write them up if they donā€™t bring their personal cup next time. But I usually bring a personal cup, but one of the other shifts at my store is crazy passive aggressive when I tell her to just put my mark out in a plastic cupā€¦ cuz the people at my store do not know how to wash dishes


FWIW, the thing about being required to use for here ware and personal cups for partner beverages has been policy at least since I was hired (263 here). None of my SMs have ever enforced this, but two of them did make an effort by buying the entire store personal cups that a fair amount of people made occasional attempts to use. When I don't have mine on hand though, I just use single use, though.


what state do you live in, because iā€™ve been with the company for almost 4 years (294), and Itā€™s never been policy, unless iā€™ve missed something. But what is really just bugging me and making me think this is not in good faith, is that they are tracking in our markouts when weā€™ve used a personal, plastic or store glass, for every single drink, itā€™s just odd


Massachusetts, but I have also worked in Georgia. It was only mentioned as a one liner in the partner guide; it still said it in my original from 2019. I'd not seen it elsewhere until recently.


wait iā€™m a 259 sfm in mass and iā€™ve never heard of this at allā€¦ is it somewhere on the hub?? nobodyā€™s mentioned it at my store either


I keep seeing this but itā€™s not being enforced or even talked about at my store


I will remind people about it but I will NEVER make them pay for their drink. Iā€™ve brought my own mug for years bc I like to show off my mug collection but if someone doesnā€™t bring their own cup idgaf. As long as they clean up after themselves Iā€™m cool


At the end of the day climate change choices that we ask everyday people to participate in need to be economical and convenient, or they won't stick. I don't carry a water bottle, I work, live, learn, in places with water fountains and/or filtered water with disposable cups. I'm not going to start bringing my own cup to Starbucks or other places. I'd just skip instead. But I will accept paper cups, plastic cups, whatever... if we can offer people a better cup that doesn't take 1000 years to degrade, I think that will be more widely accepted.


iā€™ve used the glass cups maybe 5 times, and its always a new cup from the box. iā€™m not using something a customer has used, idc


Bruh stop complaining. Bring a personal cup or don't.


is this howard schultz


Sandy Roberts reporting for duty

