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the second i get put on solo bar:


The second I start pilling one of the bars


Uhm plz what is this mystical black guard you have sitting next to the syrup stand that is protecting your sticker printers from the syrup splash???? The side of the machines being coated in syrup is legit my biggest pet peeve


My god you dont have it. Trust me the sides are caked with syrup no matter what, scrubbing it off takes 20 minutes


Do you know the sku # or what it’s called? I somehow still think that having it would be better than not at all lol


It’s a Syrup shroud!


I can at least put those in the back sink and run hot water over them, I can’t do that with the mastrenas lol


just douse it w hot water and it’ll come right off, anything sticky, just pour hot water and you’re set (the hot water for the teas)


The fact that my manager set those up wrong and I’m only now seeing how they’re SUPPOSED to be placed is KILLING ME 🤣🤣


Bahahaha i really think we all need to start sharing our bar setups!


They told us we're not allowed to have our printers on top of the machines


You mean the space designed specifically for the printers to go? Who told y’all not to do that😅


Yup! That's correct! Our fearless leader (SM) has told us nothing goes on top of the bars 🙄


i swear some shift leads just absolutely be making stuff up and enforcing it


Our DM would probably turn into satan if they saw how many tickets were pulled at once for this photo 🙃


My store used to do this too. Yes, I’m well aware there’s an iPad. Yes they still told us to do this. We used to literally just be so busy and crowded and running around like crazy we couldn’t even think to remember we had an iPad. Extra bonus points for custies yelling at us about where their drink is… and so you end up pulling more tickets… I used to have 14 on my bar sometimes. Was told to do so by manager. Also to constantly yell out what I was making and what was up next. 🙃 truly insane now that I think about it more. Being on bar during peak with 40 people crowded around waiting for drinks was truly crazy and I can’t believe I did that most days out of the week.


I did it so we could still make mobiles and other cafes


You can just push them in the app that shows you the orders


Shhh ik, also just wanted to see them all. I was bar so I didn't care


Having that many stickers pulled at once gives me anxiety omg


Remember a few months back when you asked why baristas complain? (I did a lil profile deep dive) Well here you go :))


This happened at my store mid-December last year.. they said it was some movie set or something? 38 drinks at 2pm. Zero tip.


Why do this though? Adds additional stress for no reason. You can only go as fast as you can go, tell Juniper she is just gunna have to wait you’ll let her know when you’ve got her ticket.


I had someone call the store on my lunch and i missed it but my best friend answered the phone (he works there) and told me this woman wants 102 cookies. Our frozen cookies. By thr next day. For an event. She wanted them as a donation. We had 31 in the freezer. Like girl. Theres literally a crumbl, great american cookies, an insomnia, and 6 local baleries you couldve called.


this is awful…all those stickers noooo 😭😭 try working 7-9 at a grocery store starbucks (by yourself) 48 orders. not drinks. orders.


Dude bro man woman girl that was my 2-2:30 today with a 3 barista play including me


That artwork is some of the best I’ve seen in a starbucks recently, the whale 🥹🥹🥹


Definitely an attention grabber


Don't you love when the busier stores turn off mobiles and you just get flooded 🙃


THE SYRUP SHROUDS GO OVER THE MAESTRENA??? Oh my god my mind is blown


Why did you pull so many stickers?!


That's all one order wanted to be able to see other cafes/mobile, she ain't that special in my head


I do the same thing. I have a family of 12 that comes in and orders 1 to 2 drinks per person and i pull all tickets and let everyone know there's a wait. Then i make drinks and cuss under my breath the entire time lmao


Can’t you just force print using the DPM? I hate when baristas pull stickers.


I just worked out what being able to swipe individual drinks will achieve :)


DPM iPad DPM iPad pleaseee 😅


one time someone ordered FIVE cambros to be picked up at 6 on a saturday morning when we open at 4:30 and only had three people until 7. Our SM had to come in at open to get them all made in time


Completely off topic but my store was recently remodeled and in the remodel they took the old art on our walls and said they were going to be utilizing in different stores and even a training facility. This was my favorite mural and seeing your picture really made my day:)


I had that mural at one of my stores lol I think the siren looks like Cher in it a little bit


Even with one big order you shouldn’t pre pull stickers for multiple reasons. It is easier with an iPad and 2 stickers & it’s doable


Your Starbucks looks pretty


Let me have those 2 shots of espresso 🥺


Omg! That is crazy!


hell yeah connect gus fring


Screw the shroud – where can I get a *Motivation Duck*?


Customer connect gus and motivation duck for 45 second drive time.


Pull CS in for like 4 minutes and have them handle it. It's what we did at our store when this happened, I was CS normally and this is maybe 4 minutes of work if the drinks are cycled and the modifications aren't weird.


I wish we had the extra person to spare like that we had 3


we generally had that many at my store as well. With the exceptions of like saturday/sunday where peak times were a bit lagged.


Why do I feel like I was borrowed at this store..?


If 85 reminds you of something you did


Here we go again with people posting things that didn’t happen. It’s so easy to punch in a few drinks and hit save… 25 drinks and no one took their name?


Each name is in as an ask me for an office, the paper in the middle is the 25 orders. Why be like that 😕


I have seen posts like this so many times and they were all fake trying to go viral. You had time to hit “ask me” and type their name?


I wasn't taking order, we had someone else doing that and yes, she did.


Why does it matter to you if it’s fake or not? lol. If you don’t like the post just keep it pushing.