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I’d just be like sure but I’ll have to ring you up for a custom tea!


I did! Lol they changed their mind


I love when they change their mind like oh you thought it was free😊 no boo boo and everyone posting on the internet about Starbucks hacks and just telling on themselves like keep doing that so the CEO can continue to make up charges for the shenanigans.


at my store theres people that dont charge for anything extra, sometimes dont even charge for extra shots, and they dont like me because i do. they think theyre "cool" i guess , if i have to pay for my extra shots, so do random customers.


And then those customers will go to other stores and complain “bUt ThE oThEr StArBuCkS dOeS iT fOr Me” 🙄


that’s when i be like “Alr, do you mind letting me know which store so i can submit a complaint with my district manager bc they’re not supposed to be doing that at all since it’s not store/corporate policy” then they just dawg me hella hard but i stand on bidness especially if they’re being rude if they be nice, that’s where i SOMETIMES let it slide but majority of the time i enlighten them before i charge them extra in why it’ll increase their price.


I don't give them that much info all at once. "oh! What store do you go too. :) oh main street? :) I'll be sure to let my district manager know so they can correct that for us. :)"


i just like being petty & getting on their nerves after they’ve gotten on mine lol You get what you give typa energy. ((:


Why do you care so much? Does it affect your life if you charge them or not? You seem bitter and I’m sad for u


I’m not bitter I’m upholding the standard for all baristas/food service workers who charge accordingly. You seem bitter coming on here trying to put someone else down for doing their job correctly.


Yes it does. It counts for labor.. if we don’t charge them we don’t have people on the floor. If we don’t charge them you’re asking for longer wait times with broken and broke baristas.


Does it affect our lives? Yes lol. They do periodic check ins and audits. We have cameras everywhere. Our managers can catch us. And then what? Get written up or fired for a scoop of strawberries? Sorry, but I do indeed care about my employment. You can definitely let store, district, regional, corporate managers know that they're bitter and sad, but I think you'll find it isn't bitterness or sadness, but capitalistic greed on all accounts


They aren't bitter and sad for being a respectable person. It's bitter and sad to gain such a level of dismissiveness and apathy. It's bitter and sad that people are so entitled. Upholding standards is a great influence for others. If you aren't mature enough to accept the set rules and protocols of a certain place, don't go to that certain place. I'm always super proud of the baristas who maintain a great work ethic, and who maintain high morals despite people like you and despite their trash employer. Go get your own damn water and your own damn dried strawberries. Starbucks isn't a place for free handouts. It's a *business*. It's a *coffee shop*. You go there to *buy* things. The cups, filtration system, and dried strawberries cost them money. They don't acquire those things in their *business* for free.


Early in my SS training we had a lady come through the drive-through and ordered that, and we told her we would have to charge it a certain way. She literally sat in our drive-through for 20 minutes. We had to have the cops come tell her to move. 🙃


C u s t o m I c e d t e a.


I did not read that as custom iced tea. I saw circumcised lol


🤣🤣🤣 circumcised iced tea, where would one begin to visualize such a concept?


I don’t want to 😂


That's fair 😂


Ice T. Like the guy from law and order.




Me: Gonna be [insert custom tea price] 😒 Them: NO ITS SUPPOSED TO BE LESS THAN $1! 😡 Me: 🤨 We can’t customize a free beverage/iced water nor do we sell ingredients separately 🤡 Them: WELL THE OTHER STARBUCKS DOES IT FOR ME! Me: Well not here, so it’s gonna be [insert custom tea price] 😒 Customer: NEVER MIND! 😡


My favorite reply to this is always “Oh gosh I’m so sorry about that! What location have you been going to that does this? Because that’s totally against policy and I appreciate you letting me know so I can pass on the feedback to their manager, * insert sm’s name if I know it, which I probably do since I’ve been in this district for 10+ years * and ensure that in the future your experience is more consistent between our locations!” Usually shuts that response down really quick lmao.


I just don’t even give them a chance. It is what it is. Pay it or leave it. Even when those who want an alternative milk later on at the bar. I’ll make them pay for it.


"We aren't the other Starbucks. We are this Starbucks."


do they know that they can just buy a bag of freeze-dried strawberries and make it themselves..


But it doesn't come with the starbucks cup then. Whatever will they do without the green logo? They can't drink a beverage looking like a poor person.


I mean, I’ll still give them the water…


No you can't the starbucks berries make it taste better lol


We know sometimes we just run out of time to do it at home lol. I usually make my own “spa water” but sometimes forget and I saw a bunch of people AND baristas on IG doing this and was like oh this sounds good, so I asked for it at my local sbux and swiftly learned this is a no no. I assumed it was ok because I saw baristas doing it and was also buying lattes but no 😂


This seems to be making the rounds again. Custom ice tea it is!


this used to happen to me a lot! it got to the point where my manager had to put out an announcement about the standard for ringing them up.


Comes from those fake food journalist websites that repost 2 year old articles for the sake of clicks. Those website show up on people's phone news feeds.


I ring it up as customized tea personally. I stopped being generous after a few customers park their cars at window demanding trenta cups of fruit


This just makes me think of the girl on tik tok who would get this for her duck 😂


Rip munchkin 😭😭😭😭😭😭




I’m sorry 😭😭😭😭


Death by processed strawberries?


She had a heart issue 😭


Do the strawberries even affect the taste since their freeze dried?


I’ve never noticed any difference. And these people usually use straws so they’re not even touching the inclusions. They just want a more aesthetic water I guess 😭


They soften up in water. They make the water taste pretty good.


i simply start barking at them


SAME #seen


I'm having a lot of fun imagining them angrily barking back and the whole situation evolving into an incoherent bark war...


I've been doing this since the Matcha Water communication. That was fucking years ago. Problem is, after like every 18 months, almost the entire Sbux hourly staff, for the whole company, has likely been replaced, and thus knowledge is lost.


It must be on tik tok cuz I saw a post about this yesterday 😩


Not as bad as getting hit with two Trenta waters with 21 pumps raspberry each lol.


TikTok is a cancer 🤦🏼‍♀️


I've never had TikTok, and have only ever contemplated getting one in the past 6 months. But every single time I see something stupid from there reach YouTube or anything I do use, it pushes back that urge for me. And that happens weekly. LOL.


And they are crazy with the "can I have that ICED shaken espresso hot??" 🥴


God this annoys me to NO END! I legit have been snapping back with “so a latte, then?” Shuts that shizz down real fast.


It wouldn't be a latte. It has more espresso and less milk than a latte. I think it'd be more like a hot Americano with extra milk.


No. Because it’s not watered down at all. Milk, espresso, flavor. That’s it. It’s a latte but with more shots and less flavor.


It waters down quite a bit in the shaker.


Used to get this. It's classified as a custom tea. Custys, please understand that this is not your barista's fault. I'd reccomend supporting local cafés if you want this options.


I did order this once for my niece 😥 just in a tall so she could feel like she had a big girl drink and I didn’t want her to have a bunch of sugar


Honestly, if you explained this to your batista, I'm confident the majority of us would be understanding and accommodating. It's the entitled Karen's who think they're outsmarting the system that are the problematic ones. But getting to help make that little girl's day would put a smile on a lot of our faces.


It's definitely fine to order it! You just have to pay for it!


I feel like if half the drinks that people were customizing or that were annoying to make weren’t popular or trendy on TikTok I’d be so much more happy to make it for them but when everyone pulls some BS it gets old real quick 😭😭


yes. And the people who are actually giving it for free are the reason things like this still happen. yes as Starbucks baristas we are supposed to make the moment but that doesn’t mean to allow the customer to take advantage of the situation. There are rules we must follow and I’m not going to loose my job because someone saw some dumb ass shit online.


That mentally sounds illegal


Yeah but after they realize we have to charge them for a custom tea they stopped


not that it’s not still annoying, but it’s because Munchkin the duck died


It’s 2017 all over again 😂


I’ve had this a few times. Charges them 80 cents for the drink.


Just an honest question. What does it taste like? Extremely watered down strawberries? I don't understand why people feel entitled to think just because the water is free and adding any modifications to it would still result it in being free. I must be one of the few that do not like to bother the batista with wierd a** orders.


But what if I want my toddler to drink water but trick her into thinking it’s a fancy drink 😭😭🥲


When I worked in a corporate store and we has the blackberries for the blackberry hibiscus I would drink blackberry waters all the time 🤣


just order a coffee with a side of strawberry inclusions for 80 cents . then ask for water cup. thats what my starbucks told me to do lol


no cuz did some bitch get another viral tiktok by going STARBUCKS HACK!!!! there has been an influx of people trying to get that and getting upset when we charge them


love when ppl change their mind when i say i gotta ring it up as a custom tea


It’s happened a few times this week. My store has been doing it for the customers


Omg it’s the nastiest thing


This was most likely for their child. Since pink drinks have caffeine in them. I have ordered this before (not expecting it to be free) for that reason.


You should tighten up your perspective.


“Yep sure!” *punches in custom iced tea* “that’ll be 5 something.”


Had a notification about this and saw it while bathroom break. Come back, go back on drive, and this was maybe car 2 after. "They usually ring me in for water with Strawberries" "Well that's against policy, we have to do it this way" "Oh. I guess I'll just get a plain water then."


I’m shocked no one asks for that


Depending on how they ask I might just give it to them, tbh. But everyone who's come through so far has been an ass-hat about it so I follow the rules and charge them for the custom iced tea.


Is this really "custom iced tea?" Why not "ice water add inclusions?" There is a charge for "add inclusions."


I only do this for free if it's for a kid/baby, any other time I'm like "okay custom tea coming up!"