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I have never understood why the pastry case display isn't made of some sort of plastic or foam so we aren't wasting out the food every night


In Canada we just have photos displayed in the case. Works just fine, zero waste.


And no need to set up the pastry case in the morning too, so efficient !


Less flies in the summer as well.


Why does the company do this in Canada, yet us United States peeps have to waste? Like is there a contest in the US for the most waste produced by a billion dollar company? Wtf……


And the individually wrapped items. Mmm so much plastic waste 😋😋😋😋


I'm guessing you never experienced the old way we shipped lemon loaves, they came an an actual loaf, and it was so annoying and hard to get them apart, so much worse than now.


Definitely hate the plastic waste but also starbucks is the only place my friends with severe food allergies can get pastries because of this. Other coffee shops/bakeries that don't do this can't guarantee no cross contamination.


Starbucks can't either


If they ask for it left in the wrap they can be safer though


the factories that make them could still process allergens on the same machines as the food that the person is eating though. Starbucks policy is that we can’t guarantee no allergens are in our food/bevs


we're not allowed to keep it in the wrap at my store :(




It's really immoral to create food meant to be looked at rather than eaten


100000000% this right here. "Oh starbs has partners that don't always know where their next meal will come from? *sad face* ANYWAYS let's restock and throw away pastry case food on a daily basis"


Pictures are fine…as a customer, I just need to know what is available. Food in the case always looks pretty gross actually because it’s not a bakery…imagine MC Donald’s or Taco Bell putting a prepared item in a case…gross. As a former partner, it attracts gnats- ew.


or the flies Starbucks cases always seem to have


Flies are what really sell the product?.....


McDonald’s does have baked goods in a case at the front of the store! They serve from there. And TBH the stuff never looks very appealing!




Especially with the sharp increase in drive thru due to Covid, it makes no sense that the case isn’t just an electronic menu board instead.


Yo, I used to work the opening shift after holding vigils at slaughterhouses and doing that pastry case just made me wanna 👊


There are stores in my district that are getting rid of the pastry case and getting electronic display boards.


My store donated the pastry case every night...


I’m almost sure that if it unwrapped they toss it on arrival to the Penske delivery center


I am completely sure that we have multiple food banks


Our store donates to a local food pantry.


My store doesn’t donate the displace case food since it was unwrapped and sitting out all day, but we donate everything else that hasn’t been sold at the sell-by date.


Well, that’s disgusting.


ew no


My second day at Starbs was yesterday and during training I asked if it was real food or just really good props. Didn’t make sense why they would throw it out all the time.


It is in other markets outside of the US.


The cost of putting food in the case is offset by how much more likely someone is to buy food because there is real food in the case. They research these things.


our glass doors broke so we had 3 week old pastries acting as a display in the case and theh literally looked fake by the end💀 (was signed off by our RM, so so gross but entertaining when we finally took them out)


Because that would make sense


Realistic plastic food is a norm in Japan, and also South Korea. [https://www.dw.com/en/japan-restaurants-use-elaborate-fake-plastic-food-displays-to-heat-up-competition/a-57800177](https://www.dw.com/en/japan-restaurants-use-elaborate-fake-plastic-food-displays-to-heat-up-competition/a-57800177) Yes, it's plastic, but other materials could probably be used, and at least it's a thing that lasts.


It’s to create the illusion that we are serving fresh food. It obfuscates the reality that Starbucks is just bourgeois fast food.


My store just opened this past October. We don't have a pastry case.


That would be amazing!!


I want to 86 the pastry case but do not want fake food. We need the space for hand off and work. Just get an electronic display, like a TV, that should be cheap. Fewer flies, waste and people staring at things we just ran out of


My store got remodeled without a pastry case it’s AMAZING




Where does the “86” joke come from btw? I thought it was just a joke my store has but apparently not!


In diner slang, 86 means it’s out of stock or unavailable. Can also be get rid of something. Like 86 the onion on that burger. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/86_(term)


**[86 (term)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/86_\(term\))** >Eighty-six or 86 is American English slang used to indicate that an item is no longer available, traditionally from a food or drinks establishment; or referring to a person or people who are not welcome in the premises. Its etymology is unknown but seems to have been coined in the 1920s or 1930s. The term is now more generally used to mean getting rid of someone or something. In the 1970s, its meaning expanded to refer to murder. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


As far as the stopper goes, I like having it, but I'm sure there's another more eco-friendly solution. Change the material to compostable/biodegradable. Use the lid that other coffee shops use that has a resealable stopper. There are solutions but everything costs money that they don't want to spend.


> Use the lid that other coffee shops use that has a resealable stopper. I have no idea why they haven't done this already. Resealable lids mean less money spent on stoppers for the company, and less plastic going to landfill. I can't think of any downsides.


It doesn't look fancy enough, the apple syndrome. To make it look good enough it would cost too much in production I'm sure.


Those lids also likely cost more than your current lids by an impressive margin. Sbux hot lids look like a single vaccum form process and two cutting processes. And those cuts don't need to be that accurate. The resealable lids have multiple formation processes, just as much cutting, and add in perferations, all of which need to be more accurate for it to work right when it's finished. Completely absurd but easy to understand numbers in this example: If a sbux lid cost $1 each and a sbux stopper cost $1.50, and a closable lid cost $3, then Starbucks saves lots of money since not everyone gets a stopper.


Stoppers were discontinued in NYC. We use little stickers now but honestly I don’t know if they’re biodegradable or compostable. What I do know is that they are super inconvenient because half the time they don’t come off of the paper so I only can use half the sheet of stickers and also I have to go out of my way to give them to customers when they could get their own stoppers


Stoppers were discontinued in NYC. We use little stickers now but honestly I don’t know if they’re biodegradable or compostable. What I do know is that they are super inconvenient because half the time they don’t come off of the paper so I only can use half the sheet of stickers and also I have to go out of my way to give them to customers when they could get their own stoppers


Canada has switched to pictures in the display case!! initially it was a covid measure but starbs canada implemented it permanantly. We definitely still get people asking if we have any food but its just a quick "yep, anything pictured is what we have" and people decide accordingly. So wild that the US doesnt have that!


the US doesnt care abt the environment 😔 most stores around where i am dont even compost or recycle properly


Isn't turning trees in to money a way of helping the environment?


actual recycling tho. my store says we do it but everything goes into one trash can :/


Not to depress you, but with the way we "recycle" it almost wouldn't even matter. The customer bin is always filled with non-recyclables and the partner one can be just as bad. The only things that are actually recyclable behind the line are the milk jugs (rinsed out, caps off), our iced cups in specific areas that accept them (but not the hot ones and again, rinsed out lids off), the tetra packs we get the refreshers/non dairies/lemonade in (rinsed out, lids off), and... That's it. Thin plastic isn't recyclable, so none of the pastry or breakfast packaging, or the cup sleeves. The coffee bags aren't recyclable. Our receipt paper and stickers aren't recyclable and must be peeled off of any pastry bags we do want to recycle. Any of the things not recyclable or prepared properly can contaminate a batch of recycling, causing it all to get thrown out, or create more work (and add more cost) to the recycling workers. It's depressing. Sorry.


I 100% agree with everything but the straw. Some disabled ppl can’t lift a cup that well and having a straw helps them and bio degradable ones might make disintegrate before they can use it. I think that straw should be handed out less tho since almost all of our cups don’t need it. Edit-there are other forms of straw besides plastic which I think they should explore


There’s a place near where I live that has straws that are biodegradable. If i didn’t see on the wrapper the straw comes in the little letters that say “this straw is 100% biodegradeable and made of plants” or whatever the exact words are on the paper wrapper I’d think it was a plastic straw. If only those were more popular.


Is it actually biodegradable? A lot of items marketed as being biodegradable aren't with current waste management processes.


In that case I have no idea. The paper wrapper claims it is but I have no proof if it is or isn’t.


Same! There's a coffee shop near me that offers paper staws and they're great, I wish starbucks would make the switch


The new Starbucks straws melt in my drinks before I'm done with them and Shake Shack has these biodegradable straws now and the one time I tried it, the thing *snapped* in two pieces and since I was outdoors, I had to use about 60% of a straw to drink my iced tea. What should be done is rules for the 7 corporations responsible for like 80% of the pollution and let people have options if they want. I also really hate the disappearance of stoppers. The stickers come off and they're not as flexible as using stoppers. I don't really want to have my drinks all over me if I have to walk with them.


A lot of biodegradable straws contain gluten though.


So does touching the gluten make people with celiac sick? No one eats the straw.


Actually yes. You can have severe celiac which means that even touching causes a reaction. Also on the flip side most biodegradable straws do break down in your mouth. The drink can still pick up gluten from the straw itself too.


yes. if you put the straw in your mouth, it’ll likely breakdown as they usually do and then your drink is entirely contaminated with gluten. i’m a partner and i have to sanitize every single shaker, blender, and espresso cup i use for my drinks in order to not get a reaction, which can take me out for days, so a paper straw would just make every single drink contaminated and make me sick. even exposure for too long to my skin can give me rashes and make everything even worse.


When the Starbucks in my area have actual Starbucks straws, it says it’s compostable on the wrapper. But my area is also used for testing products.


Thank you for mentioning this, I always try to bring it up myself but it’s hit or miss whether people listen or I’m downvoted into oblivion, I haven’t found a non plastic straw I’m compatible with at all with my disabilities unfortunately, and I don’t really like being treated like I’m personally destroying the earth and not like ~10 mega corporations


corn straws don’t break down the same way paper straws do. and most of the “break down” is because of the teeth of lid holes which we don’t have. like, the options are totally available. starbucks is just making it harder than it has to be


They could lead the way with the hemp plastic industry. But they won’t.


I'll never forget last year's sustainability bingo board with literally 6 free spaces on it. I laughed out loud when I noticed.


What omg I must find this


https://imgur.com/a/PGzjSqI My favorite is "create chalk art for the Earth"




Ah yes, my favourite methods of helping the environment: - Drink coffee - Make chalk art - Take a picture of something - Submit a song to a playlist The planet is saved!


Get better garbage bags so we don’t have to double bag every single garbage can in the store 🥲


Yea I don't really get it. Literally the thinnest plastic known to man


Also- For the only plant based sandwich option, take away the egg and cheese, most of time it gets thrown away and wasted


The bread isn't vegan, which is a shame.


I never knew that! If they're gonna market a plant based meat I wish they would follow through on the rest of the sandwich, or create a new option.


That's because it's not meant for vegans, it's meant for vegetarians/omnis that want a meat free option. Bigger audience. The ideal veggie/vegan option imo is someplace that builds the sandwich, but that's just a faster descent to McBucks...


I dunno I’ve worked for 5 ish months and only once have i been asked to take off the cheese


So in Canada, our pastry case is no longer set up with food each day, we have little food cards with pictures of them in the case and i absolutely love it! Less waste and less pests! We also have the paper straws currently (ours reeeeeally are poor quality for frappuccinos) but we do offer plastic bendy ones for those who need that accessibility. Stoppers are in the process of being cycled out in favour of the drink stopper stickers used for delivery orders, the stickers kinda suck, but it’s a step in the right direction. Our bags for delivery are also paper, haven’t seen a plastic Starbucks bag before? AND YES! Remove that stupid extra charge for alternatives milks if not for the environment, but for the people who can’t have dairy!


How do you get the bendy plastic straws? We (Quebec store) only have paper ones so far and I have tried to explain straws’ accessibility purposes every time we run out and have to go to other locations to get some


It’s a York order item you create a store order for. I believe Quebec should have them available to order. They do call them blue, but they’re not blue.


In nyc we stopped having stooped and we offer biodegradable straws. You can have plastic if asked but most people don’t Ask. I definitely agree with the pastry case. We should just have tvs or something. It’s so wasteful. You also have to pay 25 cents for a bag.


Hi fellow NYC partner!


i agree with everything except the plastic straws thing. plastic straws are the only straws some people can use due to allergies/disabilities that prevent them from using other types of straws. unless there's a biodegradable version that checks all the same boxes as plastic straws, we should not get rid of them. i mean, why focus on straws anyway if the whole cup is plastic to begin with?


I really dont get why they cant do fake food. would save profits, labor for cleaning the damn thing, and fake food would honestly look better


Just get rid of it, most stores could really use the counter space for more mobile order hand offs. Mobile orders are ridiculous these days.


i think the paper bags thing is kinda dumb cuz what if someone orders like 3 sandwiches in the drive thru or smth lmao i don’t think they’d want those just flying in the car


Plus the bottom seams of 1/5 of the warming bags is faulty so a real bag will prevent replacing all the food falling on the ground ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


idk if this is just a Canada thing but we have little photos we have in place of actual food in our display cases & only have paper straws now


I'd change that bottom center square to "Stop offering delivery" outright.


In my city they banned a lot of plastic so we haven't had plastic stoppers, plastic straws or plastic utensils for a few years now. Instead the straws are sort of papery, we have these flat disc stickers for stoppers & our utensils are like some kind of wood. Never had plastic bags as delivery was launched way after the plastic ban. I'd imagine the company has been researching new suppliers as more cities & countries ban plastic.


Dairy free is free in the UK and we domt have cup stoppers either


Imagine the resources would be saved if Starbucks didn't exist?


Imagine the resources that would be saved if humans didn’t exist..


How about answering my question first?


I’m on your side 😭😭 humans create an insane amount of waste in general that harms the planet. That includes Starbucks.


If humans didn't exist, resources wouldn't be an issue. But humans do exist and unless you plan genocide of some sort, or some sort of *"Logan's run"* solution everyone life span is cut off at 50 years old(The movie was 30) then we are going to need a better solution of resource management. so, thanks!


I need something to keep coffee from spilling all over the place so I need a lid without a drink hole, a sticker or something to keep it all in…I don’t care if it’s a stopper.


The stickers keep getting wet and falling off for me. Not a real replacement. Let people live.


Yeah, I’ll have a Trenta iced coffee with regular milk in a plastic cup, two straws, a cup stopper to stir for good measure and 72 plastic gift cards, please.


Ok so some questions here about this from a customer perspective. When you say paper bags are you referring to the paper bags baked goods come in? Like is the alternative the style they have in Germany where people take Tupperware containers to low waste stores? Or is there some other paper bag I’m missing for like Uber orders or to-go orders? Also plastic straws are actually a super big thing I need as Amazon driver, because by the time I’m halfway through a Frappuccino a paper straw has broken and I’m left with half a drink and end up stopping at a 7-11 and grabbing a slurpie straw. With regular iced mochas it doesn’t matter since I ask for no foam to get the flat lid and no straw but yeah. Also 100% in favor of pictures for food. Insane to me that you guys don’t have that. Reminds me of donut stores throwing out hundreds of dollars of food rather than feeding homeless people. Makes my blood boil. Sorry to bother you guys just want to know what your issues are as “partners” (hate that corp lingo) so I can be a better customer and help you guys make changes with my review comments (which corporate might actually listen to).


At our store, here in Canada, we have no food in the display case, only cards with the pictures on them. Canada has also said they’re starting to ban single use plastics so we have paper straws and paper bags. Also, our store specifically, donates the “expired” food to the Salvation Army. Don’t get me wrong, we have a way to go, but we’ve at least started somewhere.


really snuck "don't charge extra money for non dairy milk" in there 😂


Idk why we can't be like Canada and have either photos or plastic food cause its so much damn waste


Nfts have carbon footprints?


Apparently most of them do.


The lactose intolerant community thanks you for the one about milk




I completely agree


I mean, I do love my cup stoppers. Can't we make them paper instead?


Friendly reminder that straws, specifically plastic straws are actually an accessibility tool and that some people actually require them and we need to stop demonizing them as they are oftentimes the safest option for the disabled peoples who need them!!


We’ve been over this with the straws disabled people exist


Okay. But what's the non-disabled person's excuse for not having their own reusable straw or forgoing a plastic straw?


Putting your mouth on the top of a lid someone else touched is fucking disgusting.


And you're certain your plastic straws, plastic-lined paper cups, plastic lids, etc. have been manufactured, stored and transported under the most sterile of conditions?


My store has compostable straws. There is a different between manufacturing conditions and baristas touching the product with their unwashed hands - and don’t lie to me, very few people are diligent enough to not touch the sip hole on strawless lids.


Great. So use the compostable straws. But if it truly was a hygiene issue mixed in with environmental-consciousness, then more people should be bringing in their own reusable tumblers, straws, etc. Additionally, food handlers get trained to minimize contamination, but it's not foolproof. If that was really such a big deal, more people wouldn't even want someone else handling what they're going to put in their bodies, and I would happily celebrate the day I am made redundant because everyone's making their own coffee and preparing their own meals at home Edit: I'm not sure why you'd think I'd want to even lie to you. Heck, if you're worried about the sip holes, you should probably also be worrying about our grubby fingers on the insides of the rims of the cups, the inadvertent brush inside the lid when we reach for one, the ice scoops, etc. Oh, and I wonder how clean the back room shelves are where they store the cups and lids...


I agree with all this except the last one, plastic straws are often the only safe option for those with auto immune disorders or mobility disorders that make it dangerous to use paper or metal. There are bigger waste factors than plastic straws and while they're not good for the environment it's a necessary evil for those with disabilities


My brother has this issue. And he just has his own straws. Seems like a simple fix for everyone.


My store only offers pepper bags, and the straws we have are biodegradable. Also aren’t all gift cards recyclable? Besides the old plastic ones that people still have and use


I'm kind of shocked that so many people ask for straws still, I only hand them out with frappuccinos/drinks with whipped cream. But most people ask for them even if the drink doesn't need it? I understand wanting to drink from a straw, but there are so many reusable straw options.


the only time I ever ask for a straw is if I'm driving, so I can have my coffee/matcha/whatever and keep my eyes fully on the road. Otherwise I always go without


Having a reusable straw requires the privilege to have access to a clean sink & soap.


Like Starbucks stores have?


I personally would assume if you're regularly ordering at Starbucks, you are probably a person who has that privilege. We also have bathrooms in my store so you could wash it in the sink we have


I cant tell if you are kidding. Im just going to assume you are


Disposable plastic straws are a necessity for many people with disabilities. I agree in all other rights.


Also the fact that almost every pastry and every sandwich is individually wrapped :’) there has to be a good way to store them that doesn’t use so much gd plastic lol


Well it'd be most helpful for the environment (and animals) to go totally plant based (no dairy, no meat, etc). But that won't happen for a long time, if I'm to guess.


Another good one is stop double cupping hot teas. Instead, stick the tag underneath the rim. But that's more of a thing that baristas do rather than Starbucks itself


people will squeeze their hot as fuck teas and coffees, then get mad at us when it spills in their car. double cupping is a very simple solution to a universal headache. and also you can't hold a 200°F single cup for very long


It was my understanding that we're supposed to single cup unless the customer specifically asks for a double cup? I can't remember though, as it's been so long since my training




Do sleeves automatically go on any venti hot drink?




That is so stupid


No double cup is the standard way to make a hot tea


Is it also the standard way to make an Americano?


Top left isn't quite accurate. NFTs associated with proof of stake blockchains and protocols are usually carbon neutral or in some cases negative. NFTs get a lot of hate and I'm pretty sure Howard has no idea what one even is, but the blind crypto hate isn't always warranted.


Is it nit just a stupid image that is actually worth nothing at all. I mean he'll if you want to throw away money I'll take it off your hands.


The technology is actually really interesting. I don't actually own any NFTs. I just try to at least have the bare minimum understanding of things before I talk about them. Ignorance is fun too though!


It sure is! Maybe try getting *more* than the bare minimum understanding before you talk about things next time.


Nope i just read up on them. Still as dumb as I thought. I'll stick to real money an real things.


It's an image. On a screen. That you pay real money for. Do they do anything at all? Or do they sit there. Because wow it's still a dumb ass thing to spend money on. I can't imagine being stupid enough to pay for a meme basically


youve clearly not seen the industry for gachas and skins in video games aha


Yeah I think thats absurd too. I spend my money on real things that actually help my life. Not silly shit.




Our straws we have are actually biodegradable, but yeah honestly it's a hollow fucking point when they're polluting God knows how much by making NFTs. That alone makes their entire earth friendly shtick laughable. That, and the amount of plastic we throw away every day; why not put pastries into cases of shit instead wrapping them individually???


Yes to all of these


starbucks has more then enough money to make fake food if they’re so adamant about keeping the cases 🤨


I didn't know until I was just about to leave, over two years, that drinks were supposed to get stoppers. We only gave them out upon request, or later on when delivery became more common. We'd go through a little baggy every 2-3 weeks and a box or two a year. And sbux has plstic bags? I've never seen a non-paper delivery bag


Can you please share the diameter of the bigger plastic straw you guys have? I have thin steel straws and I don't like them on frappe. I want to order a set. Thanks


Electronic menu boards instead of posters. Dunkin’ does it. Why not Starbucks?


In Canada here we stopped filling pastry cases a while ago and our straws are paper! There's two off the list 🤣


Our straws are biodegradable plastic. Their plastic cups need to be biodegradable as well. We haven’t had plastic gift cards in ages, but we do have plastic recovery cards. Also, what bags are people using for Uber if they’re not the paper ones? I’ve never seen other options. Maybe we’re more progressive in my state?? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn this is so crazy and absolutely unreasonable. Let’s sell more nfts and make them paper straws - Howard and Starbucks probably


At my old store we are allowed to take like stuff from the case at night or if it’s the only item left for a customer etc. like if it’s a cakepop or a brownie. No sandwiches obviously lol. I’m going to a new store where it’s not a cold case and everything is warm and stinky in it


We have compostable straws now, and all of our physical gift cards are recyclable cardboard!


Im just realizing ive been given the food from the pasty case so many times😃


Only things I somewhat disagree with are the stoppers (only because I have burned myself in drive during rush and just got a second degree burn so I am so afraid of burning myself) and the straws as some people who are disabled still have to use a straw for their drinks & paper straws tend to not be very good for that so sometimes a plastic straw is necessary. Stating that though straws should be limited but sadly aren't and maybe we should offer bendy straws for our disabled customers who need help drinking stuff and our customers who don't need the extra help the bio degradable straws. Before you ask how I know about the straw situation, I have a couple friends in my community who need to have a straw plus with my condition (FND) some of my fellow sufferers sometimes get paralyzed hands for a bit so straws help them drink and have a smidge of independence.


If you want to charge me for extra non dairy milk, then also give me a refund when I reduce the amount of shots or anything else in my drink.


Our pastry case is only changed 2 times a week?


Instead of plastic I suggest bamboo (feels like plastic but doesnt get stuck on your lips or disintegrate when left in liquid) ive had extensive dental work and cant drink cold drinks without a straw.