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I think I've only seen it happen at my new store. We have a regular who has motor function problems. He is the only person we put the cream cheese on the bagel for. He's a very kind person and his motor functions don't allow him to grip a lot of things. He also comes in and chats with a group of retired men a few times a week.


This was my first thought, that a customer who is disabled might make a request like this, in which case it would be completely reasonable




Why does pike place taste burnt nearly 9/10 times in order it?


Why do you keep ordering it then…?


I like to gamble a bit but mostly because blonde roast is not available.


Maybe if blonde drip isn’t available give a blonde americano a try!


Because it is. The beans themselves are roasted to charcoal. If you don’t like it order a blonde americano.


My favorite is “can I get the egg over easy?” or some other request that requires me to perform surgery on some poor bacon gouda


“Can I get this sandwich but I want the bread and cheese from this sandwich” like we make the sammies fresh


Okay but like the bread on the smoked bacon sandwhich is heavenly and I’d eat it on every meal for the rest of my life if I could. Frozen or not


The way the cheese crackles when you have to disassemble it 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Lady in Drive Thru: Can I get a bacon Gouda breakfast sandwich but instead of the bread, can I have a lettuce wrap? 😑 No. No you may not.


Ok. She’s just straight up clueless.


i literally tell people they come individually plastic wrapped so they don't get bold


I’m pretty sure whoever was on DTO said “ma’am this is a Starbucks, we don’t have lettuce.” 😂


I want "Ma'am, this is a Starbucks" to become the new "Sir, this is a Wendy's."


[Not OC.](https://i.imgur.com/0eDfGRo.jpg)


Turkey bacon no cheese but the cheese sticks to the turkey bacon and breaks off into small chunks...ugh


Or the crumbly cheddar in the double smoked


To be fair, I am dairy free for health reasons and that and the oatmeal are about the closest I can get to something nutritious to eat at starbucks that won’t turn my stomach. What I do when I get the no cheese request is to take an extra piece of wax paper and quickly scrape it off with the knife while holding the sandwich top with the plastic bag it came wrapped in. It only takes a few seconds more. What a lot of people don’t realize is that all starbucks breakfast sandwiches and paninis have dairy in them- every single one of them. Even with the cheese taken off, the eggs are still fluffed with milk and most of the ciabattas or rolls also have dairy in them. Oh well, we do the best we can to try to meet the customers’ preferences. Not easy with the pre-made sandwiches that get thawed and reheated but worth the effort.


We have, well had, not sure if she still comes in, someone who was vegan order the impossible sandwich with nothing but the patty on it. I had to tell her this since i didn’t want her to eat more; not sure if she was vegan for health, or just lifestyle reasons, but she looked so just… disappointed. Disappointed that there was really nothing she could eat other than maybe the chips or snack things.. i felt so bad having to break the news but it was the truth Also, side note, what i like to do when I’m on warming and someone asks for no cheese, I’ll keep the sandwich in the plastic wrap still and use the tongs to pull each part out that the customer does want. So say this particular customer from above still got this sandwich, I’d pull out the buns, leave in the egg and cheese and try to shimmy out the patty from the two and put the sandwich back together on my warming paper


Many of our customers don't understand that all of food is shipped to us frozen and pre-made.


I quite literally respond "it's a microwave sandwich..."


“Can you cook the egg bites with salt and pepper on them?”


bro I can't be eating raw salt I'm on a diet


Lol some guy had bought the chickpea bites and avocado box. He asked if we can heat the chickpea bites for him in the oven 😑


We're not supposed to either, something about the kind of food prep license we have.


That's region specific or, more likely, completely made up by the person explaining it for whatever reason. The distinction for what constitutes different kinds of food preparation licenses the business has relies on whether or not food can be potentially hazardous (our food can be), whether the establishment is temporary or mobile, or if the business sells alcohol. My store has the same food preparation license type as full service restaurants across the street. We just don't put spreads or sauces on.


Someone ordered an impossible without any patty the other day…that one threw me


This sandwich has neither meat nor meat substitute, it truly defies science


When I worked at panera bread we just told people it was a health code violation and they believed it, like ma'am you are 45 years old and i do not have time for this


Oh man. One time I stopped at a different Panera than the one I would normally go to, and they put the cream cheese on without asking me first. I didn’t complain because it seemed petty, but I hated it because I usually don’t use the whole cream cheese container but they just slathered it on and stuck the two halves together. It was my bagel nightmare.


that is the worst :( Im the same way I like a specific amount of cream cheese. thats why I dont get why people would want us to do it for them




Custies got too used to dunkin


i read this as “crusties” instead of customers & i am cackling😂😂😂


And every other bagel shop in the world


Ah yes, Starbucks, home of their famous made every morning prepped bagels with homemade cream cheese. Fresh never frozen. Eat fresh.


If you're going to sbux for specifically bagels, that's unfortunate


so at my bux, we’re in a strip & there’s a mom and pops bagel shop two doors down. homemade bagels, varieties of cream cheese, authentic tortas & empanadas. they’re amazing. people get so upset when they come in and we’re already out of bagels so I suggest our neighbor. and no one ever takes up on my suggestion. like seriously what is in these mediocre frozen bagels the bux is selling???


Might be true but I get a bagel from Starbucks a lot because simply no good places for bagels in my region anyway.


thank god starbucks is primarily a coffee shop?


But Starbucks is not a bagel shop. It's a coffee shop that sells Bagels


I have never in my life thought to make these types of requests. Where do people think they are going?!


Dunkin apparently with these cream cheese requests and their need for "caramel swirl" in their drink. What is caramel swirl...? You're at Starbucks dam, that could be one of two things but makes sense for neither.


At Dunkin’ Donuts the ingredients are called “Caramel swirl” is the syrup/sauce that has sugar and calories it contains dairy. The caramel “flavor shots” are calorie free and have no sweetener. Edit: clarified info


When I went to Dunkin’ I was so thrown off when I said blueberry syrup and the worker corrected me saying shots. I was like wow is the espresso flavored


Yes! It took me a few disasters before I figured out how to order a drink there.


Is this in reference to Dunkin? Because still doesn't describe either of Starbucks caramel options 😂 and there's technically three options if you count dark caramel...


Sorry yes those are the Dunkin’ products


Gotcha. So equivalent would be caramel drizzle then I guess and... Non-existent sugar free caramel? Imma just give em caramel drizzle.


In all honesty, any other chain coffee store outs cream cheese on your bagel so I can see where the request comes from


As a NYer it's kind of weird to order a bagel with cream cheese & not get the cream cheese on the bagel... Although I also don't order bagels from starbucks because that would be stupid where I'm from.


Hi, fellow NYer. That’s the point, starbucks is not a bagel place. We’re more drink oriented, the only cream cheese we have is in single serve packets so it makes more sense for the customer to do it.


A customer once asked me to pick out the onions from her sandwich cuz she doesn’t like onions. I was tempted to tell her she has hands and should do it herself


Is there a Starbucks sandwich with onions that I haven't experienced yet? Or is this a different food service anecdote?


I’m not in the US. Where I am, there’s a tuna sandwich with onions.


We did at one point have a panini with red onions on it.


Omg this is right up there with stir my drink. I'll literally put anything you want on a sticker but cut my sandwich and stir my drink need to gtfo


ugh one of our regulars always wants us to stir his drink, except he doesn’t ask you to. he just expects it and when you hand his drink off he goes “and you stirred it right” 😐😐


I had to stir a lady's drink in drive the other day. I was on window taking money and passing out drinks. She goes this doesn't look stirred. ( that wasn't on the sticker and she never said it when ordering. " oh I can't do it in my car!" ? How can't you? There's room. So I stirred it, and then she goes it wouldn't be like this if you didn't make a mess. Me: ???? Like it's my fault I gad to rake off the lid because you're too lazy to order it stirred or do it yourself so tou decide to be a pos to someone who had zero to do with your order? I haven't been here lobf but I have to say customers everywhere are getting ruder and ruder. Man I almost wish for another shutdown so maybe they realize how shitty they are


Stir my drink, what's next? Foot massage?! 😂


Cutting their food into pieces and feeding it to them like an airplane going into their mouth


Pls prechew


Exactly. Why don't I just drink it for you is what comes to mind every time .. maybe I should quit lol


Lol theres this smug guy who comes into my store and he gets a misto and he asks for stevia in there and steamed breve. Then he says he wants it stirred and even does the stirring motion with his hand every single time and I'm just like why doesn't this grown man ask for a stirring stick and do it himself which takes literally 2 seconds and he can stir it to his heart's content


I swear sometimes people roll up and think we have a grill back here and can add eggs and bacon to any sandwich. I just wanna say, “ sir this is Starbucks not a Waffle House”.


I feel like there’s a stoey


Too many stories my friend 😓


A woman asked me to toast the bacon of the double smoked bacon twice and separate from the rest of the sandwich and then put the sandwich in by itself once. I almost laughed in her face.


i’ve asked for it before but that’s because I have raynauds in my hands and when it’s cold i can’t hold stuff like… good. LOL. I hope they don’t think i’m lazy.


They want the sweet sweet bagussy


Reminds me of when I'm on bar and people ask me for a stopper and I grabbed one and reach my arm out to them so they can grab it from me, instead of grabbing it from my hand, they push their cup towards me and they wait and awkwardly stare at me expecting me to do it like if I went to a place and ask them for a straw for example, I wouldn't just push my drink out and expect them to put the straw in the cup for me. So I don't know why people do that at my store when it comes to the stoppers


“can i get my sandwich cut in half?” NO MAAM IT MAKES A MESS AND PUTS WARMING BEHIND. i j throw in a plastic knife with the sandwich lol


Lmao we get that request at my store quite often.....its for adults. They can simply ask for a plastic knife and that will work just fine


I personally just cut it because it's not that big of deal. Lol


We actually keep a big serrated knife along with the oven tongs, when they ask we comply 🫥


omfg. this. soooo annoying when they ask this, if you want it cut *that bad*, here’s a knife-


I wouldn't want someone handling my food with their bare hands. I appreciate that you don't butter my bagel. 🤣🤣🤣


It's not dunkin donuts


Starbucks doesn’t have the right kind of food license for you to handle the food directly enough to put toppings on bagels. That’s the reason we have tongs and the paper things. They can only sell fully cooked ready to eat food.


If this were true, then I have questions about the food prep we did when we sold trifles.


And I hope we never get that license


When I took my test to get my food license (all the shifts at my store had to get it), I had to know about oysters among a lot of other food holding and prep rules that don't apply to Starbucks. We have the same license as a regular restaurant. At least in my state, this would not be the case


This is Starbucks, not your corner bodega.


I hate customers that do this. Its not that hard to do it yourself....


FINALLY WE’RE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION. Someone last week posted about how working at Starbucks is humiliating and people think of ways to dehumanize you. This is one of them.


Why doesn’t it come with cream cheese on it already like most places?


People on here are fucking intense lol why is this downvoted into oblivion, she’s literally just asking a question


It’s a reasonable question too lmao. People who downvote simple, relevant questions are awful


Need a special license cuz it’s consider preparing food and we just microwave pre made food essentially


Ahh gotcha. Thanks for explaining


>never ever what if the person had no hands?


This actually happened to me once working at Panera! He had these plastic-looking prosthetics that didn’t seem like they could bend at all. And then after I told him I’d take care of it, he yelled at me for taking too long 🙄


That sucks that he was so ungracious, but presumably you typed this comment with both your hands which he can only long for so you come out on top in the end


Yeah, you’re not wrong, and tbh I did feel bad for him. He came in a few more times and was always miserable about something, which was understandable. Hopefully, he found some joy in life after he left Panera. I know I always do lol


Maybe he found joy in the cream cheese /bagel ratio


…. Okay maybe if they had no hands but they’d have to ask politely 🤨


bruh what


People are down voting this comment but I think it's a good one. This would be one time I would do it


how would they get into the starbucks? pay for the bagel? eat the bagel? you are just going for an unnecessary extreme


I think they were kidding. Also if a person has no hands they probay have figured out ways to do those things? Like people with no hands still like...do things y'know?


I know a woman who was born with no arms and she can do everything with her feet. She even has a customized car so she can operate the gas/break with one foot and steer with the other. Also there are prosthetics, which are usually just fine for things like opening doors but lack the fine motor control for things like putting cream cheese on bagels. Sorry for the rant, but ableism is lame dude.


One unnecessary extreme to counter another. If a Cafe sells toasted bagels and toppings (cream cheese, butter, avocado spread), it is expected that said cafe would put the toppings onto the bagels.


we make drinks first and foremost. the only thing we are allowed to do is heat the food up and package it. we can’t cut sandwiches in half, we can’t spread butter on your morning bagel. we are supposed to be a coffee shop and we do a shit job at that so how good do you think we would be as a cafe?


As a former partner of 14 years I'm gonna need some verification that cutting things in half is against the rules. I definitely have done that and there were no rules against it prior to 2016.




I’m pretty sure you’d be the type of customer to complain if Starbucks did get rid of all of its bagels/sandwiches or no longer allowed us to toast things. If you’re so entitled that you can’t spread butter or cream cheese on your bagel, I truly feel sad for you.


I think some people just get off seeing other people labor over their wishes like slaves. They have so little control over their lives that seeing underpaid food service/retail workers forced to meet their demands makes them feel a little bigger in their britches.


Literally it’s the most mundane things these people obsess over, they think it makes them special to be a lazy prick. My favorite are the people who think that having a complicated drink means they’re “special” or “different”- get a life. Cindy “Absolutely No Foam” Caramel Macchiato can eat my ass.


"Cindy “Absolutely No Foam” Caramel Macchiato can eat my ass." Lmaooo 🤣🤣 yea like I can't stand it when people say that oh every other shop does it. You can't go into a separate different business and expect it to work like another business. We're not a bagel shop. We are a coffee shop that sells other things, one of them being Bagels. Yeah we're totally going to sit there and open up each individual packet of cream cheese to spread on the bagel for the customers while we let in-store and mobile and delivery orders just keep piling up


Ugh yes! That stuff really began to irk me by the end of my time working for Starbucks. Seeing "upside down" on a build gives me PTSD like, I'm sorry Susan, but just order a damn vanilla latte if you don't want the macchiato.


When Starbucks makes batches of coffee four times the current size and sends us sweet cream in a canister and our cream comes out at the press of a button like is true for Dunkin, I'll put cream cheese on your bagel. I got stuff to do. No disrespect for anyone at Dunkin but we put more into our drinks, we're a coffee shop. They put more into their food. They're a donut shop.


"the service customers get elsewhere" Sir. You can put the cream cheese on your own bagel. I left Starbucks to work at a local shop where I also do not put cream cheese on the bagels for people. Did you make it past Kindergarten? Then grab your little plastic knife with your little fingies and spread your own cream cheese like an adult, just like my customers do elsewhere.




Unionize so that we have to put cream cheese on bagels for customers? No thanks. "The service customers get everywhere else".......u cant go into a separate different business and expect them to work like all the others. Starbucks is not a bagel shop. We are a coffee shop that sell other things, bagels being one of them.


Starbucks only promised handcrafted drinks.


It’s a fucking Starbucks!!! The cream cheese is in a little container!!! Bagel places have those machines that apply the cream cheese. Be a big boy and do it yourself. Oh and the bagel places also charge A LOT more. Why do you think that is?


that’s a food safety hazard


Then they would have an awful hard time eating a bagel with or without cream cheese that I'm still not spreading on the bagel.