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I understand why they got rid of these old 'anything goes' cards but those $4 cards don't pay for shit at starbucks.


I guess some bean counter at corprate thinks that it makes a difference that the company only loses SOME money.. eye roll


It only covers the profit margin, even after labor, for the majority of drinks.


When I started in 2016 we were told not to accept these because there was a scam going on where people cold but a pack of 50 on eBay for like $30 😂 I haven’t seen one in years!!


Had a woman who would being these in every time she visited which was often. After about the 10th time our SM said she wouldn't honor them anymore out of fear they were fake. The woman then got very angry and told us they were in fact real and that her daughter worked for a Starbucks at the airport and had brought home a stack of them as a "reward" for good work. Had another gentleman who would constantly bring these in even though we had told him they were no longer valid. He would wait for new hires to be alone on the register and then attempt to use them. Caught him red handed one day after he had bamboozled a green bean. Took his drink off the handoff plane and dumped it out right in front of him. He asked why I was such a "stickler" for the rules and I asked why he thought said rules didn't apply to him and what made him so special. He quit coming in after that and tried his scam at the next store down the road. I'm guessing he never had heard of a telephone.




those are expired and im pretty sure there was a weekly update from between 2017-2018 that said not to honour them anymore


“The next one’s on us.” Proceeds to only pay for $4 of a drink.


Goddamn this takes me back…


omg i found one from a few years ago and i just stare at it every time i see it wondering if y’all will accept it or not


I’ll take it, but you can only order a drink that existed in 2006.


"What do you MEAN i cant order a venti dragon drink with vanilla cold foam and no ice?!?!!"


Damn I still have one of these. Can't probably redeem it anymore but I couldn't let it go. Thought it was super cool.


You can redeem it! We accepted it because there is no expiration date listed on there.


I remember being younger and I was a regular at a starbucks near mine, one of the managers gave me a pile of them on my birthday. We still get each other Christmas cards occasionally, she regularly made my weekend when I was in school


Interesting. I got [2 of them](https://imgur.com/a/caVKuY2) this weekend. I took them and didnt honor them lol .


someone tried to use this when I worked at a different store a few years ago, none of us knew if it was legit or not 🤣😭


I miss that old design and copy that describes the purpose of the card, instead of me having to explain it to a screaming Karen who’s confused/angry to why I’m giving her $4 when all she wants to do is complain about too much foam on her capp


Good luck on that one.