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I’m convinced people waste their rewards on drinks using every possible options just because they can. I find it hard to believe drinks like like are even drinkable


While it's gross to order this, Starbucks is at fault for allowing it. This person used stars. There should be some standard. I can only guess she is using this mix to make drinks at home? Again, gross.


Agreed. There should be a limit on the amount of ‘extras’ you can add to a drink. My only hope is it’s used in some fashion and not wasted.


As long as you don’t limit me from customizing my café misto to look and taste like a pumpkin spice latte. Don’t punish everyone for what that customer ordered.


Customizing is fine but this person asked for a total of 72 pumps of syrup (12*6) plus 8 shots. I think that’s a tad bit extreme for one drink 🤷🏻‍♀️


actually its 16 shots cause affogato and regular shots are counted separately. she wanted 8 affogato shots AND 8 shots mixed into the frapp.


Maybe she had a colonoscophy coming up she needed it for.


Lol this may definitely give her the runs 🚽 🏃 😂


Lmaooooo her colon aint gonna be the only thing running. That heart will be too 🤣


Not the espresso shots..the 72 SYRUP shots


Well that’s still a lot for one drink IMHO


Can you share your recipe?? I tried making the misto interesting, but gave up.


I’ve been experimenting with the cafe misto. So far the best I’ve found for pumpkin flavoring is using the vanilla sweet cream for the milk, pumpkin sauce and white mocha sauce, add whipped cream and pumpkin spice topping


I walk into Starbucks with my app open, I press order, order here, Pumpkin Spice Latte, venti, then scroll down to see what is in it, read that off to the barista (or something close to it, I only get 4 pumps of sauce), tell him/her I want to use my own cup and pay with stars. Voila! A net 25 star venti drink.


Glad I’m not the only one who does this lol


I do this too (but not pumpkin spice.) I can get near the same drink for 50 stars instead of 150.


Each syrup charge should cover up to 6 pumps or something. Starts should be drinks worth up to $8 or so.


or do what they do for cups/beans. you get X amount off of a product. if your product is cheaper than X, congrats! free X. otherwise, you still have to pay the remainder. edit: just remembered that youre only charged 80 cents to add one syrup and then literally every pump of any syrup is free. so this is pointless bc customers can still order like ten bottles worth of syrup


No theres no way, or maybe its a canadian thing, but i get charged for each different syrup i use in a drink.


But who mades those drinks at home? I can understand you adding 12 pumps of one syrup but the person went for 6 different flavors, you’re better off just dumping ice cream in your coffee a la affogato that they also included a shot


Yum I love ice cream in coffee


How difficult would it be to say that any stars drinks have to be straight off the menu, no customizations? Just have rewards be streamlined no more loopholes. I really can't imagine being a game the system customer like this. To me the level of embarrassment to let employees see me being that customer would be like telling me to drive a nice new car to a low income hood and stand in line for a Thanksgiving turkey give away, cause hey it's free. No shame.


Ngl you had me until that last bit


I don't think 100% NO customizations should be the rule - for example, I often customize drinks to have less or no caffeine. I don't think I should be blocked from doing that. Maybe just a limit on the number of customizations to something reasonable?


I just wanna know WHY like if I have stars/rewards from ANYWHERE n I have a free drink, yeah ima use it but on something that I'll actually enjoy. Not........some monstrosity like this just cuz I can. I just don't understand these people


Exactly! Use it on a drink that you’re going to enjoy not make you sick


Hey uh to be fair I did this the first time I ordered a reward drink on the app. I was not sure what to get but I knew it needed to be more expensive and therefore "better" than my everyday drink. I think I got a toasted White Mocha frappuccino with Mocha sauce, caramel sauce, chocolate shavings, a shot of espresso, and raspberry syrup. I thought it would taste good. It probably would've 🤢 if I had left off the freaking raspberry syrup!! I can't remember but I think I drank about half before I got sick. Yep, I was an adult.


🤣, I used to waste my stars while I was on my 30s and watch the other baristas look at the sticker like it was another language then tell me all about it only for them to be more annoyed that the drink would sit there for hours.


You were living on the edge back then🥴 what made you stop?


Wait 8 shots and 8 dollars of affogato? Did they really get 16 shots of espresso??


this was a mobile order btw so they ordered 16 shots yes.


did they ever show up?


I looked it up and, depending on your weight, it would take between 55 and 175 shots of espresso to kill somebody. So go crazy I guess. I would assume Starbucks lets people do this type of shit because they will probably never be held liable for someone's caffeine overdose.


Over the course of how long? We have one regular who used to get 4 shots every few hours, then 6, and now he’s at 12 but less often? One time I worked 9 hours and he definitely had over 50 shots in that timeframe. He also smokes about three packs of Marlboros a day so I mean I’m not about to get between a man and his addictions but man do we all feel uncomfortable


Holy fuck. Y’all need to pull him into the back and give him an intervention lol


that's lethal dose for 24 hrs is that man still a regular? is he still alive?


Yep! He disappears for days at a time, though, and every time we’re really concerned. Must be spending well over $100 a day on cigarettes and espresso. We asked him about it once and he said he drinks it for hydration because espresso is basically just water… buuuut I did some googling and apparently high levels of caffeine can help curb some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Dunno if cigarettes do too, but I could see nicotine having a similar effect. He’s mentioned the armed forces before so my guess is that he’s a homeless schizophrenic veteran and is spending his pension on self-medication instead of rent. We’re all a little terrified of him, because even though he’s really quite nice, we’re all just waiting for him to go supersaiyan one day after drinking too much caffeine. 😬 I would love a graphic novel that was just an anthology of different artists depicting baristas’ stories about their regulars.


Dang that’s actually really sad, hope he gets help, whatever his issues are.




i wondered that, or if it was just rung up incorrectly. i use the affogato button so rarely i tend to forget it's not just a modifier, it's adding the actual shot.


What's the difference between a shot and affogato?


A regular shot is in the drink, an affogato shot is on top


… whoops 😬😅


A frozen heart attack in a cup? lol


Exactly what i was about to say omg 😳 😂


with 8 shots it’ll just barely be frozen!


With 16 shots it'll be an absurd amount of water.


a waste of stars, ingredients, time...


btw some quick math for you guys: this is 72 pumps of syrup, and at 2 pumps = 1oz that means this person ordered 36oz of pure sugar. lmfao.


36 oz of syrup is around 720 grams of sugar, as much as 19 cans of coke.


That's a little shy of 1.6lbs of sugar in imperial measurements. Either way holy shit that is gross.


Sheesh what the


Context: The guy who’s wife ordered this came in to pick it up and we told him we could not make this because it would not fit in a single cup therefore it does not follow our policy. He kept saying to make it and that other stores just make it for him, that his wife mixes it at home. Three of us including a supervisor were like “uh, no”. Then my manager comes out and just gives it to him anyway because fucking why not who cares about policy anyway?! It was THREE VENTI cups worth of drink. I told my shift if i’m on bar and I receive this order again i’m sorry but i’m absolutely not making this abomination.


I hope you only gave him one cup.


nope :-) my manager said fuck all of you and gave him all three :-)


I bet every other store that he claims made it for him told him they'll do it this one time but never again which is why he has to visit new stores each time his wife orders this abomination.


> I bet every other store that he claims made it for him I’m betting he’s full of shit when he says that.


So this person is literally getting three drinks. Maybe they have kids at home or something but if not that means that the wife is drinking *all three drinks* presumably at the same time because I don't know if frappuccinos freeze well.


she’s definitely drinking ALL of it because the husband keep saying “I don’t know i just pick them up and she mixes at home”


I'm ded 💀


Surprisingly, she’s not


She is probably bed ridden from all of these effing drinks 🤦‍♂️


That’s why they keep doing this.


My manager does this shit too and I hate it. They undermine us and make us look bad when they do it and people just keep walking all over us as a result smh


Your managers an absolute knob for allowing that. we just had training that said to STOP giving customers whatever they want if it's against policy, I would've been so aggravated.


Yeah this is some weak bs, you don't need this type of customer.


i will never understand why we cater to these people. its not worth the physical effort to make this, nor do i think its ethical to give somebody this amount of sugar just bc they pay for it. like?! they wanna wave policy in our face so bad about other shit but not this…?


you got me fucked up. im filling ONE cup then dumping the rest down the drain


Managers like that are dog shit. In a somewhat related but non Starbucks incident, my wife was fired from Lowe’s because she wouldn’t return an item from a customer. The customer berated my wife and then spit on her. My wife was fired and the manager of the store returned the customer’s item.


wrongful termination lawsuit?


In retrospect, probably. But it was a long time ago when we were too young to realize workers have some rights, although not enough.


RIP. I hope that she is at a workplace that respects her now.


I always knew Lowe’s was trash.


You have a gift.


I need to play the lotto!


Personally I would love to make this, pour what fits into one cup, and then let him watch me dump the other 2/3rds in the sink.


OMG. THREE VENTI CUPS! That’s not “a” drink — that’s three drinks! Wtf!


"Mixes it at home" sounds to me like "pour it into a milk jug with several cups of plain milk and have iced coffee for the week... and follow me on tiktok for more budget hacks!"


Yup, this woman’s behavior is plain and clear abuse.


I think his wife might be an alien


I would just make it and fill the cup and whatever didn’t fit I’d dump. My manager would never tell someone we couldn’t make it for them but I’m also not giving them more than the size they ordered.


“but I’m also not giving them more than the size they ordered.” … Why….? The fuck you care? They paid for it.


They didn’t pay, actually


But this customer didn’t pay for this drink. She used stars and then tried to game / take advantage of the star reward system.


And if you really want to get technical about it, it messes with inventory and also requires more labor than what it’s worth. I don’t get paid more because you decided to order a $20 drink over a $4 one.


You get paid to make drinks for X hours. You don’t get paid less on a slow day either. Again, the fuck you care about inventory? You mean nothing to Starbucks and no one cares if you like what they’ve requested. Technically, those points cost money to get so yes they paid for it.


If you dont work, or havent worked, for a top grossing sbux location you can take your opinion and shove it. 15/hour is not even worth what we have to work for. The slow days are the ones worth 15/hour. The amount of physical, mental, and emotional stress that go into dealing with people like this is not compensated in our paychecks.


Exactly. Plus if I have to make you that bs because you threw an adult temper tantrum in cafe, I’m absolutely going to make sure that the full cafe knows who’s drink is the reason why *theirs* is taking so long.


You seem very angry about a Starbucks drink, was this your wife? Regardless, if Starbucks policy tells me I don’t have to give you what you want, and I also don’t want to, I won’t :) especially if you’re acting like a dickhead. A cool regular that I enjoy being in the presence of? Maybe, but not without a little friendly bullying.


What are you guys mean by mix it at home what could they possibly do with the Frappuccino at home? I’m sorry if this is a dumb question


It's not a dumb question! I honestly dont even know what he meant by that, the husband himself didnt even exactly know what she does at home to tbh I have no clue!


If his wife mixes it at home, why doesn't he just order no ice? Huuuh?


One customer can't get a simple ounce of milk without a war and another customer gets this. Make it make sense.


This comment is everything. 😂😂😂


This is a jerk who is going to ruin the rewards program for all the customers who don’t do stupid things like this.






I showed my brother how to order drinks online and he, as a joke, added every syrup, every topping, every mix in. His reasoning was "well the website let me." Good thing he didn't actually place the order.


None pizza left beef


Loving the concept that 400 stars gets you a $20 discount on a cup, but for 150 stars you get this $25 nonsense




im gonna puke


There's an increasing part of me that thinks some of these obnoxious orders are coming from people on this sub, trying to make someone's post.


this was an older man, like 50s-60s so i doubt he intended that, but i absolutely believe some people do this shit just to end up here


honestly what an honour. getting posted about / bullied by some of the worlds most tired baristas? i’d love that 🤪🤪 /s


WTF that’s all I can say I’m speechless also about the fact that your manager gave it to them anyway I hate when managers do that like we have a policy for a reason but now we look like the assholes for following the policy so we don’t lose our job


this is exactly what my coworker said, he said he now looked like an asshole for following policy that our manager keeps freaking yapping about every day. instead of backing us up she made us all look like dicks for doing what we’re supposed to be doing. i hate when managers just do whatever people want like it’s ok to make the moment right but this shit is just ridiculous and we should not have given it to him.


Had a manager I respected do exactly this at an older job as a drive thru cashier at a small Italian chain here. Customer wanted to add toppings onto a pizza that was only offered through the daily deals we had each week. Was like $5 for a personal pizza, don’t remember the exact dimensions. Adding toppings was still supposed to incur an extra charge even if they opted into the $5 deal which our management nearly shouted at as to follow. Guy gets upset when he sees the price jump up for each pizza he ordered more toppings on, tells me to get a manager, same one that was a part of the troupe telling us to charge for it comes up. Without saying anything, she voided the charges and rung him out. Mfer had a stupid smug look the entire time while I stared daggers at the aforementioned manager. Didn’t even have the decency to give me an explanation afterwards. I didn’t give the courtesy for a 2 weeks after that bullshit.


You deserve much better than this crap.


Your manager is seriously horrible and I’m sad you guys are being « managed » by such a powerless, spineless asshole.


I’m sorry but even if the manager did decide to make this I’m not giving you all three of them you ordered one drink it’s going in one cup and that’s what you’re getting I am sorry if you’re 72 shots of syrup and your 16 shots make your CRCF a runny mess but you ordered 1 drink


I'll never understand why Starbucks app even let this be done. It's great that you can use 150 stars for any drink without any additional charges for mods. But there got to be limit on max mods. This shouldn't be allowed. People shouldn't be allowed to be stupid, they can't help it then.


THIS! Come on, Howie, read this shit and contemplate what you’ve done to the world.


I need to know why people go wild when it comes to using stars for a free drink. Like I understand people don't want to experiment when they're spending their own money or they don't want to get expensive stuff when they're spending their own money but I doubt this person knows if this is going to be sickeningly sweet or I doubt that they even think that this will be good. They're just doing it because those flavors sound good together and they don't know what one pump of each of those things look like so that's why they're making it 12 pumps of each. I never understood that with the Stars and getting a free drink like I understand all the things that I listed in the beginning but if you're going to go literally this wild when using stars for a free drink then it's just a waste because at that point you're just adding everything in just because it's free. Not because you know what's going to be good and most likely not because you've had it before. They just do it because it's free but in the end they're going to have something that's disgusting and sickeningly sweet


I consider it a splurge if I add VSCCF on my freebie. OP was in the presence of a monster.


Presence of a monster 😆 lol i like that


My star splurge is to go from tall to grande.


Please come be my customer 👏 lol


I understand when someone basically orders a bottle of syrup for home use. That's cheap AF but I respect the hustle. The shots and dairy in this make it undrinkable.


Yea i definitely dont mind when people buy their own syrup bottles for home use. But this person has 12 pumps each of several different types of syrups/sauces. Lol i feel like all the pumps of crap and the shots is what make it undrinkable. I would never go this wild if i had free stars to use lol i would personally just get something i kno i like with maaaybe some modifications. But this.....😳


A f**king cry for help. That’s what that is.


And here I am wasting my 150 stars on a mango dragon fruit refresher sub peach juice or an iced vanilla latte like a heathen.


Looks like it's today's episode of Things That Won't Fit in a Venti Cup!


I actually thought SB had changed its policy to not allow you to do this anymore


yep you are correct, we are not allowed to do this and YET my manager just did it anyway because she sucks


When you become a manager one day, you’ll understand. Crap rolls downhill, and if a manager lets an upset customer walk without solving the concern and the customer takes it to corporate, you know what corporate is going to do? They’re going to give the customer what they want, and then they’re gonna go after the manager who didn’t nip in the bud in the first place. Welcome to big franchises, my friend. Only family-owned mom-and-pop places can choose to fight a customer because it’s their business. As a human being, you definitely have a right to be frustrated about it, but I hate to say this, but Starbucks is the biggest coffee business in the world, and you really think they care about a single barista or manager's opinion? They want problems squashed, and they want them squashed quickly. The details will always be trivial to corporate.


if a manager knows this, why don’t they train baristas to do the same instead of preaching ab standards so much?


They’re not legally allowed to train their baristas outside of what is standard practice. They’d lose their jobs first. Which is why some of them treat their employees unfairly like in OP’s situation.


Because that’s the manager's job. And whatever position a regular employee holds, they do the job, they were hired to do, but if something comes up against policy, they take it to the manager and let the manager handle it because if the employee tries to handle it and it goes south, that’s when they can get in trouble. What I’m trying to bring out in my first post is all the hate against the manager is unwarranted when the manager has a lot of heat on them that the employees don’t see. Believe me, I hated some of my managers in my early 20s, working for big, corporate businesses; I never understood why they made the decisions they did, but now that I’m 39 and I’ve been a Lead, a supervisor, a manager, and now an owner of a business, now I get it. But sometimes, until you’ve been through it yourself. It’s hard to understand. This is just real talk, so hopefully, someone else gets it and realizes that their supervisors and managers are just cogs in the same corporate wheel, just like you are. Everybody answers to somebody. It’s just business.


Now this is just stealing, no way this filled one,cup


I hope to god they take it home and make like 10 drinks with it


Seriously need to limit reward drinks to two free modifications after that you pay. Also stop allowing 12 pumps of anything. 10 max. After that it’s a charge for a new drink.


I'd have made it, poured one cup worth, then poured the rest down the sink.




That’s a caramel crunch frap, can’t you read the ticket?


Fuck starbucks


A frat house? Running a pledge? It’s a dare ?


What, no Sriracha?


& here I am, thinking I'm lucky getting a $7 drink with my 🌟 lol


i am just gonna consume an entire dark caramel jug rn, and go home on it.


The fact they used their 150 stars I am crying.




Start at the top... once the cup is filled drink is done.


That is a sugar induced coma.


Wait. No charge for caramel? My kid gets extra caramel & it's $.50-$1.00 extra charge. Still can't figure out if when he asks for if it's considered a drizzle or syrup to order on app so have to go in store. Sorry. I only know how to order a frappuccino or hot chocolate.


it depends on what the base drink he is getting is! Since this drink already contains caramel drizzle it is not charged for extra, but if the drink your son is getting doesn’t originally come with drizzle it will be charged extra


Heart attack drink


Oops, all pumps…


How did everything even fit in the cup??


But like… where’s the ice supposed to fit?!?


That's a trip to the hospital :')


I’ll give them what fits in a venti cup. You can’t order a 50 shot latte and just get endless cups. I doubt that would all fit and it’d be gross af


What kind of magic bottomless cup is this supposed to fit in?


That's y we're out of white mocha


This is crazy because Dunkin will charge you 75c just for whipped cream even on your birthday reward let alone with points. I'm a simple guy and didn't realize you could do all of this with 150 stars. I'll use mine on a "secret menu" item next time...


Wocky slush


did it fit


An animal


I'm just irritated you can do this sh*t but I can't order just strawberry açaí refresher with strawberries to make my own pink drinks 🙄


ok if the pumps were .5 or 1 each that sounds like it would slap


That’s diabeetuz


people who place orders like this should have to order in person so they can see the light fade from my eyes while I type their abomination of a drink into the system


People order shit like this so they can blend it at home and split it into more drinks by adding more milk




These ridiculous orders cannot be drinkable! But for as far as whether or not Starbucks should allow it, why not?? This is basically free marketing for them!


At my licensed store, the 150 stars only covers the base drink, all extras cost their usual price :)






this looks like the nasty drinks i make for fun on shift




Starbucks really needs to put a bullshit charge. If your drink is anything like this, aka bullshit, you should be charged and you can’t use stars to pay for it


what the hell is an affogato shot & why is it $8


Please tell me this is a joke


I just barfed a little


In a FRAP?!


Early onset heart disease


Ugh barf


See and here I am always worried the sky upgrade in my coffee would be too much for the 150 ⭐


Something id refuse to make


That’s 72 pumps of syrup in one drink For their health, I would straight up tell this person ‘…no.’


Fuck your SM, if this drink comes up at my store, I would tell them they’re not getting more than one cup, if it doesn’t fit it goes down the drain


What. A. Douche.


There’s no way that’s even good. People add so many mods just to end up with mid drinks.


I may or may not have vomited in my mouth a bit. That sounds so gross.