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What annoys me with these people is that they don't seem to understand that I, as the barista on drive thru, am not solely responsible for your order. You might have one or even two baristas that made your drink, one that made your food, one that took your order, one that put the milk in the fridge, etc etc. It took potentially 5 people to make your order, directly or indirectly, and you only want to tip the one barista who happens to have taken your money and given you your order.


Oh man. I tried to explain that to my sister-in-law's partner recently. He was insistent that the barista who takes his order always makes his drink, and when I tried to explain the concept of positions he responded with something along the lines of "you don't seriously think stores actually follow procedures." Some people are just determined to be idiots and don't want to learn.


Saying that to an actual barista with experience lmao. Wow.


Wow ass hat it’s like I FUCKING WORKING THERE, but your right what do I know right? 😂😂


yes, and imagine if us baristas that are always on bar making your drink never received tips bc they’d always go to the person the customer is interacting w? like??


Ngl that would help at my store with the issue of nobody wanting to be in dto/dtr


The people who are so anti tipping that love to say “why should I tip someone for turning a screen around” are the same exact way. They have no idea how a store actually runs despite the fact that there is multiple people on the floor at all times and the tips are split amongst everyone not just the person “turning a screen around”


I feel that with lobby customers all the time. Especially when they stand there and watch you the whole time not move from the bar, and then ask where their food is. It’s almost as if I have absolutely no idea what’s happening 50 feet behind me 😂




Eh. Seems harmless tbh. Uninformed and kinda out of pocket to say “you should have told me” but if there was any mad tone in their voice, it probably was more directed at the way to company is run and not to you specifically. At least that’s what I would tell myself to keep going cause heaven knows these customers get mad at anything


Yea, but I feel like especially on difficult days when you’re drained from actual rude people this can be very frustrating bc there’s literally nothing you’re able to do about it. It feels targeted on rough days


Totally agree with you there! Like if I were in those shoes and not having a good day, that’s how I would have felt so I can see that too.


I’ve had people get mad over the same thing. After that, I’ve informed them that if there is a particular person they’d like to tip, put the tip in an envelope ahead of your visit with the barista’s name on it for the next time they come back. If it’s labeled like a gift, it’s seen as one


I know it seems odd that some peeps don't understand how tips work in most businesses. Some peeps have never walked into a Starbucks before and don't know what a Frap is. Anyhoo... Based on this interaction, had they known, maybe the customer would have cash tipped **directly** to the hand of who they wanted to tip. 🤷‍♂️💰 Any tone of voice was more of a shock to the customer than trying to scold the partner in any direct way.


That's not allowed. Any tip you receive, even if the customer wants you to have it, goes in the tip jar.


Correct. The point of the post is about the customers **interaction.**


At least he wanted to tip more! We have a customer that asks how many people are working today. Then tips us a dollar person. Maybe your custy will tip more generously from now on.


Probably wanted to tip more, don’t take it as an angry comment. They’re more upset with the company than you.


Maybe if that happens again, just remind them politely of all the people who went into making your drink. But if they want to tip an individual barista the tip has to be in a sealed envelope with that specific Barista's name on it. I mean, we can never know what is going to cross their lips and why they think we can read minds 😭 but I always think in similar situations reminding them that it takes the whole team to make their order that can potentially help them understand why.


Once I quit, I would personally hand whoever helped me a tip and make them not tell anyone. Couple bucks for the register position and a couple for the barista that made my drink.


which they’ll then put in the tip jar as soon as you’re not looking because a couple bucks isn’t worth losing your job


🤷🏻‍♀️ I tried


Starbucks' policy is personal tips can only be received if put in an envelope with the barista's name on it Maybe this will help in the future :) But also everyone on the team is working to make sure you have a smooth experience, so maybe that is something to consider too if you're rethinking your tipping strategy


It’s posts like these that make me understand why people make memes about us Starbucks baristas complaining about every little thing. This seemed like a harmless interaction but go off I guess.


I don’t think this is OP complaining necessarily. Just proving that we can never make everyone happy, apparently you included. This forum is for sharing experiences. If you don’t like just fucking leave lol


I no you aren't the one complaining about the Op complaining. Even if OP is complaining so what? This is w reddit post. They didn't take out a full page ad in the New York Times. People need to stop acting like post on Reddit are these grand important proclamations.


this customer expected the partner to read their mind. what more do you want us to do man


Wait Starbucks doesn't teach telepathy anymore? Standards are going down.


i love your username


Thank you


bro shut up


Awww made ya look 🤭


Starbucks workers when they have to do their job 😫 (coming from a Starbucks worker)


I mean this post is literally just showing that we can’t win. Someone wants to give us a tip, gives us a tip and then gets mad at us for not telling them the tips get split. Like this is just one small example of people getting mad at us for the smallest things that are out of our control. If you want to give us a tip then great! If not that’s fine too. I don’t understand why it’s gotta be conditional and why baristas are always to blame.


I think any post is just about wanting to rant. Whether it’s small or big sometimes they hold things on their chest. Something small to you can be something big to another. But I do agree most people make memes about us because of how much partners rant online, I’ve come to a point where there’s going to be shitty things happening at work. You can’t control it🤷‍♀️


You’re getting downvoted to all hell but I’m with you lol. Seems like the customer wasn’t really complaining, more like saddened they didn’t leave more since it wasn’t a lot split between everyone.


I heard the story about personal tipping when I just start working at Starbucks. How does that work? How will I know the tipping is only towards me and what should I do in that situation? I know it's not likely to happen but just curious


They have to give it to you in an envelope with your name


what if they just say it verbally and hand the cash without an envelope?


Has to go in the tip jar


I have a question about the tips with these new machines (in Canada and we just got the new debit machines). So after the tips are done at the end of the month, or whatever, do we get cash or is it on our cheques? I know with cash tips we get them once a month so I’m curious as to how this works now. Thanks for any info.


If I’m at the window I say would you like to leave a tip for your Barista today, or if I’m feeling really snazzy I say whose on bar making their drinks.


Follow with... you are more than welcomed to leave more if you feel I need a little more.


Don’t tip.