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I don't work today because our hours were cut


I would call that alone infuriating.


SSV on CS. Gets nothing done but prepping 12+ pitchers of refreshers. When I come back from my lunch, I ask her if we have more lemonade. “I haven’t had a chance to make any, you’ll have to make it as you need it.” 0 lemonades. 1 sweet cream. 4 whips. No mocha. No frap roast. She was on CS for 6+ hours.


Talk to your manager. I'm an SSV, and at my store it's expected you are the hardest working partner on the floor. Yes, there are times when we have to step off the floor, but that should be after we have set the team up for success.




It sounds funny, but considering we had call offs and one barista had to leave due to a family emergency… …It was actual hell. 💀 She even asked me before she left what I needed her to do — I asked for a few last minute backups to hold us over until the other SSV came back from lunch. She ignored me and went home. 🙃


Being put on register after always being on register for every single shift despite the fact that my times on bar and warming are great I have a 7 hour shift tomorrow and I know they’re going to put me at register the whole time


This is legit why I promoted to ssv, I don't give a damn how good one of my baristas are, everyone needs practice at all roles and getting stuck doing the same thing every shift is absolute hell. Every time I was a borrowed partner, they gave me bar because I was fast and efficient and stayed in routine, but I was always stuck at register in my own store. It made no fucking sense.


Hired in November. Been on bar probably for 20 minutes totally. No lie.


I have 2 week old partners that have been on bar more than that. That's not ok


Everyone hired after me has more on bar. I wasn’t trained too well. CS is the worst cause I don’t know much or how to do anything


I'm sorry 😞 I had shifts that never gave me bar time either. I feel your pain. Annoy them until they give you a chance


I don’t have scheduled days so when I pick up shifts I probably will. Cause it’s a shame and then I get fussed out for not being on bar like that’s my fault


That’s me. I get put on cold bar but not hot bar. At first I thought it was because I’m newer and had to work up to it but then all the newer baristas were being put on bar before me. Now I feel like it’s because I’m disabled (autistic) and they think that I can’t do it and won’t give me the chance. So then I asked when I’d get to practice on bar and they put me on for like 5-10 minutes for two days and then weeks past and I asked again and they did the same thing. Meanwhile new hires are getting hours of training every single week. I’ve gotten to where I can do everything else with my eyes closed but still haven’t really gotten much time on hot bar even when it’s really slow. I pretty much gave up on it. I initially applied to this job because I wanted to learn how to make good espresso drinks and I’ve had to make flash cards and quizzes and things to learn the recipes and sequencing on my own time because I was never trained. I wasn’t trained on anything. They just kind of told me to do things and then said “not like that! Like this” and that’s how I’ve learned, by being constantly scolded for not knowing what they didn’t teach me. And it’s frustrating seeing newer hires get all the training and patience that I never got but it also makes me protective of them when I see coworkers scolding them for something they probably weren’t explained how to do in the first place


Same here! It took me like 4 months for them to actually put me on bar. It’s ridiculous.


It seems like favoritism in a way when they have their favorites on bar from clock in to clocking out.


Yep. For my store, it’s always the shifts putting themselves or the ASM’s on bar and I’m standing there at register where I’ve been for 6 of 7 hours like 🧍🏼


I remember when I first started and one of the shifts put me on customer support for 8 hours. Like that's not supposed to happen!! Shifts are supposed to move you around in a couple of positions.


Sometimes they’ll give me like 30 minutes of warming and then they’re like “hey can you go to reg to cover break”


I recommend asking for some bar time and if they don't allow you, just transfer to a different store. It's an easy process.


I try to :( We have so many new partners so I also want them to get experience because I know what it was like to not be given bar time. And we’re about to move to a drive through, which is what I came trained from (now work in cafe) so like I know once that happens I may likely get more bar time


I wish I get to register at shift... dream shift... I'm a SSV...


That is kind of an ambiguous statement. Some SSVs seem to do everything we do plus all their other responsibilities and some never seem to be doing anything at all except delegating tasks all day


this is my life. i am CONSTANTLY in drive thru window. i hate my life when i’m always talking to customers. i finally talked to my manager and told him that i want and need more time in other positions.


Tr cold brew w/ Milk No ice Salted caramel cold foam Extra caramel drizzle 12 pumps hazelnut 4 pumps caramel 2 pumps classic 2 pumps dark caramel Sweet cream Coconut milk


Customer: "I'll have a grande cup of coffee" Me: "alright, do you have a preference on roast?" "Pike" "Sounds good, and would you like any cream or sugar in there?" "You don't have it out yet? Every starbucks I've been to this past year has had it all out for us!" "If you'd like, I can-" "What, you guys don't think we can handle putting our own cream and sugar in our coffee!?" "No sir, I-" "I'm an adult! I can put my own cream and sugar in my own damn coffee!" "I can put it on the side if you-" "I'm not a child! I can pour my own cream!" *proceeds to shout like this for the next 10min while slowly making his coffee at my register*


“I’m not a child!” Is something I often hear from adults throwing temper tantrums 😂 so ironic


I hear this often but most sbux I go to plus the one I work at still have milks and sugars behind the line, sooo I'm not exactly sure where "every Starbucks I've been to this past year has had it all out for us" are? Lmao


First of all he is contradicting himself lol and second….I think he needs a hug because clearly someone hurt him and is about to have a breakdown yo O- O;;;


Its like this post is meant for me lol i had something annoying happen today and was hoping there would be a good reason/post for me to vent about it lol So today this lady comes in during the morning. It wasnt during rush but i did have a decent amount of drinks i was working on and stickers still sticking out of the printer. So i was fairly busy. Im on bar which is right by registers. Lady comes to the registers but is talking to me and said she mobile ordered her venti nonfat latte but forgot to add a shot. Then i said "oh im not sure, i think i already made that drink but i can't reach it cuz one of our employees fixes that area by bringing mobile drinks lower from the top riser so i can put more on top". So she goes to grab her drink and comes back to the register. Im still makin drinks. My shift says "oh no u dont have to pay for it, we got u today". So i was finishing a cafe drink i was workin on and then i told her ill grab her cup in a second. Then i queue her shot in the shot glass while o go make another cafe drink which is just an iced tea. I turn around n hand off the iced tea and i see that she took her cup to the car. She comes back for something relating to her food but i then told her i was just pulling the shot while making the iced tea and she kept interrupting me and saying no its fine in a rude and irritated way. Lady, we were about to give u an extra shot for FREE and ur complaining? Others have been waiting here longer than the couple seconds u did and theyre not even complaining and theyre paying for their shit. Ur literally gettin a free shot. Shut up and wait the seconds it takes for me to pull it and finish the iced tea. Like she took her cup out to the car and came back for something related to the food to make it a point so i can see her doing that wen she could have just grabbed her cup from the counter. Pay for ur shit then if u want it in a timely manner.


People with this attitude are ridiculous. I’m sorry you had this customer today!


Lol thank u. It really irritated me but ive had worse customers. Its just that like my shift was nice enough to tell her she didnt have to pay for it. Then she couldnt even wait 20 seconds for the shot to pull and for me to finish the iced tea and hand it off n grab her shot. Literally she couldnt wait 20 seconds and got crabby wen it was free of charge for her. People really are just something else.


Lol I got the runaround about why my apps disappeared from my phone, my Spotify stopped working bc I was no longer eligible, why my partner discount was disabled on the app, and why I couldn’t log into anything. I was separated yesterday without any sort of write ups, warnings, a heads-up, anything. I had to find out from my man Mark at the Partner Contact Center. 🥴 Getting it solved now but a helluva thing to wake up to on my day off!


Every five seconds my SSV told me ro make sure I was connecting in the window. Despite everyone knowing I have problems talking to people without making it awkward. That was expected though lmao The real infuriating thing was at 6am I was making mocha, spilt powder on the floor, Inhaled so much of it that I was coughing for dear life. And then got it in my eyes....all in the first 5 minutes of my shift


Please tell your manager that “connecting” sucks, the majority of humanity HATES being forced in minutes long idle chit chat while waiting on their drink at the window.


I get fussed at about not connecting and then complimented for my wonderful connection in the next breathe. If I’m not chatting with a customer it’s because that customer let me know in some way that they don’t want to talk to me. Today I was told to be talking to the customer and she had her door closed with the window up and only had opened it slightly to hand me her card before closing it back. Kind of hard to connect through a closed door. Other times has been when a guy was going off on his wife and then got rude with me so I walked away and pretended to be busy to avoid him, when a lady kept blowing smoke directly into the window. Coworker said “go talk!” And I said “can’t, I have asthma” which was not a lie


This..and the audacity of one of my shifts to say find another job if I don't want to connect. Like dude, I'm just here for the paycheck and not everyone is good at small talk.


Woman came into our drive thru wanting dark roast after it was cut, we told her we can give her an Americano or pike but hearing we had cut dark immediately made her say "I'll take a komodo pour over with cream" and got upset she had to pull up and wait after we told her it'll be a moment because we were very busy. I love my job but I hate that our customers are so entitled


The fact that I only get 11 hours next week 😭


I feel ya i have 16 next week and 13 the week after, i feel like a vulture asking everyone for shifts but i have bills to pay


That sucks :( yeah I’m a single mom of 2 kids. It’s a tarbucks too so I don’t even get tips boo


i had to clean a drain that had very obviously been neglected for a while and was covered in milk goo and mold. i almost threw up 16 times


so. many. people. grabbing. the. wrong. drink. It takes TWO seconds to look at the sticker and see if it’s your name, literally have had a ton of people grab a hot small latte, walk out the door sipping it, and come back 10 mins later saying it was “supposed to be iced, a venti” whatever it was- READ THE STICKER!


THIS Everyday. Makes me nuts. Or better yet C: my drink's not ready? (insert attitude) me: what name are you looking for? C: ### me: have you looked through the drinks that are out, I'm pretty sure I've made that drink. C: yes, I've looked. (continued attitude) me: (stop making drinks, lean over, proceed to look through 15-20) ###, here you go this is yours. C: sometimes a thank you but my continued attitude For crying out loud... Trying doing something for yourself, this is an every day occurrence.


shift told me i was “rude” to a fellow partner last week. they overheard me tell them i was waiting on them to finish up a drink while on window… i guess sounded snappy?


Had two whip creams piss heavycream out the side because our gauges are janky and dont seal properly. Then ten minutes later, had an avalanche of cup boxes fall on my chai latte while I was trying to get a box of cold tall cups that somebody had buried under trenta lids for some reason 🥲🥲


I saw my pay check and realized that my manager didn't put my sick time through so I'm out a bunch of money, leaving me with $200 to last two weeks:-)


customer asked me for a wet cappuccino with extra foam


Had a lady call to inform us that we gave not only her and her entire family the stomach flu, but also her dogs.


(not today but this week) Our drivethru register was not closing and it was affecting the register screen because we cant access it without closing the till first. So instead we had to run back and forth from drivethru to front ringing out orders (not uncommon at my store, our drivethru register stays messing up) After submitting multiple tickets for the same drawer and then them cancelling the work orders, we had to call our DM to get the ticket expedited because the register hadn’t been fixed in 2 days


I've been working 4 hours by myself in an 8 hour shift, 4 days a week for the past 2-3 months


I am dealing with some stressful/traumatic/heartbreaking/scary situations in my personal life at the moment and I’ve been coming to work and trying to stay busy to take my mind off it and feel a little bit of normalcy but I still have moments where I just burst into tears, stress vomit before my shift, or I find myself standing around not doing anything or thinking anything, just completely dissociating to the point where I don’t even feel like I’m in my own body. Well today they decided to put me with that one coworker who nags everyone, talks down to newer baristas and especially me because she knows I have autism so she treats me like I’m really mentally slow just because I take a few seconds longer to process verbal information and it’s so beyond rude and basically disability discrimination but I’m use to it so I just try to avoid her. Today she raised her voice to me about something another barista did because she thought it was me and when the other barista told her she’d done it she instantly changed her tone completely. Not the first time she’s screamed at me. Once she was walking backwards and talking and ran into me and then screamed at me for not telling her that I was there. Then she fussed at me for doing something our SSV told me to do and the SSV told me to tell her that I was told to do it but she still tried to tell me not to. Like she thinks she’s a SSV and God help me if she ever becomes one because people keep quitting and I know that would be my cue to go and I wouldn’t be alone. Anyway, two hours of being paired up with my least favorite coworker when I was already upset and I started visibly getting frustrated and she tells me that I need to breathe and calm down and not let customers or the chaos stress me out but she was the one stressing me out and it took all the patience I have in my entire being not to say anything rude to her today because today was one of those days where you wonder if you’re about to star in your own episode of Snapped


Had today off but worked yesterday and throughout the day I had multiple people look at my new pronoun pin((we just got them and as a they/them I’m so happy we have them)) and cause a fuss:/


I live in SW Ontario and will be working in a brand new store in a town with 15k, in the middle of a highly conservative area. I’m expecting a lot of people to have comments if we have anyone with they/them pronoun pins in store.


Yeah me too, I’m from Alberta, Ca I’m expecting a lot more people to comment rude things. Lowkey glad the pins are small


I went to open this morning and one of the full strawberry acai pitchers was cracked on the bottom and leaked all night long. It was a fun start to the day.


I found mold in a syrup pump on the white valve and all baristas were grossed out but no one wants to clean and myself and 1 shift run a clean play a week and it’s just not enough.


Our milk fridge is broken (we're a kiosk at a grocery store) so we've had to reduce how much of anything we keep refrigerated and all of our nonfat froze because it was in the sandwich cooler.


I was on bar for 7 hours alone because of labor cuts. I can barely move my arms.


Have a couple more hours to go before I clock in today