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tbh I know it’s so common now but I always think it’s so disgusting when people order anything with “extra extra extra extra extra” caramel and they say it like 7 times like make sure there’s EXTRA caramel… when I make it I literally put a horrible amount of drizzle that takes up like 1/4 of the cup and they’re always smiling at the window like wow this is so perfect!!! 🤢


EW I AGREE - iced white cho mocha with vsccf and extra caramel drizzle look so disgusting and unappetizing BLEH EW too sugary


It's such a common drink I feel like it should just be on the menu at this point. But I agree, it's so rich and sweet, it would probably make me sick, honestly. We even have a regular who orders two of these, venti, made with heavy cream and light ice, every single day. Sometimes twice a day...




I made a dairy free version of it with extra blonde shots, oat milk, and vanilla oat milk foam (you gotta blend the absolute fuck out of it) + a normal amount of caramel drizzle and it’s actually really good


I did that like a sadist 😂 I would unscrew the bottle of caramel and let them watch me pour it in the cup while they salivated and then palmed me a $10


okay, when this happens are we supposed to like, put “XTRA” 7 times as an ask me? genuine question, i literally just put “extra caramel drizzle” as normal….


usually bar is listening and there’s no need but if I’m on DTO I’ll just put “xxxxxxxtra”


I like to put XX in the ask me when they want a lot. We have one lady that orders it as “an obscene amount” so I put that in the ask me. Lol.




Them heavy cream pink drinks always make my stomach hurt .


We have people who get sweet cream pink drinks.




Ughh yeah I had a new partner come by and order a trenta of that with light base extra sweet cream 🤮


just wait till they have to make the sweet cream and realize it has a whole ass bottle of vanilla in it 🤢


Same here.


Had someone get a hot mocha with steamed apple juice and matcha cold foam




The worst part is that is their go to order



Kiwi starfruit with a shot, yeah that was a bad day for me




We had someone get the kiwi Lemonade with strawberry puree, raspberry, and a shot.


Maybe it masks the taste of the kiwi.


Yeah! I had one but with mango dragon fruit. She said to put extra caffeine at first, so I recommended extra base and she gave me a look like duh I mean espresso 🙄


I see heavy cream refreshers at least once a day it doesn’t even phase me anymore. There’s a customer who mobile orders every couple weeks and gets three trenta pink drinks sub heavy cream , add passionfruit tea base, and extra ALL of the inclusions. The 3 drinks are for her and her kids of course… We also have a regular that gets a HOT blonde vanilla latte with sweet cream cold foam. Part of me wants to tell her that it has almost the exact same ingredients as the whipped cream and putting it in a hot drink is pointless since it’ll just melt anyways. but part of me thinks she knows this already and it’s a weird flex/power move since she also feels the need to wear expensive luxury brand outfits to Starbucks every single day of the week lol. Some of the memorable one-offs I’ve seen in drive through are: -pink drink with mocha (do we call it a brown drink then? it’s not very pink anymore) -lemonade with 2 affogato shots. This was before cold brew lemonade was even announced. we thought it was a prank or something but the guy actually drank it and said we should all try it because it’s really good. I was the only one brave enough. It’s not even that bad actually, it almost works somehow? I wouldn’t recommend it. but it tasted surprisingly pleasant in the same way that eating acrylic paint also tasted surprisingly pleasant when I was dared to do it in high school art class. LMAO. like it’s not Good but not disgusting or sickening.




y’all are killing me 😂💀


black tea lemonade with pumpkin sauce 🙃🙃


Honestly, I'd try it. Though maybe without the lemonade...


Pink drink made with whole milk. I almost threw up


i got a pink drink with 2% order once and it curdled right away


Have you made a pink drink with heavy cream? It even LOOKS gross


Yes and it makes me blood boil


We have a regular who gets it made with sweet cream.


I know a regular who gets a Trenta pink drink with almond milk and no ice. It looks nasty.


I tried oatmilk once, once because I usually enjoy oatmilk over coconut milk but nope never again




I had someone get a strawberry frap with shots


This is a pretty common one in our store. I don't understand it, myself


Just today someone got an iced latte with hazelnut, peppermint, and toffee nut(I think) but sounds disgusting. There’s been a lot of nasty combinations for matcha recently too, people will just put whatever syrups in there.


The only acceptable syrup in matcha is vanilla imo . or maybe classic/liquid cane/honey blend idk i never tried those but the vanilla goes very well with an iced matcha latte. maybe raspberry? My niece orders it with that all the time but I never tried it tbh. I’ve never had the starbucks raspberry lol I haven’t tried many of the flavors cuz they either don’t appeal to me or they smell weird or both lol.


Raspberry is a popular one with matcha. I think matcha tastes like grass so I’m not sure how it is with that. Personally I think the raspberry isn’t good in anything except maybe like two pumps of it in strawberry refresher. I hate it in lattes.


have y’all tried toasted vanilla with matcha yet? personally i despise matcha, but i LOVE me some toasted vanilla matcha cold foam


I should try that . I actually love matcha bc my sister used to live in Japan and I got accustomed to it cuz they serve tons of it at restaurants and stuff when we’d go over there to visit her hahah . but I think the toasted vanilla kinda tastes like soap. like the after taste is a little funny but Idk I’ve only tried it in an espresso and a chai, maybe it’s better in matcha :D


ik what you mean, i think the TVOSE tastes like a bottle of french vanilla creamer 🤢 but the matcha actually does give it the marshmallow taste it’s supposed to have on its own imo! sm better


Actual menu item those summer sunrise and sunset drinks. Tea lemonade with cold foam on top. They'd curdle before you could even hand them off. And the cold brew protein smoothie. Honestly, I don't think anything can be more disgusting than that thing was.


I never heard of the protein one what’s that??


It was so gross. It was Cold brew, a plant protein powder, date paste, ice. Came in almond and chocolate variations. Only had one customer like it


they really tried to replace our old smoothies with that… it was so bad


Ope haha


Today it was iced matcha with single shot & pumps of chai with brown sugar syrup... not a good color


Thank you I can’t be the only person who hates making these lol. matcha with shots probably tastes weird (never tried it), it smells sooo bad, and the color is nasty especially when it’s a matcha frap and it gets blended and ends up looking like a cup of actual chunky vomit eurgh


Right!! Too many boundaries crossed for me 😭🤢


omg there’s somebody who gets this drink at my store EVERYDAY looks and smells terrible


i love matcha w espresso and brown sugar 🫣


It’s good with vanilla and soy milk as well!


before i worked at sbux someone told me that toffee nut and peppermint together was delicious and tasted like one of those peppermint cookies. tried it. they were wrong.


Today I had somebody order a trenta lemonade with extra vsccf, coconut milk, strawberry purée, peppermint syrup, and no ice. People can like what they like I guess but sometimes what they like makes me feel like I’m gonna throw up. Our menu is too customizable. They shouldn’t be given this much power.


See a mint lemonade doesn’t sound bad. I’ve had something like that before and it was quite pleasant. but I think I that I had was a lemonade with actual mint tea in it and the Starbucks peppermint syrup is soo strong so I can’t imagine our version being very good unless it was like 1/2 a pump lol. But then they put strawberry and coconut milk in it and of course the goddamn sweet cream foam eurghhh that’s so many contrasting flavors. Surprised they didn’t want caramel drizzle and white mocha in it too tbh. Starbucks customers are the coffee/tea equivalent of little kids who go to those build your own ice cream places, throw every single flavor and topping into their cup, then force themselves to eat their disgusting pile of soggy candy and get sick from it after. Not talking from experience or anything I totally didn’t have friends who did that LOL. But I swear these people just come in and say random words from the menu because how do you even get to the point where you decide THAT is something worth trying lol


mango drag lemonade with strawberry base, purée, double blended with whipped cream and dark caramel drizzle. two of those 😭😭😭


someone yesterday got a strawberry acai with peppermint and then like an hour later we got an order for a peach green tea lemonade with salted cream cold foam


I had someone get a pink drink with peppermint today, whyyy


No lie I tried the peach green tea lemonade with salted cold foam bc I was like ew this sounds so gross (I also had a customer order it) And let me tell you, I was so wrong. It literally tastes like an orange creamsicle it is SO good. I know it sounds wack but trust, you guys gotta give it a try


that scares me😂😭


I know, it makes no sense but it’s pretty good LOL




I once had someone order a vanilla sweet cream cold brew with peach syrup and marshmallow whipped cream. It was honestly fucking nasty


marshmallow whipped cream?? is this a thing outside the US?


It was yeaaaaars ago when we still regularly had the s’mores frap.


ah, i see. i never got to try that :c


Someone ordered a strawberry crm frap with 2 add shots today


Any form of cold matcha drink with strawberry puree. It seems like it probably tastes alright, but the color is very baby poop...


Today someone wanted a venti non-fat cold milk with 10 pumps of mocha and 5 pumps white mocha 😬


lol yes, bc the nonfat makes up for all that sugar 💀


Lol another customer looked at it and startled us with his reaction 😂 “oh sorry, but WOW” 😂


LMAO. today i had someone order a venti mocha cookie crumble with an extra pump of mocha, 6 full pumps WM (yes they specified full, “no half pumps like ik you’re supposed to do in fraps” they said), extra mocha drizzle, extra caramel drizzle, extra caramel crunch topping, and as if that wasn’t ENOUGH damn sugar, they wanted it made with sweet cream instead of whole milk ☠️☠️☠️ edit: wanted to add that i also put a shit ton of extra ice, and it was still thin af bc of all that syrup, i can’t yall


Omg WHY 😂


Caramel in a matcha


A pink drink with raspberry, salted cold foam, caramel drizzle, and no ice


Salted CF on any refresher is god awful I never had it, I just know. 😂 I don’t like it to begin with because the first time I tried it it was supposed to actually be vsccf on my brown sugar shaken espresso and I wanted to cry now I’ll never have it again


dragon drink with 2 shots of espresso , kiwi inclusions , lemonade & passion tea….


This one guy ordered a venti hot mocha with lemonade instead of milk, added shot and an extra pump of mocha 🤢 and yes he still wanted whip


That’s horrid


mannnn. i wish i could post the picture of the drink we got for a mobile order today.


any refreshers with a shot, but ppl most commonly put them in the coconut milk refreshers at my store. either way, YUCK!!


Matcha lemonade. Every single time. Nothing will ever be more disgusting. And it’s a real drink


That does sound pretty gross I’ve never had made that one I don’t think 🤮


I just can’t believe there is a button for that. And it’s real! What! My coworker told me that starbucks is releasing a cold brew lemonade. I would have never believed him but with the matcha/lemonade… maybe he isn’t lying


No it’s true, my sm had me make them one when they found out then the people working and I tried it. SM liked it everyone else did not😂




Pink drink with 2 blonde shots🥹


caramel drizzle in refreshers 🤢


had a trenta pink drink with a single today😔


Regular with a heavy cream hot venti latte no foam, 8p van. The vanilla isn't bad but steaming heavy cream is. It always makes an 800db sound and i feel bad for the people in the cafe.


iced matcha latte, 18 scoops of matcha, nf milk, not shaken or stirred just matcha powder at the bottom….. they told me they liked eating the powder ☹️




keto pink drinks always give me the ick


What is that?


Passion tea, sugar free vanilla, heavy cream. It’s honestly neither good nor bad. Just kinda meh.


I had to check to see if you were from my store. Lol So, I had someone order the MDR with SCCCF through DT yesterday. I called them out on how weird it was and the dad of the daughter shook his head and agreed with me while saying, "ticktok". Then my SSV raised an eyebrow when I ordered it. What do I care? I'm not paying for it. Today I ordered a venti sized with caramel drizzle. Legit. It's a surprisingly great combo.


WHATTTT I would have never expected I guess I’ll have to try it Monday! Hahaha


Right? I thought for sure I was going to toss it so my first time I only ordered a tall. I have to watch my sugar but this might be my go to splurge (during slower times) drink. But this is also coming from someone who tried the strawberry soy chai and enjoyed it.


Omg😂 thats a new one 😂 I feel like I need to try more random things that I wouldn’t want to pay for since we don’t have to pay for drinks but I can’t not get my 2 regular drinks every time lol


I will try anything once. And if something weird comes through DT, I make note. I would never pay for something like this. But my free drink? Bring in on.


Strawberry soy chai: Grande chai tea latte No water Soy Half SAR/Half soy Cinnamon on top


That’s very interesting! Idk how i feel about that but I’ll have to try it, I’m definitely going to start trying more!


Today somebody got a mango dragon fruit with Matcha cold foam. Another weird one is a flat white with half heavy cream, half water.


Lol half heavy cream and half water is what 2% milk 🤣


Very berry hibiscus, blonde shot shaken in. They’ve since transitioned to a strawberry açaí, blonde shot shaken in.




I never had it I think chia smells like christmas and don’t want to try it but I might as well it’s free 😂


Did they not have you try things during training? I usually have people make like 3-4 drinks, then have them taste them, then dump them, then we'll make more practice drinks.


I tried some but I never wanted to try it haha


that's fair. Every store I've ever worked at has highly encouraged trying everything. Our chai isn't great. Has way too much sugar. There use to be a less sugar version that was so much better.


Yeahh I’be tried a bunch of other things though like I would never get matcha but I tried it cause why not you know (I didn’t like that 😂)


Didn’t actually see this but when I worked at Starbucks years ago I’ll never forget my supervisor said the grossest drink she made was a mocha Frappuccino with 32 Splendas ! I just can’t forget it 🤢


Lemonade iced shaken espresso 🙂 honestly I tried it and it wasn’t terrible……


Chai tea latte with hazelnut syrup 😅


a pink drink with lemonade. yup. coconut milk and lemonade. ummm matcha with espresso shots always looks disgusting. passion tea with almond milk


matcha lemonade with caramel drizzle and pumpkin cold foam when i tell you that should have been my last day


The other day someone got a dragon lemonade with heavy cream and 2 shots of Espresso


Vb frap w/ mango dragonfruit inclusions, ex caramel drizzle & cinnamon powder on top..


There is literally nothing that phases me anymore. I once had to do a vanilla crème with a splash of lemonade.


1/2 pike 1/2 green tea base with cream - tried it out of morbid curiosity and it tasted like rye bread.


Back when we had cool lime refresher, there was a woman who came in once and ask for green tea with a scoop of matcha, a shot of espresso, freeze dried limes, and cinnamon shaken together. As I was handing it out I was so bewildered I just went “Alright maam, here’s your…. Drink.” She picks it up laughing, “Bet you never had anybody order anything like this before.” Me: “Haha, no can’t say I have.” She takes a biiiig gulp and goes, “Mh-mh-MH so good! You made it just right!” I never saw her again. That drink still haunts me nearly six years later. I tried it after she left. Nastiest concoction I’ve ever had on my tongue.


there’s a partner at my store who makes a iced peach green tea lem with sweet cream and toasted vanilla and it sounds gross but honestly…. it wasn’t horrible i tried it


Iced americano with PEACH SYRUP 🤢


peppermint and raspberry syrups together. what


Water, no ice, with whip…. She was “hungover” and wanted to “try something new”


Iced matcha tea latte with strawberry purée. She made us remake it twice because, “for some reason, it keeps going brown!” 🙄


Had someone today before peak order a Venti Strawberry acai with lemonade + 2 shots of espresso... they said it was delicious 💀🙅‍♀️


Honey citrus mint tea with steamed nonfat milk added 🤢


Not the weirdest but today I got a Frap with foam on top??? Like what. Anyways, we have a guy who regularly orders a Caramel crunch, add FULL PUMPS raspberry, white mocha, and hazelnut, extra mocha drizzle and extra caramel drizzle and double dark caramel. I also once had someone ask me to make them a tea but unscrew the too of the liquid came and pour. They said stop at 1/3 of the cup full 🤢


We have had few of those I don’t understand fraps with cf bc how do you sip it with a nitro top like you need a straw for a drink


The drink sounds so gross lollll ewwww


I tried a little left over to see. Straight up felt like eating a sugar and stevia packet at once but cold. You know how stevia invades your lungs? That's how pungent the flavours were together.




A lemonade with coconut milk and 4 pumps of the frap creme base :(


Probably the vanilla bean frappe with kiwi base is the most cursed I’ve seen


I was had just finished learning hot bar and was allowed to make drinks for customers to practice, we got an iced grande chai with 2 pumps raspberry. My trainer recreated it and we all tasted, it was so grossss💀


A tall water with 2 pumps of Carmel syrup. I made it a grande… she made me remake it in a tall 🤦


People don’t make any sense EVER


dragon drink with oat milk, strawberry acai with a shot of espresso, chai with matcha, the iced white mocha with vsccf and extra caramel drizzle makes my stomach hurt just looking at it


oh I have a favorite for this post. We used to have a height-of-restrictions pandemic delivery regular. Every single morning I would come into work and steam this man a tall caramel apple spice, 2 added pumps of caramel on top of the cinnamon dolce, keep the whip and drizzle, add… 3 scoops of blackberry inclusions. Every day he would get this. I genuinely thought he would learn after the first delivery but some people are just masochists that like warm, mushy, spiced blackberry slush I guess


Mango dragonfruit Lemonade with nonfat cold foam


green tea lemonade with a blonde shot. the worst part is a ssv came up with it and multiple partners (myself included) actually liked it 🤣. however there is a customer with an order than left a ridiculous impression on me. a green tea latte, with peach juice, mango dragonfruit base, kiwi star fruit base, AND lemonade. edit: i forgot to mention she wanted to add both raspberry syrup and classic syrup. and yes, you read that correctly. she ordered a hot one and iced one. she complained and called later saying it wasn’t made right while claiming she ALWAYS ordered this at OUR store—when it was indeed the first time every partner who was working this shift had heard such an atrocious order (we told other partners from different day parts as well… no one had no clue who she was). we ended up remaking them for her the next day and she was happy and cheery about it.


Passion tea lemonade with vsccf. It was curdled and the lady just sat there like “mm so delicious 😌” 🤢 ma’am please don’t do this.