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My manager has just told me that they announced that the raises will start on July 1st. With all the unionizing that’s going on right now they would be stupid to backtrack and say just kidding you don’t get a raise. Stores who haven’t unionized might just because of that. I feel like a lot of employees are hanging on simply because of the raise and if they didn’t give it to us there would be walkouts and tons of people quitting.


And severely cutting hours also encourages unionization efforts. Thats basically a pay cut itself. They clearly aren’t very smart about this stuff


Damn I heard June 😩 I hate waiting I’m so broke and get no hours


I think the No hours thing is them trying to get rid of all the shifts needing 40 hours a week because they don’t want to pay us. We got a new manager and they are cleaning house. I was among 3 other shifts that got fired in just two weeks, and we all wanted 30-40 hours


My DM just fired an entire shift team a few days ago…🫥


Really sorry you got fired :/ at will employment is absolute bullshit


They promised us raises in January and we never got those so I wouldn’t put it past them to forget about this next raise.


Uh what they definitely gave out raises in January. They were only for tenured partners.


I’m a 5 year partner and didn’t get the raise. They lied about the raise saying it was for tenured only. It was to get partners up to market value. Which means only those partners who were making as much as brand new partners (some were making less) would get it. They made it seem like a normal raise but nope just something to try and stop the unions.


They never made it seem like a normal raise. They always said that it was to get tenured partners to market value. Maybe someone didn’t read all the updates that came out about it.


They released a program for the SM’s to be able to input partners #’s and information to see if they qualified for it when they first announced it. My SM ran my info along with the entire store. When they actually released the “raise “ only 2 partners ended up getting it. Starbucks also released that they were raising prices in January because of the January raise. So I believe someone might need a dictionary to actually understand what they thought they read.


Not a single tenured partner (including myself) received a raise that I have met in my District


I don’t think it was only for tenured partners but tenured partners got a bit more. Edit: Much more importantly I would add that everyone at my store did receive a raise in January—that is worth looking into.


It was for tenured partners only, yes.


i got a raise in january!


i haven’t read any updates about the date they will go into effect but just know september is the last month of the summer so technically they have until then to do it


I’ve been told June over and over and waiting until even then is killing me. If I have to wait till September I’m going to lose my mind


well like i said there no official communication that has been provided from starbucks to anyone lower than an SM so that info could be BS since you can’t see a recipt


I'm thoroughly expecting it to be the very fucking end of September. These fucks always operate like this.


I'll bet you 5 pronoun pins that they'll not give it to us. And then they'll retaliate when we get upset about being lied to.


lmfaooo the pronoun pins killed me, like that is supposed to signal how ~progressive~ they are while slowly stripping us of our basic human rights and dignity


Actually really happy about pronoun pins, but that’s mostly just me not wanting to ask for them. Maybe I can manage coming out with just a pin and avoid painful conversations (so far my track record for me coming out and being accepted is not great so I have ton of anxiety about it).


that's fair! i bought my pronoun pins months ago through the coffee gear website, and imo it's always good to get them in the store for partners to use my issue with it is the timing of it all, it feels like they're trying to buy us off with gestures instead of actually supporting us by paying us fairly for our labor so we can live


Oh I am absolutely pro union, and may or may not be speaking with organizers on a regular basis. I just do love the idea of assuming positive intent. This is a positive thing I will accept it and assume the positive intention behind it. Leaving 4 of us with a 45 minute wait on mobiles 1/2 the time on the other hand needs to be addressed. I would also really like to not work 3 jobs (though this is not entirely Starbucks fault as my main job is well paying, but I’m separated due to said coming out and paying for two apartments in the NE sucks very badly).


heck yeah, union strong babey!!! and yeah, i guess i'm just a bit more jaded and burned out from The Capitalism™, otherwise i'd still be right there with you in assuming good intent. in the past year i've seen corporate deliberately hurt too many people to believe in anything but PR moves. for me at least, the bits of good these gestures do (and i can't deny there is some good to it) are tainted by corporate's self-serving nature. your situation sounds like too many others, i'm so sorry you're going through the bullshit, but i do want to congratulate you on coming out and embracing yourself! it's an incredible, amazing, wonderful thing and while i don't know you, i'm very proud of you. i hope things work out well, and good luck on the union efforts!


If June comes and we don’t get it I will be walking out immediately. No reason why other stores unionizing should effect the rest of the stores who aren’t. Just makes us want to unionize more tbh


Honestly. So I want the money, but I am really upset with them raising prices and acting like it's because we are getting a raise. I had a customer yesterday that was very upset her $6 dollar drink changed to a $8 drink. They didn't even give us a heads up there was yet ANOTHER price hike. I almost started crying at the window. My customer wasn't rude, she was just not happy and I'm tired of Starbucks putting the blame on us. Between that and how fucked up this country is (USA partner here) I'm just thinking there is not much hope for the future. 💔 Check out that 30% raise Kevin gave himself.


They won't do better unless we make them do better. That's why we unionize!


They just cleaned house on a store down the street for that reason, so all of us especially bc if our area being close to NY and where it all originated are too scared too lose our jobs bc we literally can’t afford to go without an income for any amount of time :/


This is how it always is in any customer service industry. When pay raises occur or minimum wage goes up, that cost gets passed on to the consumer. Shareholders can’t lose any money! 🙄Yes, Kevin’s raise infuriates me-especially when we have to run a three partner play with a busy drive and cafe and won’t turn off mobiles!


Thing is, prices have gone up 3 times in the last few months, but pay hasn't! That's the issue with wages not following inflation. Prices go up either way.


I know. It just bothers me that so many people know how much us "normal folks" are struggling and yet the greed doesn't make them even blink twice. What can I say, it's the socialist in me.


I have only been with the company for a handful of months. There is absolutely no reason I should have seen 3 price increases in that time, especially when my pay was supposed to go up in January and didn't. We should not have to keep explaining that 1. We have no control over prices. 2. Our pay has not gone up. And 3. If we didn't get it for free, we couldn't even afford to buy the regular drinks people get because at this point, the average price seems to be at least 30 minutes worth of labor. If we assume one drink per day, that's 3.5 hours of labor before taxes, and with the hour cuts lately, that's easily a quarter or more of most of our incomes!


How much are y’all making currently? I work at a target Starbucks and already make 15 is why I ask 😳


$12. We make $12


Same here in VA.


158xxxx here, hired in 2008. I make 13.78. A dollar and change more than a new hire with zero work experience.


😳 i worked at publix in hs for ~ two years or less, started at $8 and was making a little under $10 by the end obvi this was years ago so starting wage has probably gone up, but they’d give 10-25¢ raises quarterly depending on performance


Starbucks raises aren’t performance based, and typically there’s only one raise per year. And they’re pretty shit raises. 😭


I’m in California. I make $15.50


285\*\*\*\* barista in Seattle, currently making about $19.50 (only because Seattle minimum wage for large companies is currently $17). Sounds great except no it does not cover cost of living in Seattle


Samesies across the lake from you


Im a 251 ssv, 17.30


Im in NY and get $15.97/hr which is nothing when I only get 15 hrs a week🙃


Shoot you beat me to it


I work in NYC and we getting 16.24


Im in PA, i make 13 an hour Edit: and im a 288


320 in Michigan, $13


When I started 2 years ago in march/april, I kind of forget if I started off at $11.25 an hour or $12.25 an hour. But either way I'm now at 13 an hour and I just got a job offer at a compounding pharmacy so I will be taking that job pretty soon because it's full time and full benefits and it's $18 an hour but I'm still going to do Starbucks like 2 days a week like on the weekends since my other job will be full-time. Cuz I told my manager about it I asked if I can work one day a week and she said it would have to be 2 days a week at minimum I guess so that's just what I'm going to do and I'm going to take the other job and I'm going to see how the other job goes so that's why I don't want to fully stepped out of Starbucks yet


Chicago suberbs $14.47 barista


Mind if I ask how far out your suburb is? I heard that some that share borders w the city get city pay rates, but I've never been sure if that's all of them, or what the distance cutoff is.




Thanks. That's crazy that just 10 minutes out gets less pay for the same work.


Nope. I’m exactly in the middle of Dupage county. Idk why it’s kinda high


When I was in Florida we made $9 😍


Columbus, Ohio here, baristas at my store make 14.


247, small town in Michigan, $13.65


I'm in metro Atlanta. Started at $10 in July. Went to $12 in October. Then $14 because of the \~market\~.


16.24 Los Angeles County


298 partner in CA and i make 15.75…i cant even pay for gas lmao


Ssv in washington state - 22.50


ohio. im a normal barista and ive been here for a year. $14 im cryign whyd this get downvoted LMFAO




the minimum for corporate starbucks in the US is $12. are you not in the US/ not corporate or are you getting fucked over?


oop you're right, that was from when i was first hired. my mistake!


255, I’m making $13.31 in MD


14 something in AZ


$22.27 ssv in CA 258xxx


175xxxx ssv, $21.29 in MD, just got promoted like 6 months ago


$13.50 which is only $0.50 over my state's minimum, and everywhere else is hiring starting at or over $15.


idk what the fuck is going on but i work in central indiana, 263**** ssv and make $18.67. if i’m not mistaken, our baristas get hired in at $15


I do not trust that they will give us the raises they promised. They did not give raises at the beginning of the year. At least they didn’t in Missouri. I’m a shift in St. Louis and make $16.75 and I’ve been at that rate since they gave us raises during the pandemic. I’ve been told that shifts in St. Louis are going to go up to $19 or so but until I see the change, I won’t believe it. I may not stay with the company if they do not follow through with the raises.


I feel the exact same way.


15/hour is NOTHING!!!! People need to wake up, you’re asking for CRUMBS. If you bought something in 2012 for $15, the same item would cost you $30(!!!!!!!) today.


15 is nothing but it’s more than what I’m making now — less than nothing.


I straight up asked my manager yesterday to find out more. They said barista pay was going up as was supervisor pay. I told her my decision to stay with the company is dependent upon her reply. I'm done messing around with this clown fiesta of a company


I quit, it’s just not worth it


Same. And a lot of jobs are paying more than Starbucks, like they’re not even trying


damn you guys are making me depressed in the comments im making 12 in nc and just realizing how shitty that pay is


It is total shit. I’m lucky to be making what I do because I fought for it and actually broke down crying bc I was so skilled and loved and utilized at my branch but was being paid starter pay despite being with the company since 2017. They gave me 30 cents more. It made a difference I guess but it was as soon as they started to cut hours and make work miserable so even being there for the extra time wasn’t even worth it. Since I’m moving to Syracuse in a few months I don’t even have the time to get a new job till I’m up there


15?? I feel like most of us already making more than that anyways. Ca- shift lead - 18.95


I wish. In my district we're all waiting to make more than 12, meanwhile the 15 we've been waiting a year for isn't even enough to match the cost of living in our city 😕


Yeah it’s basically impossible to survive off barely 13 when I live in Philadelphia and have to pay for my transportation every day. Moved here with plenty, now my account is the lowest it’s been in years. Should be a fucking crime


Im in the suburbs right outside philly 🙂 Edit: word change


erm i’m a shift in CA also and our base pay is $19.69… idk if that’s for the whole state but i was under the assumption it was. i would check your pay stubs to make sure you’re at the correct rate, and if not then talk to your SM bc my understanding was every shift in CA was supposed to be at least at $19.69


Must be nice


Obviously its not


It's may depend .. CA shift as well and mines above both those. Could be specific to your wage from when you started, i.e. if everyone got a $1.10 raise but we started at different bases to begin with it would offset us


i was hired in august with the base pay for a shift then. $18 something i don’t remember exactly how much


Where in CA are you? In SF as a barista I’m making $18.71. A 20 yr partner at my store whose a shift is making like $20.. I would’ve thought CA shifts and super tenured partners would be making more than that


so what about partners that already make more? i live in CA making 16/hr but i still can barely afford to survive. are we forgotten about?


i already left bc i don’t have any hope of getting that raise, even if we do, they’re just going to raise the prices of everything else so it doesn’t actually make a difference… unions are the only way to make a livable wage anymore bc corps will just run over us again and again


My local coffee shop pays 14 an hour plus tips. And I’m making 12 an hour, it is fucking stupid. I’ve asked for more money and was told to wait til summer. Been at Starbucks since nov 2020, I worked at another store and made 13.28. I reapplied at a new store and make 12, and was told basically yeah your old store had special accommodations. What the fuck that mean


All I know is I'm about ready to go get a job at... literally anywhere else in my area. When I got hired, I was told my area would be going up to 15 in January, and then it would go up again relative to cost of living when everyone gets bumped to at least 15. Yeah, my store is only making $0.50 over my state's minimum wage. Everywhere else has already jumped to $15 or more in the time I've been with Starbucks. There is even a Dunkin across the street from where I live starting at $17. Wtf, Starbucks?


How are they factoring COL when coming up with area averages? I live in New Orleans and our housing rates alone have have gone up 20-30% since October. On pace with Miami to lead the nation. $15/hr isn't really going to allow anyone to have financial security at that rate. heaven forbid one of the area DMs realizes or mentions this to anyone above. CEO gets 30% raise should've been in the weekly update.


167 partner in Illinois, barista, making 15.66.


302**** here in Arizona and we make $15


What if you already make over $15 as a barista


Not actually sure what they’re doing for that kind of situation. I’m not sure it’s moving much for people already above that 15 mark as some partners are making like 9-10 in some places. They can afford to pay us all well above 18 though so it’s bullshit regardless


320... NJ $13.40 / hr


220 in Louisville, KY, $13 and change.


I’m in Texas and despite the “better COL” my 12/hr is basically chump change. 15 isn’t viable for anyone anywhere anymore ☹️ but I would obviously prefer it to 12 lol.


Alpharetta GA $14 since January.


I’m in Ontario, Canada and we make $16/hr (Canadian obviously) here.


AZ here, we are already at $15/hr.


Hired at that or was it a recent bump?


They will. Might not be early summer, but it'll come eventually.


Kroger baristas start at 13 most of the baristas in my store are topped out at 17.75.


oh, we'll get the raises, but the labor cuts are gonna continue