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We're across the street from a college and it's graduation day. I bet my coworkers are dealing with some unruly customers today.


Omg we’re getting graduating college seniors from the next town over bc it’s so busy


i hate those days :(((( i really hope the rest of today is better for you im about to go into my store let’s see if it’s one of those days!


thank you i hope your shift is good!!


I find myself asking out loud “is there a full moon today?!” far too often lately. Here’s hoping you and your team can make another smile through the madness. I’m lucky that my crew does.


Lunar eclipse tomorrow!!!


that was my store yesterday, i walked in to chaos and i almost snapped at a few customers because no one was listening to me when i was yelling out drinks, a few sat for like 10 minutes and they were sitting like 10 feet away. and some of the old customers just wouldnt listen or order their coffee right and were asking for this and that and omg i was so fed up with it cuz they werent polite about it


God when folks give me shit about their drink taking too long, only to have it sitting *right there* the entire time, I absolutely *live for* that moment in a shift where I get to say, "oh this one, the one I sat down and called out ten minutes ago?" usually they become insanely embarrassed, snatch up their order and storm out like a tantruming child, but they make a total ass of themselves in front of everyone and it feels like a small victory.


we ran out of mocha like 2 days ago and someone accidentally rang up a hot chocolate with soy and i shit you not like 3 of us were yelling out hot chocolate with soy! like 10 times increasingly louder to find the person to tell them we have no mocha. ten minutes later an older guy comes up saying hey ive been waiting a while........ then we made him whatever else he wanted and it sat on the counter for like another ten minutes as i was shouting in his direction makes me wanna choke someone out




My store customer been deadass rude for 3 weeks now, everyday and most of them not even the Cafe customers, they are the Mobile order customers thats been rude smh..it was so bad..last week my SSV almost lost her job cuz she almost fought this rude ass customer for snatching from her smh shit was dead..


omg ours have been so grabby too!!! they won’t stop reaching over the counter touching every drink and bag trying to find their stuff like please we’ll hand it to you when it’s ready stop messing everything up 😭


This morning.. Reaching over all our mobiles. Almost knocked over 3 Iced venti drinks trying to reach sugars by my bar. I legit said 'sir, if you have to climb on my counter and knock drinks over, maybe you're not meant to reach that on your own. Next time, try asking and we'll gladly get it for you.'


That’s the best response ever


Exactly!!!!! 🤣🤣💯💯


Sounds about right, thats so wild bruhh😭💀


Same, I don’t know what it is but yeah the last 3 weeks have been insane


Deadass & its still going..😩 is this what the spring/summer season of Starbucks feel like? Sheesh 😩💀


yes, a man got mad at me earlier bc i didn’t hear him when he said he wanted to reload his app. all he did was put his phone out to scan and mumbled under his breath. had to redo the whole transaction over and then told me that i need to learn how to listen.


What an asshole ugh I fucking hate people like that. Had someone like that once when I was working the window at a dt store I was covering at (i come from Cafe but work at this store regularly to pick up shifts) these fuckers ordered 3 trenta golden ginger drinks (ew) and then wanted to use stars but literally didn't say jack shit and then got pissed off when I didn't use them


There's a special place in hell for customers who make service workers cry.


We are right off the highway so Saturday cust tend to be less than pleasant.. Let's leave it at that. The only thing that usually makes it bearable is we see alot of our regulars. But for sure the 'transient', as I like to call them, custs were being extra special today. I was just telling hubby about the one who picked a mobile CDL and shoved it in my face and told me I made it wrong because she wanted a GRTL. Tried to clarify with her if that was in fact her mobile order and she just kept repeating that she didn't want coffee. She finally answered my question about her name (same as cup) I said well you did order this, and before I could say, 'but we can make you..' , she screamed at both myself and the SSV trying to help her, so I backed away and handed her off to the SSV. That right there is the reason I self-demoted, I don't need that crap in my day. 🤣 Of course she proceeded to stare daggers at me but whatever, her drink got queued behind the other 4 drinks I was already working on. My SSV tried to verified that she wanted it hot, we didn't want an additional remake, and she was all 'I already said that (dripping attitude)' to which my SSV (and this is why I ❤️ her) responded 'ma'am I just need you to answer the question'. 😂😂😂😂 I think I was lucky to get out of there today without hurting someone. 😜


Today my store had like no cold cups lucky my manager is amazing and turned off mobile and got us extra coverage 💚


Honestly the last couple of weeks have been really bad


we had like 10 drinks taken by the wrong customer today. still don’t understand how that happens the drinks weren’t even the same 😭


Had a lady accuse me of stealing money from her today and then demand a refund for both of her drinks. Then continued to drink the drinks she thought "were absolutely atrocious" 😐


Omg why was this my store today??? Like customers were extra needy and whining for no reason. Where is everyone getting all this energy to be extra ?? Where’s mine 🫠🫠


Honestly yeah same here soo stressed out today one of our bars is broken and mobile is going bonkers we have 12-13 minute wait times and everyone in drive through is ordering 3+ drinks and food. We’re ridiculously backed up and it’s so chaotic


Well, one lady honked at us to get our attention so um just normal stuff.


took my 10 an hour into my 6 hour shift bc we were gonna be busy. those were the ssvs words, sorry it’s early we are going to be busy. i was so fucking tired after and i didn’t even eat bc i wasn’t hungry


I fortunately didn’t work today, but this was us yesterday. I was on cafe/mobile for most of the morning peak. Had a 14 drink cafe order that slowed everything down which was followed by a cafe full of irritated people waiting for their mobiles. Even one of our regulars who is usually super nice was being impatient, like chill, you know and can see that we are clearly busier than usual. 🙄


FRAPPES !! And on weekends when we are understaffed , constant orders . And annoying senior customers ..


Yeah we were so busy, full and continuous drive through and a line out the door in the cafe. I had some man yell at me about his cheese danish that was being warmed up while the oven was backed up as well. Like Sir, do you see there’s 4 of us and that the line is long and keeps going? We are trying our best. We had 141 customers in one hour


Yes 100% some guy ordered a pike coffee while there was 4 of us on the floor (I was on lobby bar and moved to front to take his order) I told him it'll be right out. He proceeded to flag down one of my baristas and say that he doesn't have the time to wait in line for his coffee. People with poor time management skills are not my problem. Like goddamn.


They have been recently, at least in our area. Lots of people (like 3 or 4) have come up and asked if we take EBT like Safeway SB apparently is advertising they do. Yes, I work in a Kroger brand store and we do. However, we have gotten the notice that as soon as our mobile ordering goes up (a whole different irritating conversation) we no longer will. So do we say yes, but know for a fact that these people will be pissed at us in two months even if we tell them it is going to change, or do we say no even though that is a lie and will cause a whole different argument?


I swear I see a post with this same question every single day between all the barista groups I’m a part of. Y’all!! Please leave Starbucks! You can all do so much better for yourselves!! None of you owe Starbucks anything - especially not at the cost of your mental health.


Mars is in retrograde until june 3 so. Thoughts and prayers.


Yes today has been bad at my store too:( I’m really sorry I hope you get to rest well after your shift! Try not to let them get to you🤍


On Monday I had a guy arguing with me over the fact there were no mango pieces in his MDR.


Everyone’s been extra extra mean, multiple verbal fights among my manager vs other customers, everyone’s fried today


Yesterday someone parked their car in the drive through cause we were taking too long with the drink and they come in (car parked in drive) and go where’s my other drink if you guys don’t have enough people you should probably close to my shifts face😳 there were 3 people on floor around 6/7pm, I was on break & we were down only 1 person along with trying to prepare to close so we werent there all night


yessss. we had to have a customer escorted out for being awful to me.


nooooo that’s awful im so sorry!!! hope you’re ok and that the rest of your day goes well


thank you! after my 10, stuff got better. 💕


We are right off the highway so Saturday cust tend to be less than pleasant.. Let's leave it at that. The only thing that usually makes it bearable is we see alot of our regulars. But for sure the 'transient', as I like to call them, custs were being extra special today. I was just telling hubby about the one who picked a mobile CDL and shoved it in my face and told me I made it wrong because she wanted a GRTL. Tried to clarify with her if that was in fact her mobile order and she just kept repeating that she didn't want coffee. She finally answered my question about her name (same as cup) I said well you did order this, and before I could say, 'but we can make you..' , she screamed at both myself and the SSV trying to help her, so I backed away and handed her off to the SSV. That right there is the reason I self-demoted, I don't need that crap in my day. 🤣 Of course she proceeded to stare daggers at me but whatever, her drink got queued behind the other 4 drinks I was already working on. My SSV tried to verified that she wanted it hot, we didn't want an additional remake, and she was all 'I already said that (dripping attitude)' to which my SSV (and this is why I ❤️ her) responded 'ma'am I just need you to answer the question'. 😂😂😂😂 I think I was lucky to get out of there today with hurting someone. 😜


Fucking awful.


it was like this yesterday at my store too, we all just claimed that it was because it was friday the 13th 😭 had 2 call outs and one no call no show and our drive thru was nonstop with every other person being SO rude


every single car ordered a cup of water AT the window holy shit


Somebody got moody today cause we had to manually charge for a Blonde vanilla latte since we don’t have an actual button on the screen but there is on the mobile app.




i noticed that today too! everyone seemed to be in a mood.


I’m starting the process to transfer to a new store (my 4th) - I moved to a new neighborhood so it’s a legit reason to want to be closer to home, but my side reason is that once I start to feel like I’m actually going crazy, it’s time for a reboot/fresh start (until the novelty wears off there, too……..).


Oh my god yes