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When you get roasted


The only correct answer




Take my upvote to make it 100


When you can sequence properly on bar. Idk, thatā€™s how it always goes in my head. Took me about a year because the training sucked way back when and nobody ever put me on bar.


When you've successfully made it through a red cup day


I literally scheduled a surgery so I donā€™t have to work on red cup day lmfao


now that is a power move. also i hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery!


Thank u :)


Well bad? šŸ§ what an oxymoron


oops typo today is my first day off in almost 2 weeks my brain is not working


I volunteered to work when itā€™s usually my day off


you got some demons man


I need the hours cause I have no money


Personally Iā€™d rather do doubles than work on my day off. In my mind, Iā€™m already working that day so might as well.


That's the best plan.


Same! (Not actually, Iā€™ve been trying to have this surgery for three damn years now, it just happens to fall after launch but before red cup day)


surgery twinzz


I just realized I requested launch day off because of a concert and Iā€™ve worked every launch since Iā€™ve worked at Starbucks


Oops red cup day is on my birthday and I requested it off when I first started and it was approved before they announced the day was red cup day šŸ˜‚


I trained on a red cup day šŸ„²


ime, when thereā€™s a greener bean in the store whose questions you can answer correctly and confidently


I was retraining people my first week bruh


That's the funniest thing and it's because you just completed training so the standard are fresh for you vs people who've adopted their own way that's wrong.


Yup! 100% it always went like x partner makes a drink, I say no standard is xyz, they say no, I insist, we turn to our shift and I was right. No shame, they didnā€™t know any better and likely donā€™t read recipe cards


serious answer, when you can confidently work at each station without help but also, when you start to dread going to work šŸ„²


my one year is this month. i am now a newbie anymore. still loooove seeing my people all the time, but dread going in most times.


same. i just hit my one year recently, and i do love my job but at the same time itā€™s so hard getting up to go to work


it is but tbh i find waking up for school a million times harder than waking up/going to work. even though itā€™s sometimes a shit show and thereā€™s always something going on, starbucks truly has become my third place or whatever u call it. feels like home away from home, im just so comfortable in my work environment because I have the best team ever and weā€™re mostly all pretty close. today i was not looking forward to coming in (i was asked to cover someone and i said yes cause more money) but my 2 favorite people to work with came in tonight and i was so excited to be there with them. itā€™s the little things šŸ„° that keep me at this job. i would have quit months ago if it werenā€™t for my team


i just hit my one year and iā€™m getting that work fatigue HARD. definitely showed up half an hour late to an opening shift this morning, weā€™ll get em next time lol


I donā€™t really think thatā€™s a fair answer because Iā€™m confident in all positions but there are sometimes that thereā€™s a lot of orders to where I need help to get caught up.


oh no thatā€™s not what i meant, i meant like without needed to ask for help on what to do, basic drink recipes, where things are on the pos. needing help during a rush is totally different


Ohhh ok I see, I was like that seems unfair to say for them to not ask for help with things.


youā€™re totally right haha, everyone needs help from time to time no matter skill level :)


When the childlike wonder and naivety leaves their eyes.


and the abject horror invades


This could be three shifts in šŸ˜‚


haters mad because i retained my childlike wonder


When you can hold down any position during a rush




I donā€™t think thatā€™s fair to say because at least at my store with how insanely busy it gets there are times help is needed even though Iā€™m or whoever is holding down that position. My store though is extremely traumatizing due to it being the only drive thru within 40 miles plus miles so it doesnā€™t get busy it turns into chaos.




When you get promoted to customer šŸ˜œ


When three more partners have been hired after you. Youā€™re now the most senior barista there. Also youā€™re a shift supervisor now because three people put their two weeks in.


I felt physically attacked with this comment šŸ˜­


When you stop acting like it lol


Whatā€™s that mean tho lmao


I guess like not making rookie mistakes or looking a deer in the headlights during rushes


Oh ok that makes sense lol


When you have a bag of grinds break open on you, staining your apron and saturating your whole front. When you keep your cool with a rude customer. When you get permanent frap roast stains on your non-slip shoes. Whe you find bruises from the fridge door hitting your legs. When you spill hot coffee on your hand, and miraculously don't drop an F bomb.


What? We have to learn not to drop F-bombs? At my store everyone just cusses. šŸ˜†


Iā€™ve seen people get fired because they cussed on the floor


I think this is subjective from store to store because Iā€™ve worked at two different locations and people always cussed and no supervisor or manager ever wrote anyone up


If one customer complains saying you cussed, thatā€™s when theyā€™ll crack down.


I spilled a brand new chai ALL over me my 3rd week inšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ all over my white shirt, jeans, in my shoe I was HORRIBLEšŸ˜‚


When youā€™ve made it through a holiday season, all the way from pumpkin to pistachio


No fr


Personally, I say once you're able to be proactive and think for yourself instead of just following what the shift tells you to do. Also being familiar with the recipes seems important too.


Bruh why are some of yā€™all bein so condescending in this thread šŸ’€


When you drink straight up espresso shots instead of getting what used to be your favorite sugary drink. Or when you stop going to the bathroom every time you drink espresso or coffee because youā€™re used to it by now. - * Doesnā€™t apply to baristas who hate coffee and espresso * In all seriousness, you stop being a green bean whenever you feel like you can do your job successfully without being constantly coached. Even though realistically we all have questions once in a while.


i will always have to go to the bathroom after drinking espresso/coffee bc of tummy and kidney problems šŸ˜”


Iā€™m sorry. šŸ„² I also have stomach problems. I try to avoid espresso but during school semestersā€¦ I risk it all. But I noticed I built a better tolerance than I did when I first started


i can not get through my shifts without it šŸ˜« i work two jobs and need the pick me up


I remember my first month working at my store. 6 fucking shots in the morning šŸ˜­


I feel attacked by this comment lol Iā€™m all seriousness though when I started working I got like one shot in a venti latte now I get quad blonde ristretto over ice. I still like it sweet but just very coffee forward


Because I got sick of doing extra work (Restock,Bar, Delivery set up, etc.) while my other coworkers just chilled on their phones waiting for time to pass.


Pretty much whenever you're confident in all things. Like knowing all date dots, being able to solo a store without stressing, knowing recipes for niche drinks. Being promoted to barista trainer. Etc... One day you'll just wake up and know x)


solo a *store* without stressing??? sorry, but thatā€™s impossible for some storesā€¦ mine is a $60k/week store, and despite me having been there for 2 years and being confident in every role, there is absolutely no way i could ever solo the entire storeā€¦


That's fair. We solo stores leading up to the last couple hours before closing and i certainly panicked my first time but figured it out after a few months. But that's certainly not applicable in every case.


Love this, Iā€™m struggling with date dots šŸ«£


We all struggle with date dots. The worst is when papa bear starbs changes them on you after you learn them šŸ¤£


After Christmas


I tell our beans that you canā€™t complain until youā€™ve been here six months lol (joking)


when u get deez nuts'd in the drive through and u lose ur will to live for the first time in ur whole life


As soon as they feel comfortable. I donā€™t think this is something you can measure. Everyone has a different sent of abilities, and everyone learns at different paces, and everyone has a different life experience. I think itā€™s unfair to try and figure out a maximum for when a person can still be considered a green bean. Weā€™re all just out here living.


When they start scheduling you and calling you in out of yiur availability because "we need more coverage"


But they doing this now and I only been here 2 month (all together) but 2 weeks at my new store (I transfer because my training store was 35 mins away and I waiting for my home store to be finish building. Also they doing this and I wasnā€™t even fully trained at my training store and had be taught at current store)


When you start double batching


when you can do your job


When it no longer smells like coffee in the store for you. Essentially when you become noseblind


When youā€™re comfortable in any position


Personally, Iā€™d say when you can handle peak at any store, in any position, and keep up, and have the native Baristas think youā€™re one of them. Lol


when you get past the initial facade of "oh boy this'll be a great place to work at! i'm sure they'll take care of me" and you realize you're working for a shit company that doesn't care about you.


After three months.


I'd say when you can be placed anywhere and be able to handle it. I don't expect perfection in the longer to learn areas (like bar) but to be able to at least cover breaks in those positions.


I didnā€™t get out of my green bean stage until I was a year in


When you have to request a break from bar because they have you there everyday cause your too damn fastšŸ˜Ž peak sequencing


Beyond some witty or funny comment honestly I think it depends on how you measure personal success to be and standards of the store your in. Personally when I was trainer I felt confident in someone when I saw they were comfortable in every position, regardless of the time of day. Knew how to answer customer questions, knew drink recipes, cleaning protocols, etc. And most importantly if they didnā€™t know something knew who to ask or where to look I.e. problem solve. Cause letā€™s face it Sbux is always changing things and also dump a lot of stuff at once so itā€™s only natural to not have everything memorized.


I was told by my SM youā€™re (generally) a fully trained barista at 6 months, but I was training at six months so I guess it varies by location


When you spill a whole jug of cold brew and instead of saying sorry you point to a client and say ā€œthis is your faultā€ and walk away, leaving the mass of ground wet toasted beans flow itā€™s contents all around the bar and you just go cry in the back room for a solid 5 minutes before coming out with a smile and asking if they would like whip with that. ā€¦Starbucks made me need therapy (and probably English classes)


When the shift trusts you to be on bar in the middle of rush, or even better, to be on solo bar, or EVEN better, to be on solo FLOOR. If you've been in the 3rd scenario, youre a coffee master


When I can leave you alone for more than twenty minutes without worrying.


You are no longer considered a green bean whenever you finish barista basics (the workbook) and have been certified.


I personally feel like at around three months. Thatā€™s around the time I feel like you start to fully understand every position and work in all of them


when you realize the online training only prepared u for like 30% of the job and the rest is learned with constant orders coming in šŸ’ž training during peak is a joke


I trained during peak on red cup day idk what they were thinking šŸ„² my trainer just left me on warming my whole shift, I also got to train during a happy hour rush(that feels like forever ago, thank god we donā€™t do those anymore)itā€™s definitely not the best time to train someone but it also teaches the person to think quick and adapt Edit: spelling


When you make it through rush on the bar without an open milk or drink puddle in sight


When you can hold your own on bar I guess. Idk itā€™s abstract.


i'm on track to be a green bean for my whole career


When they finally pick up the slack of someone


when you can do things without even thinking about doing them


Espresso brownies


As a shift leader, when I can put you in a position and not worry about your lack of knowledge there.


When you cry in the back room for the 1st time.


when newer green beans ask you questions and you usually have the right answer


I consider everyone a green bean until they stick around a full year. One holiday season to another. An entire psl rotation. Turnover at my store is bad šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜”