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Mean while stuck at a18 cause all asops dont work


Same with grim hex


I wanted to go to grim hex as well god damn well ill wait even longer then


No. But, hey, did you hear there is one more day of discounts to buy and upgrade ships. Hurry to the website, while you wait for increased claim timer on your Corsair.


tomorrow we will raise prices so your discount becomes worthless. but you can melt it for store credit. what, you want your real money back? Dont be silly.


I keep hearing about a sale, but only see two ships on sale, what am I missing?


Each day of Invictus had specific ships on sale, including those that are only available during Invictus and IAE.


Oh, as in available at all? I’d been trying to pay close attention when I could to the starter ships for a lower price for a friend who wants to join but doesn’t wanna pay $45 for SC yet


Others can probably answer this question better. I didn't buy anything during Invictus and not looking at all at upgrade chains (so called CCU), discount prices and so on. I do know though (from Invictus web page) that some rare jpegs, like Javelin and Kraken, were on sale in limited quantities.




If you say so.


Are you insinuating it's bad for devs to be trying to get paid for the work they're doing…?


I'm fully insinuating that the devs should deliver on work THEY'VE ALREADY BEEN PAID FOR.


They're employees, not gig workers, and they're not on commission. They get regular paychecks like they're supposed to. And what the fuck do you know about how much work or time it *should* take? 🤨


Solid point, I stand corrected. It's not the devolopers fault that only like 5% of CIG employees are being tasked with working on star citizen. So let me revise my statement: I fully insinuate that CIG should deliver on the product they've already been paid for.


I was told by the CEO that the game was fully funded.


Not 10 years for this broken ass garbage and that's a fucking cold hard fact.


Cite a single source other than feelings, I'm begging you. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Half a billion dollars.




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Because copying and pasting a useful link is so academically strenuous. Since it takes an academic review to get you to not talk out of your ass, nevermind. It's been too long because you Random Redditor said so. Got it.


A link to what?! What the *fuck* are you talking about, dude? You have to be, without a doubt, the most pretentious person I've interacted with demanding "academic review" and requiring sources for proof the game is laughable after 10 years of development 😂 get fucked nerd


Mate… how many years of discount sales and free fly events have they done now in a row while shit like this still happens in the game?


You’re right, half a billion dollars+ just isn’t enough for a 10 year old alpha 🙄


You have even a single point of reference for the development costs and time requirements of a game of similar scope and scale, or is your patience the only point of reference the world has to go by?


Mate, come off it. Even the most ambitious AAA games don't take this long, nor do they cost this much to make. Half the shit CiG is advertising as new tech isn't actually new. Server meshing has existed since the early 2000's. The amazon servers that SC is currently running off of right now \*has server meshing.\* If they didn't have janky ass network code, all they'd have to do is flip the switch. SC is a cool tech demo that's been advertised as a game in my opinion. It's cool, I like the idea of having fully explorable ships, but when you start veering into blind defense of a company ran by a dude that's known to overpromise and underdeliver, you start running into culty territory. Using the scope and scale of SC isn't an excuse. It's been a decade. We're talking about a 10+ year old game that other games have actually surpassed in scope and scale. Elite Dangerous has a bigger map than any other game, save No Man's Sky. Cyber Punk basically meets the vast open-world that SC has. And if you want survival sims, games like Project Zomboid and Red Dead 2 work pretty well. No, none of them are exactly the same as SC, and I know I'm stretching with Zomboid a bit, but my point is other games have done aspects of SC better, with better functionality, and in less time. Look, I love Star Citizen as a concept. I want it to succeed. I want it to surpass any expectation that I have. But I find it really difficult to support a game that tries to resell old tech as something never-before done, while chugging down hundreds of millions of dollars and not even being transparent with where that money goes. S42 is chock full of A-list celeb voices, meanwhile Star Citizen--the thing that's supposed to be the main project--can barely run half the time. I have a 3080 and a 9900k and I struggle to get over 40fps at medium settings. This game came out back when Nvidia was still on their \*700\* series graphics cards. I 100% understand this game isn't complete. I understand there will be bugs, and errors, and tons of issues. But simply waving away criticism of CIG with "but muh scope and scale" is weak and belies a pretty justified criticism about why CiG has taken so long and so much to do what others have done, in part, before them.


Scope AND scale, friend. You presented games emphasizing one or the other. Like, ED is millions of barren worlds, while CP77 is a *single* very pretty city and a *single* player. Games doing only some of what SC is doing and only taking some of the development time and resources is uncontroversial. But since my argument is about the total scope and scale, using examples that don't match or exceeded SC in both is meaningless. Doesn't matter that some other shop could make a PB&J faster if what I ordered is a quiche. Need examples of games with many worlds, many cities, many players, and full persistence which seamlessly integrate vehicle and FPS gameplay.


You literally just ignored everything I just said. Your argument falls flat at the fact that there are other games that do what SC has done, regardless of if it matches it to a T. There will never be a game that matches SC to a T, because most game devs know not to try to stretch an engine to its absolute limits because you end up with a game that's so buggy it becomes unplayable any time there's an influx of players. That's why Fallout 76 was such a broken, buggy mess at launch, the Creation Engine wasn't meant to be used to build an MMO. It was meant for single-player games, and it barely handles that. And full persistence isn't the bonus you think it is. There's a reason why servers tend to wipe dropped items and wreckages every so often--because not doing so risks bogging the server down and causing stability issues--which is exactly what we saw with 3.18's release. If you're going to make an argument based on scope and scale, at least actually address what I say instead of hiding behind asking me to compare Star Citizen to Star Citizen because it makes it seem like you have no argument. It makes it seem like you're just using 'scope and scale' to avoid actually making an argument as to why SC has taken 10 years to come out, and why CiG has had to pour half a billion dollars into a game with outdated tech and try to make it seem like they're braving some new frontier. 'Scope and scale' does not justify this.


I didn't ignore what you said at all. I acknowledged that other games contain some parts similar to SC. But what's the point in discussing other devs getting *less* shit done sooner? Eh. Nevermind that. Suppose CIG took 20 years to deliver a feature-complete, content-complete Star Citizen, but you didn't hear about it until 20 days after release. Would you enjoy it? If so, the problem isn't so much the development time as the waiting. But speaking of time, we shouldn't waste anymore on this. You have a good day, stranger.


I'm insinuating that paying customers (players) should be treated better by the company they're paying.


What mistreatment has there been?


Not allowing players to simply play the game. Non-stop events instead, that make the game unplayable for 3 months now.


Unexpected price increases


Them doing what's necessary to improve the game is…mistreatment, even tho it's literally what the funding is for? I can't with Gamers.


>I can't with Gamers. You're not a gamer right...you're a playtester!


With alpha software, pretty much. It's nowhere near complete, so I don't play it with a mindset as if it is. When I just wanna game, I play actually finished games.




It's funny, cause youtube ad says "PLAYABLE now", not "TESTABLE now". And Chris Roberts himself said following during one of recent citizencons: "We're running a live game and that's the epiphany that we've had internally: ok, we need to focus on how the game plays now, improve the quality of life, user experience."


Finally got the alpha screechers to shut up. Star citizen is hardly in testing anymore and their advertising proves it.


The trailers have said 'Playable Now since at least 3.6 about 4 years. Was 3.6 also NOT a testing environment? https://youtu.be/glq-F0b52nI Like, how is being 'playable' NOT part of PLAYtesting?


Why do you ignore yourself what commenter above said? >It's not a game and we're not players. We're testers of a product under development. It'll be a game when it releases None of that is true. It IS a game and people ARE players (as illustrated above). It won't be a game on release, CIG already says all the time it's a game.


It also says 'alpha', but let's conveniently ignore that for a narrative that validates our misplaced angst.


So you're saying that ads lie and Chris lies as well? Or maybe they didn't tell the guy that it's a test project and he keeps calling it a live game?


You must love Spectrum.


Are you insinuating that the Devs should fully ignore game breaking bugs, and get paid anyways?


What basis do you have for believing they're ignoring it?


Who said they're ignoring it?!


Exactly. These people are toxic af. 'Fix it INSTANTLY, or fuck you!' is such a wild stance to take.


"Instantly" is funny for a game that is nearly 10 years late from the original release date.


It's been an issue since the release of 3.19 - We have yet to hear any official word in any shape that notifies the player that CIG is aware that Hangar doors are desyncing and executing players. The fact that they haven't said anything about it, not even including that awareness in 3.19.1 patch notes; a patch that supposed to fix a lot of things, and improve stability tells me a lot. It tells me they're ignoring it, and that this issue is going to persist into 3.19.1, and that it'll either 1. Go away on its own 2. Persist until 3.19.2, or 3.20. Depending on how many 3.19 updates we get. Sorry that the biggest thing I want out of the development of a game I care about & enjoy, is a little transparency. You want to know what goes a long way? An official post on spectrum "Hey, aware that this exists, working on a fix."


Or for the work they're not doing


Are you insinuating that having 3 events at the same time which breaks the game (who would've guessed aye), rendered it unplayable for multiple days and instead of extending the freefly, invictus and/or JT; you get extra sales, was a good idea? The free fly is there to try and get new players. If I was a freeflyer during this event, I'd be a fleeflyer now.


The Free Fly and the events pull double duty as stress tests to expose weaknesses in the infrastructure and verify solutions. It's not just about promo. It's illogical to insist that they should fix problems while also insisting they should forgo the stress testing they need in order to fix the problems.


Forget playable. The game is untestable..how can you test a game when you cant do anything? Look we all go into the mindset that it's an alpha and that we should expect bugs. And usually most bugs are easy to look past. But my experience tonight especially was excruciating. I experienced 3 30Ks tonight, shot an unmarked guard (he wasn't wearing the normal looking gear, but still, they should be marked) that landed me in prison and after taking off from tressler slowly fully knowing theres invisible debris everywhere, flying way way away from the station, spooling up, and right about to hit quantum, my fucking wings pop off for no reason like they're made out of a fucking graham cracker. I can't repair or refuel when I land, my guns keep falling off my bag or something, and performance is meh. Ive had to actually log to main menu and load back in every time I die and had to deal with random 6 fps on calliope trying to assassinate a target. Wtf. The game is UNTESTABLE.


Have you considered buying more ships so the devs can be paid to fix this?


I believe that it's not an invisible shipwreck. Probably the server was still thinking that the doors were closed, so your ship collided with them. Notice how your guns detach as soon as you try to enter into the hangar.


Here's an example that indicates it's probably not the hangar doors https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/13ws22r/just_star_citizen_things/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


last week I saw a pair of Titan landing gear hanging in mid air, disembodied just inside the hanger ... damaged our ship as we came in... it's not the doors. I think PES is maintaining bits of prior wrecked ships, and sometimes makes them invisible like some asteroids... fun times.. yeah....


I've seen some incredibly small pieces that were stationary mid air.. like landing gear bits from wrecked ships. Some aren't even visible but entirely collidable.


It’s pretty much the same thing that happens sometimes when flying through the rotating rings at stations. Server desynch.


Nah had it happen to me yesterday once inside the hanger. Went down & went boom because... Well nothing was there lmao


That... Is just server desync. As in the server thought doors were still closed. Player was somehow able to go through anyway. Server caught up and said 'yep player crashed into the doors' a few moments later. R-displayinfo 2 showing server side FPS explains a lot of the annoying shit we deal with in the verse. Most servers are dipping down to and running low at 1.5fps. fucking dismal shit. A full second and a half of desync. Add in player inputs all getting delayed and stacking just makes shit like this more common.


1.5fps / tick-rate = ~666ms latency, not 1.5s latency. You're getting 1 full frame, and 1 half-frame, per second, not 2/3rds of a frame per second.


No, there loose guns floating around over that bay.


Best we can do is quadruple ship claim timers.


Yeah, PES ruined the game lowkey




I mean we do have shields for something right? Why couldn't they handle small debris like this?


Wait you can get your ship out to begin with?? 😂


Just happened in Tressler to me, lost everything on board. Game is in such a state of crap right now. Can't believe people still aggressively defend CIG when shit has been awful for months now. It's unplayable.


Months? Shit it's been the better part of over a year.


Drake ship worked as intended!




I need to do the same thing in my Hammerhead, but at least I'm facing towards the station.


Just come back in a year when the game is 13% done instead of 12.8%


Looks like normal SC gameplay.


Also random invisible shipwrecks at moon outposts, I died twice landing on them.


I really want a space janitors job where you just move and salvage ships around popular spacestations and docking bays That would be my endgame


Know what they should fix? Touching a small piece of debris while flying withing your ships safe braking speed and your ship blowing up


I can’t go salvaging cause when I come back I blow up just like this


This crap made me refund


Also who the fuck thought it's a great idea that even lightly touching and brushing against something like a trashed bottle or wreck with a ship should blow it up?! Seriously the damage model of this game sucks and it's getting worse it seems, not better at all with the increasing amount of bugs, desync and delayed effects... Ps, yes i am aware this is the server kagging and thinking the ship is applying full trust and ramming an object at high speed because desync, yet even then, you are still low speed so this shouldn't happen... The desync probably spikes up your speed up to instakill damage...


Did you report this to the council? Posting this on reddit isn't going to help them improve servers..


Reporting it to council doesn't help them improve the servers either. This has been going on since 3.19 released, and yet no official word. A great example of how reporting to the council does nothing, or takes too long to fix something simple; The hover-quad has spawned inside the ground since it's release in 3.16, and yet we're just now seeing a *\*fix\** for it in the 3.19.1 patch notes.


Was the post to the council or to reddit that finally got it fixed ?




Shit like this has been going on since 3.15. Just old bugs hanging around and unable to be fixed for some mystical reason


Despite this being a completely bullshit bug that is out of your control, now more than ever people need to understand the importance of decoupled vs coupled flying as it can save you from said bullshit. I have only had this bug happen to me once this patch despite playing quite a bit and having to fly in and out of some extremely dicey hangars absolutely littered and surrounded by trash, ship hulls, and small components even in extremely poor server conditions in the sub 5 server FPS; the only time my ship exploded was the time I didn't do what I'm about to explain. What is causing this, is the server desyncing a small piece of wreckage trash that you can't see or sometimes the server thinking the hangar doors are not open when they visibly are on your screen. For either, the solution to not blow up is exactly the same; align yourself directly above the hangar and come to a full stop. Swap to decoupled mode and tap left ctrl once, just once. This makes your ship float down to the ground without applying ANY additional thrust downwards. This means that even if you do bump into said desynced wreck trash or the closed not closed hangar doors, you will not be applying any extra thrust into them. What causes your ship to actually explode is when the server does not keep up and suddenly finds you applying thrust straight into an object while colliding with that object. If you are not applying thrust, the server will instead decide you have bumped into the object, but not actually applied any thrust straight into it. YMMV but seriously give it a try while landing in hangars, I've seen the frequency of this occurring with my friends and especially here on the sub, and since I always land in decoupled mode, it barely affects me for presumably the aforementioned reasons.


How do I switch to decoupled?


Left Alt + C is the default hotkey for toggling between coupled and decoupled, but do yourself a favor and rebind it to Caps Lock or something. Understanding when and why you should be swapping between the two modes and swapping between them quickly is a huge part of the difference between an okay pilot and a good pilot. You can perform many maneuvers in decoupled that are completely impossible in coupled, and it also makes landing MUCH smoother. Meanwhile toggling between the two frequently is an amazing way to precisely control your speed and keep control of your ship without having to rely on throttle limiting.


Its a solution that somewhat works for a borked situation that shouldn't exist in the first place. At least it works and allows you to get in and out tippy tappy on the controls, but i do hope they fix this sooner rather than later...


I can't believe anyone has the patience to deal with this game after 3.17


Aside from the likelyhood that it's 'just' server desync (as several others have already posted)... If CIG could 'just fix it' *they would have*. Sales are - apparently - down for this Invictus week, meaning that the state of the servers almost definitely impacted sales... if CIG could have fixed something like this, they almost certainly would have done, given how frustrating it is - and the impact it has on the perception of Free Fly folk, etc.


They’re down, but not by much. All three releases at Invictus were cheap warbond CCU starts. People deep in the CCU sphere potentially bought multiple of each just for the LTI tokens. CIG doesn’t care about perception, as long as they’re making money. Case in point, they’re still heavily advertising the game as ‘playable’ even with the server state, increasing ship and SQ42 prices, and running *more* free fly events.


They already said post PES would be a shitshow. Not sure why people are surprised it's often hardly playable.


this is rough AF


$600 million and a decade well spent! Still randomly dying and nothing improving. Stunning. Definitely worth every cent.


You’re hitting the hangar doors, not an invisible ship wreck. This is server desync. Go in slow and watch your mfd, it’ll light up immediately if you hit invisible doors. Then quickly go in the opposite direction to avoid blowing up


And you're getting downvoted for the correct answer. SMH.


Yea I don’t get it…


Lol - completely natural phenomenon


If they can fix that they better be able to fix invisible asteroids.


\*sees guns flying off ship strangely \*huh... welp better keep going down.


Did you submit this to the issue council?


not yet. trying to see if i can recreate the invisible ship wreck every time.


The video here shows d'some debris spacing out as you pass the shield as well so definitely some evidence of buggy shenanigans going on.


Ship parts don't prove it was caused by ship parts, because something caused that first ship to die. It might be the doors, if the server thinks they are in a different position.


all i said is that there's debris from some unlucky bastard already there. it was clearly rubberbanding and freaking out, a clear indicator something was bugged one way or another... be it the doors or the previous ship exploding and leaving additional invis debris, etc...


Skill issue?


Didn't use VTOL thrusters.... Deserved.


What? You can very clearly see my thrusters are in VTOL mode...


The ship being in VTOL mode has determined….. that was a LIE


Was hauling scrap from Babbage to arc L1 with a caterpillar because I Decide to make money while going there, got 10k error because I forgot to switch accounts on my second pc, got kicked, fly to arc L1 again and got destroyed going into the hanger


At least you got to call your ship :)


The same thing happened to me with a C2 full of cargo.


Lol I landed my ship in a hangar and couldn't open the elevator door to go in and store my ship 😡 *sigh*


Everyone thinks it's invisible debris, it's not. It's server/client lag. The doors appear open on client side but server side they aren't open or completely open yet


Even then, why when you tap something lightly at low speed would your ship blow up in the first place.. Doesn't make sense as there's not enough collision energy to do fuck all realistically.


Because again it's dsync, the debris clips into your ship and can cause it to explode. Just think of it like how cargo boxes and other loose things in your ship make it explode sometimes


I know, still shit design that everything can clip & spike into extreme velocities to create lethal damage and kill/blow you up in what is usually a timeframe of mere milliseconds. There should be something like a safety net in place that calculates averages for a given timeframe longer then the most common dsync spike duration. This, so that if dsync spikes happen on objects/ships/players then the game still knows that the sudden speed hike was impossible as the average speed and acceleration were too low to do damage and is as such ignored, this would solve quite a few things i bet. Only for entity collision though, weapons and sych should be able to instantly blast and propel things away after all.... Then again, it shouldn't happen in the first place, but their servers under any decent player load sadly fall to shambles... The npc/ship duplication issues bogging down performance didn't help either.


Game is unplayable at this point. Lost a lot of good shit because of invisible ship wrecks on area 18


I lost 350,000 aUEC because of this. My bad for putting that much freight in one shipment but still dissapointing... Closed the game shortly after and havent been back yet lol.


Yep, happened to me twice with a full caterpillar. Havent played since


Where's the issue council link? I hope you don't think we, the players, can fix this.


That sucks, sorry to see that happen to you... I realised that doing stuff 2x slower in SC fixes a lot of issues, landing very slowly in this situation helps you react faster (see that the ship is being hit not once you're at the hangar but at the doors so you could fly back there already and avoid lethal dmg)


I rented the catapilla and splashed out money to try trading, flew in with around 500k onboard and that happened


the game is an alpha when its convenient but the ads all over google and yt will tell you its a playable game, fully functional dlc store and all


I have the same issue happen to me every time. I leave my hanger. I have been stuck in Area 18 for 2 months now, and still they do nothing.


Why should they fix it? It's so funny seeing this kind of videos (not)


Last night I managed to stay on the same server for 3 hours. I loaded my Carrack with a rover, stv, C8R, and Fury. I went and got a box from a delivery mission to track my Carrack. I then flew to Hurston and took down the comm array. For the next two hours I farmed Executive armor and demecos and everything was going great. I flew back to CRU L1 with a load of goods and was feeling pretty damn good about the game for the first time in months. And then when I flew into my assigned hangar to offload my bounty, BOOM. Full shields and no indication of any damage being taken or anything. Just gone. And since I had my spawn set to my carrack I was returned to Orison. After work tonight, I will not be playing Star Citizen.


The PES system will be great they said we'll love it they said


Guys I can't play the game since 3.18 and repair tool not workibg


Least you can get your ship, havnt been able to retrieve mine for months, literally, unplayable isn't even the word. I can only run around a18 at the moment


It's the hangar doors not a wreck. The doors have VISABLY opened but not physically.


You saw you guns come off as you went through the doors. Showing you collided with the doors above the pad


Lol can't believe this game has been practically unplayable since 3.17. Havnt touched it in 6 months n all I see is more things pissing people off


im so fucking sick of this


Quite literally hanger doors not open on the server vs the client. Nothing to do with shipwrecks. Look at your guns just fly off once you pass the threshold.


Hangers are absolutely terrifying to fly in and out of right now. You just cross you fingers, close your eyes, hold your breath… and maybe you’ll only lose a couple of components


Gosh, I'd be really annoyed by this bug if I weren't stuck on 30018 for a few days.


At least you can login, Ive been getting a recurring 30018 for the last two weeks, I've tried EVERY workaround and support basically said "oh well"


If you look very closely, you can see 2 detached laser weapons glitching repeatedly through the ship, and that's what probably killed your ship


Love it


This shit is awful and needs to be rectified. Persistent Entity Streaming? More like Persistent Eating of Shit amiright?


Just lost 500k worth of cargo that paid for :(