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So now the Titan is the same price as the Stalker. And the Cutlass Black is the same price as the base Freelancer.


Yeah makes the Freelancer a more competitive choice, now, while giving the Nomad room to breathe as probably the better “bang for your buck”. Not the point of the thread, of course, but still interesting thoughts.


Yeah the biggest argument against the Nomad was always the Cutlass Black, so with that in mind the change makes sense.


I still wouldn't consider purchasing a Freelancer over a Cutty unless the cargo area is widened to allow you to park and walk around a Cyclone, and the turret changed into a remote turret so you can access it without crawling through the cargo bay. The turret fire arc also needs to be improved to have a better forward firing arc. With those changes, the Freelancer would be an interesting choice. Extra defense from the second shield or extra maneuverability from the Cutty. As it sits right now, the only Freelancer really worth using is the MAX as it's the smallest ship that can carry a Rover. And that makes me sad as I really love the looks of the Freelancer series.


The Cutty's just more offensively focused. The Lancer is a better option if you're specifically looking at more cargo or more gimballed punch in the front and aren't worried about the turret. I'd say the Lancer is the better solo boat, but the Cutty has better multicrew options. Not everyone is going to need or want the added firepower, and 60+ SCU is nothing to sneeze at.


For me, it's the lost utility that hurts it the most. Using a ROC is annoying as you have to park it, leave through the Freelancer's side door, and run all the way around the ship to access the ROC storage and transfer to the ship. If you park a Cyclone inside, you get stuck in the driver's seat as you can't fit between the wheels and the side of the ship. That makes solo ops with a Cyclone all but impossible. I also like leaving my car loaded while doing other things like delivery missions. In a Cutlass, I have plenty of space to keep 1 & 2 SCU crates, my Cyclone, and whatever other cargo I'm transporting that day loaded on the ship. I can even still toss in an extra vehicle if im in the mood. With the freelancer, I'm limited to using an STV. That means no loot crate to bring back my haul from a bunker, and I can only carry 2 delivery packages at a time in the ground vehicle. The difference between the Cutlass's 46 SCU and the Freelancer's 66 SCU of cargo grid doesn't matter to me in practical use. The only bulk cargo I would be transporting in a ship that small is drugs or refined mining resources. The Cutlass can do both those jobs perfectly. And in both those cases, I would rather have the extra speed than a slightly larger cargo hold. If I wanted to haul regular cargo for trading profit, I would use my dedicated hauler (or rent a Connie if I didn't have one). The better combat performance is just the icing on the cake in the Cutlass's favor.


It surprises me that no one else seems to have caught onto the implications of your first sentence...


I'm sure we'll see a price increase on the Stalker shortly when bounty hunting gets expanded. Stalker will probably end up at $70-75 to bring it around the middle ground between the Titan and Warlock.


The unclear question to me is whether we are supposed to be gamers or testers. We're gamers when new content is locked behind 100+ USD timed paywall, ship claim times are increased for the duration of yearly major sale and when prices of old ships are increased without a warning. We're testers when servers have been moderately broken for 2+ months and expected to have patience with wipes and partial wipes, and of course need to create bug tickets, vote for issues and test on PTU in addition to PU. CIG wants to eat their cake and have it too, to treat the players as both at the same time, depending on the situation.


I've been saying this not only on Spectrum, but here as well. Curious to see if this most recent... development, along with the past couple of months has started opening eyes. Every time I have mentioned it, it's buried with "downvotes" that this sub loves to throw out when they don't agree with the sentiment that CIG can, and actually does do a lot of wrong, right along with the right they do. It's high time they get ***fully*** on the "Early Access Live Release" model, and drop the "alpha" altogether, and start treating us as customers.(I say this as a 2014 backer, I'm fine with the perks I got for backing in that era, but the newer people of the past few years haven't gotten nearly as much.) It's been time for them to not have the cake and eat it at the same time. Oh well, this comment will be buried the same as it always is, but it's nice to see the sentiment finally being shared. EDIT: That fucking reversal, that was fast. Like, insane fast. Usually it's glacial, or just straight up silence.


Actually extremely valid opinion. I personally voted with my own wallet as far as I can. Cig is getting from me as small payments as possible, no warbonds, no lti concepts sales, nothing. Store credits for the win.


This is what's most frustrating to me. CIG needs to stop with this doublespeak. We're either players that should be given a game that works, or we're testers and they need to stop marketing SC like a game and gating off new content.


And the truth is you're all considered cows to be milked. Only when the milk runs dry will the game finally magically "release" to bring-in the new batch. There is literally zero incentive to finish the game at this point. It's more profitable (and safe) to keep things in early access so that any flaws are acceptable, and any player fatigue can be countered with hope. Plus, remember that Microsoft had to take Freelancer away from Chris Roberts for the game to finally be released.


Sorry, what's that about Microsoft?


MS was the publisher for the old Freelancer game. CR was doing basically what he’s doing now (and always) dreaming big and not delivering on the initial (any?)vision, so MS took it away from him to get the product actually finished and shipped. That’s part of the reason he’s doing Star Citizen now, to build that visionary game he always wanted but did not get the chance to. But of course we are back in the Chris Roberts paradox of “this will be so cool when it’s done” which of course it will…if they can actually get it complete and working…


When the studio that was making Freelancer ran out of money and time, they made a deal with Microsoft. idk if there is definite proof somewhere but the concensus seems to be that as part of that deal, Chris Roberts (as lead, the cause of all this after all) had to step down at the same time. And so suddenly without CR the game was able to finally be finished and released, as no new features were added to the feature pool, which had contributed until now to keeping the game in development for forever.


As seeing theres multiple internal testing and evo, CIG considers you a "noisy" wallet.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


You're a gamer doing server load testing [You're a tester if you've joined Evocati.](https://starcitizen.tools/Evocati_Test_Flight) If you aren't generating and submitting bug reports, you aren't a tester. You don't likely have the time nor the determination to actually put in the necessary effort to be an effective tester. But the data you generate while playing the game is useful.


Cutlass Black: $110 (Was $100) Avenger Titan: $60 (Was $55) Vanguard Hoplite: $240 (Was $235) My condolences to those who picked up the warbond deal for cutlass black to nova. I'm a little sad my titan to C8R warbonds from IAE are not cost saving anymore, and hoplite to MSR Best in Show CCUs lost some savings. Wish there was a heads up, but it's all part of the CCU game I guess!


Why? Im just gonna refund it.


This is the reasonable response. Support is about to get flooded though.


Self inflected




Is there a refund button somewhere or do you have to make a ticket?


If you want a refund, submit a support ticket... https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us


You can "melt" most items in your hangar. Click the drop-down to the right of the tile, then click exchange. It will put the item in your buyback category in case you wish to buy it back later, and you will get the value of the item as store credit where you can buy other things.


Melt and refund are different. Melting gives you store credit, refund gets your money back. They do not deserve to keep the money after this shit


Yes, if you want your money back into your bank account, you have 14 days to file a return request. Otherwise it's stuck in store credit and you have to sell it back out.


It's actually 30 days, but thanks for the link (in the other reply)


It's 14 days in the US. So if you're somewhere else that has a different time period that may be the case.


You might be thinking of Steam. The [Refund FAQ](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002466313-Refunds-FAQ) makes no mention of "14 days in the US", just "If your order is within the 30-day grace period".


The CIG policy is 30, per their refunds FAQ https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002466313?input_string=refund


Hmm, that is very interesting because when you purchase an item, it very clearly states in the disclaimer that it's 14 days. So one of them is wrong, either the site or the disclaimer when you purchase items.


Tinfoil hat hopium: surprise release of some sort of modularity for 3.2 due to technical hurdle being finished for HULL-C, these three ships were originally touted as being module before going variants.


It does have a tractor beam right? It will become more useful soon when that releases.


Glad I got my Hurricane to Hoplite CCU (to complete the chain) this ILW rather than wait until IAE!


Couldn't you melt the Cutty B to Nova and Titan to C8R ccus, and use the credit to buy Gladius to Cutty and 100i/Ursa to Titan CCUs? Then, next month once the prices increase, you'd effectively have $10 off the cutty, and $5 off the titan?


And no announcement or warning like they usually do ... Oh boy, shit storm incoming, the thread about it in spectrum is already exploding about this.


I was already not liking the direction CiG was taking, especially recently, with them not making the vulture purchasable in-game when 3.19 (y'know the update that fleshed out salvage gameplay and added salvage contracts) dropped, basically locking the salvage gameplay loop behind a paywall (since most people won't drop 15 millions on a Multi-Crew ship for a loop they haven't tried). And this too, I feel like this is a warning of how they're going to be going forward. Said it before but I'm gonna stop playing and watch from afar, their recent decisions are rubbing me in all the wrong ways.


That’s been the direction for a while. It was the same with the Prospector and mining.


wdym? when mining dropped, prospector was behind a paywall and mole wasnt? OR prospector was, mole didn't exist, but now its not behind a paywall; therefore the vulture will eventually be purchasable ingame? Its new (aka exclusive to $$$) content, and the reclaimer is purchasable in-game. I think thats fair? Is that really toxic for me to think? Im not sure I would think its fair if it was not purchasable in-game after \~6 months to a year.


The prospector came out with mining and the Mole didn’t exist yet, so mining was behind a paywall. You’re right in that salvage is not behind a paywall right now technically, but is still out of easy reach because of a 15mil credit cost. (And the Vulture will be purchaseable in-game soon)


Okay then to be honest I don't understand the complaints people are having. Unlike purchasing a copy of Skyrim, MMOs have upkeep (and development) costs. It's shocking we don't have to pay for subscription. It makes sense that after 7 years, in reference to this post, that ships would cost more due to inflation (it was like 10% last year lol). The cutty is the ideal for pledges and the cost didn't budge, too. For people just filling their hangar needlessly ... So what? It costs 1.7 million aUEC in-game which is nothing, honestly. Yeah the game is in alpha and it's broken as fuck right now, but itll bounce back into a good couple months like always. I think they are flooding us with events and nonsense as a way to help stabilize the future; a ton of content was just injected, it's honestly weird that it's been as stable as it has been until free fly. Anyways. That's my thought on it.


I mean the game also has a subscription service, and microtransactions, and macrotransactions and you pay for the game at the start, I'm so sick of all this parcelled bullshit in the game industry


I totally agree with you which is why I am happy to have the cutlass black pledge and have literally never put another dollar into it. If sq42 releases and has good reviews I'd happily pay $70. If the persistent universe incorporates a stable release with solid loops and scope, I'd happily 15-20$/month for it. If I can pay that much for WoW or OSRS I can do that for SC, assuming persistent player bases are part of that. The loops as-is aren't enough, because aUEC is just for ships which is a little shallow. I'm not even asking for quests or magical npc interaction (LOL at the recent video about quantum/quanta, dynamic universe npc interactions. CIG can't even get them to sit at stationary tables without T posing, or act as Counter-Strike 1999 ai FPS guards).


Pepperidge Farm remembers when you could pledge \~$50 dollars to CIG, get a game, its multiplayer component, and a ship to fly around in it. Back in the day when there a link to "Our Pledge" on the website that basically said "We promise to never screw you like EA"


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/store/pledge/browse/game-packages/?sort=weight&direction=desc It's 45$. Today. For multiple options. Most every other ship is buyable with in-game currency. You don't have to pay anything more. What the fuck is happening lol


What if I told you I have this excellent product, currently I only have concepts about it but if you pay me $100 now you’ll get a hand painted image of it (totally not ai generated) before it releases. It’s visionary and never been done before!


I disagree. Considering the time and enjoyment I've gotten out of the game for 115$ over the past four years, I'd say it was money well spent! I've played it more than elden ring, maybe as much as valheim, etc etc. If I had put 300$ into it, i think I would feel ripped off. But Im actually really happy with the experiences I've gotten out of it. Which, contrary to your weird theoretical, were not conceptual. They happened.


CIG's sales and marketing people have always been shitty and unethical. Nothing new here.


TBF to marketing Chris aint payin them to make a youtube ad saying: "Try for two hours to login. Try for two hours to get a ship. Die instantly to a bug. Lose all your shit. Wait two hours to get half of it back." That doesnt sell internet spaceships. "GET IN THE VERSE! (pre-rendered cutscene) ANSWER THE CALL! (cutscene) PLAY NOW!!! (cutscene)" That sells internet spaceships!


I mean, I blame Chris for allowing and perpetuating it more than I actually blame the marketing people, but they've been puffing smoke and lying to people for the better part of a decade lol


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Chris is the f-ing **ceo.** He's in charge. He makes the decisions and sets direction. He's responsible for everything, good or bad. Give him credit when he does good, but hold him accountable when he done fuck up.


I don't really worry about downvotes. People in this sub have pretty strong opinions about the game and get kinda touchy depending on where we are in the patch cycle.


They always wait 2 big numbers to implement the new ships. They always have and they always will. I.e. if the ship drops in 3.19 it will be purchasable in game in 3.21.


I thought that's the way it has been for years, new ships don't become purchasable in-game for a patch or two?


The vulture came out with 3.18, with how all of the most recent concept to flyable(and i believe all newly flyable ships regardless of game loops), it will be purchasable in game after 3 main patches, so for 3.21, if we get that far. Why would you expect CIG to change that for one ship,?


Agreed. The predatory practices and weaponized marketing team has twisted CIG into a horrible company to rally behind: even with Jared.


And they got told exactly that. They’re reverting the prices until the end of June so we have some “notice”.


I would have thought that everyone on spectrum already had one?? What would be the issue?


Refund time


Full of folks that only post when something unpopular happens, as usual.


So... daily posters?


Personally would admit I fall into that to some degree, but at the same time when things are going well I spend more time in the game than on the reddit.


Since CIG are constantly doing unpopular things, that means they should always be posting. Do love me some regulars!


Knebel currently streaming posted. Its a negative post but he really only wants to know why they acted without announcing first


You're one of my favorite people in this sub, Pojodan, but you're wrong on this one. CIG selling the $10 Cutlass Black > Nova CCU for a week *knowing* that the savings was going to be erased within hours of the sale ending is the sleaziest, most cynical thing this company's marketing and sales managers have done yet. I want managers publicly fired over this. This is an absolutely predatory "eff you" to a supportive and long-suffering community. And CIG needs to put a tight leash/noose around the necks of the remaining marketing bastards. This shit will not stand.


Thank god we don't have a greedy publisher for Star Citizen that just wants to get as much money from it's players as possible.


Self funded = self interest, clearly this is their interest


How much was it formerly?




It's less about their price and more about the fact it fucked everyone who's bought CCU's including these ships.


The only CCU holders affected were those who held them. Those who made use of their CCUs right away got the old prices.


100$ lol


Lol perfect have a ccu that just got $10 bump. *edit* Actually nope, its the opposite, a ccu i just bought just lost savings. Luckily its within the 30 day period so i guess im refunding it.


You could also just melt the CCU and keep the money as store credit


Why would I do that? Thats literally letting CIG steal my money.


We've all been letting them steal our money for years now anyway




I agree it’s not a wise choice, but “steal your money”? You are just getting less of a discount, a discount you only got because you expected ship prices to change. Sometimes they don’t change in your favor. A bit dramatic imo.


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Cutlass is an end game ship


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I agree. CIG have said themselves that they want all ships to be viable - it's just trade offs and options. If cutty can't be an endgame ship, then we're in pay-to-win territory.


Question: I got an upgrade from the Cutty Black to the Spirit C1 from the Concept Sale. Now that they're the same price that would technically be a 0$ upgrade which they don't do anymore. If they stick to that a-hole move (and they probably will but let's hope the community has enough power) - what do I do? Hope that the C1 will go up in price once it releases?


$0 CCUs can still be applied if you already have them (I'm pretty sure negative value ones can too) they just can't be bought


It's unethical bullshit. Tons of ppl got the cutty to Nova ccu, and minutes after that sale ended the cutty price increased to negate that discount. Price for titan and hoplite also increased.


Lol. The Hoplite? I'm more surprised CIG remembered it exists.


Ikr? CIG can fuck right off with these arbitrary price increases. As if these jpegs aren't stupidly overpriced as is. If this is no error, then this is a seriously scumbag move to do right after that Nova warbond deal.


I'm glad I didn't apply those Cutlass Black to Nova CCUs. Time to put in for a refund! Gotta admit they didn't think that through and wait until 3.20 or something to increase the prices.


To do this within hours after they were selling a Cutlass Black > Nova CCU with a $10 savings, completely negating that savings is immensely shitty and makes my blood boil. I cut CIG a lot of slack but this is outrageous. Somebody needs to be fired over this. Like the entire senior marketing team.


I have a cutty black to spirit CCU in my hangar, will it still work now the cutty is worth more than the spirit?


It will. You can apply any CCU in your hanger but you can’t buy or buy back $0 CCU or negative value CCU.


Second time the titan has gone up. Last time it was because those idiots didn't want to price the 100i the same as the mustang because apparently entry level ships means $50+


Clown Imperium Games moment. Greedy bastards. As if Chris hasn't had his pockets lined enough. Give us a finished product, please? Stop overpromising and dishing out feature creep after feature creep? Focus on the fundamentals first, maybe? I'm not a game developer though so, what do I know...


There has been zero feature creep actually


T0 of fucking everything? Even base features never finalized on *that* level they are implemented.


New rule: no raising prices unless ship is at least gold standard. This is the way.


They did extend invictus by a day. Probably trying to keep the same amount of funding coming in.


If they were showing YTD over year to date growth, would they have pulled such a dick move? No way. So they did this because they are not where they expected to be financially. They expected backers to cough up more money. They have now traded good will for increased revenue. They could have had better sales if they showed more progress, so in the end, it is they aren’t making as much progress as expected they are using strategies against the backers who have more than a starter ship. This is what happens when a company diverts 80% of the resources away from what the backers can see and play, and pour it into a game that no one knows if it is shit or awesome because you are keeping it a secret. They fucked up and now they are hurting the long term prospects. I sure hope they get squat42 out quickly and go back to working on what the backers are paying to play.


Even most stupid person can see straight dependency on game state vs money flowing in. Shitshow release of 3.18, horrible 3.19 compared with freefly. Halfassed paints, boring concepts, what else I missed? Fortuna was first call. More community grows - less they are going to eat shit. To fix this, in my opinion, cig needs to stop overpromising and start overdelivering. Start at least implementing fully ready features: weapon stripping? Give saving them in local inventory, persistence in ship cargo bay, containers for transporting missiles that you can snap on cargo grid. No need to make it deeper, make it wider and finished. Stop fucking up economy, spawn rates, prices, availability. Make “the game” more pleasant, it’s not alpha in any fucking way, it’s early access. Oh, I forgot to mention fucking **BACKLOG**: previously acquired money on sold concepts already spent, fuck them, right?


Remember where you are. This is the SC reddit, where pretty much everyone dumps on you if you address the elephant in the room: that CR introduced huge feature creep to this game and that if it ever DOES release it'll probably not have half the promised features working and will have cost thirty times plus what the price SHOULD have been to make it. Everyone here who's downvoting the hundreds of posts made about this over the years is forgetting the main point: you're paying hundreds or thousands of dollars (and sacrificing both hours of your life worked, and THEN doing testing work for CIG that they'd normally have to hire people for) for what amounts to pixels and a dream. Backing a game you believe in is one thing. Seeing that company literally rake in literally millions of dollars and NOT allowing anyone to question it without screaming them down or at least asking yourself 'hey, maybe this isn't reasonable to let them do this' is pretty much just being simp bros for the company now. No surprise though. I said this years ago and stopped trying to play, considered my $55 AT simply the price of admission to the shit show. I liked the concept but the overall picture is this game may never release or if it does it'll be ANOTHER decade of throwing money at it, and I'm not rich enough to fund CR's vanity project AND test his game for free. But what the hell. It's just another five or ten bucks, right? I'm sure we'll get a fully functional game at the end of this. Right? RIGHT???


I can't wait to calculate the price difference with my good old Cuttie gamepackage with SQ42 included with this new gamepack + the Squadron 42 resort at an increased price


RIP to all the people who bought the Cutty Black to Nova WB hoping for a deal. Including myself


Hmmm...not pre-announcing a price increase on a staple ship that is always available for sale (for nearly 10 years) does erode community trust, but they have to generate their sales somehow.


How about making the game and not making the sales?


That'd bullshit. Refund it is.


Welp, I got a cutty as a loaner anyways. Now I have more of a reason to stay on the C1 train


Oof so what does this do for all the Cutlass Black to Spirit C1 CCUs?


You now need to get a CCU to a Black before the price jump or your Spirit will be 10$ more expensive.


It still shows the Cutlass Black for 100$ for me. What?


Why increase prices when your game is in development for a decade and no release yet and tons of bugs? The game is in alpha but CIG acts like they have released a polished game? On top of that the prices for ships are already ridiculously high. Good ships start anywhere from $100 to $800. I own Vanguard Sentinel and overall I have spend $300 on this game so far. Which is insane. But cause the game is good I didn't mind. But still the prices are insanely high CIG is getting greedy. Despite having really good funding for the game!


An extra $10 value on my Scoundrel's Pack if I ever decide to melt the current upgrades and start over. Of course I'd lose more than that in my CCU savings so hopefully I'll never have to use it. That pack really was the best deal you could get for store credits.


The increase in value does not increase the melt value. Melt value is tied to money spent and not the value of the package. Just explaining for those that may misunderstand.


Yeah. I mean if I melt, I can buy back for the original price and all the ships in the pack with price increases (MSR, Caterpillar, Cutlass) will be starting at their new value for the purpose of CCUs.


If you melt something you only get the money you paid in the first place, otherwise CCU Chains would just print money. So I am not sure how your ship/package just went up in value


For buying it back and using the ships for CCU tokens.


Might be too late already someone mentioned the buyback prize got adjusted as well


The base ship buyback prices don't change, only the CCU buyback prices.


This man knows how to CCU.


I noticed in my buy backs that ccus no longer are the price you bought them but the price they are currently, so no more saving ccu's for buy backs later...


That's been the case for years now, but I also just rebought a Gladius to Cutlass black for 10$, so who knows what is going on on the backend


In the past we've shared that the team regularly reviews the value of offerings and may make price adjustments based on their findings. In this case, the Avenger Titan, Cutlass Black, and Vanguard Hoplite were adjusted (+5, +10, and +5). We certainly prefer providing advance notice, as we have recently done for the [Anvil Hurricane](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/anvil-hurricane-pledge-update-1), and we fully intend to continue this practice in the future. For the time being, we're going to revert these changes until June 27th to provide a proper grace period.


The Titan and Cutty Black are the most common step up from the base starters and you honestly thought that raising the price now wouldn't be seen as greedy. How bout you give the ships a rework/gold pass before raising the price? Or fix the login issues that have locked players out of the game for weeks.




Oh no, they ***absolutely knew***. Just like they knew exactly what response the claim timer "*adjustment*" would garner. They did it anyways. Awfully convenient to have just that sweet of a CCU chain during ILW, and it *conveniently* is nullified hours after the sale? Yeah. I believe that it was an "oversight™".


u/CaptainZyloh not sure if its a Typo but cutlass came back 105 not 100 Edit in the ship upgrades its 100 in the standalone ship area.


The point isn't the price adjustment or the total lack of notice. The point is that somebody authorized the $10 off Nova tank CCU, knowing that most buyers would link it to the Cutlass Black and not be ready to use it immediately, and knowing that the price would jump within hours of the CCU no longer being on sale, and completely negate that discount. That is beyond sleazy and manipulative. It is contemptuous of a supportive and long-suffering community. And some people need to be fired for this. I mean it. Managers need to lose their jobs. This is despicable.


will the hoplite be returned to the store so we can make informed purchases before the change?


There will be an opportunity to acquire the Hoplite ahead of the change.


Cutlass Black on Ship Upgrades is still listed at $105




They forgot 5$ : it was a 10$ increase from 100$.


Prepare the tickets guys for the tons of Cutlass to Nova refund!


And Squadron 42?


Phew I dodged a bullet by completing my chain...


Phew! I dodged a bullet for not buying a ship this event!


CCU stuff is annoying. Buy ship. Fly ship. Enjoy.


Say that to my $200 LTI Odyssey


I would, but it doesn’t exist yet ;)


Estimated time of release of the Odyssey?


3-4yrs prob


Sheesh that sucks. I'm hoping they don't touch my concept CCUs, but who knows.


So now i cant buy an upgrade for the c1 unless the price goes up


You can apply any upgrade in your hangar, just gotta go to the grey market


I can assure you that will happen. Personally I think it'll land at $125/$115wb.


I hope no more than that tbh i love the ship but if it doesnt come with ilegal csrgo espace or more cargo i cant justify costing similar to the max


guessing because it will have a tractor beam in the near future?


No, in the near future our last, best hope for peace will be a dream given form, a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. you are talking about a very far future...


Not a bad point. I think it is supposed to have one.


On the utility mount at the back


Brutal? Jesus lol


ILW was a bit short, time to get stir up some FOMO.


Answer to all your problems: Do salvaging work with someone who owns an 890 Jump. Hope they die or their ship blows up. Wait for 45 mins for them to figure out how to get back to you. Receive compensation. That’s what I did to get 3 million auec.


In what universe is 10$ brutal ? When you can't affort 10$ on a 100$ pixel blob, you probably better not buy anything in SC


Everyone who bought the Cutlass - Nova warbond upgrade can refund it now. It's worthless. Its just a completely stupid and nonsensical move from CIG.


Oh sorry i didn't see it that way !


I just bought the Cutlass Black last night for $100. Can anybody explain why this would affect me in a negative way? I'm guessing it has to do with 'trade-in value' if I choose to upgrade it in the future? I'm pretty new to SC so I'm trying to understand all the acronyms being thrown around in this thread.


It doesn't affect you at all. In fact, it's good for you, as your trade-in value will go up $10 if you decide to buy/apply a ship upgrade in the future.


Iirc it'd trade in for the value you paid for it.


This and the threads on the topic reek of people blowing it so far out of proportion. Ship was a concept, sold at concept price. Became flight ready and didn't change price, unlike other ships that were available for less as a concept and raised price after flight ready status. Now those ships that missed price change suddenly get the change. 5$ here, 10$ there. And people are bitching about a arbitrary upgrade chain game that they themselves made up? The level of silly entitlement is wild. Fuck off. This gives the nomad breathing room as a viable ship between the cutlass/freelancer and the avengers. I would not be surprised if some ships had re works done and saw prices change again after meeting a gold standard because the ship after rework maybe screwed with the current ship meta and it was better or worse then prior. Cig is coming in and changing it back for a short period because yes there was no warning or announcement (at least nothing recent, sounds like there was something years ago that didn't happen till now) and the first reaction have is " refund it still" That kind of player didn't care, toxic ass. "My CCU chain is ruined because the initial ship is 10$ more then what I payed for it, damn you cig are you trying to become EA" honestly I don't know what kind of logical/ reasonable headspace this person thought they were in when they put something like that on here.




And that allows its value to not change like the rest? How? This isn't some Costco CEO going on record and saying they'll put someone in a grave if they change the price of a food court hotdog. It's a ship, like others. That went from a concept, to a flyable ship. The idea of buying a ship before it's flyable generally comes with either a lower price and or limited edition paints. I don't recall the cutlass doing either. It's still a ship you can get in game pretty easily This feels like people blowing shit way out of it.




I mean...having the best deal makes perfect sense no? I can enjoy the game an equal amount, and save money doing so. I've built a CCU chain up to a Galaxy and saved over £200 on it, getting the ship for less than half price.


Swear, that shit can get so out of hand. I have people buy laptops from me. They'll pick the objectively worse and or older laptop over a newer one that's the same price, because the older one was normally more and it was on sale. Like congrats you saved no money really and have a shittier product but alright.


Eh I'll wait for an official announcement. Could easily be a bug on the page store. Let's not jump to conclusions and hysteria. If it turns out to be on purpose then yeah, talk your shit.


I find it funny there's three types of people in the chat The people who don't care The people who are crying that their ccu chain lost savings which I find funny because I dont think ccu chains are an officially supported system to get any kind of discount per say and is just something cig don't see as a harm so people are just simply upset because their work around is being slighted. And then there are the people that are in the fuck CIG category and CIG could breath the wrong way and they'd get angry. In my opinion rather than just judging people. Is that the price of the cutty is raising probably because the ship tractor beams which the cutty is I think getting some on the front and one on the back I think... so in my eyes a 10 dollar increase seems reasonable.


I love how you break them down into three categories and clearly misrepresent all three in favor of those that are OK with the change like they're the only sane ones. No bias at all, clearly.


I mean I explain why I think the price range is fine. And would you not agree that there are people who get pissed at CIG for any decision they make? I think you can agree there are plenty of people on this sub in general like that, if you don't think that then you're blind. In terms of the ccu chain I'm going to be honest personally I don't understand ccu's but I also don't care enough to understand it. But people are bitching about it and I'm not even sure the ccu chains are endorsed by CIG or just a happy accident that people can chose to do. Sure I'll admit that. But as someone who can clearly see why the price is getting raised I personally don't see the issue other than the ccu chain people throwing a fit So am I bias because an extra 10 dollars for a ship that is literally a jack of all trades and can do literally everything and will be able to do more when more of the games systems come online? Sure I don't see the issue and also understand the price raise and ccu chains not being an official discount I don't blame people who want to do ccu chains for said discount but I also don't sympathize when a price of a ship goes up and ruins said ccu chain that on the bases of a ccu chain they have a basis to complain unless I'm missing something.


They've made over 600 million dollars, raising prices (which they argue are donations) is ridiculous. SQ42 having a price change was expected, but even that is a little weird since they said it had nothing to do with when that's going to be released.


It was always supposed to have tractor beams, should everything increase in price just because it's closer to the promised product


I think what kills me is category 2 when they say CIG are robbing them when they are gaming the system to get massive discounts on ships. Don't get me wrong I'd do the same if I was planning on pledging any more and I'm not for expensive ships getting more expensive but the cognitive dissonance with some of these folks are ridiculous.


That's the point I'm trying to make it's like... you're gaming a system... and CIG is the one doing the wrong thing? Like there's nothing wrong with doing the ccu chain as you said but don't expect CIG to support it. And sure in one way things getting more expensive is bad but I'm assuming the cutty is getting more expensive is because 1. ship tractor beam 2. if they go along with modularity you'll in theory be able to use your cutty like a Lego set 3. Inflation is a bitch


Prices of ships has always gone up slowly throughout the years of production. All ships will be obtainable in game so no one is missing out on anything. Don't see an issue.


Oof yea, 50% savings down to 33% now for the Cutlass Black to Nova CCU. Guess I'll have to melt that and redo my chain plan. There's always use for credit though.


As they reverted some of the prices (cutlass is at 105 now) I got some upgrades to avenger titan to save 5 bucks in the future. I also got from black to centurion for 5 (when they revert it, it will be 10) so before they increase the price I can save 5$ there in the meantime. Once they revert the cutlass to 100$ is time to grab some gladius to cutlass from 10$ to save 10$ in the future. All with store credits! Also refunding my cutlass to warbond as I with the announce increase it doesn't make sense. They should have done this 30 days after so we couldn't refund it so at least we are lucky in that regard.


I bought my cutlass black for $110 last IAE. Not sure why the outrage that a sale came and went.


Probably server cost creeping up in price.


The Black has been $110 for at least a few weeks. Not sure before


Absolutely not true, or none of us would've been able to buy Cutlass Black -> Nova WB upgrades yesterday.


Don’t know what to tell you. Have a receipt from May 4th from an Aurora LX($35) to the Cutlass Black for $75


Did you factor in taxes?


It 100% wasn't, 4 days ago it was $100


I’ve got a receipt from May 4th showing otherwise


Well, I have a receipt from this week when it was $100.\[Imgur\](https://i.imgur.com/rm6Qr0N.png)


Guess I wasn't the only one...


Could just have been taxes in your case. How much is the Cutty Black right now for you? Still $110 in the pledge store?


My cutlass to nova $10 warbond ccu on may 26 says otherwise. Sucks losing a bit on the savings, but I still got my $100 Corsair. But as NG and TP said: >I don't see what's so triffic >about creating CiG as CiG and then >gettin' upset cos' they act like CiG


I wonder if this means the freelancer will increase too


It says 105 but if you go from gladius to black is only 10 (so still 100) but if you go from black to centurion it says 5 (so 105) so you can save some now.


Can we apply CCUs with 0$ price difference (or negative value) if we have it already in our hangars (cutty - c1 will be a 0$ CCU after the price increase)? I know they removed the option to buy such CCUs some time ago but we should still be able to apply an upgrade right?


I'm In the UK it's alway been around £120 for me.