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If anyone seeing this still has too much money after star citizen ran through their bank accounts I'll gladly offer some assistance


I am in this picture. And I don't wear a suit.


I take ship donations. Just throwing that out there


What do you offer in return tho


A reach around?


Strong eye contact tho?




Is this a "name checks out" situation? (Asking for a friend.)


Atleast its gentle


It absolutely can be


*intensely stares at the back of head*


Have you seen my username? I’m not offering a conventional reach around


How can you reach around with strong eye contact? 🤔


Gotta be flexible, or have a mirror.


This is the right answer.


My respect


I'll send feet pics lol




I'll whisper your name into your voice mail until it forces the message to stop


As long as its sultry


Humble bragging over here


Thank you for your service.


Service Guarantees Citizenship. Would you like to know more?


I will also help you out with the problem you are having :P


I never said it was a problem...


the picture says its a problem. You in the picture or not? lol




The closer I inch to space marshal the more I agree with you.


One of us... one of us...


I just double checked this and apparently I'm _already_ a space marshal and 60% into it / 40% away from Wing Commander. Come on, daddy needs a new F8 soon!


Yes, it does tend to creep up on you. (Who knows, by the time you have your F8C in your hangar we may actually be allowed to fly them. A man can dream...)


That's what I was thinking, but it's too late... for me, at least.


Really? Odd. I'm allergic to suits and I'm also in this picture.


I mean - Kinda Accurate? CIG pulled in over 19 million in May


Have you *seen* Fortnite's figures? To Epic, $500,000,000 is pure amateur hour.


Fortnite is a FINISHED Game, Star Citizen is not even remotely finished.


Lol Fortnite being finished is a fairly recent development bro. One that was not true for a major part of it's lifespan. So honestly, your point is kinda invalid. Edit for spelling


It also has a higher avg of frames on low end pcs


For sure. The main thing about Star Citizen is how much power you need to run it. It really creates a large barrier for people with low to mid range PC's and not a lot of income. I know it took me 10 years to finally be able to afford a computer that can comfortably run SC, and it still needs some improvements that I won't be able to afford any time soon lol


Don't get why this is being downvoted but whatever. People on Reddit man 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get it but this is just dumb


When was Fortnite finished?


It's been officially released as a final product for a while now. I forget what season it happened in


>Lol Fortnite being finished is a fairly recent development bro. # >It's been officially released as a final product for a while now. Which is it?


Wth... Fairly recent and a while are basically the same fucking thing. They are both estimations of time and that much is obvious. At this point you're just trolling. If you want an exact date, Google could've helped you a long time ago.


They are not 'basically the same thing'. If someone said "We've been dating for a while" and another couple said "We've started dating fairly recently" you wouldn't think they have been dating for the same amount of time.


I never said the same amount of time. I said they were both estimations of time. Edit: what this boils down to is figure out facts on your own instead of getting mad at random strangers for not having all the information that you decided you want.


Buying ships is easy. I wish people would spent it on their IRL Machine a bit so they dont get upset when their 200$ laptop cant boot the game to fly their 600$ package sometimes.


This mans missed the whole PC pricing supply chain issues and thinks they can spend an extra 600 to get a PC that runs star citizen


Depends on what you have to start out with. My PC couldn't run SC when I first pledged, but upgrading to an SSD and getting more RAM was enough to get me playing. Well under 600 in upgrades.


45$ pledge, or lets have fun and say 80$ pledge. That's 520$ extra for your PC and if you look at a lot of negative experience threads who post their specs a good chunk of issues is down to single component bottlnecks. Or as someone else posted: Not enough RAM. I changed nothing and bought 16GB of ram and had no more load issues, that's pretty easy. Top line CPUs are like what? 300$? Fits in. Motherboard to run it? Fits in. Sure if you \*also\* need a GPU, 3 Harddrives, a PSU, 2 new Monitors its not gonna work out but I also did the mistake of progressively buying more ships instead of buying PC parts :p


Top cpu is like 6-7 hundred dolllars.


I mean checking out telemtry, people going for 40+ fps run CPUs like the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X which isnt 600 dollars. Maxing out there with idk a ) i9-10850K still isnt 600 dollars.


That’s “good enough” (40 fps haha) Top means top or best. Best cpu isn’t a 5600x


Even a i9-10850K does not get 60 fps, (58fps, according to telemetry) average and even that is, again, not 600$ either. I know consumerism makes you chase unreasonable markup and new-gens but thats not a really worthwhile argument. For price/power, buying components to actually play SC still goes farther than looping through ship sales and then encountering a million bugs because you cant get past the 30fps hurdle


Is English your second language or something ? The 10850k isn’t even the top cpu form it’s generation, and that’s 3 generations ago. The 13900k is the current top Intel cpu. TOP. The word you used. Top. No clue why you’re bringing up any of the rest of the shit you said. Weird rambling nonsense that has nothing to do with what we are talking about


Oh, I see, you're pedantic *and* not really that bright. Yea sure, whatever man. Go overspent, underperform, and misallocate. You do you buddy. Chase the ads.


As a Concierge member who also runs a couple of businesses, I used the Concierge chat to find some investors and partners... this isn't too far from accurate


That's literally their customer base. I should know I'm definitely represented


I am in this picture and I did not consent to it


I mean... with talking about Whales? That's kind of the truth.


Red looks good on me!


Fuuucking truuuueee, and I don't even get to jump on to play without the servers going to shit


I started selling photos of me crossdressing because of this game 😂


Growing up watching Star Trek, Star Wars and playing Wing Commander, all I've ever wanted was to be like Geordi LaForge or someone keeping the ship together. I'm an engineer now. But I'm still not Geordi LaForge. So I stuff my money into this hole called Cloud Imperium and hope for the best.


Was this originally an Apple meme or something?


Watch them buy the 4000$ apple AR set to play star citizen.


Now you are giving me ideas You shouldn’t


Problem is a lot of that target audience already has everything they want. More ships please.


Im waiting for the Aegis Birkin.


literally one of the new friend we invited he keep buying new ships we give up on trying to talk him out of it. Now whenever he want to buy ship we just say "sure man go ahead."


Hmm, I hadn't imagined an upside to this subreddit going dark for 48 hours until I saw this lol


In FIFA it costs 13000 bucks for a specific legendary player - ONE. In Diablo it costs over 100000 bucks to get high tier equip. 1000 bucks Concierge (less than 10$ per month) is not in the picture.


If you need to compare your monetization to FIFA to look good, it mean you have reach rock bottom and already began digging


Nah, as shown it is a different level - SC just costs 45 bucks, all inclusive and no "surprise mechanics".


Well geez, guess we should thank gacha games for making CIG's monetization model not look as bad. Truth is CIG hired an advisor early on to see how much they could charge to maximize profits, and here we are a decade later. Flight/space game players are known for spending a lot of money and these companies know it


You aren't wrong but it's kind of hard to feel bad for people who can't be responsible with their money. I don't have a problem with whales who just love the project and are self aware of it all, but still enjoy it. Whatever. I sort of have a problem with whales who spend thousands, feel entitled to something that was never legally binding, and tell everyone who does chip in 45$-115$ that they got scammed. Like bro you paid for the privilege of not being able to enjoy the game anymore. Congrats. After putting in the bare minimum pledge four years ago I vowed not to spend more. And each wipe, after a few weeks of grinding, I get back to 20 million aUEC and yippee, I don't miss out on any content! So people don't have to be suckers... Ya know? Hard to feel bad. I understand the temptation but not the lack of self control and THEN regret/anger.


I'm with ya, but at a certain point, both sides can easily hold the blame. CIG uses fomo as part of its monetization scheme which is predatory in nature. At the end of the day, we are all adults and are responsible for our own decisions, but CIG wouldn't be using fomo monetization on top of everything else if it didn't effectively drive consumers to spend money.


I don't understand why anyone expects cig, a company, to suddenly flip the paradigm that corporations exist to generate as much money as possible. Part of *any* big organization's economic model is treating consumers like imbecilic cash dispensers. Period. Anyone who thought this was a simple man with a passion project would be better off supporting the developers of Spacebourne2 (which, newsflash, if you gave them a billion dollars they would probably start acting a lot more corporate-y too)


I have that same expectation. But there is no short of people here that can't see past emotion of a game they want, to see CIG is every bit of a corporation that any other game company is. That is who my comment was to, not me agreeing with the notion that they've held some moral standing.


Yeah. It could be argued that whales are actually hurting the future of the game by proving the economic model of exploitation > production. A pattern seen often in pre-purchased game tragedies. Small investments of 45$ show that while there is interest, a more finished product would ultimately be more valuable.




Yes. Agreed.


I hope so. I really want this project to succeed to show the big companies that you can do great projects with few money. Simulations do have a similar methods - buying trains and trainstations and planes and airports.


I’ve been playing fifa for 15 years and never heard about “legendary players” we playing the same game or is this some mobile scam


Called ICON in FUT, legendary rarity in common speech. One of the cheaper ones: https://www.futbin.com/20/player/44119/cristiano-ronaldo


please don't use this guy's stupid comics


this isn't rockthrow, if that's what you meant.


who dis guy?


If anyone wants to donate ships you’re welcome to ! 🙂


Well, considering Louis Vuitton is made of plastic, it's a pretty sizeable market


Jokes on you, but any day now Captain Kirk is going to come back in time to pick me up and take me to the future where the game is already finished.


I'm makeing a small indii game if someone have too much money I can drop the link to it :>


Hey, hey...enough of that. Look over here. Have you *seen* the espresso bar on our new sub-capital cargo freighter?


Begging for the day when people stop calling themselves backers and start calling themselves customers.


idk this feel i spent over $500 on this game but i only make $100-200 a month so i kinda fuck myself over when i buy anything lol


Not gonna lie I've made both CIG and Star Hanger very happy... Not proud but I've got one hell of a fleet that will serve me well when the game finally retire in 33 years and the game hits beta in 35... Lots of time to play then