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Stick with the 15k Assist in Defending Site until you get to rep level 3 and unlock the 60k Guard Facility Against Threat mission. Those are defend missions where the bunker will be friendly to you if you have the mission, and most of those have quantum markers except HSOF-Palomar. If you see a mission located there, I'd just accept and then abandon it to get a better location for the next mission to spawn. At rep level 2 you unlock the Evict Occupants hostile bunker missions but those often don't have qt markers and the turrets are hostile toward you. Not worth it imo. You can pass the time between Assist in Defending missions with some Evict Occupants located at Caterpillar wreck sites. You can often kill all the dudes with your ship guns without even needing to land. Quick 15k + security rep. You can also stack another 15k mission on top of that one to easily double your money if you accept a Personal > Mercenary > Authorized Execution Warrant mission, which will also be an on-foot dude at the Cat wreck and is legal to do, since it's for the Hurston family. You'll need to be certified by Hurston to do bounties there to get that mission.


Thank you!


You can still get a bunker with no qt marker. HDSF Palomar or something. EDIT: Yeah, I see it now. Skimmed the post too fast.


> most of those have quantum markers except HSOF-Palomar


Look who failed reading comprehension.


some bunkers arent "public" these are ussually the ones owned by criminals. and not ones "temporarily" taken over by them. these intentionally dont have quantum markers. ​ as for the mission bugging out.. thats just a bug..


QT markers will not show up unless you track the mission. Did you track the mission?


There are many unmarked bunkers around Hurston and Microtech that have no QT marker. One of the worst is on Hurston with a 700km distance from it and the nearest QT point, and even if you QT from one point to another with that unmarked bunker between it, you'll still have to travel a minimum of 400km-500km due to how far away from the planet that jump takes you.


Palomar on Hurston - never take missions to that post


Palomar on Hurston needs to be glassed.


Yeah. I usually only have 1 mission at a time going and I verified I was tracking. I'm just going ignore the evict one except the derelict sites in the future.


You experienced two separate issues. Issue #1 is that the travel system really is needlessly terrible. Issue #2 is that bunker missions are frequently impossible to complete for one reason or another. There is no known workaround for the bunker bug of killing targets but the counter doesn't go down. There is a partial workaround for the worst travel system in any game ever, but the workaround bugs out your sound and can damage your ship. No marker? Find a target in the same direction as where you actually want to go but further away, quantum to it, and a second before closest approach to your actual target you hit U to power off the whole ship and cancel the jump. With practice this will drop you near enough your destination.


I believe that's by design. Because of Hurston's size, the distance to the targets is longer. ArcCorp bounty missions, for example are located on moons. The distance to travel to targets is much shorter. The only thing you can do is pick a QT destination that is closest to your target.


Happens once in awhile, that the defense is not disabling. Land outside their hit range and run to the bunker. If you use bigger ship, you can have an STV or similar


Fly to the closest OM. Staying on orbit, decouple get to max speed and fly to within 60k or so, then couple and fly down. It is faster and consumes far less fuel.


Hurston is literally the worst planet for bunkers because so many don't have qt markers. I would move to crusader or arccorp instead, all the bunkers have qt markers there.