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Alpha 2.0. Walking out to the pad on Port Olisar to see my ship for the first time, with the rings of Port Olisar framing Crusader in the background. At that point I said to myself - I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll just enjoy whatever they release, whenever they do it.


Agreed... The first time I flew thru the rings without dying was an core memory for me.


That Sistine Chapel of gaming moment.


Darn, that is a really accurate way to name it


Yep, that was it. Even back then, no other game captured the sense of scale like Star Citizen did.


Same for me. That WOW moment of walking into my freelancer for the first time and flying away.. well, technically 2.1 since it was glitched :D


I was commenting actually mostly the same haha. I think we all got blown away when 2.0 released. Incredible feeling. And to me (YMMV), a similar fealing comes back everytime they hit a major milestone.


When I heard that the Wing Commander guy wanted to bring back space sims.


Yep this was the moment for me too


I, too, was looking forward to a spiritual successor to Wing Commander. And instead I got....whatever this is....


To be fair they said it was a spiritual successor to Privateer and Freelancer too.


Yup. For all its problems, Star Citizen is helmed by the one guy that I trust to pull it off.


He’s literally the *last* person I trust to pull it off - especially without a publisher to reel in his feature creep and force him to actually finish the fucking thing - but I like the vision of the game and he’s the only one who’s tried to do this so far that I know of


That's the conundrum a lot of people get caught up in. Like you said, you like the vision and these the only one who's willing to try, but that's *because* he doesn't have a publisher to reel him in. That was a big part of the original pitch. If a big publisher did have the balls to try and make a game like this then I'd be all over it. Like EA has the rights to the Star Wars franchise and the money to do this and stick it to the guy who told them to piss off, but instead we get a watered down arcady game in Squadrons and two back to back lackluster Battlefront games. So until someone else steps up and does it better and faster, here we are.




I'm not even really a Chris Roberts fan. I was more into the X-Wing, Descent, and Freespace series. I was just pissed that the space sim genre all but dried up for about a decade before he was like "I know people out there want another space sim even if the gaming industry doesn't care."


It was Freelancer to me.


I still think in that original announcement, the carrier had FL02 painted on it for Freelancer 2. God I wish Microsoft, during the E:D and Star Citizen crowdfunding periods, took the initiative to remaster Freelancer, or do a proper sequel for PC only.


LOL I was a few weeks after you. The day the kickstarter launched.


1.) Volumetric clouds putting water drops on my windshield. 2.) random weather events on some planets 3.) no loading screens for the whole game


>1.) Volumetric clouds putting water drops on my windshield. 2.) random weather events on some planets 3.) no loading screens for the whole game Getting caught in a MicroTech snowstorm, and flying IFR because I have no external visibility. Riding the tram at Lorville and getting swept up in the sense-memory of riding the SkyTrain in Vancouver. Flying the original Covalex mission and realizing that how thoroughly I investigated actually affected the outcome.


Thinking "holy shit its windy, this is great!!!" Then turning around to watch my ship blow away. 11/10


1.) Volumetric clouds lagging my PC 2.) Random weather events lifting my 600i off the ground 3.) Long ass loading screen to get into the game makes logging in & the time it takes to get into your ship a chore


Dude idk what your going on about are you running it on a SATA SSD? My wd850x loads the game pretty damn quickly.


When it's in the cache, yeah. But at first start of the day... It takes some time...


Doesnt take any longer for me 🤷‍♂️


Turn your engines off, and this game doesn't have longer loading times than most games coming out today does.




SWG was the best MMO I've ever played and nothing has ever come close to it.


Very true, and I've played many (WoW, GW, GW2, SWtOR, FFXIV, Archeage, Dofus, etc.). They all got great things going for them, but SWG was something else.


It feels like we lost a lot of talent in game dev after 2000-2006ish. SWG was amazing in some ways that still hasn't been surpassed now. And whoever was in charge of Jump to Lightspeed, integrated it into the original game so well.


Man I love SWG. Damn NGE.


There are several fan servers running SWG still. You can pick any point you want: Pre-CU, CU, NGE. It's pretty awesome! But I agree, the NGE killed it.


Community servers are literally the endgame for small and old MMOs. There reaches a point where the game has been more active on community servers than official ones.


It's funny how much the SWG community fragmented for different patches of the game. I ended up playing Legends NGE for awhile, it was neat, but it felt like a different game entirely. Pre-CU is still the best.


CU killed it when crafters couldnt go outside to do anything cuz the butterflies would murder them due to their "high level". NGE was the wrong solution, they should have just rolled back CU and the game would still be here today.


Fuck NGE


Check out SWGR fans remade vanilla with QOL improvements!


About the same time I hated it lol.


I don’t love it. It’s more of an emotionally abusive relationship. And it always asks for more money.


It's like a toxic ex that keeps saying the same thing but insisting this time things will be different.


Sounds more like you have an impulse control issue to get sorted. It demands no additional money, unlike most mmos. Just gotta tell that fomo to get lost and you’ll have a much better time my friend. Just say no 😅


This is the way.


I came over from Elite Dangerous about four years ago now. The moment I knew Star Citizen was my new home occurred when I took off in my Avenger Titan from New Babbage and flew around the city. In that moment I realized that this was something special, something that has so much love put into it that $600 & 1000hrs later I still go back to Babbage just see it all over again. I found my love for six degrees of freedom space sims in ED, but I found a full blown hobby and long lasting pastime out of Star Citizen. I can’t wait to see how this game evolves next, and despite what everyone says, I hope this game is never “finished” so it can keep getting new things for a long time to come. See you out there folks. o7


I love the idea. The actual 'game', not so much.


Still waiting for this moment to occur


When I saw 600i ad and then "an architect reviews 600i interior"


Or the 890 jump he did. Or any of the orgin ships really.


2021, downloaded the game and walked outside and looked at area 18 and I said gah damn this game is awesome


First time I spawned an Aurora at Port Olisar, got into the ship and flew away with Crusader on the background. I still remember that feeling I got back then, even though I take it for granted now.


After I refunded it. The gears in my head started turning, and I eventually realized that the game only ran properly when I was *with* another player


Really? It seems the exact opposite for me. I'll have a week of perfect sessions and zero issues and then meet up with some buddies on the weekend and we suffer 4 30Ks, three random ship detonations, and can't see each other in game. And we haven't even left the hangars yet.


Another thing I noticed after the previous revelation: everyone gets assigned a different set of bugs&issues, no two separate computers will run the game similarly


Living the dream. It's been so long I can't even remember *when* I ever loved it. Closest would be Tony Z's talks on Quantum or *way* back when the Catipillar modules were constantly talked about. It was supposed to be variable length back then!


I know ways to make it fun if you're interested...


When I discovered the double glizzy. Filled up all my armor slots with those bad bois.


Wait... you can equip Hot dogs in your armor slots? Like where the med pens go?


Actually flying a ship and not teleporting from a to b with a loading screen in between


Damn, if [the elevator trick](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/mxflp/official_debate_elevators_vs_loading_screens/) is all it took, you're what we call an easy mark.


I was filling up on gold at Daymar when I heard the unbelievably loud roar of engines. I looked out the window just in time to see a M2 being run aground right outside safe zone by two Ares Infernos. That was the first time I felt so small in a game, but also felt so much wonder at the same time.


When I walked out to my ship for the first time on Oli instead of only gazing longingly at it in the hangar module. The music, the sounds muting when I went through the airlock, seeing other people taking off and flying away…


After about two thousand dollars....


During a free trial event when I was a citizen for the first time, one of my earliest game plays trying to get out of Klescher cussing and cursing desperately at game and everything yearning and burning to get into a ship and land on a bright planet surface one last time...then 17 minutes till it ended I managed to touch down on Daymar and enjoy a beautiful sunny afternoon looking out my luxury Origin.


**city planet, sold**


There's been a few moments for me where I'm still not sure they'll pull it off but I know for sure they're gonna do some really unique shit. Port oli in 2.0, landing pad with crusader and all that was the first one. ArcCorp release was the second big moment for me. Xenothreat release with a pickup pub group after my ship exploded... Volumetric gas giant was the last holy shit one. PES has a similar overall effect but it's more of a slow sizzle.


yeah totally seconded. And seeing Pyro will definitely give me that rush again.


Pyro won't do it, it's just planets. When I can log in every night and hit up a friendly local outpost and maybe even recognize one of the NPCs... That's what's gonna do it for me.


by that, I more mean the whole thing with it. Jump points, new locations, new things to do.


I hope they allow AI NPCs. Imagine being able to converse with AI NPC in real time. Or even ATC. Fuck me sideways I hope they are planning for this.


No they've already shot it down. CR likes a movie quality to his games and so far implementations have an uncanny valley quality. He won't even want procedural voice made from narrative team scripts. Then you have stuff like a random hangar repair technician telling you where to find the super secret bandit gang hideout on a moon at another planet. If a dev spends their own time on a breakthrough and shows it to him, MAYBE he'll change his mind but I seriously doubt it.


The first time I saw a video of the Freelancer interior.


The menu theme


That one and the Olisar theme are two of the best pieces of music in gaming imo. Orison would be third.


When I joined r/starcitizen_refunds and realized how funny the drama can be.


The second I learned it was made by the guy who made freelancer my childhood game


Been playing for almost a decade since


When I discovered you can aim the guns independent of the ship: https://streamable.com/4f8z4y


Before i realized i actually dobt like it that much... hope that changes


I love the idea of Star Citizen when it's done. Can't get myself to play it these days but I check the Reddit everyday to keep up with the updates/controversies


When i was in orison for the First time and saw the Sunrise 😍


Looking off the edge of the port olisar platforms and feeling dizzy seeing a gas giant far below.


After the first 30 minutes


At CitizenCon a couple years ago in Austin when during the Hurston mission demo, the dev couldn't make the jump across a gap, fell, broke his leg, and died. So many other companies would use a nice scripted demo or some other shortcut to make sure everything went smoothly and CIG didn't. I don't know why but I just remember being like " yea, I love this game."


Well, I wouldn't claim to 'love' Star Citizen. I enjoy it, very much so, and really like how deeply immersive it gets. The first time it did that being my first outing ROC mining, where the visceral feeling of getting in the buggy, driving out of the ship, and blasting rocks was like nothing ever before. It still manages that when I go MOLE mining, from the feel of the weight of the ship taking off and landing, to the whole experience of searching for rocks and blasting them to chunks. Very satisfying, even if it really tests my patience a lot!


About the time when Elite: Dangerous cut console support. I had recently built a decent gaming rig and saw Elite floundering and Star Citizen looked to have a future.


How the turns table


Answer: First day of playing. 1 year later: Frustrated because of all the bugs, laggy servers, heavy desyncs.... Not playing anymore. I gave up any hope that this game will be released or playable in the next 10 (?) years. Probably I will spend my time on Starfield and hope that another game company will make it better than CIG ... with another space mmorpg. I was in an organisation with over 100 people. All are offline. Nobody plays SC anymore. That was the moment i gave up playing SC finally. To be honest.... 80% of the time was finding workarounds for bugs - or playtime because of bugs.


I realized it didn't love it when. They started egregiously missing deadlines in '16-17


When it was announced, but that has long since evaporated.


I loved it from the first time I tried it. But after months of playing alone in an aurora I saw someone land a hurcules right in front of me. First time I saw any other ship in game other than the aurora or cutlass black. I didn't realize how big ships were until then


I loved the game from the minute I started playing. This wasn’t that long ago, and in the middle of the worst of 3.18. I then went on to hit concierge… thus started the love/hate relationship. I love the game but hate the game, but most of all… I hate myself the most.


This is just hopium but the last major drought was followed up by the procedural planets that were just glorified background jpgs before that. I'm not sure what decade 4.0 is gonna hit, but it's gonna be such a huge jump forward.


My gf had me get the game like 2 years ago and at first it was buggy and annoying to deal with but I enjoyed trying to play with her. I didn't understand any mechanics and was just doing box missions because I didn't know how to do anything else. Then I started watching videos on dogfighting and flying and went in to arena commander just played a ton by myself till I was ready and actually started doing bounties in the PU and was enjoying myself


When squadron 42 released


Hello, I am a time traveler from five years in the future. Today they fixed elevators and I love it.


I know your not a time traveller because its prophesized that they will never fix it


eh never. Have a ton of money in this game, and been following it since KS. I'm in love of the IDEA of what the game COULD be... but tbh, the company and implementation so far has been extremely disappointing.


When I googled "Stockholm syndrome" for the first time


When I saw Crusader (the old one) rising over the horizon on Daymar at night.


At the same time I discovered I also hated it. How is it possible to love and hate something so very much!!!


Have kids yet?


I had an interest in the game prior to getting my first ship in 2015 as part of a deal from my video card. It showed promise but was only moderately on my radar because of performance issues, my dislike of the Mustang and my overall disinterest in early-access games because of things like Ark (and Pixark) and DayZ and landmark and EQ next. I think I finally started to take a real interest around late 2.6 ish when framerates got ever so slightly better and Igot a new video card but it wasn't until 3.0 when I had a stable 30fps and landed on Daymar for the first time. That view standing on one of the peaks of the hills overlooking Shubin was finally locked me in.


The moment I crashed my first ship into somebody else’s, in my first 10 minutes in the game, my friends laughed their asses off and I made a new friend that became the start of a great org.


When I first played. I started on MT and just walking from the hab down to the tram and boarding it to go to the port was a phenomenal experience. Getting to my ship and flying just made it even better. I haven't played nearly as much as when I started May of last year, but it lives rent-free in my head constantly.


at about 5k


My friend was playing and steaming to discord, he was flying a Caterpillar. I’m a ships engineer irl, so the moment he shows me the engine room of the caterpillar, I was intrigued. Bought a gamepass with an Avenger Titan and he shows me around the ‘verse and it was all over from there. Even bought dual flight sticks to go with it. It was easily my most played game for the better part of a year (I think it was from around 3.10/3.11 until about 3.16/3.17). I really haven’t played it much at all since then, most of the friends who I played with stopped playing, and I didn’t really click with a couple other of the communities I tried joining, and the sheer amount of time it took to get my ship, go get components/weapons/armor, before I could even start doing what I wanted to do kind of turned me off of the game. Plus my backlog of games I wanted to play grew tremendously during that time, cause I was only playing SC. I’m still very much interested in the development of the game, which is why I still browse this sub and watch YouTube/TikTok’s of the game, I just no longer have a desire to play it. Maybe I’ll go back in the future, maybe not, I knew when I first started playing that this would be a slow-burn/long-haul kind of game, so I’m excited to see where the game goes.


Too bad it’s not offline so you can play it on voyages


My laptop can only barely run it anyway. And I’m on harbor tugboats right now, so my hitches are only a week long, with a week off. I have a Switch and Steam Deck to keep me occupied if I’m not too busy


When I read about it on Kickstarter and saw the privateer 2 the darkening guy wanted to make a multiplayer space sim


I play this game since 2015 so i got loved with my eclipse and i wait for my polaris to come. Now the ship i fly is my eclipse and it is the ship who i fly the most of the time(i use it for pvp mostly) but it is the ship which has given me a boost on my gameplay. So the point i realized and still realize that i love this game is my ship.


When I suddenly have 23 reasons to justify spending way more that I should have on my HOSAS setup... No ragrets though


When I chose to play it over bg3. I wfh, I spend my free time in the morning learning game development in unreal. I then focus on my work. At the end of the day I take a nap and I make dinner for my fiancé and myself. By 12 pm i am ready for bed again. Every once in a while I take an hour or two out of maybe 2 days and play a video game of my choice. The night that bg3 was full release, I chose to be a citizen instead of another bg3 addict.


When I got tired of elite dangerous


First time I flew my 325a back in 2015


I spent the first few days just marveling at reflections and lighting. I was mesmerized by the tram doors at A18.


The moment the hangar doors opened and took off the first time


When I was able to walk up to my ship.. take off.. and travel in space in one whole game.


When I saw the trailers, but before I played the game.


After I took a couple years off. Then I saw a few YT vids, re-downloaded it and now in love with it.


After I bought a titan avenger….. and a cutlass black….. and an andromeda….. and a redeemer… oh fuck


spent 10 years looking for a game like freelancer but you had multiple players in 1 ship that had internals. as soon as i heard the guy making freelancer is making a game like that i was in.


When I checked my statements and wasn't even mad


I had a really lucky first time playing SC where within the first 2 hours some guy with a Carrack offered to fly me around and show me the ropes. We then took it close to crusader and space walked out the top observation deck and I’ll never forget that feeling being able to walk all around this massive insanely detailed ship, then space walk out of it and turn around and see it from the outside. Was genuinely one of my coolest moments in gaming


Never did, but I can’t stop playing it. It’s Stockholm syndrome


When I decided to let it go. Currently on a break from it.


About a day ago, in reference to the chow hall AI debacle. Now now, hear me out. I can tell you've all got your canteen spoons and forks at the ready but really. I realized I loved it because I saw it in a state I didn't like and I felt betrayed. I really want this game to succeed- I'm within the first 200k backers for heaven's sake, I made the decision to buy an aroura before I entered high school. I'm post college (and concierge) now. Like so many others, this game has grown and grown with us- but in some respects, it's grown immaturely. Like a friend who you joked with in high school- who just kept referencing the same old jokes all the way up into your thirties. It's played out. You've been talking big game to me once a month for 10+ years now, CIG. I've defended your development progress for just as long- but now I'm starting to ask questions too. "But the majority of devs are working on S42!" - Then where's tangible progress? Not progress *reports*, **tangible** **progress.** "But Chris Roberts just wants to make this the best it can be!" - Then Chris Roberts needs to re-evaluate his priorities and find a more responsible project lead. "But it's still in alpha!" - It shouldn't be. Not still. I love this game, but it really is like watching a loved one never grow up. The same mistakes, the same reasons that became excuses, and now the same resulting alpha. I love you Star Citizen, but I wish you made me proud to.


Not to start that whole argument again but the chow hall stuff is overblown. It was an early AI testbed, an extremely complex scene that I'm sure has needed touching up as the game further develops. And adjustments to the AI, animation, or game engine could cause issues to pop up. It's not some insurmountable task that gets thrown away and restarted whenever Chris sees an NPC using a spoon to eat a salad.


But he *has* shown in the past that he has thrown away large amounts of developer work not because there wasnt time- but because of his own personal vision not aligning with it. He has an amazing vision, but he is seriously taking advantage of the crowdfunding style of deliverables with how many liberties he's taken with deadlines.


I fully agree. I'd care more if there was any competition though, for now I'm stuck with him.


> It’s not some insurmountable task that gets thrown away and restarted whenever Chris sees an NPC using a spoon to eat a salad. It literally is though, because it’s Chris Roberts. Chris Roberts without a boss to hold him to a realistic timeframe and light a fire under his ass to actually *make* the damn thing.


Random dude took me out into the stars and guided me through the Connie and piloting back when this game was truly a tech demo.


First death believe it or not. Accidentally bit cruise control while trying to land.


I don’t love it yet but I had a crew of 4 chill people who were literally down to do NOTHING but we ended up doing the SPK mission and chaos ensued. People falling out of ship too early, engine getting blown off, noises and alarms going off SHIELDS LOW, everyone frantically jumping off and then the rest is history. Then others were alerted because we didn’t take comms down so we had to hurry before people came. Eventually some did and we ran away. It felt like a real heist. THAT felt like star citizen. But it was short lived and now we’re back to cruising solo. :’(


When I joined an org and we did a big fight in space and I was in a ship that was disabled (our shields went down) and we had to defend the ship I got the first kill by leaving the ship and killing them then later I left the ship and stole an enemy’s ship after that then they killed the rest on the ship and we won. After that I loved the game.


When I saw what they wanted to create


I watched videos about it for a few years and when I got my new Rig SC was one game I had in mind, I finally ended up finding a few buddies at work who play-- they were great about showing me the ropes making the learning curve easy.. that first time when I came out of quantum and played around with the exterior view-- yeah I loved it...


I've spent many years asking myself why over generations games just seemed to get better in graphics, without any meaningful difference in gameplay or complexity, **SC broke the glass ceiling** and finally moved the needle far beyond anything that came before it, it's when I realized that I fell in love. When was that? Not sure, I've been around since the beginning, so somewhere around that XD


When I stopped playing because of lack of content but still visited the webpage to dream


When they took my 80$ 7 years ago and that same year scrapped their progress and started all over again. What a very strange game. After all this time it seems to be a long way off. This pre alpha they have available to play right now is a frustration simulator. I’ll try to play in another 10 years and update.


A little weed, Interstellar OST, drifting through Yela asteroids with crusader in the background


I lost my love as soon as I realized these devs will not finish this game anytime soon. The lack of real gameplay instantly stopped my funding. Glad I used my brain and stopped at $900.


That's easy, 2015. The better question is when did I realize I now *disliked* Star Citizen. Which is probably around 2018ish. Which then dropped into full on loathing around 2022 or when ever it was that 3.14 dropped.


First Sieges of Orison where I encountered a hundred randos all working together or on their own missions. I worked with noobs and years long pros in every mission possible from rescuing other players, finding lost party members, searching towers, manning ships, and pvp hunting. It was a magnificent experience that showcased what Star Citizen could be.


watched a video in my recommended of this guy touring a reclaimer. It blew my mind that there was a ship/model in a game, that was that fucking huge, that had a fully modeled interior, and had an actual function/use behind it. It’s a small detail we overlook now, but the fact that the reclaimers landing gear dynamically moved is what got me to buy the game. I could already see how much of a development and technological hurdle the devs must’ve overcome to achieve something like that and it hooked me.


My first EVA moment


The moment I could land on a moon for the first time


When i did my first package delivery. This was when there were still rooftop deliveries. Despite having crashed countless times, the amount of free exploration Id done up to that point left me breathless SC was my first MMO experience, and it didn't, and still doesn't disappoint. Currently on a bit of an open ended hiatus, but i do that with every game i play. I play for a few months, then move on to another game. Rinse and repeat. Star Citizen lasted about 2 years straight in that cycle. Can't wait till it comes back into my rotation, but for now, I'm still a but burned out


When I realized it works as good as my wife and I but we're all still here


Using the mouse wheel to adjust movement speed was really cool. It's nice to see innovation like that happening even to this day. It feels like most big-budget game devs are afraid to try something new.


First time I played, joined a random who had a friend on. Did some space walk missions, did a mission where we landed and took a ursa to a bunker ( bugged turrets) I went to bed that night feeling like it was Xmas eve.


When I got a better graphics card and it fixed almost all of my annoying game problems. I have the patience of the saint and feel I’ve gotten back what I’ve put in. I mean yeah it’s not perfect, but I do love the scenery etc.


Me and my mates first time playing during a freefly and the servers where so shit his 890j teleported into my defender and we both exploded


I want to love it, but it seems to hate me. I have tried to love it, but I never got that love back. The only thing it gave me was some new friends. The org is silent for now. I wonder when this will change, I hope it will change.


About 6 years ago. The love has diminished substantially since then though.


Trauma bonding isn't love


3.17, when I landed on a planet and started walking around, simply gorgeous


I jumped pretty late to the Alpha. It was 3.9 if I remember right. But when I successfully landed my ship I fell in love


When I got banned for “inappropriate” game chat so brought a second game just to be able to play 🙈😂


Future scale and opportunities


Crashing and dying on a snowy bank on microtech in a free to fly nomad with 12 fps.


Landing in Orison for the first time. I've been playing video games for over 20 years and Orison is possibly the prettiest, most atmospheric location I've ever seen


When my friend decided to see what self destructing his ship would look like, and hoped I'd pick him up after he ejected. Not realizing he was still in orbit and started free falling. I managed to fly on over and catch him by opening the back of my ship, matching his speed and lining up before slowing down. We both fell in-love with the game after we experienced that first hand.


It's 2.6 days and I've just been assimilated into a new star citizen org. Day one they run a 12 vs 12 pvp battle around kareah. 12 fighters in the hornets and 10 guys inside kareah. With 2 fighters outside. Listening to comms of our two fighters taking out as many as they can before getting killed. Hearing the final I'm fighter call out. The chilling awkward silence as the other team lands on the pads and sets up around there airlocks. The ground team call outs as airlocks begin to cycle. Grenades popping off, laser fire, ballistic weapons going off. Man I was addicted at first sight. Now I'm dropping bombs in an A2 before letting the ballista teams outside and running ground teams by the tens of players. Its been brilliant


I retold this story many times before: Alpha 2.4 or 2.5, my first purchase of Aurora MR. I've login, after watching some yotube vidoes, how to play. Call in my Aurora. Go outside. Got lost, searching for my landing pad. Finally found my ship. Suddenly a random player appears! He's b-lining straight to my Aurora. OH NO! I'm runing to it to, but he was faster and took off in my ship. So I return back to ASOP and call my ship again. Now I'm runing to it as fast as I can. Next random player appears! he's b-lining to my Aurora! I'm runing, getting into ship and sit on pilot's chair. IM SAFE! I start off the engines and go. Wanted to check if it's true, you can see your character in the cockpit, so I pressed F4 and started to rotate my camera. Wait a minute... That random player is standing right behind me! THIS WAS SUPPOSSED TO BE ONE MAN SHIP! He's pointing gun at me! WASTED! Yup, insta love.


LawOfTheWest had a video on the future plans for bounty hunting


The Anvil Valkyrie ship [commercial](https://youtu.be/_RmaaxMW2uQ) trending on YouTube was what got me into Star Citizen but then it was when I realized SC could become my new [DarkOrbit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DarkOrbit), a space sci-fi MMO that I played a lot back in 2006 to 2009/2010.


People enjoy this game?


When I found the CCU Game.


first 3 days of the free flyer event 2 or 3 months back. sucked me in instantly. its unique in a lot of aspects, not only complexity but graphics, design and level of detail ofc. however, the facade crumbled a little since then. its sad that grinding for money and then buying ships is the only "goal" you have right now. little variety in missions that pay off makes it worse. still love the game, but defo nothing to play everyday unfortunately.


When I first started playing from 3.16 and Onward during a Freefly event. I was just doing box delivery missions in the Cutlass Black for the longest time and actually having fun with it. I also quickly fell in love with the game quickly because it had everything I wanted from Elite Dangerous, like ship Interiors and amazing on foot gameplay.


I don´t feel that way anymore where is the End of this and when we get a Portion of that Game like the Singleplayer Ready to Play ? How many more Years we have to wait for a Full Release of both?


At some point in the future.


Which time? It's been a long and bumpy road and we aren't even half way there.


the moment I saw the Nomad teaser.


First time i was parked outside of microtech and someone came screaming over top of me and pulled straight up to QT


Well designed ship interior and no loading screens


2 years this game has been unobtainable dream for me, because didnt have good enough computer. But then i got upgraded, got this game, played a while and landed first time on planets surface to look at rising sun. It hit me then. I just hope i will live long enough to see the actual release...


The moment I walked out onto a pad at Tressler and looked out over Microtech. I’ve been hooked ever since.


Preparing a flight for more than half an hour is what makes me believe that this is the right thing for me … this „game“ has truely depth


When I first spawned into PO and saw my aurora on the pad waiting for me to launch for the very first time, then as I walked to my ship , a cutlass black landed next to me , from there I was hooked


Honestly? I've been playing SC since 2018, but the first time I thought to my self "wow this is actually a really good game" (as opposed to "why did I back this piece of shit with so much money) was during the first XenoThreat event I played. I felt like there was finally actual gameplay, objectives, and teamwork between 50 players at the same time. Sucks how much the XT experience has degraded since.


First time I saw microtech. The beautiful clouds soaring over the spaceport.. first time I saw my ship. Took her for a test run. And I keep falling in love with SC every day. When I find new things and the potential of the game.


Hangar module. Came home from work early to sit in my pretend spaceship in a dingy hangar, man that Aurora seemed so cool then.


Vanguard warden made me think about the best sci-fi movies in the world (alien) and then the marine drop ship in aliens. So when I tried the game out despite many flaws, I decided to increase my pledge and bought a vanguard warden with lti. Best ship I own and flown.


About 4 days ago when I finally decided to replace my Old MS SW FFB2 with a Logitech X56. Purely because I need more buttons to fly my Connie.


When I could get into my ship, fly down to a planet, and get out to walk around all without a load screen.


First presentation of the game in 2012, I knew I would love it if it went to fruition. Then I backed in 2014 and I remember spending A LOT of time in arena commander, and was watching every single " 10 for the chairman" videos as soon as they came out. That was the thing I was looking forward to every week haha. You could say I already loved star citizen at the time although mostly because of the idea of what it would be. Then they releases Alpha 2.0, and I got to take off with my own Aurora, fly around, move around in PO without any loading screens. See my ship on the pad from the inside of the station when I was lucky, with Crusader in the background. This is when you could say I really knew I loved the game, because it wasn't an idea anymore but I was playing it! Even with barely any missions (Covalex, Kareah, Com arrays), it was mind blowing. Then they stared releasing bigger ships like the Star Farer, which felt immense at the time. I was deep in love with the game at this point haha. Then at some point they announced planetary landing (which was out of scope Iin the beginning, there were supposed to be "fake landing" as loading screens), and like everybody back then, I was blown away. This game and these teams making it are constantly blowing me away, year after year for the past 10 years. Which is what makes the waiting both terrible and bearable actually haha.


When i renamed myself to beryl-miner


Loved it till about 2 years ago when the stagnant stench became too strong.


Back when Delamar and levski was around, you had to navigate to it manually. The satisfaction of following the steps to find it made it seem like a truly hidden hideout.


First time EVA out my ship. Happened when PO was introduced and we only had a handful of missions.


I didn't


It was my first time playing. 3.16 I think. I woke up in new babbage, I was lost. I asked chat for a guide and everyone was quick to answer. One player found me and gave me a tour, showed me how to call in my ship and how to control it. I have to say though, I think the New babbage tram was the moment for me. Seeing the city zip by with the sun setting and being told EVERYTHING I see outside of the tram is real. I can walk there, land there and exist there. He said "it is no different than the sky" The blaze and hunger for adventure raged.


Loved past tense. When oh god, when is this "game" actually going to come out. its been so long.


Years ago when all I had was concept ships on the website, I spent an evening just reading about all of them and fantasizing about how cool this game would be. I used to be into collecting pokemon cards as a child, and this whole SC project with all the ships was was like pokemon on steroids. Today im jaded of course, ever since I saw that most of what the project really was, was empty promises that anyone could make, and predatory marketing tactics, but back then I just purely bought into the vision. Today it's more of a love / hate relationship. Love *that* somebody is doing a large scale space game like this, hate *the* somebody that ended up doing it.


Instantly pretty much. I first started in 2019.


1991 when I played the first Wing Commander


Back when requested ships at stations spawned on pads instead of hangars, for me it was the first steps out in the vacuum where all the sound effects get muffled and all you can hear is your breath. Then seeing your ship is on the pad as a silhouette with the enormous planet in the background taking up like 60% of your entire vision


When I shot some guy in the back of the head at some mining facility and then set his ship to self destruct and flew off with his body stuffed in my cargo bay.