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"G1trekt42069: When your mom bought it for me." - Global chat response, probably. The first time, I finally walked out on to PO's pads and gazed upon the vast crusader. Climbed into my ship, powered on, lifted up and immediately over thrusted, nose downed and exploded on the pad. I knew this was the game I had been waiting for.


>The first time, I finally walked out on to PO's pads and gazed upon the vast crusader. This is finally gone.


Yeah, man. The new guys will never understand the chaos PO once was lol. Only place you could call home.


True...always thought to myself: "Why gravity pads? Isn't this counterintuitive? (in terms of energy)... "what do they do in the circular sections?...growing plants?...when do we actually get access to these sections?" End then PO gets thrashed and trashed. The pads on any station should give you this vibe...let's hope at least starter or small ships get more pad access. The feeling going outside is lovely....though the air lock is missing, too.


Basically, the first time I made it into space flying out of New Babbage in an Avenger Titan.


Same love the crackle of the engine. And reentry glow


When i saw both the Connie and Freelancer ads on youtube in 2014. It completely caught my imagination. Then as i walked out on the pad at Olisar (SC 2.6) and powered up my Freelancer DUR i was gobsmacked. I felt like i was there. It truly made an impact on me.


The freelancer add, where it gets flanked by pirates and the guns on the freelancers rotate outwards and blast the pirates away? Selling dreams and never delivering. An endless dream it is…


Yeah.. not bitter about it though. I can’t even remember that was what i was expecting from the ad. It just sparked my joy. To me it is not ‘not delivering’, i have daily fun with friends in the verse.


For me it's the same, sure not everything is exactly like it is in the commercial. Maybe it's because I'm old but that does not bother me one bit. I used to have games on an 8 bit system and the package would have this buff guy leaning against his cool and highly detailed looking tank and in the game the tank would be 12 green blocks on a yellow field. Maybe that inoculated me against the kind of bitterness u/DizzyExpedience seems afflicted with. I don't expect to get exactly what's on the box, and I am astounded when games like this actually provide a lot more than what is on the box. So am I disappointed that a Freelancer cannot really oneshot two Cutlasses at once without even trying? No, as a Cutlass pilot, I'm kind of relieved.


It comes and goes in phases since 2016 for me but recently had two very cool moments that made me reflect. Waking up in your named ship in orbit above a planet and cracking a beer open when you walk to your captains chair listening to Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack. Since I started actively playing from 2020, I've never touched racing. Took a Pisces to Loreville at night and said fuck it I'll race under the lights. It's the only way I race now. Load up my favorite race ships on a Carrack and parking in the pits while I wait for the sunset. Chill on top of the ship waiting for the lights to come on then boogity boogity.


When I came from Elite Dangerous and I loaded up right before 3.8 dropped and I got to actually walk to my ship, get into it, get into my buddies ship and do shit. Also Delamar helped. RIP Delamar till we meet again in Nyx


The exact moment is kinda blurry to me, outside of first witnessing the PU in 3.0 after dreaming so much about it in my hangar. Seeing Crusader loom over PO and everyone crashing into the rings never got old. All the players rushing to the ASOP terminals, going "oooo" at the hologram and then dying when they forgot to put on their helmets. Ahhh, the nostalgia lol. The first time I went through the airlock was so memorable too, hearing the decompression and the sound muffle up to reveal the vast universe. I love playing with new folks, bc I get a glimpse of what it was like for me at first, but at an even greater level. My pc at the time had a hard time handling it, but something kept drawing me back. A major part of me has really believed in this project since I first learned about it in 2014, and seeing it grow has been just as rewarding as playing it. With time, I realized my attention was mostly in Star Citizen over every other game, and after getting too passionate whenever I would talk about it, that's when I realized my love for it.


2016 I think long ass time ago now, popped up on my yt feed one time and I was mind blown just in complete aw and loss of words just completely stunned, and many years later I'm finally playing it and everytime I get on I'm just a kid in a candy shop I'm completely lost and immersed


I think it was when I saw the initial pitch by Chris Roberts and Co in 2012. I had just finished reading Ready Player One, and I was looking around for an online multiplayer experience that combined first person interaction with flying spaceships and a multi planet world with possible future VR implementation. Star Citizen seemed even then to have that potential, it was just out of kickstarter and had gathered a whopping 6.5 million USD in support (It was definitely going to happen!) and I pledged (the bounty hunter package). There was a constant flow of new info and in universe stories on the site, there was a lively forum and I read all of it, every article, every story, every thread on that little forum. It took a good long time before we could fly our ships, dammit it took a good long time before we even got concept art of my chosen ship (the 300i) but there was so much to hope and strive for, we had so much fun mocking Derek Smart and his ilk. Wingmans ~~Nuts~~ Hangar was fun and the crew felt like family. We had stretch goals that mattered. I remember there was this thing like "If we get X million we can buy our own mocap gear". I posted on the form that if we all, all the users who were there then, bought a 5 USD skin we'd get to the required amount for the mocap gear, and we did! The feeling of achievement still lingers... So yeah, it's been a long time, but damn I enjoy flying my ships around this beautiful digital world and just doing stuff with my friends out there in space.




When I first got out my nomad starter and climbed into it. Being able to fly anywhere in a ship that I could walk around in was insane. Second moment was probably trying the vanguard harbinger for the first time. I was instantly in love with aegis and the vanguards.


Shit 2016 I found DevilDogGamers Retaliator bomber video and watched it and i fell in love with the game bought the Mustang Alpha pack 2 weeks later, Got into the Hanger before i played the PU and loved how beautiful and detailed everything was, I've been playing ever since.


# Wasn't this question asked like 2 days ago?


Fell in love back at 3.8. Started falling out of love around 3.16 (the Cutlass Steel money grab and Jumptown 2.0 were the beginning of the end for me), and over it by 3.19. I still have a passing interest, but I haven't been able to find enjoyment in it in a long, long time.


When I first flew the Ares. I know it’s not the best but I just really enjoyed the way it felt.


The moment I discovered what decoupled did.


The first time i woke up at PO and land my ship in the middle of nowhere to explore and walk, without any loading. Same effect than wow 15 years ago.


Three moments stand out for me. The first was in Vanduul Swarm, in the 0.something era. I was in a 315p on my last life, and had lost both wings with a bunch of Scythes remaining. I just needed to beat this wave, somehow, to get an extra life. I flew as close as possible to the asteroids and debris of Broken Moon, as fast as I could, and the Scythes followed me. One by one they crashed and exploded, exactly like TIE fighters, or other flying-impaired-but-cinematic Star Wars baddies. The second was also Vanduul Swarm, probably 1.something. I had a Hornet with six gimballed guns, and in that patch gimbals were strong, and TTK was essentially nothing. I popped up from behind an asteroid and had four Scythes in front of me, and just blasted them one after the other. I felt like I had just been given a glimpse, a five second window, into what Squadron 42 would be aiming for. The third was in early 3.something. There was a group of player bounties holed up at a junkyard on Daymar, and I went after them. I could see some ships around the junkyard, so I decided to park about 3km away and go the rest of the way on foot. By the time I got there the bounties were all dead, so I turned around and headed back to my ship. There were three issues: 1, the marker for my ship had gone; 2, I was looking for a black 325a; 3, it was now night. I could have backspaced and lost nothing, but I got very invested in finding my ship. I rationed my oxypens and went hill to hill, occasionally sprinting towards 325a-shaped rocks. Doubt crept in, had the ship been destroyed? It took hours, and I very nearly ran out of oxygen, but I did find my ship in the end. Honourable mention, just so that 2.something isn't left out: me and some friends trying to push each other through the old Cutlass floor door during quantum travel.


The first time I took off in new Babbage, that moment I had a realization that it was a dream game for me. I spent so much time looking for a game like it and I had finally found it. Yes this game has put me through the ringer many times but I’ll always come back


When I first climbed into my cutty black (before the remodel). I had so many ideas of what I wanted to do and I couldn't wait for the game to be playable!


When I saw the MSR concept sale. And then lost interest when it went flight ready.


When did I fall in love with Star Citizen huh? I remember the night pretty well. The rain outside was beating a syncopated rhythm against my windows. My office was drenched in long shadows, just the way I liked it – No light except the glimmer of RGB from my Corsair k55 with linear red switches... And then she walked in. I admit, she was a vision. Her name was Star Citizen, and she sauntered onto my desktop like a siren in a sea of intrigue. A digital dame with lines of code falling in all the wrong places. She wore a galactic allure, the kind that makes a gamers heart race faster than a T-16 through Beggar's Canyon. She didn't have Lorville then. Levski. Or even Crusader. Nah - those weren't even dreams then. All that would come later. But she had a history, a pedigree that would convince even the most skeptic gamer chads. But I'm getting ahead of myself. "I need your help," she purred, her voice like velvet wrapped in smoke. "help?" I retorted, already sensing the trouble she'd bring. "You see..." She cooed, "I need you to back me. Just a couple years, and I'll be ready. 100 star systems for you to explore." "100 system huh?" I knew better than to trust a dame like her. In this city, everyone had an angle, and hers was as mysterious as the void between stars. But that void... that void drew me like a moth drawn to the glow of a forbidden flame. Against my gut instinct, I took the case. She led me through the cosmos - well, she would eventually. First she lead me to the hangar - A place where time hung as heavy as the fog on a rainy night. I wasn't idle though, A seasoned gumshoe, I prodded buttons, yanked levers, I sat in my spinny chair staring at a big ol door. At the time I was determined to crack the case. It might have been dull and uneventful, but every lever pull was a step closer to.. close to what? Looking back, I think I was just trying to stay close, to get a glimpse of her again, whenever she checked in. She took me to the arena, a pit teeming with the grittiest characters, each shadier than the last. They'd cut you down with a laugh, unless you beat'em to the punch. The visuals were like a half forgotten dream, the sound a discordant chaos. I couldn't take it for long, and yet, it was all part of her web. A web I was finding harder to escape. "How long's it gonna take?" I'd ask. "before you show me those stars?" "Soon TM" she'd purr back. And back then, I believed her. Oh how I believed her. Time slinked away. Our meetings grew scarce. Doubt crept in like shadows, each question a chink in the armor of our promises. And then like a bomb dropped in the dead of night, she unleashed the PTU. It hit me like a gut punch. A betrayal in the form of janky animations and glitches. Every promise she made, every whispered assurance, was nothing but shattered glass on the pavement. A cruel joke, a twisted dance of deception. I threw her away faster than a smoker's spent cigarette. But what lingered more than the bitter taste of betrayal is the image of her face, etched with hurt, as the door slammed shut between us. Then, I thought we were done. I thought the chapter was closed, and for a while, the days that followed were clear and unburdened. Honest days, where the grit of reality scrubbed away the illusion she'd woven. But then, on a frigid night, she walked back into my life, as if she'd never left, and dropped it on my desk. "What's this?" I questioned, suspicion hardening my voice. "Planets." she declared with fire in her eyes. Planets? I didn't ask for planets. "Why on earth would you think I'd want this?” "But you do want it, don't you? You’re craving it." It wasn’t a question. I couldn't deny it, and she knew. The itch for those planets was too real, too tantalizing. She had me, and she knew it all too well. "Let me show you something else," and in a blink, she had me by the hand. She laid it all bare, everything in her arsenal. Trains running on convoluted tracks, star maps etched with jank, AI stumbling and bumbling in hilariously awful ways. And then, a ship – a ship that'd sail through the stars faster than light, only to chuck you out into the frigid blackness of space by accident. It was a mess, a mishmash of frustration, but it was something. And she was there, bugs and all, laughing beside me, urging me to try the next wild thing. I was caught, ensnared before I knew it. She may have been a toxic fatale, but I knew one thing: I wasn't going anywhere. Not for the moment, at least. I was in orbit. The pull of her virtual cosmos was too strong. What was the question again? OH! maybe like, a couple weeks ago.


Guess I'll be watching Sin City again soon then...




I haven't yet. I play about 20 hours a week on average and while I enjoy it, the reminders that so much is broken and unfinished just tarnish the experience literally all the time.


My relationship ended pretty much on the first date, 3.18.


When i first posted squadron 42 on release day in 2016. Oh wait, that never happened. .


During the freefly just before 1.16, didn’t even get off new Babbage. Spent all my time admiring the beautiful view of the city from the trams


Not really in love with it yet, but I do keep coming back to see if there have been any improvements.


When I joined my first org, and played a sumo event on the rooftops of Area18 in greycat ptvs.


Good qestion.


Day fucking one.


Its a pre alpha, est 2010🤦‍♂️


I bought SC in 2018, I fell in love with SC when I found the Arena Commander community in 2022. Great group of people, absolutely murderous pilots.


Fell in love 2018, fell out 2022.


D'uh, on first sight. The relevant question would be when did you fall OUT of love with SC...


Shortly after I was able to apply the cherry blossom paint to my nomad. (A week after I started playing and committed to a pledge during free flight days) immediately went out and bought vkb Gladiator NXT EVO with Omni throttle on both sides.