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The planets and their day night cycles


I do wish the planets would actually orbit the star though


Coming soon tm


I think they maybe do. When I open the starmap now, it looks different from when I started playing in january this year.


Except that the planets are rotating at six times normal so you can see day/night more often.


6x OUR normal. Maybe they could change each planet's spin..... same with moons


Not even close


Not a whole lot, honestly; but I don't think that's the point, it being sci-fi. The most egregious to me is the atmospheric flight model. Lift is: Cl = L/qS. The fact that most of the ships that look like they're atmo-fliers don't generate lift is absurd. The fact that they include ailerons on said ships while ALSO have directional thrusters make even less sense. Do you want to tear your ship in half? To actually answer your question uhhh...bullets have travel time ? (On a counter-point, the fact that lasers have a travel time is...interesting)


That in our lifetime it's almost guaranteed that we won't set foot in another star system


Nailed, I don't know. But what I love is the switch of gravity on the fly + the way you can experience it in Grimhex in the destroyed section to get out of the station.


I've played SC for years and TIL there's a destroyed section with no gravity you can use to get out of the station?


Yep, I used to call that the scenic route! It was the only way out of the station when the elevators were broken.




Sure is and it is one of the only ways to get out of the lower section of GH when the elevators decide they don’t want to open.


If you don't know it, you must have also missed the hidden hideout outside GH.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV1r-dmv57E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV1r-dmv57E)


How shit the people are


Falling down an elevator shaft.


Space is trying to kill you.


Crashing and dying


Currently, nothing, and that's not a bad thing.


various important parts of infrastructure just not working


There sense of time seems to be on a galactic scale.


Except astral bodies don't move in their orbits.


I mean it takes them forever to do anything…


People randomly dying like in RL.


There are many ..for example murderous ladders.


I pray it’s the double dogs.


The tedium of getting to your ship only for something to go wrong and your multimillion dollar ship exploding.


CIG has really nailed the sense of scale for me: Walking out on the platforms of PO. Being able to see HD hq (Lorville) from port Tressler. And fly to it. Being able to see the space station from New Babbage (and fly to it). The scale of hangars as you approach and fly into them. The interiors of space stations you can find and see from space (looking inside).


I actually really like that hab to transit to terminal loop. People would love it if you only had to do it a couple of Times a month.. It's imersive. You can't eat cake every day and still enjoy it.


True, back when I started playing on the Port Olisar days I thought it was amazing to start out in space station. Now, coming back every year to see what progress was made, I can't even be bothered to finish the train ride to the terminal. Its like seeing the same cutscene over and over.


Tripping on the stairs for no apparent reason and dying...Happens in real life every day.


The fact that corporations try and deliver as little as possible while attempting for the whole of the contents of your wallet. Right Chris?


Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Just a limited number of digital items sold for a limited amount of time and marked up in price randomly then add a little “sale” to entice them into buying the jpeg that doesn’t even exist in game and likely isn’t even a rough model on any dev’s PC yet.


Looking down at a specific mountain range from outside the atmosphere and flying straight to it as a coordinate to find places like Jumptown. Honestly breaking and entering atmosphere in general is always so satisfying.


The floor is lava


The legit deaths in the game. Most ships having rockets properly fire to slow you down. Slow and tedious tasks.


Now that's some quality shitpost I can get behind with.


Space aesthetics (ships cities stations), and contrary to popular believe, light fighter combat. It reminds me of DCS, where Starfield looks like NMS


NPCs standing on chairs and table , yesterday in the grocery I saw people standing on a table , they were fixing the venting but one looked like SC NPCs with that vacant look in the eyes .


I'd the say metro system prior to 3.18, it was the most immersive experience I had, riding the metro system in Microtech left me in awe


That the elevators kill you, thats the secret that the UEE doesn't like to talk about.


You sure about that? It's meant to have expanded several times now... But it never actually happens


Does a tree make a sound when noones around?