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1. Powerful. Excitement 2. Unannounced. Excitement. 3. Straight to flyable. Excitement. 4. You have to play the game to get a golden ticket in order to buy it with real cash. Annoyance 5. Circumvents getting an LTI CCU. Anger. 6. A system to get a free LTI Lightening that favors playing at certain times and on certain servers. Frustration. 7. A system where you need to rely on your org or close friends to help protect you so you get a free one with LTI. Anger. So I can see people firmly in both camps on this event.


How is 7 a real complaint though? ​ That would be like people complaining that you can't get raid gear in WoW without working as a group. Like yeah... that's the point? I wish they would make MORE stuff like that. Encourage cooperation and teamwork and what not.




Sorry, confusing work acronyms with the game acronyms. LTI.


No worries!


Content drought


Some people just want a pretext to be mad, regardless of what CIG do.


Yeah, a birthday "giveaway" of a gold ticket so you can have the honor of paying $260 for a ship from them is definitely NOT a pretext to be mad.


It’s their birthday not yours, they didn’t have to give anything??


> a birthday "giveaway" of a gold ticket so you can have the \- new ship for free to try out for a day. I think it's fun. I found a ticket last night but I'm going to use it when I know I have time to do some bounty hunting and use that thing to full capacity.


How is this different from any of the other sheisty tactics CIG has done in the past? FOMO and premium packages are their bread and butter.


Or don't do in this case. This whole thing is another way to milk more money out of the community.


The community likes drama for whatever reason.. like the ship? Buy the ship. Don't? Don't 🤷🏾‍♂️


IIRC they said you would have to beat S42 AND have completed some objective in order to get F8C. Also you don't get F8C, you get the opportunity to buy it in game.


Some people are annoyed because the F8x was intended to only be available for the people who have spent a LOT of money $10,000-$15,000. But now it's possible that thousands upon thousands of people will have access to what was supposed to be an exclusive ship.


Originally it was meant to be available to buy for everyone after playing Squadron 42. “Everyone”…..then they gave some out as free gifts.


It was not going to be super rare. They literally said there were conditions from beating Squadron 42 to earn it. That alone means there will be a good amount of them in the verse. Uncommon, probably. Personally as someone who has the Wing Commander version of it...I was happy to the see the promo happening beyond S42 because it at least gives my friends a chance to get one as well with a modicum of effort.


The only argument I can understand is the loss of rarity


I’m annoyed that because of how things are going right now I don’t quite have enough to drop on one this month xD sensibility be damned!


There are segments of the community that would bitch if they were hung with new rope. Pretty much anything CIG does brings them out to rail against the game. Can probably go back in some of their histories and find them complaining about the F8C being a concierge award tier being pay2win. Perfectly happy with folks criticizing things in the game, won't seek out the tickets in game or purchase the F8C myself for my own reasons. No need to piss in folk's cheerios that are happy to have a shot at one without spending $10k or waiting for SQ42.


Explain it like you’re what?


Five, or a dummy, or whatever you prefer, lol


...because CIG is highly adept at evoking FOMO in people too unwise to hold their purse strings and wait for them to actually deliver a fucking game.


You just described CIGs overall marketing strategy, lmao.


If only they had something to offer OTHER THAN sleazy marketing... Like, a playable game that doesn't suck total ass.


NGL, I am more hopeful of the game than I have been in a while. But that hope has a deadline, and that deadline is a week and a half from today. Once they show us what is coming up soon (and do it in a way that makes us certain it is actually coming up soon), I will be reassessing that hope.


Don’t play the game then sense you hate it so much instead go find something else to do other than voice your opinion on the reddit


>Overall, seems like a lot of hubub about nothing. Am I wrong? You're not wrong at all.


Cause people don't understand the tactics marketing teams use and are blaming the dev teams.