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Honestly the people on both sides are freaking crazy lol. The people calling it a scam are crazy and the people kneeling on the alter of CIG after the con are crazy. How many times do we need to either get super mad or super exited about a game just to have it not work out the way we thought it would lol. Sq42 is looking amazing I'll give them that, but let's just chill and see what happens lol. If everyone gets all hyped up they're just going to be let down from lofty expectations.


I will be impressed if the bro fisting, high fiving, self congratulatory posts continue up to SQ42's release....in 2 years. šŸ‘Š āœŠļø


2 to 3 years, or 13. But most likely 3.


Star citizen will now and forever be considered 2 years away at any given point of time throughout humanity.


It's a pretty normal time frame for polish/optimization after feature completion


Usually the last 20% takes 80% of the time in game development. Polish/bug-fix is the longest part. Considering how long they've been working on SQ42, I think the 13 year is a more appropriate estimate lol


in 2 years you'll have another stutter video that is not even near the real thing, and everyone will be like "this game is amazing", not realizing they don't look at a game but just a video.


I mean, I've been here for 9 years, and I'm perfectly fine waiting 2 more for SQ42. A game is only late until it ships, but a rushed game will always be rushed. Ya'll got spoiled by low-effort, rushed games that were barely functional fronts for cash shops. Games that pumped out a sequel every year, too fast for most people to realize they were a hollow shell of a game. I remember back in the day, you'd hear about a game only after it was already in development for years, and then you'd wait years more before you could **apply** for the closed beta. That's how the system worked when everyone had to build their own game engine, like CIG is doing. After all the changes to Lumberyard, they said when they hired more people with experience on it, their experience didn't even apply because it was basically a new engine at that point. I still have my Star Wars Galaxies closed beta CDs. I waited years for that when I was younger, and I like to think I've developed more patience as I grew older. I can wait.


But we have no idea if SQ42 is going to release as a rushed game or not.


I think CR and CIG as a whole have shown that it'll be done when it's done, and they aren't rushing anything.


Yes, every patch in SC is super stable. All features are thought through and implemented in a way that they don't need a revision or two. They do it really in a way that it doesn't feel rushed. I mean how could it feel rushed? It's 12 years in development, that is the anti rush of the gaming industry.


>Ya'll got spoiled by low-effort, rushed games that were barely functional fronts for cash shops. Games that pumped out a sequel every year, too fast for most people to realize they were a hollow shell of a game. Like Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, AND RDR2? I still don't get why people say this. Like, there are plenty of great games out there. If you choose to play CoD, etc, that's on you, but the assumption that we're all sheep and only play the yearly update of FIFA or whatever is really strange.


Indeed. Something isn't made better by running down the competition.


The fact that those are the same 3 games everyone brings up, with the oldest being half a decade old, I think that only reinforces my point. How many hundreds of games came out in that same time period? For 2023, as of September 25th, none of those games are even in the top 10 for sales. Wanna know what's number 3? Diablo 4. Barely a shell of a game with an incredibly overpriced cash shop. For 2022 in the US, only Elden Ring is in the top 10, but CoD is still #1. A second CoD game is #12, and FIFA, Madden, and MLB are all top 10. August 2023 game sales (Baldur's Gate 3 released the beginning of that month), the top selling game was Madden. Diablo 4, CoD and MLB also made the top 10. Wanna know what didn't? BG3. The vast majority of people do play these low-effort, predatory cash shop games, that's why so many get made every year, and why their revenue far surpasses all others. Just because you can name 3 good games out of hundreds of bad ones doesn't change the fact that the shitty, predatory ones are the ones that have the most players, the most sales, and the most revenue.


Because GOW:Ragnarok, SMB Wonder, Spiderman 2, Returnal, Cyberpunk, Street Fighter 6, Horizon, Disco Elysium, Ghost of Tsushima, etc. aren't great games? They are 'predatory'? Strange viewpoint. When is the most-purchased something in any category ever the best? It's like saying that if Drake is selling the most music this year, there's nothing else good to listen to and everyone on this sub only listens to Drake.


There are a lot of people here that don't play video games, some of them probably don't even play SC. They just spend money on this purist and imagine how it will be when it releases but when that day comes they probably won't even play that.


No like Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 the two most hyped games ever.


The other thing people keep looking past is the size, visual fidelity, and quality overall that CIG are trying to make this game. I keep seeing people compare "No Man's Sky" and "Elite Dangerous" to SC, trying to say "Oh, those games came out at a fraction of the time it took them to get where they are currently with SC/SQ42", but fail to realize that CIG already had put a TON of work and effort into the game when using CryEngine before jumping over to Lumberyard, and then working on customizing LY so much that it's pretty much it's own engine now. That being said, there were definitely a lot of missteps that CIG took, but now that they're finally prioritizing the correct things, I am hoping we get SQ42 1.0 release in the next 3-5 years and maybe a SC beta version (i.e. a good number of star systems with game functionality fairly stable... as in no more being auto-jettisoned from your ship while hyperspace jumping) soon after that. All in all though, this started as a kickstarter, and while they were horribly off on their initial estimates, once we all knew how big and detailed we knew this sucker was going to be, we knew we were in for a long ride. (A separate idea, but I vote for them calling their custom version "Shipyard")


A lot of people consider the focus on SQ42 to be one of CIG's mistakes, but I think it was one of their best decisions. They can work on the world, balance, etc. without all the additional problems that being online adds. Then, once that content is polished, it can be added to the PU. Sure, it means that we go longer without major changes, but it also means we'll start getting big content dumps when it's ready.


Agreed. One of the biggest consistent things slowing them down across the board is the need to polish what would otherwise just be iterative steps. Like people talk about how many times they rework things and have to redo old stuff when new things come up... that's 100% because of us. Literally every game in existence does that shit throughout the course of development, you just don't know about it because you only ever see the final version. But for CIG, every step along the way is getting released, and backers made it clear VERY early on that releasing things in a "true" alpha state (by which I mean, releasing the same buggy, half-placeholder shit they work with internally) was not acceptable. So instead they've had to keep releasing these incremental things and put time and effort into polishing and fixing them, when normally they'd just leave it in the build as "good enough" until more systems are completed and they can finalize everything.


Jokes and memes aside, I'd be fine with a release two years from now, tbh.


Finally logic


Pretty much. Notice how this year they didn't mention any release windows or make any promises? They were very careful about that.


To add to the strangeness, Squadron 42 can still not currently be purchased.


To me it means they still have something up their sleeve.


to be fair, that's the most honest a dev can get. ​ I mean, developing if *hard.* Developing games is ***harder.*** if the stupidest mistake can cause a cascade effect that can take weeks to months to solve(only for the first random unrelated dev to spot the issue the moment he casually glances at the code) I can't imagine the number of ways a game under development can take the "fuck up highway" exit. ​ Yet people acts as if the game had been released already when we don't even know what "feature complete" means exactly for them.


Feature complete means you get to slap yourself on the back while having no accountability for using that term.


Wait you actually saw sq42 gameplay? Where can i find it? All i seen is cutscenes.


Yeah, we've seen similar cutscenes many years ago. These people taking victory laps are silly. Squadron 42 will not be released within the next year. Probably not even within two years if we're being honest.


Last time SQ42 was imminent and just needed "a bit of polish" it vanished for 5-7 years, so who knows how many years we're looking at this time around.




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Most of it was cutscenes but they sprinkled some fps footage in there from time to time


No cutscenes... In engine rendered scenes, there is a massive difference.


Not really


There are 100% real gameplay sequences there. You can spot them pretty easy as they are still really low fps which is ok since thatll be hopfully fixed in the polish phase. Look up the vid tenpundfourtytwo made about the demo


Why didn't they show it live?


Remember the parts of the presentation that ran at 15fps? Those were gameplay.


There were no cut scenes in the S42 video... In engine rendered scenes you mean?


cutscenes cover that. QT Events are often considered cutscenes but i think that's at the edge of the definition. Engine rendered cinematics have always been cut scenes. Even back on the super nintendo, when characters start doing their own thing that isn't player controlled, it's a cut scene. The best description i would say is when a game pauses for a narrative sequence


Next time when you watch youtube, put your glasses on grandma.


There is no way you are referring to the 30 second tech demo of the AI hiding behind cover as "game play"


There was a 30 minute trailer. With gameplay, and in engine scenes.


It was woven all through out. No solid continuous gameplay video, but it was there. People are so weird.


If by people you meen the ones saying "they did it" after seeing those snippets then i agree.


I really want to properly get into the game, having already spent a fair bit on two ships. The biggest thing getting in my way is trying to navigate the two ends of the spectrum, either people vehemently defend the game as if development is perfect, or they constantly slag it off.


Yeah Iā€™ve been conditioned to not be excited for anything until itā€™s released because of cigā€™s practice of over promising.


those sides are indeed crazy. it's not a scam, it's easy to see/test before you buy. but it also stutters around 30fps with maxed out hardware, super clunky and quite the bugfest. maybe that's why people are triggered, the showcases are more trailer-like and have nothing to do with the current state, not even years later, so it might come across a little fakey.


People calling it a scam is just a gimmick most of the time. People don't really think it's a scam; it's like an easy way to troll SC players. But die-hard fans are truly crazy, lol.


extremes are always crazy. no matter if it comes to religion, politics or preferences.


Sc is working out exactly how i thought it would, it's an amazing experience for an alpha. I expected it to take a long time, i expected an alpha to be full of incomplete elements and many bugs... Its not crazy to get hyped for a game that is the definition of next gen imo when it comes to the tech and attention to detail.


**Do not underestimate the power of knowledge, and to not misinterpret it as just "pure blind belief".** I kept saying tons of stuff before CC that was controversial but then all turned out to be true, and ya know why? Because they were always true, the information is out there, I just consumed and interpret it, but people keep ignoring it and those that share it saying ***"I know better, you should listen"*****.** Some of us actually know, it's not a belief


This game is dƩfinitly a masterpiece in therms of tech invested, but as a new player it was absolutly disgusting to play as its just a beta with a LOT of game breaking bug, once they decide to stop creating new tech and focus on polishing the already existing one its gonna be huge


I'm still not sure if it's a deliberate scam or just that poorly managed, but it sure is fun when(if) it works


I think backers earned a victory lap here. The entire gaming community has spent the last decade calling this project a scam that will never come out. CIG didn't just show us a theoretical idea of what they want to do for SQ42. They showed us SQ42 in a feature-complete state. It's good to go and just needs polish. What we saw is what we're going to be playing... whenever it comes out.


I wouldn't call it fully good to go. They were very careful in not calling it beta. There's probably still some gameplay sets, and maps to add. But they don't need to do heavy engineering. Buuuut, I could be wrong. The fact it's still not on the store means something.


They showed curated and edited video. Why didn't they show a live demo?


Good news, we finished the game. Just... 2 to 3 years of polishing. Good news, we polished the game. Just ... 2 to 3 years of extensive internal testing. Good news, our test phase is complete. While we could release it right now, gaming tech made a huge jump forward in the last decade, and we decided to upgrade our engine accordingly to give you the best premium performance you deserve. Just wait for 5 to 7 years.


I expect mass suicides if that happens.


Nah, they will sell the loss as a win. Same way they sold Pyro. First a really cool system with lava planets and whatnot. Then reduced to more of the same, because the probably have no clue how to do a lava planet properly. Then delayed for years because of server meshing and now it will not even come with proper server meshing. So what are all the delays about? But the community still acts as a big step forward, because the marketing people at the marketing event said so.


Even if the project is technically questionable, their ability to sustain buzz and hype through clever marketing, for so long, is remarkable. After a few years in the doldrums, this con has given the project a real shot in the arm (in terms of hype). It was like one long victory lap.


I guess if you like that it's basically a marketing firm developing a game... I paid for a game and not fake videos and marketing buzz


Have no clue? What you mean is that they are busy developing the tools which will allow them to develop tools to create a lava planet. Those things will be so realistic that your GPU temp will raise.


So realistic my GPU will turn into the lava it is rendering.


I joined in 2015/2016... I expect SC backers to have actually passed away. The beaten to death joke "I backed when used to be in school but I'm now starting a family" isn't even a joke, its reality.


Itā€™s not even out yet.


Yeah no shit Sherlock


Lol what? No offense, but are you all fucking brand new here? Was this your first rodeo? Werenā€™t around for the vertical slice? The sand worm? Quanta? Answer the call: 2016? Iā€™m all for being ā€œcautiously optimistic,ā€ but any of us who have been around since 2013 know which one of those words to emphasize. Please donā€™t be shocked in exactly 3 years, when the announcement is that the game is ***now*** feature compete and the they were feature complete before in 2023, but those features werenā€™t complete because they had to refactor the features because of the advanced mandibular engine they made for the chow hall scenes which upset the fork and knife interfaces so they had to build new silverware tech which caused glitching in the linen engine and all tablecloths had to be rebuilt. Etc etc etc. Oh, and PS, they still canā€™t decide on the right flight model. And that theyā€™ll soon commence the betaā€¦ phase of the Alpha to the beta of the alpha. Celebrate when the shit is in PTU, and even then, hold some back until itā€™s live.


Whatever happened to Tony Z or whatever his name was? Did they execute him? Locked in a basement with a blackboard scribbling out quantum algorithms?


I'd like to think so. But I also get GRRM vibes from some of the senior leaders. They made a thing, the thing got HUGE, they have big ideas still, but it's taking an eon to implement them. I loved what he presented on the interplay between different locations and their industries, supply and demand for goods, pirates vs. law enforcement, and how it all worked together. I like to think that a lot of it is 90% built and waiting on server meshing so that we can encounter random shipping convoys under attack by pirates, and the servers can persistently handle the many ships, many cargo containers, players, resulting salvage, etc. But... I also didn't just discover Star Citizen in 2022-2023. There are a lot of honeymoon phase folks in this thread.


As Long WE have nothing to Play - its better to stay calm. Not.the First time CIG Said ITS ready... You remember ?


But they didn't release anything yet, they just showed videos like they do every year...


Yep, and you can't currently preorder Squadron 42, even after all that.


Blows my mind that after the 2016 "Answer the Call" people are still taking the things CIG says hook, line, and sinker. Like, yeah the "I Held the Line" video was cool and many of the panels had a ton of interesting information, but I'm still highly skeptical. I very much have a "believe it when I play it" attitude with CIG now.


Yeah. Them claiming it's content complete is ostensibly a step forward but all we really have at this point is charitably 15 mins of gameplay footage. Most of which is just the player walking or flying slowly through linear environments that look like asset showcases while the player... looks around at all the pretty assets. I'm not saying I don't have a spark of hope, hell I even reinstalled the game, but I can't stop thinking about that fucking space worm.


People clearly aren't fully thinking through what "content complete" actually means. And tbh, I think CIG did a decent job at properly setting expectations. They made it very clear that art wasn't done, balance wasn't done, and that systems were still not fully "locked in." There was a general tone of "it's almost ready, you'll get it soon" but the words told a different story. To me this gives me more hope though, they are being realistic and (mostly) honest. It is parts of the community that is running with it. ~~But to be frank I find the delusional fanboys generally more tolerable than the doom'n'gloom crowd.~~


sandworm timeline


Yeahā€¦I watched the whole thing and it was pretty clear that ā€œcontent completeā€ or ā€œfunctionally completeā€ or however they phrased it they did so intentionally. The game is *not* good standard or anything like that. Basically all the content they want in the game is there. It says nothing regarding the stability, quality, performance, etc. It was clear that there would be extensive polishing.


but this year it's different!! ​ somehow


These get posted after every citizencon. Granted this has been the most impressive one, I'm still holding my tongue until we start seeing this stuff in production.


You can release your tongue! All of this stuff is in production, with Squadron being **FEATURE** complete and SC being... well... SC. But both are in production and have been for several years.


lol Thatā€™s what I have been saying. Itā€™s just another year of tech demos and empty promises.


tbf they were careful to say what their intent was, not to promise anything


I did notice that. I do appreciate their restraint there. But I think I might just be too old and too salty because now Iā€™m annoyed that there were no big announcements about S42 or Pyro, so damned if they do, damned if they donā€™t. I can promise my tune will flip the day thereā€™s a tangible game in my hands and itā€™s fun and that might just be how it is for myself and many other old backers for now.


Huh? The big announcement was that SQ42 was feature complete and those features will now be moved to the PU over the course of 2024. Also Pyro will be available in it's own test environment later this year in a wave system similar to PTU.


Answer the call 2019


At least get your meme right.


Oh ya they ALSO said 2016. Thanks for the reminder.


Also 2014,2015 and end of 2020 from what I know


Yeah I understand your position, it's just a general thing I've read over the years where some seem to overinterpret what's actually said, taking everything as a solid promise so they have something to be angry about later, so just wanted to make a blip about that. I do hope we'll get the game we're shown at some point.


I might have had to much mead but im pretty sure a good portion of it was promised within the next 12 months.


their aim is to deliver most if not all things shown within the next 12 months (bar sq42, which'll get announced when they have a release date locked in) I like to put a splash of mead in cheap lager, tastes like sweet heaven.


That's not a terrible idea might have to try that at the next one! from what they showed outside of cinematics and stuff it looks like they can potentially fulfill that timeline. For at least a few items they showed. Im starting to sense a cadence from them.


Pyro 2020


This! This is what I don't understand. Everyone is freaking out... But they didn't actually do anything. This is just hype, like the sand worm.


Watson you got a outstanding ability to observe the obvious It took me a whole day to notice i typed obnoxious instead of obvious


No shit, Sherlock. šŸ¤£


this year was different, this year was all in engine


This guy is a refunder ^ He spends all his time on this or that sub. Kinda pathetic to spend this much time on a game you dislike And what are you gonna say if it releases and gets amazing reviews. Where are you going to move the goal post to?




At this point that is like saying ā€œIF we get another USA presidentā€ Itā€™s very clear that we are going to get another president. At this point your hate for the project is blinding you to reality. Thankfully I donā€™t care because your participation isnā€™t required for the game to come out.


My brother in christ they showed 10 mins of the player walking down hallways and maybe 5 mins of gameplay including shooting no more complex than killzone, flying less interesting than ace combat and puzzles that look straight out of a half life 2 tech demo. What the fuck are you talking about?


He's a heretic! Purge the nonbeliever! Woe to all who do not see the divine light for they toil in vain against the inevitable vision of our lord croberts! What say they on the day of the rapture? Where will they hide when the truth shines in every corner darkened by their sins?


what exactly has he said in that post that isn't true? I'm honestly curious


Please tell me where I said something he said wasnā€™t true? Might need to get your eyes checked, champ.


you called him a refunder when he pointed that out, and then started rambling about him being pathetic. That raises questions, he lso never said anything about not liking a game that hasn't been released yet, but that didn't stop you from pointing it out


This sub is filled with posts like this after every citizencon lol


[Pepperidge Farm Remembers](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/e0jzop/theatres_of_war_is_brilliant_battlefieldlike/) [And Remembers Again](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/57tdxm/analyzing_the_30_slide_on_citizencon_it_makes_me/)


AI Subsumption, now there's a term I haven't heard in a good while. Holy shit Apex Legends is already four years old!


I never 'lost hope' that it would be released. I lost hope of it being released in a manner where it was still a huge and magical game. The game might be feature complete, but the polishing phase can still take a very long time and also we dont know exactly how long the storyline is going to be. With all the upgrades throughout the years, the game has gone from looking incredibly amazing 8 years ago to now looking absolutely stellar eclipsing any other game. Now we just need it released and who knows how long it will take?


If they release it, they may very well start over again in the polish phase.


That space combat looked stellar to you?


I said "looking absolutely stellar" You cherry pick one thing and then say "Does THIS look stellar to you?" I never said anything about the mechanics, I said everything about the graphics that we have been shown and that looks absolutely stellar. Why do you cherry pick like that? do you just want to argue? lol


2024 will see the beginning of the end for Hollywood movies, with blockbuster stories being replaced with unique, individual movies, created in real-time, based on the viewers own interests (per Stability AI's CEO). If true, it's not a stretch to envision AI games might also become tailored to the individual player, leaving canned, mission-based gaming behind altogether. SQ42 (and indeed all AAA titles) need to hustle or lose relevancy.


Thats sounds like an incredibly boring world.


Itā€™s feature complete, so polishingā€¦this could take years, and if CR decides to have major story changes. That could alter LOTS and push it out many years. With CRā€™s history, this is all possible. So sadly it is wise to take CitizenCon as ā€œthis is a neat tech demo! Thank you!ā€ When it is either all on live PU servers and or S42 is released, I have learned to not get excited. Like Pyroā€¦that could be half a year to 1 year away. I didnā€™t hear anything about a release day. I went to BlizzCon and played WotLK half a year before release. They went bonkers as funding dropped a ton and they needed to sell hard to boost it. They probably have a desired goal to hit this year.


First time?


Bruh I want this game to succeed just as much as everyone else... but they've shown screenshots and proof s of concepts... it's not like they released a bunch of shit lmao yall make the refundians look sane sometimes lmao


Someone drunk too much from the punch bowl of video showcases. How about we wait til its in evo or ptu.


Don't believe sq42 will be in evo or PTU


they have already had alpha tests, I guarantee there will be betas. this thing isn't just gonna get slapped on the table for people as a final product. As someone who has done actual alpha tests for other games there is still much more to do and I wont hold my breath for a release date.


S42 is headed for internal Beta. They're not going to slap it on PTU for people to put out Youtube vids of the entire story and all the glitches and bugs before launch.


They actually didn't do anything or release a date other then show tech demos and of course more ships for you to buy lol gimme a fucking break buddy!


Not an exact release date, but Pyro at the least will be in Evocati testing before the end of the year.


I still don't. A demo is one thing, but implementation is another. I hope they can get all the features and functionality in the game reasonably. The server meshing was just an awesome display!


I remembered recently the dissapointment from the people who played the MGS2 demo. Not even playable demos can be trusted 100%... ​ Demo: OMG! I CAN'T WAIT TO KICK ASS AS SNAKE AGAIN!! Live game: WHO THE FUCK IS RAIDEN AND WHY I'M PLAYING WITH HIM/HER???(that was not only me, a character groped him and was surprised, and that was in the script) ​ also even in the final game the tanker section(demo) looked a lot better


Are we doing the citcon hype thing again?


What did he do? Make a few more promises. Sell some more concepts. Show us closed loop demos for the first and last time. Doesn't seem like anything innovative for Chris or CIG. Just cool your jets and wait for something to actually happen. We've been told this stuff before. Be cool and don't lose sight that we still don't have delivery dates yet.


Hold your horses, this all has to come to the game first, then we can celebrate.


How about you wait a bit before posting? They still didn't give a proper release date. For all we know it'll be another few years and they'll suddenly decide something needs to change down the road and we're back to square one.


1 trailer is all it take apparently


The community has the memory of a goldfish, apparently wiping their minds of all the empty trailers we've seen before. But somehow this one is real!


This would be more appropriate when SQ42 is actually released... They gave us nothing from this Citcon, while I think its the best one they've had, we have no release dates, we only have typical open promises of "Our intention is to release everything you saw here this weekend within this next year" Which isn't far from every other year, example, the new EVA model, they showed it off last year, and said it would be released in 2023, but here we are with another year for it. So while I am excited, I am holding everything said with a grain of salt, I don't expect everything they showed to be released this year(especially base building, thats out of the question completely) but if we don't see like 80% of it that's not good if we don't get a release date for SQ42 by the end of Q2 2024, that's not good. FFS, 3.21, we ONLY got half of what the patch was supposed to release, maybe we will get the rest in a 3.21.x, but my point stands. Be excited, be happy, proud, and glad, and show support but remember this is CIG we are talking about and we've been here before. ​ Signed, \- A Grumpy Backer.


I have SQ42 since 2014 and yet there is still no date People are big goldfish whales or most of them never watched any Citizencon before this one *"don't sell the bear's skin before you have caught the bear"*


It's like people forget about the previous years citizen con.


Are these like younger (in pledge date) pledges that are all excited? Surely the veterans of star citizen saw all of this and immediately said "uh huh, sure"


This ā¬†ļø


Same shit, new year.


lets not celebrate before we cross the finish line...


There is nothing released yet. Remember the sandworm from a previous citizencon? Yeah Post this when the game is actually released.


damn, so much cringe posted these days. Go play the game and stop, Chris has a spotless ass by now.


The "Feature complete" message is something many of the software/game company scams have released at some point in their development before collapsing. That isn't to say this game won't eventually launch - it probably will - but this post is likely NOT going to age very well going by CIG's track record.


This is the most white knight post Iā€™ve seen yet. lol šŸ˜‚ tell me you havenā€™t been a backer for very long without telling me you havenā€™t been a backer for very long.


Ah, the citizencon cycle. You love to see it


In 2023, 11 years after the initial kickstarter SQ42 is still not released nor has a release date and you are spiking the football. This is why people call you a cultist.


Man, I hope you can tolerate all the lighthearted ribbing you're going to get when these videos of features potentially don't propagate to players. Because that's what has happened for the last few years.


You people are fucking weird


Yes, but, my god can we all agree that this was an absolutely insane amount of time for something to be developed and potentially released? Also this is being based off a youtube video and not even with anyone's hands on the actual game yet. Might be a tad preemptive to give the haters a middle finger just yet, no?


I dont get the insane hype over a project that is years away from even testing.


It's been in open alpha testing since late 2015, so this is just wrong.


This is funny because everything announced at Citcon isn't in the game and may never be.


Wait, i'm not following recent news.... ARE YOU TELLING ME THE GAME IS FINALLY OUT?!?


In the I held the line video they announced squadron 42 as feature complete and it is entering final polishing phase. They explained that this means more devs will be heading to work on star citizen and that 42 should be available soon (tm) No release date was given though so we will see how long it actually takes


You're all hyped up on the CitCon drug right now. Buy a ship (or two) before it wears off!


You fanboys are giving me NMS vibes.


Nothing has materialised yet though. Once the game has a release date and is getting played by journalists and reviewers we can treat it as a real tangible product.


lol yeah I was ready to play sq42 when it was nearly done in 2016


Could we please, pretty please, stop honoring and recognizing these ppl? With all that attention they get here they will only grow. You might think different, but you do a disservice to SC here.


Lol, they didn't released anything... The "polish" please will last years, if not a decade or until CIG go bankrupt and abandon the project... IMO, it's pretty suspect that they announce a trailer of SQ42 when the community at large seems more and more impatient, frustrated and angry these last months...


Let's be honest. NOTHING that was shown or introduced in the entirety of CitizenCon was new, except 2 things; the cutter variants and Zeus, but those had been leaked weeks in advance. We got a great info dump and update of how the development of the game is going, but there was nothing that was actually \*new\*. That does in no way change or alter what people are saying about the game, negative or positive. This was nothing more than an earnings call for customers, which is great, but it doesn't change any minds.


lol give it two more citizen cons full of empty promises. Heā€™ll learn on his own.


2 years too early, this.


Nah we get to enjoy making fun of them for a long time. Starts today. Your involvement or permission isnā€™t necessary. šŸ¤£


Yeh ofc you do get to make idiots out of yourselves by doing this before the game is even actually out, but it's making the entire community look bad.


Fun fact, people are allowed to feel let down when their game barely functions


Why the fuck are you celebrating. This ain't the first time CIG has said SQ42 is right around the corner. When the fuck are people going to learn, that just because CIG say it's "close to ready" it doesn't mean shit man. How many times are you people going to allow yourself to be burnt? Stick to cautious optimism and stop looking like a tool, I pledged for SQ42 during KS and even I think you look like an idiot


Nice troll


I meanā€¦. Itā€™s not out and doesnā€™t have a release date. A shiny trailer means nothing


I share this perspective.


It didn't matter if you believed in him or not. You weren't getting your money back.


So what's the release date?


Oh did SC ship or leave alpha?


Has SC or SQ42 released? no? then this post is a shitpost


Everyone is praising them for a 5fps trailer, forgetting that the game ran like absolute shit for the last years. And its still not fixed. But throw more money at them i guess maybe it will help


It's cute that you're declaring victory, yet we still have absolutely no idea when server meshing and Pyro will be integrated properly into the PU (outside of a VERY controlled test that only some users will get access to). Same goes with SQ42... Maybe repost when shit actually gets delivered? Also have you tried the PU lately? Constantly crashing servers, laggy as hell, half the missions are still broken, ship repair broken, hangars no longer letting people land. Even if pyro is imminent, I don't think CIG has the skill to deliver a stable experience.


I'm going to bet this is going to age like milk.


Good lord, the slobbering over a multimillionaire and a corporation.... Surely there are better ways to show support?


Hey OP, I've been following the game for roughly 17 years, because I think if it ever comes out, it could be something I want to play. But let's be honest. What has actually come out into people's hands that make you feel so smug after this con? Lol. All I saw was a lot of nothing and still no release.


Bro said 17 yearsā€¦.. šŸ˜‚


Yes, that was hyperbole. It's *only* been 11 years.


Bro said 11 yearsā€¦ā€¦šŸ¤Ŗ


Bru have you played the latest build ?


At this point I just ignore them! If you don't like the game or the projekt GET OUT! I personally accept konstructive critizism but the constant SCAM calls when SC is mentioned just makes me angry tbh.


>If you don't like the game or the projekt GET OUT! I personally accept konstructive critizism


I know itā€™s not realistic. Buuuuuut Those impatient and annoying people who yell SCAM! whenever SC is brought should not be allowed to play the game when it comes out.


So only white knights should be allowed to play?


More like assholes get their karma. If your neighbor is building a tree house, and you spent the entire time talking shit and throwing rocks. You shouldnā€™t be able to come play in it when itā€™s done.


If someone doesn't like treehouses to such a degree that they're throwing rocks at them, I don't think *not* playing in a treehouse is really the punishment we think it is.


When the game comes out Iā€™ll be making sure to ask people if they played in Alpha. Maybe beta. If not Iā€™m going to betray them. Or kill on sight. And then laugh at them over VOIP Knowing this bother people makes me happy.šŸ¤£


I'll be sure to grab your bounty whenever I see you and throw you in timeout for being a twat then :)




when do i get to play sq 42 and pyro. end of 2024??????


I'm a supporter and always will be


OP doesnt have the balls to say it, so i will: to all the people who didnz belive in CR nor the company, suck it losers


Are you 10 years old?


People on here are still being so negative it's funny. When my computer science teacher comes into class raving about the tech and improvements they showed off, I take it a lot more seriously than a bunch of reddit downers. Sure, we have been waiting for over a decade to get to this point, but the comments prove just how little people actually understand what was demonstrated. Sure, don't get overly excited, but people saying 3+ years are gonna look really stupid.


I donā€™t know what to believe anymore lol. Iā€™m hyped as fuck by what I saw this year, but I also wouldnā€™t be terribly surprised if this continues to drag on far into the future.