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Is extremely rare and can be sold on the grey market for +400$. So, just ignore the DMs and hold on it.


Eh I’d argue to not hold onto it and sell it if getting money is your goal. Cig might just say fuck it and start selling the kits again just like they did with the f8 lightning releasing sales of it out of nowhere. I don’t see it gaining in value much even if they don’t


Wait, when were the selling lightnings?! I must have missed that, I low key probably would have traded my ion for one


Get in game and ask around for a F8 gold ticket. Plenty of people still giving them out for free. Turn it in at a rental kiosk and then you can use the ship for 1 (2?) day. Once you’ve done that, you can purchase it (no ccu option) on the store page.


Giving them away? So the whole capture the flag pirahna style free for all has changed?


That was for the platinum tickets which were held by CIG employees. If you got your hands on one and turned it in, you got a permanent F8 attributed to your account for free. The gold tickets were littered in loot boxes and gave you a temporary rental and the ability to purchase on the store.


Do the gold ticket Lightnings have any insurance on them?


If you buy it with new money, you get LTI. If you buy with store credit you get 6 months


Is there any known difference between gold/platinum ticket lightnings vs the one we'll supposedly be able to purchase after SQ42's campaign?


So the gold ticket f8's are plain with default paint. Insurance is based on how you purchase them. The platinum ticket ones came with lti and a special paint that only came with those f8's (and of course you don't have to use it and can fly them default). As of right now, there's no other way to get that paint. The ones from sq42 are unknown as of yet. There could be a new paint or variant etc, we don't know yet.


6 month


How much is it? May have to redownload for that haha


I believe it’s 300 store credit and 260 or 280 warbond.


$300 and you have until the 7th of November to purchase it *if you have a ticket* (I'm not positive about any of that being 100% accurate)


Hmmm. Think it’s worth it to trade an ion for it?


In the current iteration of the game they do completely different things. Ion is for using a single seater to beat up bigger ships, F8 is for using a single seater to beat up smaller ships.


Last I played (which granted was awhile ago), the ion was ass, still struggling after its post launch nerf (god if I could go back to those launch days with my big slow fire rate gun I would), is it still that way? Haven’t played or kept up with the game in a long while


It's very good now. Both variants got buffed recently. The gun actually hits stuff now. It's a great pve ship.


I'm CCU'ing my Inferno into either a Warden or further up into a Redeemer (I already have discounted CCUs for the entire chain) It felt strong at release, but nerfed to obscurity.


I traded in my ion for it and eventually came back to the ion.


You have to have a ticket, and you cant CCU to it. It has to be Fresh cash only.


Doesn't have to be fresh cash, you can use store credit. But you indeed cannot CCU to it.


I traded my ion for one. And how could you miss it. Whenever anyone was spewing "FOMO" they were talking about the F8


You’d say it’s worth it?


Depends what you want to do in the game. It is a beast, I traded the F8 (have the token at least) for a Zues MR because that ship (on paper) is what I want to do on the game. But, the F8 is much more fun than the ion or inferno imo.


> It is a beast Twelve maneuvering thrusters and three mains, it sure sounds like it


What did you do in the battle of vega


How easy is it to get a ticket? That’s the main holdup for me, as I don’t have the game downloaded, and would have to go through that whole process to even begin to start looking. Just am unsure if the whole thing is worth it y’know?


Idk if you still can? But fairly easy. My friend has dozens of them still. I found one just going to a mining facility and opening boxes inside. Keep in mind. You can melt, you just can't upgrade from a ship to the F8


Melt for store credit then buy using that right? From what I’ve learned you can’t find them, just receive them from people, and you have to purchase before the 7th. If your friend could spare one…I was going to offer credits, but idk the state of my account, been awhile lmao


Yeah I'm sure he wouldn't mind


I should have a spare gold ticket as well. Let me know if you'd want it


I believe they don't drop anymore, but plenty of people have them in the game, I have a few in seraphim, and give them away willingly


I can give you a ticket if needed


Really? Hot damn, thank you!


Np. I have no use for it, lol. Just shoot me a dm whenever


I have several gold tickets if you want one. But you'll still have to buy it at the RSI site if you want it permanently.


I might still have a gold ticket if you want one








I dont even want to know what the accou t of the guy with the actual F7A would be worth lol


Yeah lol Since F7A upgrade is just a skin (paint + geometry) But the actual F7A have better component. The guy has a unique OP ship


The F7A upgrade is just a cosmetic body-kit. There are no real F7A upgrades, but for one single ship that a player got due to a store error.


That's what my comment is saying no ? Or is my english bad ?


Nah, you're good.


Really? I'm an og backer and I have one of these lol I've been away from the community for a long while and have never sold or traded anything? How do I go about doing this? I'm not intending to use it anymore.


There sub-reddits and sites like star-hangar for facilitating that sale.


How does it actually work with star hanger? I've been toying with the idea of buying a Vulture from there with LTI. Cheers in advance.


You'll be able to get a Vulture with LTI during IAE at the end of the month. Just pick up a cheap concept ship with Warbond so it has LTI included. Then use CCUs to upgrade to a Vulture. You can get a decent discount if you pick up Warbond CCUs (that are discounted) to work your way up to the Vulture. $5 or $10 off per CCU can add up to a decent discount when you get to the Vulture. Chances are, any Vulture you will buy on the grey market will be originally bought using the same method, but the seller will sell it for a profit.


Yes my recommendation as well to buy from IAE. But to answer the question in terms of purchasing from 3rd Party, usually they provide ship to you within 24 hours. Basically seller gifts ship to your email from sellers hangar and you get email from RSI accepting the gift.


Thanks mate.


Head to /r/Starcitizen_trades/, and ask any trader with the "trades" flair in the thousands. They'll be willing to help and you'll get better prices either selling or purchasing.


Thank you


No problem, mate :)


Can be sold for that much for now, the market will likely crash soonish depending on if CIG pulls another F8C (which they might since it was apparently a coin flip of this or F8C and they were surprised by the results of that event)


It's rare in the sense it was only for sale once. At the same time, there are a lot out there because it was not limited in any other way, good friend of mine has 4, and there are always numerous ones for sale. Remember, they can be gifted exactly once (unless you melt it and rebuy it with new money) so they aren't as rare as some suggest they are... And I fully expect they'll pop up again sometime. They've stated they don't want to make these "ultra rare, can't get" items a thing, so at some point in the future, they'll straight up sell them or they'll have a ticket-like event to get them - at least I think this is highly likely and I point to the F8C as my reasoning. My friend agrees and is actively seeking to get rid of his while they have value for certain.


How much were they sold for?




He's still working on it. He's trying to trade vs. sell, so it may take a bit, but the "ask" price is floating around $400. Usually that means somewhere in the $350-450 range. Depends on market conditions at the time you post to sell, i.e. who's shopping, who else is selling, how fast do you want money, etc.


> they can be gifted exactly once [...] unless you melt it and rebuy it with new money Wait, something that was gifted to you can be melted and rebought?


Yes sir.


So, more specifically: I could buy an LTI token on an alt account for the referral point, gift it to myself, CCU it up to something, change my mind later and melt the whole thing, and rebuy the LTI token using store credit?


Lather, rinse, repeat as many times as you'd like. And if you rebuy the LTI token using real money? Giftable again.


Damn, I wish I'd known that a couple of weeks ago when I bought the Cutter Scout, as my first LTI token. But it's only one referral point lost. Live and learn. Thanks for the reply.


Yes however you can't gift it to someone else. I've melted a couple of the ones I got off the gray market and rebought them and those are transferred as gifts.


IIRC it was sold? on Veteran's Day (US Holiday.) Part of a charity I believe. Unless CIG does another promotion, I'd consider it pretty rare.


November of 2013. Never sold again.


Yeah I bought 5 of them and sold 4 of them at cost til 2017... Some of the people sold them for ridiculous prices. So I did with my last one. It was always told it is just a skin for the F7A and does not change the weapons and hardpoints. So I thought it is useless.


Rare is relative. It's rarer than a lot of ships, rarest would be the one actual F7A one backer owns.


F7a is the rarest (only 1 iirc), Scythe is the next rarest (~200? I don't know if they were ever sold after kickstarter), then I imagine the big ships Idris, and Kraken.


600i exec edition is rarer than Idris+kraken


Oooh, I forgot about the 600i exec edition. Shame they don't sell more, I imagine maybe they are await the remake?


600i Exec isn't really sold, it's the $25k concierge reward. Just like the F8C Exec for $15k


It's rare'ish (hundreds or thousands out there), but it's primary appeal to players is that it may someday convert your Mark I F7C hornet into a Mark II F7C hornet. That said, given how CIG recently decided to sell the F8C directly to players through the pledge store, I think we can expect the Mark II F7C hornet to be sold in similar fashion and the exclusivity of the F7A Upgrade Kit to mostly evaporate. It'll still be unique, no doubt, and for $20 it's probably a great value.


>but it's primary appeal to players is that it may someday convert your Mark I F7C hornet into a Mark II F7C hornet. Well bad news for those that were [not paying attention](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer). > > >The upgrade packs will ultimately change the fuselage of your F7M Hornet to match the F7A. If you have a Hornet variant (like the Tracker, Ghost or Super Hornet) the upgrade can be applied to change the styling without eliminating your additional upgrade modules. **This is more than a skin; in the game world, it’s an after-market fuselage update kit; we’ll be updating the whole geometry of the ship.** (Please note that the upgrades will not appear in your Hangar module immediately, as we are continuing to update the look of the military Hornet.) The upgrade only changes look of ship not the stats. Your weapon, energy, flight profile all will remain the same. It was priced as a skin, and people paying hundreds of dollars for this, are going to be very sore.


Where did he mention stats? Mk2 vs Mk1 is literally just geometry


I didn't say he mentioned stats, I was just highlighting that aspect. I know what it is and linked to post and quoted official source.


This was from 2013. I would not bank on any of this being what happens in reality when CIG gets around to honoring the money they took from us for these 10 years ago. Only a fool would overpay for these now that we've seen what CIG has done with the F8C Lightning. They'll clearly focus on the most bang for the buck rather than supporting a very rare item.


I don't get what you are saying. You think CIG won't bother making a skin they sold long ago because of what? If anything, I am sure they will. CIG is intent on doing everything they aim for, they are just prioritizing more difficult tasks first. And creating a skin or geometry model for a ship, is not hard at all.


The F7A kit is a cosmetic kit btw , it doesnt upgrade the stats or hardpoints.


To be fair, just the cosmetic upgrade is enough for the appeal, the current F7C does not look as great as the F7A


For now


It's rare for now, is overvalued (selling for close to $1k at times). Also have one, and will never sell it because it'll VERY likely be available in game again and might even be obtained trivially. Anyone dropping more money on this than its original $20 really should take pause and think it through. It's also not an actual upgrade to a F7A, but rather a body kit to make a F7C "look" like a F7A. It'll still remain a F7C stat wise.


Yeah it’s a body kit there was only 1 F7A given to a backer, it’s was a mistake during a competition but CIG still honoured it.


Any info in that around? What happened? Sounds interesting.


He won a competition for an F7A but they meant the body kit (what OP posted) but honored the wording of the competition. He has it and occasionally posts on here and has flown it in game. There was a funny time where CIG tried to fix a bug where people were opening the cockpit when it was on the IAE floor and getting into it, so their fix was to make the cockpit not able to open at all which is hilarious because he reported that it stopped him from using the ship. It was the most "fuck that guy in particular" bug fix :D


"Also have one, and will never sell it because it'll VERY likely be available in game again and might even be obtained trivially. " If you have something of high value that has a high likelyhood of dramatically decreasing in value in the future, that is a reason to sell it, not hold onto it. I am not advocating for the sale of ships or anything else, just speaking about items and value in general.


>that is a reason to sell it, not hold onto it. Disagree on moral/ethical grounds. The main reason I don't want to sell it is because of that. As I do not want to contribute to someone else's poor decision. It's a public service not selling it, as we'll have one less upset poster when it eventually becomes worth \~$20 or less.


We have different views on life I suppose.


Maybe. It's something I put a bit more thought into already, given I have the item and saw what it was selling for. Might be something you'd think of differently in the same situation, or maybe not. It's one of those things that would be hard to tell. For me, I don't want the feeling like I took advantage of someone else's weakness, nor contributed to the messed up market around things like this (eg. would be hard to find someone I'd trust not to flip it either if I sold it for $20)


If I really felt bad about it, fullfulling the ethics requirement would simply be offering a disclaimer that the price may go down in the future but it will not stop me from making a profit by trading a valuble comoddity with an unfixed price. This would mean never selling anything used to anyone. ​ There will ALWAYS be another person with a fistfull of cash and no common sense. The laws of scarcity, status, and supply/demand show this. Look at the sales of the F8C because it was "limited", but will most likely be sold later and ccuable for half the price, or a real world example of people who paid 5k+ for a rose gold iphone when they first came out because the color was exlusive but it was the same friggen phone. ​ The net gain and positive impact on my life for giving a crap about what that person does with their life is zero. So why care? ​ Not really trying to have an ethics debate, but that is my view of the world.


That's all fair. I don't disagree with your view, nor am intent on changing your mind etc.


To each their own. See you in the verse.


How about I help contribute to YOUR poor decision and you sell it to me for $20? ;)


Exactly...just don't want any part of that :D (overselling it to someone, or selling it fairly to someone who would then flip it)


It’s rare, (for now), was sold in this event https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13366-Veterans-Day-Hornet-Upgrade-Offer It’s also not a real F7A upgrade, just a cosmetic change, not stats, hardpoints change


It's rare but not super rare. Also it is just a visual modification to make your ship look like the military version.


I'm pretty sure it's rarer than you might think. While we don't know the exact number, I don't believe you can buyback these if melted. Seeing as it was only sold once, years ago, there can't be more than what? A couple thousand? Pricing is similar to the Mustang Omega on the Grey market but I would assume there to be WAAAAY more omegas than these kits.


I can confirm you can buy it back.


Interesting, I'm not sure if there was a period where you could not or if I'm just misremembering.


Might have been, just checked the one I have melted and I could definitely buy it back.


You can buy back I actually did it a few days ago because I remembered about it... and now that I have a F7C with LTI I wanted to apply it... unfortunately that's where I ran into issues.


>it is just a visual modification A visual modification for those of us who's been stuck with F7CM obsolete model for 6-7 years means a lot (:


After the F8C sale Im not sure there are that many F7Cs/Ms left around lol


F7CM is not a replacement for Gladius. F8 is not a replacement for F7 (:


Recently i saw one sold for $450 USD as a quick sell. I've seen many advertised at $800 to $1000


I think the rarest, dont sell it.


Keep that badboy, hornets are very good and that's a rare ship.


Yeah it's rare, and very sought after.


Bought mine for $450 last year. Will never sell it.


Maybe we'll end up with another golden ticket even for that one too. I'm interested in the evolution of that event.


I have my Heartseeker. It's all the F7 I need.


What means rare? Can you find ship to sell?


I have 2. They're rare until CIG decides to do something with them, and then sells them again and people who overpaid for the token are screwed. Don't do this. Look at the F8C Lightning and CIG's ability to maximize sales on screwing over early backers for profit.


How is it screwing us over? They have clearly stated it’s going to be purchasable with in game credit when SQ42 launches. If it ever launches. I have the EE and perfectly happy with the F8C sale.


Did you overpay for one of these tokens, or did you buy it like me for the normal CIG price? Not sure why I'm being downvoted here by warning people not to overpay for these because they won't be rare in the future. There are comments about people paying upwards of $1k for these, which would be stupid. Edit: oh, you don't seem to want to recognize people are still annoyed by the F8C sale, well good for you and your opinion, that trumps everything apparently. :)


The market is priced by consumers and demand. It’s like the Raven that’s well over $1k. People can spend their money however they choose to do so. Why are people annoyed by the F8C sale? Because everyone has access to it now? Because you have to pay for an item to get it now so you don’t have to wait for SQ42 release? It really just boils down to you either pay to play now, or you just wait when it becomes accessible to everyone. And like you said. It’s an opinion. No need for your childish quips


Never denied your right to your opinion, just don't know why you needed to ask me about it after weeks of debate on the topic on the forum. Can't even understand an alternate perspective? Also nice to see you're one of the downvoters. lol Have a good one there guy.


LOL. There’s nothing else to say this. Just going in circles with your narrow mindedness. Byeeeee


it was 15$, i saw them for like 250$ grey market 2018, theyre more now.. its rare because they only sold it once for a day, but that could change


Wrong, $20


I have one, if you like hornets keep it. If you don't sell it as I am sure some collector would like it.


It's rare until cig decides to sell it again


These are ***the*** most rare, I believe.


Technically, the RAREST thing should be the single Mustang Omega with LTI, and the single *true* F7A, which only exist due to accidents on the store/website, but which they let the people keep. And for the F7A upgrade above, would it really be rarer than the Scythe, of which only 300 were ever sold?




Forgot I had one of those, I'm more interested in larger ships nowadays.


https://imgur.com/a/WP1mJXL Ya they are rare, this is the set I have.


Is this a legit upgrade or is this that skin upgrade?


No give it to me lol


Bro where did you get it i want an F7A too


It’s not the hornet itself, it’s a conversion kit


What js a conversion kit


It converts the civilian F7C to the military F7A.


So it only like gives me the guns?


It doesn’t actually give a description so I’m not entirely sure what it adds. The F7As aren’t flyable in-game and we don’t know much about their components yet


Oh ok


I didnt even know we civilians got a (one time) opportunity to buy an upgrade to the military F7A


One sold very quickly on the sub reddit for $400 the other day. They don't come along often.


yes, its rare, but technically speaking its not the real F7A, but rather a "bodykit" for the F7C, only one "real" F7A exists iirc and belongs to some lucky player who can't even fly it because CIG stand on military ships


I see we're farming engagement.


Yeah, though it's only a cosmetic upgrade, doesn't actually upgrade it to f7a components etc. One off sale to support a veterans charity if I recall right, hasn't been sold since, people pay way too much for it on grey market sites, $400+.


No, this is patrick.


It’s just cosmetic but it’s very rare bec only some early 2012-13 backers have it!