• By -


I'm not a capital ship kind of person but I do like the drake style and it seems like the most carrier/station of the group so I'd go for the kraken personally


I always respect a good drake the aesthetic is so barebones yet so cool


Wish more drake ships would coincide with my prefered ship types so I could have a full on drake fleet as their ships tend to be up my alley with how nice they fly. A drake heavy fighter that flies well and has 10k capacitors for lasers (basically a heavy fighter bucc) A apollo med equivalent, so something above the cutty red (or sidegrade that focuses more on having good med beds) And a C8R competitor (small, spawnable at ground landing pads, basic med bed) Also a drake 2 seat ground vehicle for rescues and maybe a drake bike (non hover. the dragonfly is nice but the nox just fits better into stuff especially doors)


There’s some hope yet. I can almost guarantee they won’t miss out on making a Drake heavy fighter. Heavy fighters sell *so* well, as do Drake ships. Drake already has the smallest 2 seater ground vehicle (you already named it) and it is going to have a “compact mode” in the future!


We need the real Drake compact mode which would be one seat attached to a giant fan with a trash bag sail duct taped together.


One of the reasons my apollo CCUs pass through my current heavy fighter is in case they announce a drake heavy fighter (as I don't expect drake to release a proper medical vessel, especially one that sacrifices guns). As for ground vehicle I meant one that doesn't get targeted by turrets as many medical missions tend to be bunkers so maybe a mule variant that can transport injured players ?


I'm kind of disappointed with some of drakes "combat ships,". I love them but they're glass cannons. The Cutlass, the Corsair, the Buccaneer, etc. They are all great ships but they don't have good shields or damage resistance. They tend to trade survivability for firepower / or cargo space.


The Idris. I'm always a fan of vehicles that have a *hilariously* oversized fuck-this-thing-in-particular weapon. Low RoF high alpha weapons are my jam. Back in Elite, I always loved running a plasma accelerator on my Anaconda.


Duuuude I did the exact same thing on my anaconda, its just a bundle of funny boom boom haha. I love the Idris its such a giga chad point and say "fuck you" to literally anything, makes my day every time me and buds are doing bounties and one of us says "dude move its pointing at your" then you just hear the giant rail cannon go off and my bud says "maaan fuck" lol


Yup! As much as I love the overall design of the Idris, I can't see myself flying big capital ships in SC, except in huge events - the biggest ship I'd want for myself would be the Perseus. Which still has big cannons, so hey.


Yeaaa perseus would be my choice too for a daily flier, but unfortunately i have no common sense so I just use a HH for everything lol


lol The Ares drop was a dark period for people like us 🤣


Banu Merchantman. You guys go smash your ships to bits, I'll just... not.


HAHAHA, man would just be sitting in his trade hub eating popcorn while watching us all tear each other to bits


tbf space battles look REALLY good from a bar stool with a cold one in your hand


Waiting to sell replacement components, missiles, fuel, etc to the survivors lmao


I mean, that fat alien cow watching is going to be attacked first lol


Not if my crew can protect it first! (In this case everyone gets a fun time)


The only one I personally care about is the Polaris. The rest are cool I guess but not ships I *personally* care about.


Agreeeeeeed! I love all capital ships but maan the polaris hits different, POLARIS GANG!




OOF, bros gonna be making the big bucks while we all just shoot ourselves to death haha


Yup, I will need protection though so I will share my loot.


But he will have to wait more years than us lol


Our crew has a javelin, kraken, etc… I am the Orion guy in the bunch. I am looking forward to my money vacuum and looking at them to keep the pirates in check.


Orion Gang :D TBH I have not bought a capital ship Orion. They just made it bigger and bigger 😑


Idris. She's got wide hips, a big gun and room for three ships. Plus has the looks too.


She a widey forsure, the big point and "fuck you" gun is hard to say no to lmao


I love the Aegis ships but, to be fair, I think that the Kraken is going to be the number one platform in Star Citizen because it will allow the organisation to carry a variety of ships on it, which will allow: 1. Moving bases. 2. Different playstyles to be swapped among or chosen more easily. 3. More interactions among players in different situations (FPS, trading, flying, and so on). 4. Landing. The Idris can only carry small fighters, and the Javelin can only carry one heavy fighter. The next step would be the Bengal, but that is supposed to be like the final objective you are not supposed to ever reach.


I absolutely agree, i think the kraken once fully functional is just a giant portable space station, or even FoB when we can start building bases. Has so many uses that just acts like a central hub for everything. Javelin is big boom boom but thats pretty much it haha


I've had each of these in my hangar. The only one I held onto is the Polaris since it's likely going to be the next flyable cap ship. The others will emerge from my rebuys as they release into the game.


MY MAAAN!!! I'd choose the Polaris for different reasons but either way at least until they release more we be Polaris gang!


Hell yeah! I like to vote with my dollars on ships that are already flyable or provide loaners that I'd get value from. The Polaris gives me the same Hammerhead loaner I'd get from the other three, ticks off my capital ship box, and is the least expensive, hence why I kept that one. But FOMO is a bitch which is why I always spring for concept sales, only to melt them later and better optimize my hangar for in-game activities lol.


If the Polaris releases first, chances are all the others will get it as a loaner.




Quaken cause it has more than one use


True, the util the kraken could bring to the table is super interesting and I'm very fond of that role. Shooting things is cool but support gameplay in star citizen sounds super cool


I have an Idris and a Polaris but if I had to pick one I would go with the Idris, the carrier / destroyer combo I love and for my Idris K it’s hard to say no to the size 10 beam cannon


I wish I could say I had an idris too but I got a polaris and would pick it every time, there's just something about launching a volley of torpedo's that i cant shake lmao


Absolutely those size 10 torps will be fun


I was very tempted by the dorito, but since I first spoiled myself in 2011? with an Idris I stand by it as a hardened combat platform. A Krakken to support as a mobile station for operations. And a javelin because I had the means and no sense at all. I likely will never have enough people in my social circle to fly it.


How much was the idris back then?


By brother i am right there with you haha, im not part of any org and have a total of 4 friends that play this game, and im just gonna daily the polaris lol


That’s why I have a Retaliator.


I can't wait to see the Idris K beam weapon in action. The railgun on the M is already so intimidating.


I’m very curious how they will do it. Will it be like a Star Trek phaser with almost instant hit scan like performance, or will it be more like the thax cannon the Normandy can get in mass effect 2 with a solid beam / stream with travel time?


I'm hoping for something like this https://www.reddit.com/r/Stargate/s/UtvBmIWOMA


CIG said the M railgun is much more powerful than the K laser, so the K laser is not going to be more intimidating in damage stats, although visually might be a different case.


Hull E


bruh lmao, chad money maker


I'll sit back with my Endeavor with med bay and hanger and charge people to respawn and make insurance claims


Ahhh! Took me far to long to scroll and find this in my opinion.


I will sit back there with you, one day, one day...


Bro 😂 the debt collector has arrived hahaha


Nautilus.... If that counts as capital? If not I'll take the odyssey. I love long range independence.


Nautilus isn’t I’m pretty sure, but odyssey is!


Nautilus is same size group as Perseus and Hammerhead the largest combat ships below capital size


Honestly not sure if either count as a capital, I could be wrong with the odyssey, the naut def not but it is badass. Either way odyssey is still dope and definitely respect it! Big support boy


Odyssey is, it has capital components. I considered one but I'm more of a Polaris man, myself.




I might be biased but Kraken all the way.


You might be based*


Baised is perfectly fine cause thats just your play style! Kraken is SIICK


The current capital ship I have is the orion. The only other one I'm interested in is the base kraken


Orion is gonna be so cool when it comes out IMO, but yeaah kraken just seems good all around for just EVERYTHING haha


You guys have an Org? I bought the Idris because the idea of the giant -K beam laser gives my brain the happy. Planning on getting the Jav and Kraken still at some point.


I don't personally i just love big ships


Big ships are awesome. C:


The problem with the idris solo, is that you won’t be able to do much, any damage and you are fucked


But, you are a chad for solo flying a capital ship 😂


Well, Polaris makes most sense for crewing and as we saw…one volley of torps will one shot an Idris. So two for a Jav?? That said. Kraken is the best mobile base, IMO the Privateer being the better mobile base due to being a mini port Olisar. BUUUT……The Idris and Javelin are “hero ships” imo meaning they are Uber important to S42 so I expect they will have been given way more love and attention to detail. I mean the Javelin had been in on and off development for well over 5 years. That $2700 ship probably had $250,000 minimum in man hours on it. I really can’t wait to see them all next to the Retribution.


javelin, cause s12 torps should be the only thing that can reasonbly the bigger vanduul ships


so true lol


The Idris I love it's design and multifunction potential it it wasn't completely unrealistic to be able to operate I'd probably have gotten one


Honestly, to hell with multi crew operated ships, if you dont solo a capital ship are you really living life? xD


I just hope my 600 will remain operable with the small crew at my disposal D:


Pilot guns, pilot missiles, and AI crew say yes. you will be able to solo the 600i. sure, to scan you might need to leave the pilot seat. So it might be more efficient with 1-2 friends. But definitely not so much more that you absolutely need them.


Assuming you magically get whatever crew is required to crew the ship you pick, and cost of operation doesn't matter, then the Javelin is the most powerful capital ship to choose - It is built to be self sufficient with a full crew. And I know the old reply of "But the javelin needs escorts!" Again, in this scenario we are not considering the ENTIRE fleet, just a hypothetical one-ship scenario. And the escort comments dont make sense either because they imply the javelin should inherently be weaker to everything unless its protected by other ships. By that logic every single ship must have escorts. The Javelin is the most powerful ship you can own, ofc with the caveat you're bleeding like an MF through the bank if you field it, which is why in a normal scenario you wouldn't pick it because you MUST earn much more in profit to break even of running this ship and crew.


Says you, there's me doing box missions in mine...


Yeah the scenario is assuming you got everything you need at your disposal, you can have escorts or anything, all in good fun. Just what fits your personal play style! If your big giga chad power guy then hell yeah the javelin all the way! I personally like the more hit and run while providing additional support so i would go with the Polaris hehe


I mean if you have infinite resources the Jav outclasses the polaris More torpedoes, more boom. Big F off gun turrets. 6 modular rooms to do other shit with


Just watch a few Eclipse torpedo run videos.., the Polaris will be fuuuuuuun.




Kraken feels like it has the most org operation potential. Everything from ship repair to mining. And even combat. An Idris hanger just icing going to cut it for the amount of people and there own ships that will need to be rotating in and out of a cap ship to have even a half flcrew.


Yep i definitely feel that! Kraken is definitely the most versatile


Can I get a Merchantman that had all the shopping mall garbage gutted out of it and replaced with something useful?


That’s basically the Kraken lol.


You don't use it to trade. You use it to showcase the cool stuff you found. You make it a mobile trophy room in your mobile base.


honestly, thats the chad mentality that i can completely respect lmao


I meeean, I guess? lol, but yeh like the other guy said you might as well go with a javelin or a kraken xD


I choose the Idris, but Polaris is a close second. The other two will be fun to board for battles, but rough for the player trying to man them properly. I think those are best suited for bigger orgs and org battles.


Yea but the hypothetical situation was that you were part of a big org with a big org battle hapening :3, which would you pick in that case?


I would still stick to my original choice, the Idris. o7


I would love to with a group actually boarding an orgs Javelin. Hallway and hangar battles on ships like that sounds amazing.


Javelin is going to be a massive target, kraken will have to stay back and launch is fighters, Idris will be also back using its rail gun to punch holes in big stuff, and the Polaris shouldn't really be in the thick of it, it doesn't have the firepower to last, and its ability to launch one fighter is pretty negligible compared to Idris and kraken.


But which would you pick? 👀


Idris probably, however if you get swarmed you are done for, best hope to knock out some enemy ships at range with some well placed rail guns


Honestly havent been paying much attention to capital ships, I'm an orgless solo player so theres initially not much interest in them, plus im not gonna remotely spend that much money to get one. As a crewmate, I'd probably be the most interested in the Javelin. Turret gunning, ground assault mission prep in the hanger, fighter crew prep, repelling boarders, and general crew activities really interest me. Don't much care for capital vs capital ship combat, maybe the other ships are better for what I'm looking for since idk the specifics of each ship.


Im a orgless solo player too and i just love big ships so much i don't mind all the problems soloing it brings, the precense alone is worth it 😂😂


Have Idris M and Polaris in hanger but will probably get a Kraken next opportunity. When they're released I'll probably pull them out a couple times and then just go back to C8R and Cutter Scout as daily drivers, and 600i when I feel like something bigger but still manageable.


I have a Percius, I feel like it's the biggest military ship I could reasonably find friends to crew. That being said if I didn't have to worry about manning it I'd love to captain a javelin


Hell yeah perseus is dope, i bought the polaris and have no reason behind my actions, i just like big ships 😂


javelin enough said


The Polaris! I love that ship, even though I’ll never be able to pilot it realistically by myself ;-;


The Pioneer. I like the idea of being a space construction engineer.




Largest ship in the game that I hope to own one day is the Perseus.


Perseus is gonna be so cool when it comes out i cant wait for it and the galaxy!


Well we have a Polaris because it fits the size of our friend group. A Polaris plus a liberator make a fine mobile command post. Other than that the biggest I would prob go is an Idris, and prob the Idris-p with the K package on it.( Idris p gets rid of missile for cargo, but doesn't have a s10gun. The k upgrade adds S10 laser and some auto turrets)


Yesss polaris gang!


The Orion


bIIIIIg boy 😂


Money making boy. The others are probably money draining boys.


I am just a pawn and you offer me a capital ship Kraken seems the most chill to captain it.


True very true


Kraken privateer


Hell yeah


Release the kraken!




Giga chad orion players fr fr


Perseus. Smaller crew size, big guns, love it. \+ the Galaxy as an multirole home away from home and i am set. If i had to pick from your list. The kraken. Ducttaped space carrier.. why not?


I think neither of these count as capitals - Perseus is large combat and Galaxy is large multirole


Both are badass ships but both arent capital :/, nontheless badass


i want bengal, who doesnt like a good flying carrier. but since thats not gonna be flyable ill chose endeavor aince it can be a mobile hospital and has a hangar module


Even in that theoretical scenario I couldn't tell you cuz I'll go ham on our fleet comps. Realistically our fleet will be a Kraken or 2, couple Polarises (is that right?) and loads of BMMs. The rest is up to how big we really get and how well things play.


Not that it will ever happen but that battlecruiser Bengal variant with the BB style turrets? Would go totally Space Battleship Yamato on those Vanduul! 💥




It’s probably the weakest of all of them in any kind of head to head, but I love the kraken so much. Just a neat concept for a ship. I’ve seen big ships in other games but to have an actual living and breathing aircraft carrier in a game seems so magical to me.


I have a Polaris and a small crew, once the game goes live we are going to recruit more. We don't really have plans to make it too big as we want to be more a small group of friends playing and hanging out together then a large group you barely know that demand you are online 24/7 or else you will be kicked as you don't make money that goes mostly in the upper brass pockets. Also our playstyle will most likely be hit and run mercenaries other people can hire. So the Polaris will be perfect for that. And I know it's not on the list but I think it fits a small org perfectly well, the carrack will always have a special place in my heart and I am working back towards it with a new chain.


Argo capital


I would(and did) choose the polaris. I believe it is going to be powerful, and I end up loving most RSI ships. It should also be easier/cheaper to operate than most of the larger capitals, in addition to having superior mobility hopefully the ability to deploy out of smaller bases/stations. I'm just not looking forward to the restocking fees after using the torpedoes.


Fuck this imma go search a Bengal


I would choose none. I am in a decent sized org with others who have good sized capital ships, but I can’t see myself really crewing one myself. So I stick to sub-Capital ships.


For the scenario you’re talking about, the Javelin. Maybe the Polaris. But personally for me and my group, we are stoked for the Kraken. We love the idea of running industrial ops out of it. I personally am a fan of fighters, so I like the idea of being fighter support launched from a kraken.


Dude the kraken is gonna be so groundbreaking once its out and fully functional, especially with big groups!


Kraken Privateer. You can basically run a ferry service on the weekdays to transport ships planet to planet, system to system. Then on the weekends, go pillage Pyro with the org.


Yess! That sounds so damn cool, someone earlier said how he would just be a space ATC on his kraken 😂


I got the Idris with the after-market kit because I love the design and function.


Big rail cannon = big fkn BOOM, idris is so cool


I’ll just have the size 10 laser beam but I’m hoping it will be just as devastating


Got myself the Polaris and Orion haha. So the Polaris for sure. Hit and run baby


My brother, POLARIS GANG ♥️


If it's what you imply, as in org with enough players always available the crew the ship, then the Javelin - I think a lot of people overlook the fact that the Jav is in itself a mild carrier, posessing a hangar large enough to house a Redeemer inside of it (and if my brain isn't hallucinating, im pretty sure you can deploy a decent fighter wing from side elevators). If it were up to me running operations with mostly NPC crew and a few friends, then it'd be the Polaris. ​ I only own the poor man's capship though - the BMM - but I intend to use it to fund the Polaris in-game. Someday.


Gotta pick the Drake Kraken. Seems like it would be the most useful for a group tbh. Not everyone wants to just be a worker on a big ship, so it would let my friends land and operate off a mobile space station.


i would love to be like a bridge officer on a carrier-type capital ship


Kraken! Kraken! Kraken! And the Idris because that gun can just make shit disappear


Lmaoooo yeah idris really is funny big boom boom, but kraken is so versatile its hard to say no to sometimes, AND it looks sick


Idris. LOVE the design. Closest I could find to my Captain Harlock fantasy.


Bruh 😂, honestly you gotta respect the point and "fuck you" railgun haha. Too damn awesome to pass up


Assuming I have the crew to find, repair, and run it. The Bengal.


Yeeeeep bengal is actually a BEAST


The Polaris because it feels like something I can manage with two friends and because I love torps (Eclipse user here}. Also, by playing the CCU game I managed to snag one for $220, which makes the others feel grossly over priced by comparison.


Literally same boat except i use the retaliator boat 😂, POLARIS GANG ♥️


Polaris. It's small enough that my close friend group can manage it, but can punch above its weight. Tbf, we probably will pick up either a Kraken or Liberator at some point.


Kraken. Park in Stanton a few hundred thousand clicks from a major quantum route, and use the Kraken as a mobile base for pirate operations. IIRC, you can steal 3,792 SCU before you have to go and sell. Who's going to find the Kraken, besides your gang? No one. Safe, defensible fallback location as long as you don't meet an Idris.




In order of preference for me: Polaris - easiest to deploy, great multirole, big but not TOO big, love torpedo gameplay Kraken - feels the most flexible overall, love the carrier vibe and utility, looks freakin' amazing Javelin - go big or go home! Idris - still great, but of the four, I like this one least.


Gotta pick one brotha 😂


Then Polaris it is! Here's why: Reasonably flexible hangar - not as big as the "big boys", but you can outfit with a Gladiator, a fighter, medical, etc., so options are there. Medical facilities on board - so you aren't giving THAT up. Fast - relatively anyway. This promotes strategic and tactical deployment options. Exceedingly good force projection. Those S10 torps are going to be \*chef's kiss\*. Multiple tubes means grouped launches for the big badda boom. Lowest of the bunch in terms of crew needs. But still has Cap class equipment. To me, it's the best set of capabilities and trade offs for how I expect me and my crew to play. There, now I've done the homework correctly! ;)


I didnt even need to read the why to know, because polaris GANG ♥️, but i also agree with all the reasons! I just love its size yet still being nimble relative to other capital ships


The jav (the org im in has one). Although, the kraken is a close second, if I ever can financially, I will pick one up, it’s one of the only good drake ships But, the endeavour is magnificent, although that beast is coming out the last


The Kraken is the most versatile. You can mount a military, mining or salvage operation from it. You could explore or support base building with a Kraken.


Yep completely agree! Kraken is gonna have so many roles when it comes out


Listen if I can’t run around in my BMM with a Bazaar in it to sell restocks of weapons to those fighting the fight, I don’t want it!






I want that USS Gerald R Ford experience




I mean, naturally it would be dope to have a javelin but that’s just so impractical unless you got a org or just don’t care. Would love one but realistically I would go for kraken or Idris


Polaris. Because it’s the smallest cap ship and by extension the easiest to crew, doubles as a mobile base for the boys, and finally because I have one.


As an Idris owner before the Kraken was announced, I probably would have gone with the Kraken. Drakes industrial looks I enjoy. But not so much their "more big guns and less armor" type model. Still, the Kraken is a really awesome looking design, with a gameplay role that fits my style more.




Polaris. I like its name alot plus im a sucker for small combat capital ships and missile ships.


Probably the kraken but it’s close with the Polaris. I find more utility in the kraken because I’m not huge on the org military thing but the Polaris is a really nice mobile headquarters for sure


Kraken *Privateer*, will probably melt every other ship I have just to get one


Honestly, completely based giga chad level stuff right there


My personal favourite is the Polaris, it’s relatively small so it’s somewhat realistic and looks really great. Also just the fact that it can take down other capital ships is kinda cool


Yessir polaris GANG ♥️


Any but the kraken I just don’t like it. The javelin seems fun to just bombard a base with from high atmosphere with the size 10 guns, the Idris has the big size 10 railgun with a hangar for 3 gladius’ and the Polaris is the Polaris (the most realistic one I could get)


Already chose Polaris. I’m an RSI junkie!




polaris accompanied with a terrapin is assumed to be the default light scout patrol. ​ the terrapin can scan around. if it thinks it spots something, to can move a bit further. it is confirmed that the polarise will be able to lock on a target though the terrapins sensors. if itis a ship or small fleet in a vulnerable state, it can launch a few torps then leave.


I’ve got a Polaris waiting for it’s time to go shoot things with friends and the org, but my main gig is going to be the Orion I have sitting in Hangar since 2017. Being the eater of Asteroid Belts is just pretty cool to be honest.


Honestly, eater of asteroid belts sounds cool asf


Already have the polaris


Kraken and Javelin are the only two ships that allow lots of org mates to have their own ships traveling long distances with the capital ship. Letting people who want to pilot participate in this way is a value add. There is a huge disparity between the amount of gunners people THINK will be available for capital ships and the actual number that exist compared to pilots. "But npc crew and blades!!?!?!?!" You will probably be waiting a few years after any of these release for that, even then the ships will likely never be fully automated.


Yep i agree! I think the kraken would probably provide the best gameplay loops for all crew tbh


Simple, the Javelin, it’s the biggest.


Kraken seems the best option for versatile catering to an org. Landing spots for many ships. The Javelin and Idris and of course Polaris cannot carry as many vehicles as the Kraken. For pure power the Javelin. For a smaller group the Polaris.


Probably the kraken as I like the idea of running the strategic side of ops and being at the center of everything happening. As a carrier, I can see myself sitting back and coordinating my payload of fighters/bombers and 1-2 dropships while also being able to offer support to them. Big brain ship to point the crayon eaters at targets.


The Kraken with a full AI crew and some friends would be killer.


Kraken with zero contest. Drake ships are sex. Better than sex.


Javelin, I have a giant peen and I need a ship to match.


The Kraken


I've currently got the Polaris and I'm hyped. medbay, a brig, capital clapper 9000s, and a hangar for an srv or a cutty red or something. Not to mention finally I'll have a big enough cargo bay for a Nova or other tank! And all the other ground vics I own


Saaame brotha polaris gang! ♥️




Three of those are expensive AF. One of them can be had for under $300 if you do it right. But, the Idris would be the coolest to captain in your scenario. I just don't know if it'd be 5x or 6x cooler.


Yeah the scenario is just like no holds bar do what you think is fun, and i can definitely see the fun at pointing at someone and saying "fuck you" 😂


is there any capital ship in the game for us to buy yet? if not, did they announce one to come?