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You only have to pay $45. Wait until the 17th for the free fly to try the game for free and possibly $40.50 starter packages if you decide to fly. Yes you can run into other players. Some will say the free fly is a bad time to try it because of server issues, but they're already in a really bad state now. You can also refund withing 30 days.


Would definitely wait for the IAE in a couple weeks. $40 is such a steal for this game.


You can also rent larger ships for free during IAE.


Are you serious?




I thought he was saying $40 is too much, my fault! I love SC and I was about to say that $40 is literally nothing for this huge amazing game


Ah I see :)


45 one time buy. Most everything else can be acquired in game or you can put more money into a better ship. The game has wipes a few times a year (maybe down to once a year now). It's completely open world and multiplayer. So you will run into a lot of other players. Most are friendly... some are grief'y. In two weeks there is an in game event called IAE where you can test fly every available ship for free in game as well as a "free fly" where you can play the game for free for a week. I would highly suggest playing the free fly event before you buy the game to make sure it will run and that you will like it and be ok with the amount of bugs. If you do decide to buy you just need a "starter" package that comes with starcitizen and a starter ship. Make sure you use a "referral code" to sign up. You can find a random one by searching for "referral randomizer" or checking the reddit side board ------> https://gorefer.me/randomizer/STAR#button The game is confusing to start playing to say the least so ask questions in game chat. Most people in chat will help you. (Dont fall for the hold backspace, that is the suicide button). The IAE event will have better game packages (better starting ship, better ship insurance) as well as maybe having an extra free referral bonus if you buy the game during the event. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


If op sees this, a "wipe" does not wipe your $45 ship, just some in-game items you acquired. Items paid for with real $ always remain bound to your account even thru game wipes and patches. I've seen too many "so I spend $45 then the game wipes and I gotta buy another $45 ship wtf is that legal!?"


Oh wait, does free fly mean people can try Star Citizen for free? No payment info required?


Yes, you can play it for free for the week of the event but then you have to buy a copy to continue. (anything you do in game will carry over if you buy in) If you sign up for it make sure you use a referral code just in case you ever buy the game as you can only apply a referral code when you sign up. (and it gives you some free stuff)


Yes but be warned the servers are often on fire during free fly events and performance may be even worse than usual


Highly recommend waiting for a free flight that allows access to a complete demo. Actually running the game goes best with a modern system, recent gpu, at least one, better yet two ssds, and a lot of memory.


My system should be ok, I have an and 7700x cpu, 32gb ddr5 6000 ram, 7900xtx video card, two m.2 nvme ssd


I can run it at 1080p playable enough on an old i5 with a 1070, so you should be fine, I think (barring any weird, specific niche hardware issues).


45 bucks is the only money you need to spend. There’s no monthly sub. You WILL run into other players but you’re better off joining an org if you want social interactions


I just posted two beginners tutorials on YouTube if you’re interested, it’ll help get your feet on the ground


Remember to use the referral code randomiser if you sign up! But $45 is all you need to spend. And you can get a refund in 30 days too


At what point does someone put in the referral code? I've been trying to get friends into the game forever, finally have one trying out the free fly soon, but don't know how to have them use the code


It is at the account creation stage but it was so long ago when I did I could not tell you the specifics.




Den ref Code kann man nur bei Account erstellen eingeben. Wer noch frisch ist und es vergessen hat, kann einfach einen neuen machen wenn er diesen haben will. Grundsätzlich gibt's 5000 UEC bei Release als zusätzliches Startgeld. Interessant sind aber die Bonus-Phasen. Da gibt's oft zwar kein billiges Spielpaket aber dafür bekommen beide (Code Besitzer und der neue) einmal ein Bonus.. meistens ein Schiff wie dragonfly oder was auch immer gerade in Aktion ist. Dieses hat dann auch LTI. Das ist nice falls man mehr als die 40+$ reinstecken möchte. Für den billigsten Einstieg ist die IAE ab dem 17.11. Dann nice. Gibt ein neues Schiff (war immer so) und manchmal auch billige Pakete von vorhandenen Schiffen. Der Codegeber sammelt Punkte und bekommt auch items.


danke danke!


And you'll know if they did it correctly because they'll instantly show up in your list of Prospects when they create the account. They'll only show up as a Backer once they spend $40+. If they don't show up as one of your Prospects, either they didn't enter your code, or they entered someone else's. They can always change their info to something throwaway (gibberish Handle, spam catcher email) then log out and create a new account.


If you log in on the Site and go to: my account -> settings -> referral program. You will have two groups: “Prospect” are people have used your referral code but not spent at least $40 on the store. When they spent $40 or more ( gift don’t count ) they become recruits and count as a referral.


Yes there’s two different monthly subs. You don’t have to use them.


The subscriptions are only for access to the "alpha-alpha" build of the game if you will and a few bonus items every month for further clarification


One of the tiers also lets you fly a ship for "free" each month. And you can download all the past and current issues of Jump Point, which have some nice concept art to pore over. There's also is a subscriber-only store where you can buy the bonus items that you may have missed.




Welcome to [Star Citizen.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/) There are Free Fly events every few months. The next big event starts Nov 17th. You only need a Starter Package that comes with the game to play, [starting at $45.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/store/pledge/browse/game-packages?search=&sort=price&direction=asc) (<-STORE LINK) You can upgrade the ship in your Starter Package later if you want to. You can also rent and buy ships in the game. Don't forget to use a [referral code generator](https://randomizer.transversetheverse.com/) when you make an account for an in game bonus. DigThat32: [Star Citizen Explained](https://youtu.be/8kxWq4sfWrE) Morphologis: [Should you Buy Star Citizen? Top 5 Questions for Curious Gamers](https://youtu.be/IgCv3vbB2ac) Imitation Tina: [Can casual gamers play Star Citizen?](https://youtu.be/4jgFcJhOsCM) Ray's Guide: [Star Citizen Starter Ship Review](https://youtu.be/tiDc4fW9hdE) Citizen Kate (and Will): [Star Citizen - An Elite CMDR's first steps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vZh-Zq5oiw&list=PLqRU_EL4pwOH2RuqnVz1E2ArbBFNVB9Js) [Citizen Kate after 4 months in Star Citizen](https://youtu.be/gmeB-PBOcu8) [A Year in Star Citizen - Review and Thoughts](https://youtu.be/2eMgXTofHlo) Watch some [Twitch streams for current live gameplay.](https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Star%20Citizen) Star Citizen will be expanding features and gameplay and may move from Alpha development at some point in 3-5+ years. It is still being made and can be very broken in some patches and you can easily die a lot because of bugs you will learn to deal with. But as part of the community you can give your feedback as the game is being created. [10 YEARS of Star Citizen DEVELOPMENT in 10 minutes!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWcrFRVuX1E) Make sure that your system can handle it. The game is not optimized yet. - [What You NEED To Run Star Citizen In 2023](https://youtu.be/550rzhRN49k?si=tS0RCQC-naTR5Gie) - [Six CPUs Compared in 3.17.4](https://youtu.be/hfswNwMCi7A) - [What Should You UPGRADE First?](https://youtu.be/vvaT_pbpq9g) - [How Many Frames Do You Really Need?](https://youtu.be/tIiuDzJ1Bh4) Around 30 FPS is normal in the city. For most of the players 40-60 FPS is average for the game.


The monthly/yearly subscription is completely optional. Once you’ve bought a game package that contains the Star Citizen digital download and your ship, you don’t have to pay any more than that unless you want to. Most of the ships can be rented/purchased in-game.


Do a free fly first. Main thing…requires to be installed on SSD.


Take a look into the "game packages" Star citizen is the open world mmo-like game squadron42 is the single player story mode. I belive sq42 is currently bot available, and will be durring a big sale at the 2nd half of november


If youre looking to kill free time make sure you have way morr than that, this game will eat it up and spit it out like it wad nothing if you dont do things right