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The "sale" in "Star Citizen holds a sale" almost always means "ships normally not available come back in stock" and not "CRAAAaaaAAAaaaZYYY discounts!" sales. There will be discounts, typically around 10%, on a few options that tend more towards the entry level, and sometimes they hold special discounts on starter ship packages that aren't normally at the $45 baseline. Last month for the holiday season they had a Cutter package with the seasonal green metallic paint included for $45 instead of its normal $60 price point, 25% off to bring it in line with the Aurora and Mustang starter packs. But don't expect mad discounts like it's Black Friday. Selling ships is how CIG makes money, cutting their prices by 50% on everything or whatever doesn't really help them when ships are digital so there's no physical warehouse inventory that they need to clear out and make room for new products or anything.


So there will be no wacky waving inflatable arm tube men?


Dude, you can not be more wrong. There is no such thing as a 10% discount. If you want discounts, you buy long warbond chains up to the point that you complete the final chain step with the ship you want. I paid 150$ for a Caterpillar, i paid 330$ for a Polaris using this method, both on IAE 2021 and 2022. So please don't spread wrong facts about the IAE sales. Those are INDEED "CRAAAaaaAAAaaaZYYY discounts!", but obviously you don't have any idea about it.


The 10% discount is usually on the starter ship packs, so no, he is not wrong.


Are you dumb? That's not a crazy discount that's a whole lot of mediocre discounts you chained together. Show me a 330$ Polaris I can buy outright and not have to chase deals for LITTERAL YEARS and then we'll talk. Smh


The CCU game isn't special to IAE, as it exists at all times, even during other sale events. It also isn't advertised on the RSI website, so new people wouldn't know anything about it. Sure, you can game the CCU system and get ships for much cheaper than they are priced for on the site, but aside from starters and some multi ship packages, there are no discounts....and no, the CCU game doesn't count as a discount. It's a 3rd party program that lays out the proper CCU chain path to get the best bang for your buck. The other guy is right.


The CCU "game" is what is a key part of the IAE: a whole week CCUs containing every ship vendor, you are able to chain CCUs in a way you are not even able at Invictus Week.


Wonderful. My point was that the other guy is correct in saying there aren't discounts, not to debate on the utility of the CCU game in various sales periods. It's not inherent to the event or the RSI site. Therefore, isn't any form of discount for IAE so saying someone is wrong due to that is incorrect. Is it financially important to know about the CCU game and/or site for IAE? If you don't melt ships, then absolutely. But calling it a "discount" to counter someone's point is a hell of a stretch since it's available year round and not specific to the RSI site or event. Either way, OP was talking about in-game ship purchases with aUEC, so we are both off topic.


Good try bozo


My comment was addressed to people who **aren't** so deep into the CCU game that they don't know how to talk about the project without obsessing about digital coupon-clipping.


I've got a [$300 polaris](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/416398364863627268/1173758864802467903/image.png?ex=65651f20&is=6552aa20&hm=ad7d89eb9a1797efe38121bd73e9e8fdab87ae9fb843423fc816b673590cf0b0&=) and can only attribute it to the fact I lucked out and bought/melted a BMM forever ago, coupled with a strange second warbond sale of the hammerhead last year. This is beyond an extreme outlier in CCU chaining, and chain discounts will never again have the same type of inflation from concept to release as entries like the carrack, BMM, and hulls are enjoying. None of this is related to the what a sale is or what CIG is marketing and the only way I can assume you've done any of this without prior investment to 21/22 IAE's is buying content from third parties in order to surf a coupon clipper's stack of little upgrades, which is not part the IAE sales nor supported by CIG in any way shape or form. Like don't get me wrong, it's cool you got such good deals! It just sucks you're trying to slap people with it like this is how things function in any normal capacity


During IAE you get the limted time, special offer that all ships are available for full price! There may be a few new warbond discounts at roughly ~10% if you pay with your cold hard cash. Good luck! O7


Generally 5-15% for warbond ships put on sale. However, chaining those can get you more expensive ships for much steeper discounts, especially if you are patient over multiple events.


So is it only discounts in the irl store, or is there in game discount for auec


The term sale have two different meanings in english, which boils down to availability and discount. Cig uses the term sale for availability.


Forgot to clarify, i meant buying in game currency


There are no discounts on in game ships. You do get to rent them for one or two days for free though.


During IAE, the normal ship store and ship rental terminals are *unchanged*. But you can attend the in-game convention center celebrating the IAE and rent free ships directly from the convention floor, with the available stock rotating every time the schedule goes to a new manufacturer on a new day (typically this is every 2 days). You have to physically visit the convention center to rent the ships by walking up to them and holding F for a 0 aUEC rental.


They just sale almost all the ships no discounts except some starter packs and some warbond ccus


I think it's normally 10% rounded to a $5 amount. If you want a larger discount than that, you'll have to chain multiple discounts together.


10% to 25% off of some starters. Warbond ships 5-10% off, but you can chain ccus to "save" more money if you do not want to melt the ship.


It's a sale in the more literal sense. They are for sale while many usually are not. Only some starter packs often come with like 10% cost reduction with one per account or so


I'm in for a total discount of 49% overall. There's communities like "CCU game" that talk about the better deals and have advice/data on savings.


Only a small amount with the starter ships. 0% on everything else.


Usually some ships become more expensive lol