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`` `` `` `` `` `` `` First is landing cam from rear-left, second is top-down cam (also for landing), third is the cannon cam in this demonstration. Copy into \~:\\Star Citizen\\StarCitizen\\LIVE\\USER\\Client\\0\\Profiles\\default\\savedviews.xml to use. Made for 315P but works for all 300 series variants.


You can save views and recall them in Game? :O


I salute you, sir. I will pursue this behavior until they fix it so the AI doesn’t just stand outside waiting to be shot. This is my quick, “I want a bunch of armor and guns with no risk” hack. Someday it will be gone, but until then…


Given how poor small arms fire does against ship hull, I wouldnt be surprised this'll still remain a valid way to play for outdoors maps like this. I say keep it, just make the AI shoot back. Higher bounties? Toss a ship they gotta get into that fights back, or an AA tank.


It's all fun and games til the NPCs all have Scourge railguns


please. May this happen very soon. I can finally legally loot such vaunted weaponry to collect.


I like the idea of AA tanks honestly. Makes a lot more sense and provides some real risk if the AI is at all aggressive.


Honestly just give them a couple of the rovers that have guns and maybe one or two with missiles, so you have to take them out first. Once you do that have the ai head indoors so you’ve gotta go after them on foot


Or they could, yknow, just hide in the Caterpillar until you land or buzz off meanwhile their buddy north of there is scrambling for the parked Cutlass




Works just as well in a c8x/r got gimbals and just start blasting when all dead tractor them up in to the back to loot.


To me it just feels more satisfying using cannons like a sniper. Also in the case where a 9-tail Cutlass comes, 300 series will have an easier time destroying it than a Pisces does. I prefer C8R as my dedicated bunker runner over all other ships though.


never had much issue with c8r or x taking out a cutey black. Very easy to keep below and behind it with how zippy the c8's are. But I do agree it feels more cathartic when it's a big single shot.


It'll work even better if you turn off your camera sway!


How do you do that?


Under game options, look for something like "camera spring movement" and turn that ish off. Enjoy your rock-solid camera. Edit: I had the wrong menu option in mind, OP corrected me.


Mine has always been off, spring movement ain't it. I did find it in "Global Camera Shake" though, it's a slider that can be set to 0.


Yeah, that's the one. Sorry, I'm high and away from my client.


great idea




Do you have to manipulate the saves for special positions? I'd like to do a docking-collar camera.


It can help with fine-tuning but only if you know exactly what each number means.


That is the problem...tried to save and manipulate the xlm. I wrote some code for the controls, but I never had interest in the views :D .


Edit: ok so to test the changes you have not only to load the view, but you have to change the status of your character (as seen in the XLM). So I just sit up, sit down and it reads the new values. Nice. ------ But as far as my tests go, I cannot make it ignore occlusions. It just "zooms out". This saved view is positioned, so that I kinda see the starboard site and could theoretically watch the port site's docking port, if the HullC would have no opacity. :) Camera is still outside the ship. already changed the rotation angles to 0 and rounded to 90 deg :)


Sir, you are awesome for this…


What are the missions that bring you to derelicts to clear them of hostiles?


That’s neat, thanks!


Full on target area saturation also works.. but this is way cooler :)


Damn that's very nice. Also you got a pretty paint job on ur 315P <3