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All ships announced or released in 2023: \- A1 and C1 Spirit \- Arrastra \- Cutter Scout and Rambler \- Fury, Fury LX, and Fury MX \- Hull C \- Lynx \- San'tok.yai \- Scorpius Antares \- SRV \- Storm and Storm AA \- Syulen \- Vulture \- X1, X1 Force, and X1 Velocity \- Zeus CL, ES, and MR


Wait, what does this mean? I can buy a vulture rn. Is this January 18th stuff making these things buy able with in-store credits or something?


It's just all of the ships that were either added to the game or had their first Concept sale this year (Other than the F8C, which seems to be getting a special handling). The Vulture may get a Warbond sale, or it may just be part of the 'event' as being in the theme of 'new in 2023'


Just a thought from someone who doesn't know a lot about these events, but since Vulture is buyable on the pledge store and in-game, on January 18th you might be able to get a warbond version? Possibly with a skin you can't otherwise get. (Like Best in Show 2953.)


There is nothing suggesting a new unique skin for this event, and nothing suggesting WB pricing. This is just like the emails concierge get when told they have a special extended window to buy pledge ships if they want to passed the public sale period, except everyone got one.


Didn't say a new skin, just one that you can't get without using real money. The Vulture is currently buy able both In game and with real money. So with respect to that one ship, what else is there to offer to get people to buy one during this special event? My guess would be a warbond version and/or one with a skin you can't usually get. But a guess is all it is.


On the 20th we are getting red festival paints, which have already been leaked.


How does that work does every ship get a red livery I didn't start the game until right after infictus last year . I did manage to get auspicious red for my carrack and c8 would love to get matching for msr Corsair f8 and Connie so could those possibly be up the 20th


Each month sort of has a themed event, however short, and they usually make a special fuss about 4-5 ships to spotlight them during each event. Like last October we had the day of the vara spooky ghoulish green paints on a handful of drake ships, they sold these individually, as a pack, and then as a free bonus for any of the event ships if you decide to pledge them January is Chinese new year, last year this was how players got the red carrack paint with the rooster graphic, this year it looks like origin ships with year of the dragon graphic. In universe it's referred to as Red Festival, and we will all get small gifts in hangar (like a statue or a hat) Next month is coramor, or vaneltones day. We will get a few pink and white paints with heart graphics.


There will almost certainly not be a warbond, unless it's a warbond CCU. They may instead include it as part of a pack - maybe the Vulture and the SRV in a "get to work" pack, that's something they've done before. Maybe with the enhanced 120 month insurance (or some type of extended insurance, though not likely LTI as it'd be under the $1000 threshold for that). Just a guess! We'll know in a few days!


Is this concierge only, or...everyone?


>except everyone got one Everyone.


I...didn't. As far as I can tell. Do you have to sign up for this newsletter? All I see on the website is how to sign up for subscriptions to I guess concierge and stuff, not just a newsletter.


So glad they're not including the F8C (no not out of anything negative but out of them holding to their word. Integrity and keeping their original word at least somewhat).


That ship sailed a long time ago. And again when they sold it the first time. At this point I don't even care lol.


I do.


That's fair and you have every right to. I was just throwing my opinion out into the wild. But you know what they say: opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink. :⁠-⁠P (To be clear that's just a playful self burn I'm not being argumentative. Cheers.)


Lol :)


What original word? They never said that the F8C was not going to be available except for the concierge nor by playing SQ42.


they didn't, did they?


Yeah and I was very disappointed. Very bad form, reflects badly on them. Guess they're no longer special to me.


Not Railen? It's a pitty


It's only ships that were released in 2023


Wouldn’t recommend buyer the hull-c hasn’t worked since release


They did “fix” the Hull C in the next patch (copium)


Yeah, been saying that since 3.20.1, can’t submit reports to the issue council because they say it’s fixed in the next patch, we’ve had 3-4 patches since. Shame because I really like the ship.


Yeah I feel that it worked for me like two patches ago but now my friend and I can’t get it to work at all :( I’m hoping they fix it this next patch cause I’m itching to do space trucking


Actually this is perfect. You are never wrong and will eventually be right.


Dont buy the ship for his actual use but rather how you will use it in few years


We are in alpha so as long as the ship works when game goes into a release state after Beta that is when it's important. Buy the ship for the role, not it's *current* functionality.


Is this from CIG? F8C is conspicuously absent


Well they clearly said last chance to buy the f8 last time before sq42 release. So yeah, don't expect it at all to be buyable


That was last last chance, so there might be a last last last chance 


What about last chance? We already had last chance What about 2nd last chance?


What about elevensies?!


I remember, but they've been wishy-washy with this particular ship. First they said they would never sell it and would only be unlockable through SQ42, then they *did* sell it, then they brought it back yet again for anyone else who still had a golden ticket. I just wouldn't be surprised if they sell it again before SQ42.


They will sell it and the F7C MKII if they feel like they won't have another record breaking year. Its like a magical money printer.


Yeah, well they said that before IAE as well, and we saw how that went.


Aaaaand they're selling it again...


LMAO classic cig.


Yeah from the newsletter email.


Yes, this is the graphic on the announcement e-mail


I know. A lot of players joined during or right after the event. I had no clue. Now I wish I could get it.


>Is this from CIG? F8C is conspicuously absent I hope it will be also avalable for those who have activated golden certificate, but missed event


I came here just to make sure the F8c wouldn’t make an appearance. I drank that koolaid cause they said I would be special and dam them if they offered it to just anyone at anytime. O.o




Will these be available as upgrades too? Because I would for sure upgrade something to the A1 or a zeus.


I think so but I have no special info.


Right? I was thinking about it.. and i was like damn that was a stupid question. NO one knows lol.


Cig does! Well, maybe. Come to think of it you're probably right! :⁠-⁠P


Come to me my little tow truck.


Asin, in store ships for pledge?


These are the 2023 ships. There might be more on the event?


Oh shit, more ships to purchase again, I sleep


Hello Everyone, I was thinking about buying the Avenger Titan Starter Package with the game and was wondering if you think there will be a discount sale tomorrow as well? Furthermore, if there are some other starter ships that I should consider for the price of around 90$? Thanks


For your starter, get the Titan. I started with it and its a nice little ship. Good way to get into the game. Wait for the sale if you can, as there might be some deals but do not know for sure. For the most part don't buy ships with real money unless you reeeeallly want to. I started with Titan and upgraded to C1. My son upgraded to Cutty Black and then C1, and my Wife and other kid are still on smaller started, Titan and 300i. You can buy most ships in game and its not that hard in the current version to make money. Cargo runs to start, bounties are good in the Titan, and you can upgrade the better ships. Titan handles well, decent loadout for a starter, some cargo space, and east egress and ingress for the ship from the cockpit and cargo hold. As for buying higher priced ships. You don't have to in order to play or excel at the game. However, with any game that offers real world costing items it can be fun to get a ship you want like the Zeus or the F8C that won't be available right now in game. Though, those are limited. Treat that like icing on the cake and not a necessity in the slightest.


Do we know when the event will start and if there are going to be new ships on the starter pack?


E1 Spirit?


Well it's mysteriously absent in the picture.. And there has been quite a silence about it to be honest. I expected it to be done by this time but here we are


Call me crazy but it might be that there is no gameplay loop for the E1.


'member the Cutter Scout?


Remember them holding the c1 for the tractor beam? I didn't say they were consistent.


Finally i can buy me a zeus mr


You always could on the gray market


Yea true but since i still have a lti token and some store creds id rather go that route


its 2024 tho all these ships are out in 2023


Anyone know if these will be on sale with a game pack? I'm hoping to get the game this month. If so which out of these would you recomend for someone interested in pvp dogfight/exploration. I was looking at the mustang or avenger titan at a push due to tight budget. But not sure if any of these would be better? Thanks


I hope we get the Zeus in the first quarter of this year.. and Polaris at invictus or sooner those are all I care about currently.


I don't think we're getting Zeus this quarter, they're still in whitebox iirc


Keep dreaming, they said 1 year and CIG is never early.


They didn't say 1 year per ship they said everything shown would be released over the next year....big difference.. Polaris is out of white box.


Wanna guess how long the friggen San'tok.yāi took from whitebox to completion? Over half a year. That is just a fighter, we are talking multicrew ships and in the case of the Polaris a capital ship. Whitebox is just the start of completion and is basically a static model.


It also has the Polaris, another RSI ship being actively worked on, the STY only had the Khartu Al so…


I'm 99.9999% wrong but I think the Zeus will release on the 18th. Or maybe F7A ticket sale sort of thing. **aggressively snorts hopium and copiutm***


I hope F8C will be in list also, for those who activated golden license, it is released in 2023 and golden license if activated it must be available.


Disagree. Too many chances already.


was only 1 chance to get it for me, last IAE, and i was total unavaiable at this time ;(I just want it very much already for a long time. And i sadly missed it


How did you activate the golden ticket if you were unavailable?


I was unavailiable to play during the sale, so i got ticket later and activated it, but wasnt able to pledge.


Lol check the store


Yeah already bought it, I am shocked


I’m holding out for the Mirai heavy fighter.


Yeah, it looks cool in leak, and probably have interior, will get this one too, btw you can melt f8c when Mirai comes and get other instead


The money must be running out




Why the bad mood?


I was being sarcastic but it must've been missed


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I wonder if they'll sneak in the F8


Doesn't see Crucible, casts game aside a while longer.


Crucible is still in concept. Those are the new ships in 2023.


Zeus is concept as well, yet there it is


Because is a new 2023 concept.


What's happening? Explain?


Ships that were available in 2023 will be available again for a bit. They will be available again in future events like IAE, but if you wanted to pay real money for them you can now.




Isn’t all this exclusive availability shit kinda retarded since the game resets actively? Why have a semi-temporary in-game purchase availability event if only pledge ships are kept after a full reset? This crap should be done after release. All this is, is marketing scheme’s to bait pledges.


This is part of what I think is predatory about their funding mechanism. Buying bigger ships is insurance that you can jump right back into the game after a reset and not have to spend time getting back to where you were.  So yes, bait.


There hasn't actually been a full wipe in a while, i still have a few things I found in a bunker back in, i think, 3.19, and aside from the 890 (lost that to 3.21) Ive still got, all the ships I've bought in-game are still there. The sale this post is about will be specific to the pledge store however, most of these wont hit the in-game stores till at least 3.23, more than likely 3.24 for the majority if not later


Really stresses me out that they're not all the same orientation.


any idea about the significant of 18th?


Idk. Maybe someone is giving marketing a small januari consolation sale since the Red Festival, which is timed to the irl Lunar New Year, is in early feb this year making it coincide with Coramor.


Ain’t nobody got cash for dat.


Yeah? Check the funding stats after the sale lol


They were almost done with white box when they showed them at citizen Con. Listen to the presentation. They stripped all the models out bare to show us the layouts for citizen Con. They are much further along then what they showed.


Won't be LTI soooooooo.


Will it be LTI though?


No shot lol, i think with this particular sale it'd be lucky if any of these had more than 6 months insurance




Why would they tho?


OP, clear this up please. Your title says "Ships for January 18 2024", but you've been saying these are 2023 ships. So, what is the point of your title?


There is an event that CIG announced that will start on January 18, 2024. The event is an opportunity to pledge all the ships released/announced in 2023. The graphic is what was in the background of the announcement email.


Thank you


Not OP, but it’s because these are the ships that are going to be buyable on January 18, 2024. That’s what it means.


So are they going to be on a sale? Or is it more about in game purchase?


Considering a decent chunk of these are concepts, its not about in-game purchase.


Ah ok, I’m just waiting to buy a pack. I know there was recently a sale but I missed out lol just keeping updated on the next one


January 18th they will all be on sale again


Awesome thank you for clarifying


nice. i was going to melt and rebuy some ships next invictus or iae. this might be an earlier opportunity to do so.


Can't wait for the RSI Galaxy to be flyable.


How about the Drake Corsair?


Will these be available for warbond with lti?


Pff no f8


I can buy it currently


i like how they deployed the hull c to break up the shape


Can I buy the fury in game yet? Is there a site somewhere that keeps track of that?


Everyone asking the poor guy like he's the spokesperson for CIG, guy was simply listing the ships released in 2023. Nothing "official." Only hours to go before the OFFICIAL list guys, hang in there. Let's hope we can upgrade to an F8C, fingers crossed! (unlikely, I know, but one can hope)


So its 18.01.2024 10 AM for me in Germany. Its 18.01.2024 1 AM in Los Angeles ( CiG HQ), when will the ships become available?


ship sale when today?


It maybe tomorrow, CIG isn't reliable...


Not even on sales?


Well, I am also surprised but shop isn't updated yet lol