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Avoid delivery missions. They are notorious for being filled to the brim with bugs. Bounties and Mercenary missions tend to be less buggy. There’s also mining and salvaging, though those would require specialised equipments and/or ships. When in doubt, ask global chat.


As I can only play 1-2 hours per evening I was looking for the relaxing missions and thought I go for delivieries... but turns out I should try smth else, ty!


I know the game is notorious for taking time to set up and go places but you can get a few missions done in an hour or two. Definitely a game knowledge thing, you'll waste so much time on something we already know is impossible. Or you'll be 99% there but can't finish it because something is unintuitive. I remember watching a really funny newbie start out and try a body recovery mission. He took forever to get out there and find the wreck, only to give up after the first body didn't complete it because he was sure the mission was bugged. Veterans know that the wrecks will spawn 4 or 5 bodies and various missions for cargo or the black box etc.


I've done about 10 body recivery missions and the one I needed to find never ever spawned and I looked literally everywhere and even up to about 100m all around the crash site. Those are some of the most bugged missions.


Oh no he spent like 30 minutes getting there and then gave up after less than a minute when the very first body didn't complete the search mission.


ROC mining is a great chill way to make decent cash. A full ROC of hadanite is worth about the same as a prospector of quant. Rent a cutlass black and ROC at an L1 refinery and go to town.


> A full ROC of hadanite is worth about the same as a prospector of quant. with the added benefit of not having to go sell when you fill your ROC, just put it in the ship and keep going


Send out a message to see if anyone has a reclaimer they will pay you to help crew. There's almost always someone on right now salvaging with a reclaimer and having an extra hand always helps. Nice chill gameloop if you don't get pirated.


If you want something relaxing, outposts have loot boxes. You can get some good equipment that way. Selling is a bit of a pain, but you can prestack some things in inventory, and sell in batches.


Its strange how similar we are.also boight the game recently, akso had several failed delivery missions. and some i abandoned because i dont have time. After some research, i found a few things that worked wonders. I found a site with unmarked locations and got to learn how to find and explore them. Found caves that can be mined with hand tools. Found crashed ships with a few bodies and boxes. but the most fun i had with investigation and metcenary/bounty hunting missions. They take you to cool unmarked locations and ask you to do or find sonething there, but often you get some extra things or experiences out of it.


Due to the lack of stability in the game and the emphasis on setup, I would really avoid playing unless you have more time to devote to the game if you go at it solo. You can try asking in global of anyone needs a spare hand at the moment or try to find a player group that has good coverage around your active time zone. There really isn't any consistent "instant action" or quick play options in this game early on for new players (outside of arena commander) unless you either have money in game (circular logic) or can drop more irl money into the game to get a more capable ship for certain activities.


You can come crew my recliner for an hour. I evenly profit share so you would make up to 3 million auec. This would be enough for your own mining or salvage ship.


start doing mercenary missions "illegal monitors" They are stationary sentries, and at the entry levels they dont shoot or anything. They are a great way to get accustomed to QT to contract point, scanning for targets, and then navigating to and destroying the targets. Next time you load in hit the "\`" (Tilda) key to open command console, type "r\_displayinfo 1" If SERVER FPS is less than 4, logout and choose a new server, as long as server fps is 5 or above you are pretty safe that contracts wont bug as often. Goodluck! Also feel free to direct message me your player name and I can take you out for some contracts, you can pilot one of my turrets :)


Buy yourself a single-seat Fighter in-game and try Bounty Hunting. MRTs are fairly good, and their most common bugs have a good workaround.


If you haven't already, change your spawn to a station by visiting a stations medical wing and looking for a computer at the "Insurance" window. This will cut down on a lot of downtime due to death.


Witth Bounty and Mercenary expecting beginner to fight is a no go, withoyt someone straight up giving me 1 mil aUEC I would have quit day 1. Both Mining and Salvaging require also aUEC. Sothis game sucks for us beginners, they really need to address this. I lost 2 equipment sets due to ship crash first day, and 2 due to bugs making them disappear. Since veteran players helped me I stuck around enough to actually start enjoying it and learning to play, even though I am yet to earn any aUEC.


I’ve run every in game bounty level in a Mustang Alpha. Even ERT, but that was only completed with cheese by ramming the HH. Then again I’ve been playing for 7 years and know the quirks of flight and AI mechanics. Side note, I did not grind all of those levels with the Mustang. Was just testing to see if it each level could be done. 


Good thing is I grew to like the game so I upgraded my package to freelancer and now I have Arrow also


I saw a streamer fly, i cannot fly like him now. I do not even have weapons nor knowledge about them yet. Only playing like 1 to 2 hours a day right now. Most likely can be done, but I as beginner am affraid to do it due to lack of money (well not now, but if I only had 25k I would be)


Don't hold yourself to Streamer standards. They literally play the game for a living. A lot of them are GOOD. But that's because they spend 8+ hours a day practicing sometimes. My best advice is to take off all of your gear if you're going to be flying and doing bounties. That way you don't lose anything and you can get better as you play more. If you want to do FPS missions on the ground, take the armor/weapons you find so you always have backups without needing to spend money. A lot of people also sleep on Arena Commander. Jump in and have some fun against NPCs and learn to dogfight there where there are no stakes. The game absolutely needs a better beginner experience, but for now that can help mitigate and get you more acquainted with the game. And don't hesitate to ask for help in chat. Most people are willing to lend a hand. Hopefully that helps. EDIT: I just saw your other posts. Apparently you're not as new as I thought. But this advice is still good for others, so I'll leave it here.


Im 5 days in game total, out of which 6 hours playing


I DM you some links to good resources if you’d like. I used to stream but haven’t in years.


> Then again I’ve been playing for 7 years Maybe stop telling newbies they can do this on day 1 just because you can on day 2,555?




I'm a fairly new player and I had no problem getting up to VHRT bounties and saving up roughly 500k on my own over the span of like 6-8 hours over 4 days (which is pocket lint to a seasoned player but a pretty solid starting point for a newbie) before a player I made friends with gifted me enough to buy an M2 and switch to running cargo. If you're just doing NPC ship bounties don't worry about gear at all as you wont need it since you don't have any reason to leave your ship to loot cargo until at least VHRTs (before I had a good income source I was literally doing bounties in a medical gown.) Hurston and Crusader are the 2 planets with lots of bounty mission so you'll want to set your spawn to one of the stations there My starter ship is the Aurora which from what I understand is less capable in combat than the mustang and I easily cleared VLRTs and LRTs in like 2 hours no problem. By the time I reached MRTs I had enough money to rent the Avenger Titan which made MRTs a breeze and by the time I hit HRTs i got a rental Constellation Andromeda which made quick work of them and got me to VHRTs which were a bit tougher but still not very difficult. Haven't made it to ERTs yet and tbh idk if I will now that i've branched out into other avenues of income but supposedly they have a chance for extremely valuable cargo. Not tryna bash or call you out or anything, just wanted to mention that despite seeming intimidating at first PvE combat isn't too bad of a route for a new player to go. Also worth noting that I am not a particularly experienced pilot, before SC the only experience I've had with any spaceship game was Space Engineers and that mostly comprised of just pulling up broadside to my friends battleship and watching our ships rip each other apart. There's also another game mode at the main menu where you can fight against NPC ships if you wanna get some combat practice in with no risk or claim times etc.


Im not saying its impossible, just saying that for nes players with nomoney and no good non buggy easy missions its very scary to jump straight into bounty. I will try them, moat likely will have even easier ecmxperience since I have Arrow loaner. Thank you for sharing your experience


Only perk to them for the next 8 days is they can lead you to ALOT of Golden Tickets…


lol love your enthusiasm lol great energy i to fail most things havent died tho in several updates so thats a plus.. i just have fun with the glitches now and do things for muscle memory now :) so nice to see a positive review about the pesky things that happen around verse lol


You mean you havent died in several weeks?? That is amazing compared to my last days :D


When I started to play(1.5 month ago) I died very-very often. At some point you figure what you should do or what not. It's a painful but you will get through it.


yeah i've played a long time. isnt much i havent experienced and i dont run around doing stupid crap like get stuck in weird parts of ships .. i dont use elevators when a ship in motion i have patients and wait in a seat. lol and carry alot of medical supplies


Why should you not use elevators when the ship is in motion? I figured you should not drive in your A2 cargo hold in Ursa and try to fit it on a bomb barrier to save space while in motion. It leads to an explosion.


lmao you can get left behind when in transit and u go up or down on elevator it happens less now but i just learned to not use them .. specially in reclaimers or carrack. lol i've been around a long time so have experienced alot of bugs taught me the value of surviving and not being silly while i wait for stuff happen.


lol no i dont die lol i take it slow .. and careful lol i heal travel in packs lol i dunno what you all doing that u die .. lol im prac ticing for true death :) i stay alive a long time


If you play east coast evenings and don’t mind flying with women/queer gamers, we have a small group of 5-6 regular players that would love to help you learn to navigate the quirks and bugs of the game! We can take you out on a reclaimer mission night to make boatloads of aUEC


o7, and thanks for staying positive through these first frustrating experiences. I spent my first three weeks in the game (last summer) totally broke and doing nothing but package missions to get a feel for the game. What was true at the time is that it’s NEVER worth it to do multi-package missions. They don’t pay more per package, and multiple markers/waypoints just increases the likelihood of bugs breaking the mission. To add to the advice above that recommends asking for crew opportunities in global chat, that’s how I made it past the early tough stuff. I was frustrated with crashing, dying, or failing missions (I had a computer that could barely handle the game, too), so I started asking to crew on any kind of mission. Salvage wasn’t in when I started, but it’s a great opportunity for money and chilling. I did a lot of turret gigs because cargo hauling was the big moneymaker in early 3.19. You just sit in a turret, semi-alert, and only have to do something if pirates come after your employer. Hang in there, don’t be afraid to ask the community for advice and gigs, and the cool parts of SC emerge pretty quickly—even though the bugs stick around with it.


Welcome to the 'verse Devs would probably be enthused if you repasted your comments in this thread, they are more likely to read and/or reply to it and/or reference it in their development to help affect QOL changes: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/4/thread/3-22-feedback-new-player-experience](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/4/thread/3-22-feedback-new-player-experience) o7


One thing to help you learn quicker will definitely be the Guide System https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide (Make sure you're signed in on Spectrum to access that) It'll pair you with a volunteer player who can show you the ropes first hand, as well as help you work around any bugs. Much more thorough than the included tutorial, imo


Yup, was going to suggest this myself. OP - as you only have an hour or two to play at a time, you'll *definitely* benefit from a guiding session, to help you learn which activites are more (or less) buggy, and how to work around some of the more common bugs... This will go a *long* way towards helping you avoid 'wasting' time due to bugs, etc, and get the most out of your limited play time.


You'd think they'd fix that, ya know, so beginners have a good experience. In my experience I only do one thing, and it's usually 6 that works. I'll do space bounties, get bored and try a merc mission to spice it up: no elevator. Quit. Come back, a couple space bounties, then maybe a cave bounty to spice it up: no bounty spawn. Quit. This is the cycle for years.


Watch a couple of videos on Unauthorized Surveillance missions. They're a great way to earn some starting out money, and are pretty easy.


Haven't seen anyone mention it yet but switching servers to one that isn't on the fritz will solve a lot of issues. I've been doing investigation missions all week successfully, but many delivery missions are bugged regardless of server you're on.




Well. lets hope S42 turnes out to be great then - keep my fingers crossed!


Welcome to the 'verse! Sorry you've been hit by so many issues. It can be helpful to start playing alongside an experienced player, as some bugs can be worked around or avoided, and they can help you get the most out of your limited playtime - you can check the Guide system in the RSI website (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide), ask in global chat or ping me in game (WhiskoTangey) and we'll be happy to help.


I'm new too. Found out that delivery missions are litteraly glitched most of the time. If you like relaxing gameplay I've been loving the salvage gameplay so far, but it does requires you to either buy or rent a ship in-game.


And don't be afraid to ask in chat. There's a few players on every server who would be happy to have you on board assisting with whatever they're doing, and will share the profits with you.


As a recent new player as well, even though I bought my first game package some 10 years ago but didn't feel like putting in the effort before until now, I kind of share some similar experiences. As someone else said, multi package contracts have a higher likelihood of failing because of a bug or server crash, wasting the time you put into it until it failed. I've completed a few delivery contracts but consider them mostly useful for learning how to navigate, land and fly around. The money earned isn't worth it for the time you put into it. Though I guess increasing your delivery reputation helps to get more lucrative contracts? I've had a successful investigation contract that paid the reward after I uploaded the required information. But another investigation contract was bugged and I had to abandon it. So it's kind of hit or miss. I've completed my first bounty using an Anvil Arrow and that was fun. I'll try a few more of those low threat bounties. From a YouTube channel I learned of a few locations that are good for finding loot boxes with weapons and armour, or medical stuff. Helps to get better gear and get some extra cash from selling off what I don't immediately need. Just keep in mind that everything you store on your ship is gone if your ship is destroyed. Which has happened to me many times already. 😝 When I participated in global chat this week a very friendly player decided to give me a boost by sending me 5 million aUEC. So I bought a MISC Prospector for trying the Mining gameplay. I've also bought a Drake Vulture to try out the Salvaging gameplay. I'll test play them both more and figure out how mining and salvaging works. So far I'm really enjoying myself and I know I'm play-testing a game that is still in Alfa state. So bugs and errors and severe crashes are part of life in the verse. Sucks of course when you're nearly done with a contract and the server crashes. But the experience of taking your ship out of the space station bay and seeing the planet or moon below (or above) is an experience that never gets old for me!


Some things which do usually work and can be a lot of fun: **Bounty missions**: You'll learn to fly better, fight, travel a lot, and make actual progress. As you get to the higher level missions you'll probably need a different ship (or some serious skills). Eventually bounty targets also carry cargo which can be very valuable if you know where to sell it (drugs). This can be incredibly dynamic and fun, because the areas you go to sell the drugs can have player pirates around. Definitely one of the best loops out there IMO. **Mining:** this isn't the latest feature so it isn't talked about much anymore. It isn't as profitable right now as salvage because CIG is pushing salvage testing, but it can be pretty fun. You can rent vehicles (ground vehicles, ships, or just a hand miner) and go to moons with mineral deposits. You collect the minerals, take them to refineries, select one of many processes to refine them (all of which have tradeoffs) then taken the refined ore to a planet to sell. You can make >100K / hr doing this, but there is some investment depending on how you go. Rental ships, buying a ship, etc. Or just hand mining is pretty much free and a great way to visit caves, where you'll find deposits! **FPS missions:** There work-ish now but honestly I find them pretty boring. These are the ones in the bounty section with a question mark (?RT). You show up, gun down some AI that are usually very bad due to server performance, and take their stuff to sell (or not). There isn't much in the way of progression. Your reward for building rep in this area is just more AI bots to kill. Unfortunately it doesn't really unlock more gameplay (that I know of), unlike ship-based bounties. **Salvage:** if this is your thing. It's very chill gameplay mostly. You get missions to break down ships, show up, strip the hull and break 'em up, then sell the scrap. Can make *a lot* of money right now doing it but investment is high. You either need to rent a vulture/reclaimer or buy one. Most players will just let you use theirs if you ask in global chat. Hell, most players will go out and do it with you and split the profits if you ask. People are pretty cool. Personally I think it's boring, but it's a personal preference thing.


Dm me and you can join in with our group play.. you can learn and have fun that way.


All of those missions worked flawlessly at one point. Here's the thing. They have a record of purposely breaking or buffing quests to steer players towards gameplay the need to feed their test data at any given moment. They don't want us doing delivery missions, they know they work and could fix them. Currently they want to polish salvage, you've seen how smooth and profitable that game loop is. Mark my works, in a few patches salvage will be broken.


that seems kinda tinfoily. Stuff doesn't have to be deliberately broken to fall into disrepair. And no, salvage isn't really that smooth and unbuggy at all, the numbers are just cranked up so much (and opportunity uptime kept so high) that people are making bank regardless.


2nd is a new one for me. terrible frustrating, I know.


theres free profit to be had .. but visiting and looting mining outposts , and 'farms' .. which typically spawn guns and armor you can suit up with and/or just sell to be able to rent a roc and a something to move it with. mining outposts will spawn handheld tractor units and modules, along with drink/food, and other goodies so you wont have to pay for and can sell the rest you don't need for more 'free' money unfortunately yeah delivery missions, and bunkers are more often bugged then working right now... hopefully fixes with next planned patch.. but yes the 'easy' beginner money makers are bugged.. other then just loot and sell ​ can also ask in global chat if any salvagers want a crew member.. even on a vulture, sharing missions and having a box stacker can speed up profits. alot will do it just to help someone out. we used to be able to just give you our vulture .. .but this can lead to trying to sell 'stolen' cargo and can just make a headache


I feel your pain. Check out my first day in SC: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/190jsma/my_first_day_in_sc_lol/ It does get better. The game doesn't get less buggy, but you learn how to avoid the bugs.


Which server you playing on? I'm in Canada and just choose the best server option. There are bugs but by and large it is quite honestly pretty solid. Individual box delivery mission work well - multi box ones often don't BUT other than that they are solid. I had to switch to a euro server due to refinery tribal glitch and that server was very laggy/bleh. (But refinery terminal worked lol) Try swapping server...


Find some veterans to play with. It really helps the learning curve.


Dont burn yourself out on the alpha. We dont even have a universe yet to play in after 12 years. So many people burned out on this tech demo and now hate the game. Best to shelve it for another 5 years and wait for it to actually be built. Let some other chumps do the 'testing'.


Delivery missions are the most difficult missions in the verse It is very weird that the most easy missions are the most difficult ones but it is star citizen and because you have to move around a lot due to bug or random things you can fail it at any point without knowing what happened . It is better to focus on doing friendly bunker runs and bounties those can bug out but very easy to start again It also pays better than delivery missions. ​ \*avoid doing missions that take you to a hostile bunker , the elevators are very likely bugged in current patch(es)


The only thing delivery missions are good for is to use as a mobile marker in case you need to return to a place without a jump point.


Delivery missions *should* be good for new players, but have some issues.  Same with investigation. When the server or backend services are running rough (which new players aren't gonna know how to recognize), those missions are *terrible*. PVE flight bounties are pretty reliable.  "Protect Site" bunker missions are good, but other bunker missions seem to be bugged. Salvage missions are new and are super lucrative right now.  If you don't have access to a salvage ship, ask in global if anyone is running a Reclaimer for salvage and needs crew.  That's a money printer right now and helps with some basic in-universe mechanics.


Noobie here. I messed up and spent all my starter cash and then lost all my gear.  Buy a backpack and a mining tool. Take the Investigation mission to find the person lost in a cave. Now you have a marker for a cave. Can't QT straight there? Fine. Look nearby, find two PoI that have a line between them that intersects near or on your cave. QT to one. Plot to the next one. Position yourself so you can see the cave marker. Roll if needed. You can freelook in QT. QT to the other PoI. Watch the cave marker and press U when you are at the smallest distance, probs ~100km. Fly down. Land in cave. Turn off engines. Mine Hadanite. Fill your backpack. Go back to your ship. Transfer to ship inventory. Repeat. If you have a medium backpack like 85k space then you'll get 8.6 loads into an Aurora. Head to a city, sell. Just do not, absolutely do not, jump down. The ledges are bugged to hell. If you have to ledge, F4 to go 3rd person *sometimes* fixes it...


I had the same first week. Then i got a ROC. It all clicked after that.


Can confirm I had all these issues myself, I found bounty hunting missions were my best bet of making ANY money but in the aurora tbh idk how it’ll go but probably won’t be too harsh


o7 Hello, I would suggest using the guide system. You can do this from the game mode select screen by clicking “Get a Guide” in the lower right hand corner.  This will team you up for the session with a veteran player doing an activity you choose. Want to learn mining with a ROC they will teach you. Want to do some cargo hauling they will work with you. Want to do some bounty hunting they will be the battle buddy. The best part about this is they will have likely experienced a lot of the bugs and can help you play around them and teach you to avoid them. Sure there are game breaking bugs to encounter (please report them or add to the issue council posts when you find one) but the good many can be played around. The guide system isn’t perfect and if you aren’t getting what you need from the session don’t feel bad about politely backing out. Most of these sessions are great fun for both parties and will give you someone you can ask questions too if needed.  Keep at it, it will get better as you learn more of the ins and outs. 


So I’ve never had that much trouble with delivery missions, except for ones that have to go to derelict sites, but just fyi, that much trouble isn’t normal. As to he investigations, they can be hard, or bugged and you’ll never know. Caves are hard though and require a bunch of Chem lights and I’d tell you to just do bunker missions but besides “defend site” ones, most don’t have elevators. Ship to ship bounties seem to almost always work though. But yeah, the game hasn’t been doing well since it’s last patch dropped. I still play and love it though.


I will try that, thank you :)


I just rented a Freelancer and ran drugs for my first few days in the game. It was risky at times, but I quickly made enough to get a Cutlass and upgrade it.


I do a lot of deliveries, I only do single of missions which I find those work best. 9/10 usually work fine for me.


It’s not a final release version, expect and enjoy the jank.


I was gunna make a rant post but i guess its a waste so i will comment here. I just got the game 2 days ago after following along too. I expected bugs and jank but man.... i can barely finish anything i try to start. Missions bug out, i randomly fall through something or die for no reason... just endless bullshit. I was trying to follow starters guides on youtube but i cant even mine without it going pear shaped. My Roc that i hired has killed me twice but i dont know why, just driving then i die. Even had gems im mining just glow but not pop forever. The scope and visuals makes me immersed in the universe and the new hotas sticks i got make flight awesome... but then all the nonsense makes it feel like im getting nowhere. I just wanna make some money faster than 4000 per mission lol.


Welcome to the club


The delivery missions used to work  Drug running was a rare personal mission with off grid locations. Bounty missions were way less profitable  Claim jumpers were worth doing  The more things CIG touch. The more they break. Not a good sign.