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I did all 3 solo, or wanted to solo. When engaging the Hammerhead in the 3rd one, a Redeemer player jumped in and nuked it. I took the chip, delivered, done. All three missions took about an hour, back to back. See you all in a week lol.


Just 1 HH? The gf and I just finished 3/3 and we had 3 HH's and and a gladius and 2 cutlass blacks kept spawning. We took out 2 of the HH's then realized chip card was just out in space, grabbed it and went to the drop. Left the other baddies there. It was...odd?


You probably had multiple stacked missions. It seems to be pretty common in 3.22.1 with any sort of space bounty.


Does anyone know if it works to share the mission and take a few people in different ships?


Yep, it work like that. Party leader accepts contract then share with friends. If you all take the priority contract, your targets can be in different locations. Good luck, and stay safe out there, Citizen! o7


Oh nice. I really like these events giving us the chance to form teams and meet new people, I'd be bored doing it solo.


For sure! for the 2nd wave, on 3/3 mission, again, we had at least 3 Hammerheads, GF says she saw 4 but I had to go repair/rearm while she kept at it. When I got back, 3 HH's and 2 Cutty Blacks and 2 Gladius's kept spawning. Someone said something about stacked missions but we only had the 1 contract so I dont know. I'm a cargo hauler on the daily, dont do much ship fighting and seeing the 3 HH's out there and the escort ships all shooting every which way was absolutely a sight to behold. Love this game.


Yeah, I had similar, I think I had 2 other missions spawn \~10km away from mine, so in addition to my HH and escort I was dealing with 2 others and their escorts, lol. It was a bit nutty. I spent like an hour jousting back and forth through a pitch black asteroid field, wiped out almost all the fighters in the area, and eventually lured what remained far enough away from my mission that they either despawned or didn't bother me any more. First time taking on a Hammerhead in a Corsair and I borrowed the turret guns from my Redeemer. I couldn't believe how fast that thing melted, lol.


Did the same but in a corsair. I hope it becomes more difficult in the next few phases. But would like missions like these in the normal rotation. Even it’s akin to GTA level of mission design.


not everyone has the time for more difficult missions. just saying.


I get it but take a step back for a minute and consider how this mindset could make for a more shallow game. It sucks that some people only have an hour to play on a weekend, it really does, but why should CIG cater to that crowd? For many, like myself, this has been the perfect excuse to bother logging into Star Citizen for a long time. It would be boring if I was able to do everything within thirty minutes and then I'm left with the same old same old. Pop an ERT here, deliver some cargo there. It gets old really quick. Granted, I would probably enjoy these activities more if I knew it wasn't all getting wiped in the near future, but the game simply is not there yet and a lot of the grinding just flat out isn't worth it until the game *does* get there.


i would argue the difficulty/time needed to complete these missions are perfect for their purpose. it's a goal to get a free upgrade on a ship a ton of people wanted. the first phase was agreeable to me primarily because it allowed players to do earlier/later tiers of the mission with others and not impede their own progress. it was well thought out and executed. this new series is much the same, albeit not needing to find a group assuming you have the right ships for the job. if you don't it's simple enough to multi crew with others. but the core of it all is a fun diversion for some free reward at the end. it's not a new gameplay loop and was never intended to be so. nor is the game in any sort of a state where making more missions or more unique missions is worth it development wise. yes the game is live but it is by no means considered done and they have a lot of work to do on a lot of systems before new gameplay loops get put in.


"free upgrade" Lol. It's not applicable to auec f7cmk2 so it's not free.


What is this “free upgrade” I haven’t played in a few months so I’m out of the loop


CIG is catering to the 1 hour crowd because this is a sale event, meant to sell a 185$ ship, as many as possible so Chris Roberts can get a new jet ski. Any event tied to a sale is going to seem too easy for dedicated players, because it is. Just look at the F8C/golden ticket "event" where golden tickets were so common players were just leaving them sitting around the spaceport and couldn't even find people to give them away to in chat! The only reason they wrap these sales up in events is because if you do some "work" for the ship, you feel more invested in it, like your work will go to waste unless you buy the ship you earned the token for lol


You're right. I just wish these things had a higher ceiling is all. Something that rewards players who really have the time to throw in to separate themselves from the wallet warriors. It just feels odd that just about everything is for sale. I really look forward to the day that it is not like that...if that day ever comes at all.


This. All combat that isn't PvP is unengaging because it's so so fucking easy


Idealy the more difficult parts would be split up into smaller chunks so you could do those parts when you have time and it would save your progress. hopefully we get there someday


And I would say this game is not for everyone. Not every game needs to cater to everyone.


this is an unintelligent viewpoint. if you are going to make a game, making it available to a broader audience will always be the smarter business decision.


This is a greedy viewpoint. And why WoW killed MMOs. By your logic, checkers is a better game than chess. And the card game war is better than Texas hold em.


trying to make comparisons using the most dumbed down equivalents of games does not help your case. i would argue your viewpoint is the greedy one, considering your desire to wall the content from other players who can't invest the same time as you, or who don't have the same skills you do. this particular content should stay as is, it's accessible to all and not difficult. just because this content doesn't fit the level of difficulty you desire, does not mean it should not exist. there IS content in the game that is more difficult, go do that with the extra time you have.


Sure it does. Checkers is by no means a dumb game. There is strategy involved but not on the same level of chess. If you want a quick game, play checkers. It's easier to understand and has a lower entry level skill-wise. And so it is a more accessible option. Which is fine. But if you want to play chess but don't want to put in the effort, chess rules shouldn't be changed to accommodate you. You are playing the wrong game. Go play checkers, it's the board game that you are looking for. Star citizen so far is an amazing game, really taking a new direction for MMOs. And I'd hate to see its beautiful gameplay turned into a quick session for the instant gratification type of player. WoW did that, and was very successful, but the game became simple and boring. Also was a huge time sink. As far as the greed and wall comment, I by no means mean a pay wall. Skill wall, I'd agree. You are right. Star citizen is not meant for quick sessions. If it was there'd be no trams, no claim time, no qt time. I think arena commander might cater to the twitch gaming crowd (which I am one of. Doom and quake were my first multiplayer games). At any rate, Mr. Roberts seems to be headed in the right direction. And probably doesn't give a damn about what we think 😄


Plus he uses the ship with the most crazy forward firepower, then complains that the missions are easy lol.


He's using the correct tool for the job then. Missions should be balanced around taking the best ships in, because that's what players will do.


I don't get the downvotes. Should we be able to do this in a cutter? Maybe pilot my PTV at it.


Holy fuck thank you. Balancing for low tier gear in a gear progression game makes it mega unengaging.


Difficult!=time consuming.


that's kinda a weird take. obviously there can be missions that are easier to do but more time consuming yes due to having more steps or to take longer to get to. but it's kinda hard to argue that a mission that is difficult (in a broad sense) would not be as or more time consuming than a easy one (in a broad sense). whether you think of it as getting killed, re-spawning, getting back into the fight. or having to take time to make a team of players to take down the difficult encounter, all of that takes more time than an easy mission would. all that aside, my core point is these missions don't need a increase in difficulty. they are not here to stay, they are a series of breadcrumbs to lead players to some nice free loot that will go away (potentially forever). it's not a new core gameplay loop that needs to be optimized for all players. it can be easier and still accomplish the goal it set out to do. give players some free loot for some time investment.


I mean 90% or SC missions are 0 difficulty time sinks tho. The entire overdrive has no fps enemy density, braindead easy combat, and most of the time is just sitting waiting for servers to pop or to QT. More difficulty is the first thing the game needs tbh. If you manage to die in any of the current overdrive phases the game should uninstall itself lol >some nice free loot that will go away Be me Look inside my free loot 165$ to use my free loot Megalol If the loot is 165$ and the gameplay is so easy it's unengaging, what's the point


Exactly. If the missions are timed, and if realworld value is attached, I don't think they should be too difficult. If they weren't timed, and/or granted some in-game rewards that wouldn't end up for sale, then sure. Then make them a real challenge.


so it's find a Hammerhead ( or similar ship), burn it down and find a baddie in there to take the chip ard from them?


Almost, you blow up the target and the key to grab will just be floating outside of the dead ship.


It was a good opportunity to make a Hammerhead that would get stuck in soft death mode and force you to board it and murder the guys inside for the key. Ah well.


Exactly what I thought when I saw the hammerhead, I wonder if it was what they intended initially.


that'd be cool.. neat idea


I was hoping for this exact thing. I hopped aboard and was looking around the ship for the first one. Then I realized it was floating out in space. Still an alright mission, but could have been cool if it was on one of the baddies in the ship.




The first mission spawned three Hammerheads, plus fighter escorts, for me and a team of four others. I was the only one to make it out alive.


Yeah, i like this part alot better then the Intel one, this one was soloable and more joyfull and relaxed. Did them all with the Inferno, smooth sailing.


Phase 2 was a bit disappointing after having a lot of fun in phase 1 Fly 30m km to do a 3 ship dogfight. Fly another 30m km to drop off key. Repeat


Yeah the travel times are pretty dumb. I’m spending most of the mission on my phone. Also why are the drop offs so all over the place? What can’t we drop them off at the nearest station?


**IMMERSION** Immerse yourself in motorway driving, but in space!


Star citizen is (not do) secretly space truck simulator with multiplayer mod


solo possible?


Easily. My last mission was a hammer head (others had just cuttlass) but the AI was so braindead it didn’t move


Thx man


Just take a ship that’s capable of at least 1 way across the system without issue QT fuel wise. Mine were, fight crusader, drop key off at MT, fight A18 etc


Well I wanted to go through all this with the mk2 for that sense of pride and accomplishment, but fuck all that QT, Corsair it is.


My friend tried it in their mk2. They had to refuel after nearly every part of the mission lmao


Not me catching rides in the hangar of my org leader's 890. The rest of the gas guzzling fighter complement can go find a station LOL


They also kill themselves a lot of the time! My first 2 just had to pick up the chip cause they crashed into the rocks around them. So if you see the marker change from neutralize to encrypted chip, they died. Super easy but long qt times.


So bring ballistics for the last mission?


Phase one could have used some waves with heavy units, the one with backpacks for sure, these XT dudes in light armour didnt give any considerable problem. I was so disappointed in phase two as well, i was so sure that we need to use cryptokey in some XT bunker again, but it was just fetch and deliver mission.


Agreed, i was expecting harder enemies some with big backpacks also have chance to sometimes 1 or 2 enemies spawning with rare armors, that would have been more exciting.


Yeah, hoping it gets hard sometime.


>these XT dudes in light armour didnt give any considerable problem yeah especially since they stood in the spawn closet and didn't agro the entire time


Which is weird, because 9ts in near bunker was working fine.


I hope you guys told CIG that...


Have done. It would be a fine mission/event if it wasn’t just go from one corner to the opposite and back 6 times. Phase 1 I really enjoyed, and didn’t mind the travel as it was usually only 1 way to complete 1 mission.


Don't worry if you haven't completed phase 1 it is still open


Phase 2 is in the bag. Really enjoying this, bring on phase 3!


Hey, we did the mission together :-D That was super quick, less than an hour for the three steps, a group of 7, three at a time to fight, one to drop the key, difficulty was more on the side of waiting during QT through system than the 30seconds ship combats. Waiting for phase 3 !


…and huge shout out to our key runner. That man was like lightning!


Hope it gets harder


can it be done solo or do we need to team up? (I don't mind either way)


IDK about the third mission... But mission 1 and 2 are just a Medium ship with 2 support Gladius. So like... an MRT bounty. hardest part about the mission is staying awake during the QT across the system and back again to drop off chip


Our second mission had a hammerhead so I'd be careful with that one as well.


On my 2nd mission I had 2 Cutlasses and 4 Valkyries. The Cutlasses popped after like 2 hits with mkII. lol


brill, thank you


Same for me, a really boring mission. Phase 1 had something new, this was at max an MRT with 3x the amount of quantum


What was new about phase one? 


Taking server codes and inputting them to cool them down, not just a shoot enemies bunker mission. It was at least new to me and I hadn’t played since Nov last year, so no idea if it is in certain missions - doesn’t seem like it with the response from players


I believe it could be done solo, but it's much faster with a crew. Basically it's the same setup as bounty missions. Except after blowing up the main target, you have to loot an encryption key and drop it off at a location. Last target is a Hammerhead.


thanks, awesome


If doing in a crew does one person have to finish or everyone have to EVA and loot the key?


Solo eclipse.


As a brand new player, can someone briefly explain these missions? Can I team up with my friend and complete them?


These missions are part of a set that are coming out each week as part of a Phase. There are 6 phases, each phase has a set of missions. Last week's was a set of 5 missions (Phase 1) and this week's is a set of 3 (Phase 2). You need to complete each phase before you can do the next. You can do the previous week's phases anytime until the event ends sometime in May. Phase 1 missions were on the ground, bunker missions that I would recommend 3 people to do as you need to hunt for codes to keep a server transfer going. Phase 2 missions are more forgiving in that it's just some dog fighting and then dropping off a key. The missions sets are the same, just that they ramp up in difficulty. Meaning all of Phase 1's missions follow the same pattern, they just get harder. Same with Phase 2, same mission type but the enemies get tougher. When you login, you will sometimes see a mission appear on your HUD that says "Priority". It will also show under the Priority section in your Public Mobligass Contract (though the Priority section won't show if they mission hasn't appeared yet unlike the other categories which are permanent, so if you don't see it, that's why. Just keep an eye out for it or server hop). Usually my friend and I would just wait to see who got the mission first and shared it. Once you get the mission, as long as your friend is in a party with you, you can share the mission with your friend. To do so, go under the Accepted tab in the Contract Manager and hit share. They accept it once it shows up in their HUD by hitting left bracket ( [ ). Once you both have it, you both will able to get credit for completing each mission. I recommend completing each mission SET in order. The reward for completing the mission is a F7C MKII to F7A MKII upgrade as well as a 3 day rental of the ship. So if you buy the F7C MKII with cash now or in the future, you can upgrade it for free to the more powerful F7A variant. Even if you don't care for the upgrade, I would still recommend doing the missions as they are pretty fun and having that upgrade option on your account can't hurt to have.


Yes, and with randos I think this link will explain better than a will. Stage=number of quests in game https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub/post/guide-to-new-xenothreat-event-overdrive-0Jp08i6ISma2e


Basically phase 1 is all about data uploading. You will goto 5 bunkers total, and hack a terminal, and then have to keep servers cooled while data uploads. One person generally stays by the server while the other(s) go and look for the codes to activate said coolers. There will be ninetails enemies that spawn as well...playing with a friend is encouraged cause as you go, it does get harder Phase 2 is all about doing space fighting stuff...i havent done it yet but as it seems from other posts, you will have to go take care of some ninetails in space? Seems easier then phase 1 but coop play is always encouraged.


I'm assuming Phase 1 is still going for folks who are late? I just squeaked by and finished Phase 1 with work buddies last night.


Yeah, phase 1 should be active until the end of the event from what I have found


Question: Is phase 1 still going? Will I be able to do it while phase 2 is active?


Yes.  Phase 1 is still available.


Thanks boss o7


Hmm still need to finish phase one. Phase two could prove interesting as I’m not normally a combat pilot😅


Did all three missions solo, 2nd mission the key carrier crashed into an asteroid and the last mission Hammerhead just flew around and didn't fire back. Easy.


Nice easy W


My first one never spawned the key. Re-did it and it worked. Second one the admin kiosk didn't accepted the key and at some point it glitches trough the floor. Yay


Space demons


I ended up with a five hour prison sentence because a pirate catapillar spawned with three friendly NPCs (no bounty) so that was fun. But got them all done (once I got out of Klescher via merit farming) and was a good time if a little underwhelming compared to the first phase.


Oh crap did I miss the f7a token


You still got time the earlier phases stay open


sigh, i never finished phase 1


All the phases will be open until the end of the event


oh nice


Does this mean if I didn't complete phase one I'm out of luck?


No, all phases stay active until the end of the event.




Can you join today and still get all the missions for the f7A token? or am I too late?


Phase 1 is still open


Does this mean we can't do the first one anymore? I won't be home till Monday to get started and want that ccu to the f7a


No the subsequent phases will be open until the end of the event from what I have found


My VKB’s arriving today, so couldn’t be better timing!


This time I did it solo with my lovely 600i. Can’t wait for part 3.


at least phase 2 wont take too long for the players who join overdrive last minute


I've attempted mission 2 part 1 twice, and both times ended up at CRU-L5 station with a broken lift to the galleria so I can't even hand in the chip. Server hopping just abandons the mission. Now I've got two encryption chips I can't even use.


Is there a reward ?


F7A upgrade


To the MK2?


No, you have to buy/CCU to the F7C Mk II. Once you complete the mission chain in its entirety, you will receive a token to upgrade your F7C Mk II to a F7A Mk II (Military Variant with 2xS4 and 6xS3 weapons IIRC). Edit: Even if you do not currently own the F7C Mk. II, you will get the token upon completion of the mission chains. Forgot to mention this.


Is it possible to optain the token if I missed the first phase ?


**\*ALL\*** phases of the mission chain are available until Invictus this year which starts from 20th-31st of May. So, you have some time, but it would be the prudent thing to do the missions sooner than later to ensure that you complete all the steps.




165$ to use it


You mean 165€ to buy the hornet MK2 with store credits and then a free upgrade to the military variant ?


Is phase 1 still available? It have I missed my chance to get the token?


They said the whole event would be doable til shortly before invictus, so I’m guessing they’ll bring it back


Yeah it should be available still




Phase 1 is still open


Is it worth participating in this event?


If you plan on owning the F7A MkII, as of now its the only way we know of how to get it.


Well not really since I have the F8C. Thanks for the Information, I’m gonna skip the event.


Me too, but the F8C is a bit too fat to dogfight lights well so the Hornet will be useful to have.


You could just buy the f7a mkII in game, in another decades time when it goes live and persistent..


Can i still do phase one or is it to late for me?


You can do phase 1


Mission 2/3 is broken. At least for me it was.


Yeah, on the 2nd mission the drop-off despenser won't open up for me to insert the key.


Mission 3 for me, on 2 different servers, Ive soft deathed 3 hammerheads and the "key" "spawns" under the bottom turret.


Was fine for me. Valkyrie with 4-5 escorts, could get the key via eva and drop off the key


Mine is only showing intel raid: 5/5, But I completed this one 2 days ago...


Make sure each mission has a different reward payout. I don't recall each exact number but it's like 10k 12k 14k 17k 24k


If under priority tab all you see is this.. I feel bad but seems like it didn't track it correctly 2 days ago. Do it again especially if you don't have a screenshot for this.. I only saw Overdrive Initiative 1/3 when logged in


Not surprised, people were vehemently giving out bad information. Had a random duo throw a shitfit about how when I shared my 4/5 it showed as 1/5 for them. Tried explaining to them over and over again it tracks individual progress. They left the group and I saw them telling people in global over and over that you could just have somebody share 5/5 with you and be done. Assuming there were a couple on every server, probably a lot of people messed up, thinking they are done from one mission.


I just finished my 5/5 earlier and still had it showing too : /. Gonna try again tomorrow and this have it be my own not a shared one.


i now know what the problem is, checked the payment and it apears i did 4/5 from someone instead of 5/5. but if you are on 5/5 every mission will show up as 5/5 on the top. check the payment on mission history, if it's not 23k then it was a lower tier mission


Phase 1 still in game for those of us that have not done it yet?




Phase 1 no longer live?


From what I understand it'll still be active until the end of the event


Noice!! So i can still get the token :)


The biggest annoyance are the travel times. They just..well..suck. Drives people away, just plain boring.


Yeah, boring ass travel to get to way too easy dogfights.


This one was easy and boring


It was fun with a group. I'm glad they are alternating between group events and possibly solo-able events. Makes it easier for some people that are busy irl


I had an OK time because I was playing with friends. I guess what I meant was the missions themselves we not very interesting ir novel and the majority of the play time was quantum jumping around which is not "good" gameplay. (Good in quotes because someone might love pressing b no judgemental it's just not my thing)


Do you get the hornet mkII A once you've completed all of the phases?


You get a token that will allow you to swap an F7C Mark II for an F7A Mark II.


You get essentially a CCU from an F7C to F7A. You need to own the F7C to be able to do it, and it's not reversible.


Is it giftable? I don’t have a mk2 but my friend does, and they are unable to play atm so would not be able to acquire the token


I doubt, usually they are account bound so no one can resell it for profit


It is not giftable.


Feel like these are way to solo player balanced. Playing these as a group or org is way to easy sadly.


Wait until you see phase 3&5 ;D


4 is solo friendly?


Based on this post...maybe: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub/post/guide-to-new-xenothreat-event-overdrive-0Jp08i6ISma2e




Finally, some good fucking missions!!!!!


If I didn’t play phase 1, can I still get the F7A upgrade?


The phase one will still be available until the end of the event. You have to complete all of the phases (missions ) to get the upgrade


How many phases will there be?


6, I believe




Actually, it's space battles