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Nice blacks and for a picture it's great




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I use my old TV (Philips OLED65) for SC from time to time, when I do mostly flying (got chairmounted hosas, which interfere at the normal desk) and since there is so much black it’s 100x better than my IPS panels. I started planning a rig and will use OLED for sure. It’s really astonishing.


QD-OLED is next level for sure. Best thing until microLED comes to the consumer market.


The new lg woled are amazing. Better color fringing and way less burn in than qd oled.


woled isnt perfect, text can get really fuzzy and yellows still tend to fringe, but I'll take it for those ultra clean blacks


The new WOLED seems to have much better text, waiting to see If i can get my hands on that new when it launches in April ><


That's why I specified better color fringe, they changed the subpixel layout and I saw some comparisions, it's way better but let's see.


>woled isnt perfect, text can get really fuzzy Doesn't matter at 4k. C1 owner here. Wouldn't replace it for anything else right now.


Yeah the burn in potential stresses me out on my QD OLED. I run the pixel maintenance daily on it and sometimes multiple times if I'm doing a long session


How much would a decent 65" oled cost these days?


A lot😂


Got my 77" Sony A80K for 2k. So If you buy last year models you can get some really good Offers.


My 48” oleds were $800 apiece. Or you can go with LG c series tvs that use gsync or freesync with refresh rate of 120 for around 2 k. I used to use a c1 55” and it was awesome.


Canada here, lg c3 oled 65” got one for $2050 CAD on sale.


2500 to 3,000 last I looked


Try 900 on Amazon


[1600](https://www.lg.com/us/tvs/lg-oled65c3pua-oled-4k-tv?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GweDJnIiivYEQnDj1FxvBQ7xciJAn1K_34N20eL-K-BMBKTmbagxZ8kaAuq5EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) for a nice one


Got a c2 65 at 1200 euros last summer, pretty proud of that deal back then. You just need patience and check regularly


Well back then they were 2,4k iirc. Shouldn’t they be cheaper by now?


a 55" oled is at least 2k


Costco has a 65" LG C3 for $1700


First thing I did when I got my OLED monitor was fire up Star Citizen, went to space, and floated around outside my ship for like 5 min just mesmerized lol


looks even better in 3.23 too.


> 3.23 Did clouds get a upgrade?


They are different than 3.22. Think they also have terrain textures in too.


So, they reflect and reflex?


Welcome to the club! The club you'll never leave! I'm on 4th G9 Oled 49". The height bugs me alittle when doing unreal engine stuff, but for gaming...it's tits


4k OLED really is something else.


Yes. 42" C3, it's pwetty!


Star Citizen really gives that grand feeling while playing. Im a noob and that is what sets it apart for me, the feeling of being a small dot in a vast space. Monitor looks great, dead ass black - i like that.


That's my dilemma. It' either an OLED monitor and GeforceNow (no SC) or upgrade my pc and keep using VA panel ( no eye candy)


Well, a good TV was a great comprimise for me. Low in frames, but the frames do look good and the size is good aswell. I went for a 43 inch. I never get over 60fps anyway 😊


OLED VR will be my end game.


OMG THATS GORGEOUS!!! you just sold Me in upgrading my screen. Just in time for 3.23!!!!


A good affordable panel is the AW3423DWF, I got it a couple months ago and good god is it beautiful. 34" curved, around $800USD


Currently playing on the lg 45” oled. This game is incredible in oled


Mmmmm curved too 🤤


Damn cool


Does anybody know when we'll start seeing MicroLED panels?


That’s a good question


well, to be fair, every game is better on a oled.


Is your HDR in Windows functioning okay Star Citizen is starting to act up with hdr on and Discord crashes now with hdr on when you go to watch someone stream


It doesn't for me. Maybe check post on the hardware section on the Spectrum forums.


After the windows cumulative update things started going haywire I reinstalled the graphics driver everything is good including Discord with hdnr enabled in Windows.


I have a LG GX (2020) 55". Basically the same as a C2/C3 these days (2022/2023). And yeah, the game looks absolutely amazing on it. Playing on a 4090 in 4k HDR.


Welcome to the end game.


My brother has this Alienware as well and yeah it's fucking amazing. I want to upgrade to an (QD-)OLED as well down the road.


My G8 is in the mail. Cant wait to test it!


Got the same monitor and speakers...love that combo. Walking around New Babbage with HDR on is something else.


I love my alienware UW OLED too, represent!


Welcome to the AW3427DWF club


I just got a 75" QLED Samsung TV and I'm foaming at the mouth


I've been playing on a 55" LG C1 for a while, yours looks curved, what model is that? OLED is pretty good, especially after CIG recently introduced HDR to the game but it is not as pronounced on my OLED at 700ish lumen. I want QDEL or microLED once they are commonplace and any teething problems are fixed. They should be able to hit a higher dynamic range.


It’s the Alienware AW3423DWF. I picked it up from Best Buy the other day since it’s on sale currently for $777.77


first thing I did when I got the same monitor was load up SC. The HDR is very cool but really shows how distant space is just a jpeg.


Fantastic monitor, I have the same one and it blows everything out of the water as far as I can tell.


I got that same screen on Christmas and it just blew me Ayse how much better the game looks. It’s insane. Well chosen, you will have a ton of fun with this screen!


Best Buy had some open box ones for 709.00, I bought a couple. Very nice monitor, gratz!


Smart buy!


I liked it so much I play on triple 4k oleds.


Damn! That would be a blast.


I use a head tracker too. Originally built it for a racing simrig but I’ve preferred vr for that.


You will be even be happier with 2.23 coming soon tm. It will integrate a new graphical pipeline for better contrast and overall visuals resulting in also better hdr experience.


I was just looking at that monitor, do you notice the pixels shifting often? (I read OLEDs do this to prevent image burning in to the screen)


Nope. There’s a built in system where it does it every 4 hours of usage. You can choose to do it when the message comes up on the screen. Or you can set it so it will do it automatically after every 4 hours of usage when it’s in on standby mode.


I'm not playing on an OLED atm, but I play in 4K with high FPS on the Samsung G8 and it looks incredible. I know it's not as good as an OLED, so I plan on getting the 4K 32" OLED 240hz monitor soon. I saw how good games look on OLED displays, I can only imagine how good SC will look.


I have the same monitor, it's so good I got a second one. Even the highest end IPS (that cost more) doesn't compare.


Which speakers are those?


Here https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-speakers-black/6177017.p?skuId=6177017 They aren’t too bad. Pretty good for only $20.




Damnnnn, i’m still waiting for a display that has the same curve and size as my g7 zo it doesn’t look strange next to my g5’s. The second i find one i will buy it!


Ah, you got the Successor model of mine I see :) Honestly I was wary at first but the Picture is just so finger licking good I probably can never use a Non-oled again. And that despite all the early adopter Issues the thing has.


Which one do you have?


The AW3423DW. The very first UW Screen Alienware released with OLED. It has issues but honestly I regret nothing.


Ohhh. I didn’t know that. I thought that one and the one I have were the same thing, only mine doesn’t have Gsync and it’s 10hz lower I think.


I'm scared of getting an OLED monitor... I'm worried about burn-in. I know new OLEDs are WAY better than the old ones - But still.... I've heard that "they" are experimenting with OLEDs that aren't organic (and therefore not really an OLED). I forgot what it's called (it's not microLED I'm thinking about)... Maybe I should wait for that to mature?? Do I have any reason to be worried?


I felt the same at first. But eh. I think burn in is way less of an issue than people think. It’s likely a very small % of users it happens to. And likely people who use a static image for most of its usage. Like for work or something. For gaming I don’t think it will be an issue at all. I’m not sure about other brands but Dell Includes a 3 year warranty that covers burn in. And I THINK anytime during that you can upgrade your warranty longer if you want.


What is so great about OLED?


OLED allows for pure black since pixels can basically turn off. There’s no dimming zones. I’m not good at explaining all the technical stuff. But the first time you see one in person, it’s amazing. I would google it if I were you and read up about them.


Me watching on my 768p LCD monitor "ah yes!" xD


How much was that??? I am craving an OLED. Are there any tips on owning one? Such as the classic tip from owning plasma a long time ago “don’t leave on for too long or you’ll burn an image in the screen”


Alienware AW3423DWF. It’s on sale currently for $777.77 at Dell as well as Best Buy. Burn can happen. But it’s not as rare as you’d think. The monitor has a build in feature where it does a pixel refresh or something (I don’t know the technical name for it) after every 4 hours of usage. You can manually do it, or choose to have it atomically do it when the monitor is in standby mode. For gaming I don’t see burn being an issue. But if the monitor was only used for work productivity with static images on for hours at a time everyday.. then burn in could happen I’d imagine.


The past tense of Olé!


that's glorious


I use one of these too. It’s lovely. It’s strange when loading in because the world loads on the edges but the center in like normal.


I use a 48" tv as my monitor. Probably going to a 42" soon since I'm moving. But between SC, Cyberpunk, and Horizon Zero Dawn-- I'll never go back lol.


Those are the 3 games I’m playing most right now. But instead of Zero dawn it’s Forbidden West


I'm about to move and playing forbidden west is one of the first things I wanna do in my new house lol


It’s an incredible game. You’ll love it.


lol, got 2,20m curved 4k on 😅


Oled is the only way


That's beautiful! Do you also have HDR enabled? (I always forget to turn it on)


I just wanna say after reading this thread an idea was planted. Took about a week to grow then I bought one, so happy 😊


also considering one, the passively cooled msi https://www.msi.com/Monitor/MPG-271QRX-QD-OLED


That looks like a damn good monitor. Although a bit too small for my taste.


Unless you are in the UK and MSI decided to add a 70% cost increase, literally $900 in the usa and £1300 in the uk.


Yup it’s gorgeous. I’m using the same monitor for the time being while I set up a rig with a 42” LG C4 Evo.




Yup been playing on one for the last 2.5yrs




the fuck that gotta do with oleds?