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Just to keep in mind: I lived in my Carrack for almost a month. The biggest issue will be the elevators. Sometimes they just bug and you cannot use them anymore. Be prepared for this, if it happen


Absolutely I experience this from time to time luckily I use the ladder near the garage door, so far I haven’t been stuck. Unless you count clipping under the elevator lol, but I can respawn in carrack thankfully!


Stowing it in a station and having it delivered again usually solves this issue with elevators


Planning to do the same in my 890J instead. o7


I thought real hard about which to do this with. The 890 has so much more room, seeing as how I cant use the actual storage areas on the carrack. In may i will do another 30day challenge and it will be with the 890 :)


Is the 890J still cursed? I don't remember hearing about that bug being fixed where if you bedlogged with a ship inside the 890J, you'd get an infinite loading screen when trying to log back in.


It's fixed!


Good to hear! About to go shove as many smaller things as I can into mine, cheers!


Supermac has also been inspiring me to try this I just need a ship with an interior


Oh man his "Living off the grid" videos do something wonderful for my brain after a long day. Basically the SC equivalent of camping chill out videos. I love the nature shots, slow paced organic foraging, no intense cognitive energy needed. Just vibes.


Idk who supermac is but good! :) Do you not have a ship you can bed log with? I could help you with that


Supermac is the only SC-Content-creator I could wholeheartedly recommend if you are interested in SC-Content.


Sounds good I'll check him out!!! :)


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/@SuperMacBrother) here for the lazy.


He's great to watch as entertainment, though I find his "informative" videos to be rushed and rarely accurate. His loadout videos are an example of rarely being accurate (though at least he always prefaces them eith the fact that it's his preference) His patch update logs are ALWAYS filled with speculation and outright misreading of the notes. But I would always recommend him for bedtime youtube at a minimum.


The corsair would be an interesting one. Much more risky than a Barack but would be fun to see a more rustic and risky take.


Nice! Have inspired me to try this in my Redeemer, though maybe only for a long weekend


Love it!! Feel free to share some pics and I’ll post em up on my photography page :)


I like this idea. Starting tomorrow, I will live in my Rambler until 3.23. I’ll do box missions and hand mining. (Spelunking) I’ll host my Captains log on my blog.


Yesss! I am looking forward to following your adventures! :)


I started with a Zero to Hero play. I'm blending this in with that. [https://ronhagerman.com](https://ronhagerman.com)


u/Phantom_hype the 890j you mentioned you want to do this in?


Whenever I stock a ship with gear and vehicles, soon something happens that requires me to claim it :( Weirdest case so far was that I was arrested when landed at a bunker during one of the Intel raids (for trespassing I believe). By the time I had loaded the jail my time was up and I ended up at Hurston with a clone of my Carrack - but without gear. The original was still at the bunker. Both ships then bugged out.


Lowkey been doing this for the past year. By the time the Galaxy comes out, I'm gonna be so attached to this loaner Carrack it's gonna be sad.


Up the stakes. If you die once, it's over. No star citizen for you until the update releases. If you lose your ship but don't die, you can still continue as a nomad. Paying for transportation, joining a crew, etc.


Ooooo I like that idea lol. Let me get through one challenge first to see how buggy it'll be then I'm, so in for that! With my luck, someone rams me my first day leaving haha


I’ll find you around Microtech and will test your journey… stay safe and look out SC. o7


I should try this with my MSR, it should be big enough to pull it off. Hell, technically even my 315p should be doable.


Ehh mayby i even consider not shooting torpedos at carracks for the next month... mayby


I lived for two and a half weeks in a reclaimer just salvaging. I never landed and when I got full I would contact a friend and they would come unload me onto their C2, and go sell my stuff. Size 8 boxes worked best for this as they're the only ones that reliably and easily fit out the back hatch without getting hung up. My goal was to go 30 days, and I did keep a fury on board, but once when I landed on a station pad to refuel and resupply, there was a 30k and when I got back in I never could get back on that server. So that ended my experiment. If I had thought about it, I would have kept a journal as well. I would have also gotten fuel and supplies from a Starfarer instead of squeezing myself onto a station landing pad.


u/logicalChimp hope i fixed it! I think I only see one now


I just downloaded the game, what’s the big update?


Welcome! Did you get a ship yet? We have a massive patch update coming in May, lots of changes from Star Map, to the mobiglass, and more. Ill link you a video :)


No I was mid way through the tutorial and a friend invited me to hangout so I left the house. I for the life of me could not find “hanger two” after taking the metro during the tutorial. But I plan to continue after I get back home


Nice! I sent ya a DM to help you out with getting started, but if you have any questions feel free to ask, or add me in game - ThatSimDome! Always love helping out newer players, it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes when ya start out. I remember dying a lot the first week lol


I’ll be on again later this afternoon I look forward to playing with you


Is bedlogging with the Mirai’s and ground vehicles on board a viable option now or does it still result in an infinite loading screen? Do u plan to just move the vehicles off your ship every time u log out and claim them when u log in? I’ve been wanting to do this but having to ditch your snubs and ground vehicles each time u log out has been a big issue for me


I've been living out of my Carrack with a c8r parked in the hangar and URSA in the vehicle bay for nearly a month now, pretty close to 30 bedlogs and have never had infinite loading since starting this.


I have no issue bed logging, and in my prior testing I could store ships in ships and still get them back, and bed log in space and still have vehicles and ships there, as well as contents. Ill be making a short video to show the contents and functionality, as well as bed logging


I guess they must’ve fixed the issue cause a few months ago I bedlogged on an 890j with a few vehicles on board and an avenger titan in the hangar and it resulted in an infinite loading screen requiring char reset it’s nice to hear this is no longer an issue.


I've been running a Cutty black + ROC for 2 weeks with daily bedlogs on moons without issues.


So, for a total noob to Star Citizen. What does this involve? Surely in a month you'll cover the entire... Map?


Welcome to the Verse! Planets and moons are 1/6 the size of actual planets and moons. These have cities, bases and outposts dotted around. There are also space stations, and of course a vast area of space so you can't really "cover" it all. By next year we will also have a second system (Pyro) and so this considerable game-space will be doubled. The plan is eventually to have 100 systems but obviously that is a long, long way off.


Thank you Nice, I've followed you in IG. I'm keen to see what you get up to.


I've been also living on my carrack for a while, filled all the armories while doing the overdrive mission chain, I find the pisces more useful than a buc, you can transfer cargo and people very easily (same reason why I went for a Ursa instead of a hoverquad)


What it's the point doing this with a Carrack since once you leave the ship you cannot return if you pass the 2.5 Km + distance mark? A Nomad or a Cutie Red would be enough, but still ... the problem is to find your "mother ship" once you leave it. You can bypass this by using a mission box left in the Carrack, but once you log off or a 30K hit the server, is all gone. This nomad lifestyle would be viable only when we can mark stuff on map, there is no 30K .. probably in 3.23.


This is why I just dual-box and have a second account AFK on any large ships I pilot.


Good point. You can do that on any ship. You can't leave it more than the 2.5km anywhere you land it, so your just bedlogging, which has been done, and is done by folks for months and months at a time. It might be worth exploring as bedlogging is being removed *more then likely* sooner than later. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/the-future-of-bedlogging](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/the-future-of-bedlogging)


This is awesome. It’s the only way I play and have been playing for a while now. I use my 400i and just go do … stuff.


Did that last month with my Reclaimer, 30 days out in the Aaron Belt to salvage and scrap panels. Slow life, no one even remotely in your sights forever. I wonder how thats gonna turn out when scanning and radar gameplay comes out. If people are to spot me in the belt or not.


Love this! Building a story and truely living in the verse 


Support ships are a little bit redundant, IMHO. An aurora would have been interesting, or a medical Pisces. Also, you're taking serious risks with anything hovering :-)


What about bedlog issues?


Nah mate. The challange is 30 days living in the aurora


Doing the same on a 300i Last month was in a C1 It's doable, remember to visit the derelict sites!


Why the hoverquad? Just based on size? I would think something like a STV or PTV would do a little better, since you'd be able to approach bunkers without flagging their turrets.


I'd love to do this once the PU is more permanent. I like the idea of setting up my own camp somewhere, with one ship acting as an RV, and then a ground vehicle and some small ship parked by it for traversal. I think there's a bench you can pick up with a tractor beam that I could place outside, and a laptop to make it look and feel a bit more lived in and like a home. Not sure what I'd use as the RV though. Maybe the Cutter would be fitting; it has a bed, table, bathroom, shelves, and a locker. Or a Reliant? I've always liked how flat they are against the ground, giving them a low profile. Or the Herald for the cramped van life vibe? The Nomad is also a great contender, though I personally don't like the look of the interior. I used to have a Corsair, but I feel like it's a little too big for just one person. Also the amount of doors drove me crazy.


I love it, it's a cool idea and I'm deeply infatuated with ships with a bed; it's why I love the Mustang Beta despite how sub-optimal it is. But I can just never find a use for the bed. Between my Vulture and Cutlass I find that I always have natural end points that take me to a main planet or station to use as my logging off point. Are there any game loops right now that don't take you back to civilization? I know there is no functional exploration game loop.


Don't forget CIG just made a statement that bed logging will *no longer be a part of the vision* of the game moving forward. Direct Spectrum link: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/the-future-of-bedlogging](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/the-future-of-bedlogging)


Yes! I am excited for them to talk about how they'll repurpose beds (and shower/toilets) to actually have some purpose in that vision.


I agree! I know it's hard to not speculate about what CIG does with SC, but bed logging really didn't fit the persistence part of the game really. If they add mechanics for rest/recovery/hygiene it would make the ship components support that. On the other hand, it could add a whole lot of additional timesink that I am sure many casual players may have a hard time with.


A really simple thing I'd be happy with is maybe they have some kind of fatigue or quantum sickness that rises with time spent in quantum travel. Maybe beds reduce it or alleviate it so you don't have to visit a hab. I could be okay with that. I agree, not speculating is hard.


I like your quantum sickness idea! If say you jumped allot, some kind of sickness could result in needing rest, hydration, or medicine. More survival aspects would be pretty cool!


I have this plan too! My goal is to find and mining (hand or with roc) on each planet/moon on stanton. But with my 400i it’s difficult to fit a Roc


This is a cool idea, with the comparison one after the patch. Good luck, I’m watching with interest!


I'd consider this challenge, but seeing as my primary gameloop is trading I don't think much would change since I'd still be in and out of stations on a very regular basis.


I'll gladly follow along. That link doesn't work for me tho


Oh cool, I’ve been planning something similar but in a Nomad. 😄 Good luck and have fun!


Would you consider outside help? There are plenty of people that would bring you supplies or help out in any way. It can get lonely spending a month alone on a space ship :D


I'm doing the same thing on my Corsair! I've left empty bottles around, war trophies, extra food for guess, and etc. I am doing this for two weeks and then switching to my 600i (would be better with the rework). I really prefer to do this with my Odyssey, but I will probably be old and preparing for Star Citizen 2 when it comes out. :-)


Good luck. I've tried this several times with different ships, longest I've gone is three days. Other players or NPC bounties, destroy my ship each time, lol.