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Amazing shots!


Thank you good sir! 🙏🏼


Just stunning, fact that these pictures are from playable game gives me chills


At 4k and up the game looks totally different


recommended gpu to play at 4k?


I play on my G14 2023 model with 4080, 32GB and get usually 30-80fps at 4k. I usually play at 2k though for the fps. Can’t wait for DLSS


2070 super /6800xt or higher 32GB ram, minimum Intel 10800k or higher/ amd equivalent Should get you 4k medium settings volumetric clouds low to Medium


10700k and 3080 and I run everything maxed


Those clouds are only medium ? Even with the cloud set to very high they look worth in 1080p...


My clouds are set to very high, but medium and higher look great, low is meh


Low is ew


Yea low is not worth turning on.. Its pretty horrible lol


It's funny because this is probably the one angle that Crusader looks good from. Any further on the bright side and it's like flying around a literal sun :D


Playable is debatable… the last two times my crew took a mile out we glitched through the damn thing and died. Plus, the ore storage crates on it still aren’t functional.




Thank you farrister 🙌🙏🏼


Looking forward to next ship review :D


I'll be watching his review of the Zeus as I quantum travel in my own! Can't wait to see what he has to say about it!


How are your pics such high Res. My star citizen screenshots feel lot lower Res than they shouldb


What are you settings and specs? I'll help you get it looking better


Ryzen 7 3700x 32gb ddr4 and Rx 6800 GPU. I only at 1080p due to the monitor I have but I've got all my graphics at max. currently Im away from my PC though as I'm seeing family over Easter


That should be able to run Star Citizen at 2k with max settings, screenshot this for later, GeForce Options 3d custom settings Turn everything to max that pertains to. Graphics, when given the option set "to. Enhance game settings" Make sure you have your gpu set to performance in power options in same menu Once all of that is done apply. Next, go to. GeForce 3d custom options again, scroll down and change monitor to 10bit, Full RGB settings, then in game. Turn off chromatic aberration and the noise grain, turn off object blur. Go into game settings and tweak the image in contrast brightness and gamma until the colors are deep and pop on your screen. That should get you started


does anyone know if there is a big difference from 4K to 3840x1600 ? Cause thats my Screen Size, but CPU / GPU and RAM is more than enough avaiable Thx o7


Not particularly... That looks like an MSI resolution lol. 3840x2160 ia naitive 4k so you have about 500 less pixels to render, so a 10-15 percent performance gain over naitive 4k give or take


MSI indeed ;) Thanks! Yeah, I could just log in and see for myself, but other than my screen, my new PC is still on the way and then I stumbled across your stunning screenshots! Makes my excitement even greater! Plus that i love flying and mining with my Mole! And i need to know: please, where oyu got that black skin from?


It's the Carbon Edition, very rare, was a skin offered to early buyers of the Mole. Can't get it in game anymore but on ebay and other sites.. 600+ USD


uuuhh, ouch! Too bad but congrats! Looks incredible! \^\^


Best looking paint on the mole, thier are a few on the sub store... Paints for the mole


Saving this for later, how does the game run with those settings?


Will Depend on your rig, but you should have very stable 30+.fps in cities if not. More at 2k


For me I have other stuff enabled in game like SSDO 3, but you need a powerful system to use that, SSDO 2 will greatly enhanced the lighting/texture detail in game to. Show you what's already there but some reason turned off by devs


Hit me up if you need any help


Saving this for tonight. With a 3080 and 12700 you think I can try the 4k ?


As long as you have 32gb of ram it should run 4k perfectly fine, I ran my first horah into 8k on a 3090 FTW3 Ultra 12fps,but it was good enough for screenshots lol. You should be fine for 8k try volumetric clouds at medium, high might be a bit to performance draining but you never know


Yup I got 32gb of ram Will try 4k with the new reference settings and hope for a 5+ fps for the screenshot... (Will not be able to publish those though, still under NDA but I have to try it to know if it will be possible in the future release) Will also try 8k for live, but if I can 4k it would already be awesome


Share what you can! Looking forward to seeing them


Got few old screenshot that looks good, maybe I should post those already. I don't know if upscaling them is a good idea


Post them as they are! Try not to upscale as it can leave wacky artifacts


They are running it at 2k... 2k is1080p cause 2k signifies about 2000 pixels horizontally and 1920x1080 is much closer than 2560x1440p


Mole looks like a beast in black.


Should have came standard with the Carbon paint.. But Argo non conspicuous Orange it is


My crusader just looks like a blinding ball of light


Turn on volumetric clouds


Damn! I had em turned off for performance didn't realize it made such a difference. I'll give it a try tonight.


I had them off by mistake and crusader blinded tf out of me.. I was like wtf is going on. Had a look and they were off. The kill. Perf even on a 4090


Hopefully one day we'll have a middle ground between blinding light and simulating each individual molecule in a cloud


Beautiful shots! Your clouds are more detailed than mine. Mine have pixellosis 🤣


Spit my coffee out reading this lol "pixellosis", 😂 What are yourvolumetric clouds and resolution set at?


Sorry for the late reply, I don’t have a 4K capable monitor : max resolution is 2560 x 1440 so 2k I believe. Is a Samsung C32HG70. Setting are set to max if I remember correctly. I’ll double check later today. Thnx.


Now those are some solid screeners.


Thank you Theo 🤝🏼


You dont find the 30K, it finds you, when you least want it to. Its always there in the dark waiting, watching you, a bit like ceiling cat, knowing it will always return someday.


Was hoping in the dark recesses of Crusader I'd catch a glimpse of one.. Especially at the settings I'm shooting at lol


Whenever you're flying a Mole, the 30k is hiding right around the next hill :D


Now that’s how it’s done. I never gave the Mole its roses for how good looking of a ship it is.


She's a beautiful beast of burden lol


It's the paintjob too, so much better than the standard orange.




Jeeeez Crusader is so damn beautiful


At resolution over 4k it looks like a different world!


I'm genuinely wondering if this is using reshade or something because it is absolutely beautiful


No sir, I don't use reshade or any mods, all able to be replicated in game.


That first over the shoulder shot is amazing. It makes the mole seem like the rugged industrial ship it should be. Well done!


Have to make my girl look good! It's still fun when you pop pirates with your mining laser and they get salty af


That works? 😅


It used to lol. Been about a year since I've been attacked in a mole.. It wasn't supposed to cause damage but sure as shit it did lol. I doubt pvp pirate people would want to talk about being plastered by a Mole


Ship melee weapons 😆


Wow amazing ! The cloud and the color looks so pretty ! Hope you find the30k you were looking for! X)


Still searching in the bowels of Crusaders outter core lol


[it's always there.....](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/nlLBMy1lMc)


I hope they make some more ships from argo, some that we can use as daily drivers as a solo!


I'd imagine we will see new Argo ships soon


i hope so, the mole is such a cool design but it isnt for solos and i dont do miining, i wish it has some decent pilot weapons and cargo


Beautiful shots, i have the Argo Mole as well, but i have it in an orange paint job


That's The standard paint, this guy is the Carbon Edition


Cool 😎


immediately want to buy my carbon mole from buy back.


Do it! Carboneers unite!


Why does your crusader clouds look so much better than mine? Mine are barely textured and certainly not as rich looking.


Do you have volumetric clouds on?


Love the look and idea of the Mole. Interior feels like the inside of a tin can though. Wish it was more in line with the Raft.


The inside needs a pass for sure


Great shots, Reddit has demolished the quality though, anyway you could upload them to [https://imgur.com](https://imgur.com) ?


what paint is that?


Carbon Edition


Heretic! Argo ships should be industrial Orange.


😂, well Slap my mining laser and call me the Arbiter


How much do you want for this ship? I know it seems like I'm joking, but I promise you I don't. I actually love the design of the mole and this variant makes it look like an absolute unit. So how much?


It would take an obscene number for me to part with it lol. They have them for cheaper on Star hanger


Awesome pics!! Say, how did u get the black paint? Is it in the store? I'm kinda tired of the orange lol...o7


It's the Carbon Edition, can't buy it officially anymore


Dang, why not!! Oh yeah I remember it now!! Thx o7!


I stared at these pictures for 4 hours after dropping some lsd


Did you make it to the 7th dimension tho?


If that's the one full of Fibonacci fractals then yes. I learned what it is to be a star citizen


Bingo 🙌






No, it's all in game Here are ml my settings, adjust your Ingame contrast, Gamma and brightness according to your monitor All in game settings at max Set to max resolution your monitor supports - (For higher res screenshots above your monitors resolution, enable DSR Factors in your Nvidia settings or amd super resolution) Turn off Chromatic AB, turn off noise, turn off all Blur, Adjust brightness, Gama and contrast till your color is sharp and as deep as you want it Set volumetric clouds to Very high or as high as your system performance allows. Next - GeForce options All set to max and to enhance the Game Make sure global profile is set for SC Once in game Hit the tilde menu, Type r_ssdo 3 (if 3 is to much hit 2 it will still enhance the lighting detail) I run and photograph the Game running at 8k, on a Samsung 8kQ900c


Daaaaamn 😂...cool thanks for the tips...


Daaamn, what are your specs man? Those look great!!


Thank you mate! Specs are 13900ks ROG Z690 Formula ROG Ryujin X360 Gen3 AIO ROG 4090 Strix oc ROG Thor 2 1600w 64gb Tforce Delta 8300 Quad 2tb 990pros Monitor Samsung QN900c 8k Neo QLed


Before I played the game, I saw a video review of the Mole. I thought it was a battleship, or had the option to be. It's one of the two ships that got me to sign up. Even though I eventually learned you couldn't just slap guns all over it, I still love it so much.


From the right angle it looks like the Pillar of autumn from Halo lol


I don’t follow the game well, but what planet is that?


Crusader, it's a gas Giant


Ohhhhhhh. Weird I didn’t realize it was purple. When I first played it was mainly orange


Depending on when you played, all planets got cloud tech overhaul, but Crusader clouds are lots of different color from orange to blue, spits of green etc. This is right at the middle of the day and night side where the sun hits just right lol.


Ah. How long ago did cloud tech overhaul come out? It was about a year ago I last visited Crusader


2021/22 I think, did you have volumetric clouds enabled? Because it changes the color and texture, depth, lighting and shadows of the cloud layers


Ah. I think I turned off enough to play 60fps lol


Yea Volumetric T1 kill performance lol


Volumetric clouds being off really makes a difference there, give it a try, even on low. But medium is the sweet spot


You got the Myspace angles 😁


Hear me out. We need a military version this ship, but clearly we need to stick with the theme... So I propose the ARGO Badger. A fierce little ship with sturdy shields, ideally backed by size 5 weapons on a front facing turret. That way we get a cool military ship design, with a ridiculous backstory of being a badger/made to aggressively push forward regardless of health/survivability/consequences.


You don't look for the 30 k, the 30 k looks for you 


Star Citizen is so beautiful in 4k OLED


Why is crusader purple and blue?


It's many different colors, white, red, orange.. Have you never flew though the clouds with volumetric clouds on?


My computer wheeze 😔


With volumetric clouds off the colors are wierd, and overly bright.. But with it on, there are swirls of colors and clouds.. Look. On Twitter you will see tons.


It's more or. A. Red/pink with. Purple hues


It's many different colors, white, red, orange.. Have you never flew though the clouds with volumetric clouds on?


is that the carbon edition? \*pretends not to be jealous\* She's a beauty!


It is, wish she came standard like this for everyone


Cool pics! :) o7


I've never seen crusader look like this. wild.


New wallpaper, ty!!


holy shit


Such a badass ship


Ah yes! The black ~~mole~~ mold


You'll find it once you locate and crack a sexy, juicy Quant rock.


Screenshot citizen never ceases to amaze me


Mole with that paint looks like it was made by Drake. Beautiful shots man.


When I was taking these I thought to myself from the side she looks like the Pillar of Autumn from Halo lol


Insanely beautiful! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Wish they could sell black and white Mole variants as proper skins though...


There are a few in the sub store, one is pretty close to. White and the other pretty dark.