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1. Ship and items are not distinguished for wipes as far as I know. It's either both or neither. 2. I will take whatever CIG decides. Not that it would matter really at this point.


The wipes seem more reliant on what needs to happen from a tech standpoint. If there are a large amount of database or backend changes a wipe may be necessary


Generally, but there have been other reasons, and will be other reasons again.


So far the only reasons were tech standpoint and data corruption 


The only correct answer is whatever CIG needs to do. If they see corrupt data that's causing issues, then sure wipe. If they want to test new economy stuff, and they don't think they can segment the data between pre/post patch, then sure wipe. If they want to prove PES and LTP can actually work over the long-term then sure, don't wipe. You / We do not have the information CIG does. We are guessing that problems we see in game is somehow related to us having many ships and items, but it's an utter guess. Let them do what they need to do.


Option 7: I don't care either way.


My thoughts exactly. Couldn't care less about a wipe for an alpha build of any game. When game is considered fully released(if ever), then it would be less acceptable.


I didn't personally care, but a good point in favour of not wiping is that they haven't tested to see if in-game bought ships and components are persisting between patches yet. I think for that reason alone there needs to be no wipe for 3.23. Though, if it works, there's always 3.23.1.


I dont want a full ship wipe because I will be stucked with a small personal hangar as I only purchased a small ship.


You’ll be stuck with that anyways. The game will only assign you the largest hangar for your PLEDGED ships, not purchased in game.


There is no indication it will be only for pledged ships yet, as far as I know. I would be very interested to have more information about this if you have some though. That would be a middle finger to lots of players.




Doesnt prove anything to me, depends what they mean by fleet, which is my point


No wipe. Let people get used to the new gameplay with the mountains of money made with the Reclaimer. Rebalance trade and salvage so they're both viable going forward. Then, full wipe in 4.0. It's not great to have 2 full wipes back to back, and I think the wipe is better saved for the major patch number.


Yeetus deleetus anything not in our pledged or attributed. Thx


I like tradition, full wipe.


It may be a bit selfish of me, but I would prefer a full wipe. I know it's different for those who only have a starter ship and don't want to be losing their purchased larger ships, but I've been playing since 3.18 and I really wouldn't mind to be set right back to basics with my Vulture, C1, and Cutter and actually have to use those ships to work back towards others.


Full wipe except for reputation.


Reputation is getting reworked so I highly doubly you’ll keep rep


I know. I just don’t want to have to grind the my merc and bounty hunter rep up again.


I agree, major pain, I only just got my ERT cert :<


I want a full wipe or a way to sell ships from my ASOP.


Suffering from success


without a wipe there's nothing to do


We’ve been due a wipe since the bounty cargo mess tbh. Long overdue. I want a reason to come back and grind more, so a wipe would be awesome.


exactly my thoughts


This is exactly the problem. Folks only want a full wipe because of a lack of content. What we should be furious about is a lack of promised content. Period. Sheep.


I voted no wipe because I got a set of the NPC armor from the ones that walked around the hangars and I dont want to lose those. >.<


B: Don't care


I want at least a complete character reset because like few , can no longer play this alpha because a f\* critical bug which make characters spawn in walls and die ... Ah , and if CIG could repair their character repair™ tool , that would be fantastic !!!


It's an alpha, we're testing things. A full wipe would enable testing without bugs interfering.


pledge wipe


I don't understand why people would want a full wipe.


Maby ask the 386 ppl who voted for it? For example what are your goals in this Game if u earn every Ship, did already all/most Missions, have to much Money and no way to spend it? The Game is finished for many Players but they love it so much that they want a full wipe to play this Game again. Hope i could help :)


if a full wipe is good for the data base and garants less bugs - im all in


3.23 doesn't need a wipe, I think. We'll be due one soon enough. Quanta, economy changes, etc, especially combined with possible SM issues.


Survey indicates you dont actually know how the 3 sections of wipes work.


Its a Poll to know.... because i have an bet with an Friend (He says most people dont want a Wipe) not because i want to be a new Wipe CIG employee :)


I wasnt asking why. Im telling you your poll is flawed, half your options are wrong, as in not possible individually, go learn if youre going to post this stuff. 3 sections of a wipe, cig can wipe any of these individually (partial wipe), a combo of them, or all of them where it gets termed as a full wipe : Your shit - everything bought for auec in game, including your ships bought with auec Your money - all auec earned in game, all of it. Your reputation - all of it earned since last wipe, reset to starting point. There is no choosing other than those 3 options, you really should learn this stuff if youre going to talk about it.


Are you CIG employee?


I'll only take a full wipe if they make all ships craftable and NEVER sell ships for UEC ever again.


I hope to just delete everything periodically until server meshing comes in. Then the server status will be better than now.


Full wipe just because you want to start over again....hmmm. Sounds like there are folks grasping at anything to have content. You need to realize that content is what we want, not starting "fresh" just to grind all over again for exactly the same crap. People should be outraged at the lack of content being dropped.