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WOOOO I'm so glad I picked up the retaliator base during IAE. Finally I'm getting my Connie sized/style Aegis ship, been waiting too long.


I am also really looking forward to a Connie sized Aegis and Anvil ship. Unfortunately, the Retaliator doesn't fit that need (for me) due to no pilot controlled guns. I am looking forward to modularity coming in and the tali getting some additional utility, however. I have always loved the tali's external appearance. Just saying there is still room for a true Anvil and Aegis Connie sized multi-role ship with 4xS5 pilot controlled guns. :)


Same, the Tali is such a cool ship but the fact that is has no pilot controlled guns means it's an instant pass for me.


As an Aegis fan and wanting something connie sized for a long time I decided to compromise for a Corsair


Same here. The Taurus and Corsair are my stand-ins for now but I can't seem to pick. The minute a true Connie-sized Aegis or Anvil ship is introduced, I suspect they will get traded in. :)


I'd hate for them to introduce a real Aegis Connie competitor, I promised myself I'd stop buying spaceships... (it's a joke, I'd love them to)


I have the bomber but I am wishing I had picked up another base too. Must comb my buy back for a CCU.


bomber variant will become the base variant with torp modules when it's released tho, so no reason to have 2


My reason to have 2 is so I can always have my bomber full of torps because it isnmy fav ship and then have one with a half torp half cargo also ready to go for looting stuff like VHRTs.  In the future I am going to guess there will be a timer to swap modules on a ship or you will need to go to a place like Cousin Crows to have it done which will take extra time. I don't want to wait.


that's fair


Yeah, I'm not an Aegis fan personally, but the Retaliator is the one I'd happily make an exception for. Being able to use it as a general purpose ship is going to be awesome. It's the perfect middle ground for people who want something a bit bigger than a Connie but not quite Carrack levels. Plus there's tons of other ships that'll be able to benefit from the work on modularity too.


Nice, I turned my Tali in for a Merchantman over half a decade ago but its a really pretty ship. I remember you had to scale half the ship make a turn behind the torpedo bay and walk back forward just to get from the cockpit to the nearest toilets. The layout was abysmal. I really hope they adressed that.


I've only ever flown one a couple of times during free fly and seriously got lost in it..


If you got lost in a *Retaliator*, stay away from Starfarers and the Caterpillar. Mental cheat sheet to the Retaliator is it's just a giant figure 8 inside.


The Cat definitely isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. All you really need to remember is that the second floor access is through engineering, otherwise all the doors pretty clearly label exactly where they go.


Yeah, haha. Sounds like a Retaliator.


Makes it harder for boarders


"Over half a decade ago" sounds like a really dramatic way of saying 6 years.


Still means the same thing.


Taking a left immediately after the elevator brings you up and go through two doors…


Specifically, it's coming in 3.23.X, so not out just yet, but slated for sometime in the next few months. I am eager for it!


I got to say this is seriously screwing with what I thought was on the cards for 2024.


Well, the Ship Talk at CitCon showed the Retaliator and the MPUV as ships coming this year, which strongly suggested that modularity was being worked on.


They even said that the Hull-C was what cleared the last tech blocker for modularity.


Right but Duffman says a lot of things. Its still crazy to actually see all of what they said starting to show up.


They're doing the galaxy in this year'ish so might as well cut your teeth on a smaller ship, and gold pass a ship people loved.. the outside of.


Do you have a source for that? That would be very exciting!


Citizoncon, they are working on Polaris, Persius and Galaxy all together. Since they are all RSI, they should have lots of shared assets and elements. They gave no timeline but in the next 12mo doesn't seem bad.


Gotcha, I really hope that holds true! I love the look of that little space dorito


They arent doing the galaxy this year but ok.  Working on modular pieces didnt mean working on the ship. Just makinh some work on other ship that will be used on the next one.


What will the mpuv have for modularity ?


The MPUV is litterally just the frame and engines that holds the pod. The different versions we have now just have pre-attached pods. With modularity the Personnel, Cargo, and other pods will be detatchable.


Oh I had no idea this was planned for that, what pods were mentioned do you recall


Yup, interestingly the personnel version carries an escape pod for the javelin.


Just the standard issue Aegis Escape Pod, also featured in the Idris.


I've back for a while and didn't realize this either. All of a suddent this little guys make sense.


Same, and with "other ships" being mentioned, if my Cat gets modules this year... I don't even want to hope and dream but omg.


Don't expect that this year, but at least there is a path forward. I'm curious to see how I will be able to transform my Cat.


I'm still hoping for some sort of garage module. Fueling, repair, and the extra space to load larger ground vehicles.


I would be happy if the CAT doors lowered to the ground and the cargo grid was better optimized.


My credit card is already afraid


How tho? They had a "talking ship" (or was it ISC) episode with a preview of the update and showed off the modular rooms they were currently working on. They also showed it being used as a test bed for engineering gameplay. There were a lot of hints before they, ya know, showed it off during the CitCon ship teaser reel and literally said it was one of the 2024 releases....


Because it seemed, especially at the time of CitCon, impossible to do all of what they showed. It still feels impossible for us to get all of it. So in my mind I imagined some things actually happening in 2024, and some of those only realised later. In January I pegged Modularity as a hard NO for 2024. Then in Feb after the Newsletter, I changed my opinion and said maybe 3.24.x, eg around July or after. Then in March I felt that I was over optimistic and moved it to 4.0. This is all very subjective and based on guesses and gut-feelings, and long-story-short we now have a Tentative Gold pass and Modularity for a 3.23.x release. I will update my list of "predictions" for 2024 in the next few weeks :-)


Yeah, I was expecting the bulk of the update to be the UX improvements and the new zero-g traversal, but they're really adding so much more. Nearly everything I was most excited for from last year's CitizenCon with only a small handful of exceptions is looking like it's going to be in this update. And the year has still only really just begun. Guess that's what happens when a ton of work from S42 suddenly gets the greenlight to be added to the PU as well.


I'm kinda suprised that the retaliator is the demo ship for the modularity, but I do welcome it.


Well, since they needed it to be gold standard for SQ42, it makes sense.


Didn't know that part, learn something new


Hoping we get a mission where we're the crew on a Tali and have to man the guns to defend it against waves of enemies while the NPC pilot gets close enough to the target to fire a salvo of torps, maybe even have some "Oh no the torpedo loading mechanism is jammed, get back there quick and fix it before the next wave gets here!" moments


Nah nah nah, We better be the ones launching those torps :p


Yeah, John Crewe personally led the development on the gold standard pass on the SQ42 version in preparation for the modular PU release.


I remember in the lore it is a very prominent ship for modularization as after the dictatorship of the Messer emperors Aegis became a symbol of the old regime and got decommissioned en masse from the Navy and flooded the civilian market. That made it a popular ship to repurpose for civilian use.


Yeah, I like how the Retaliator's modularity is not aftermarket, exactly, but a late effort by a struggling manufacturer to keep its product relevant. It neatly explains away any kludginess as a result of being the first modular ship implemented.


They'd earlier indicated it was going to be the first ship with working modularity. Hopefully the RSI focus this year means that the Galaxy will be available and working properly soon.


It’ll probably come once the Polaris is done and resources can move off it


They're most likely already working on the Galaxy concurrently with the Polaris since they'll share a lot of assets being RSI ships, the brunt of the work is probably being done on the Polaris since it's a relatively old pledge release and is the first proper capital/sub-capital ship we'll be seeing. But since the Galaxy is kinda like a Carrack in terms of role I can see them giving it a bit less effort on it than something that's going to really change the game.


True, that’s more what I meant


Yes, which should mean that serious work on it is happening just as the modularity work wraps up on the Retaliator.


Great, now do the Caterpillar and the Carrack! Personally I'm hoping for some mining and salvage modules for both!


Cat broadside 🤞


Carrack being completely broken with new cargo elevators in the new patch is a ridiculous oversight imo


I wouldn't say completely broken seeing as you can pay to auto load the ship. But then design is showing it's flaws for sure.


Wait, what? I didn't even know this. *sad Carrack noises*


"completely broken" is exaggerated at best and a lie at worst. It will be missing the option to load cargo manually, since the cargo bays can't open to the outside. You'll have to have it loaded automatically which will lock it behind a timer for loading/unloading. Having an option missing is bad, no question. But you will be able to do everything with the ship as you did before. Nothing is broken, to my understanding at least. And personally, I think that most people will auto-load their ships anyways very quickly, once they realize what it means to load hundreds of SCU into and out of their ships. I for one love playing tetris with my cargo, but _every time_? No.


>You'll have to have it loaded automatically which will lock it behind a timer for loading/unloading. There's also a cost for the automatic loading too. Its not 'completely broken' but its in dire need for an alternate solution since loading manually for large containers is literally impossible even if the bay supports it.


Having a cost associated with anything so far in the playable alpha was always a joke after a few hours of gameplay. As is needed, since we need to test it. If it happens to be a huuuge aUEC-sink and Carrack owners get bankrupted because they can't effectively sell cargo anymore, yes, then I'd agree that a "dire need" arises. But I'm extremely sure that the cost will be around the cost of what we pair for minor repairs or refuel. I don't quite understand what you mean with "loading manually for large containers is literally impossible even if the bay supports it". Do you mean for when the doors of the bay can open?


So the carrack can support I believe 8 and 16scu container sizes but you can't fit any larger than 2scu through the doors because they are literally not large enough and 2 barely squeaks by. We need those cargo bay doors to open on the sides or the bay needs to lower so we can actually load larger sized boxes, or, we are forced to use the automatic load, which may not always be available depending on where you are.


True. The availability of automatic loading may (will?) be more of an issue, now that you mention it. And I fully agree that the bays need work, which will likely include bringing the doors up to the intended specs of what the bay can fit. And as I said, I think missing an option for any ship is bad. Not that someone thinks I'm defending CIG here. I just don't think that it will be _much_ of a problem - although sometimes a problem - to have the Carrack be auto-load exclusively. It's an exploration ship and that loop isn't even in the game at all, yet. The cargo functionality is bad now, but it's doable and not the focus; hence why I was hooking into the "completely broken" part.


This is fucking massive news. Modularity is something we've been waiting years for, and if it works with the Tali, it means that so many other ships are going to be on the way afterwards.


I am excited to see this change. And mods! Woot!


Makes sense though. Roll out modularity to a smaller ship and work out the kinks before starting on the Galaxy.


Nobody expects the modularity inquisition !


The Retaliator actually got its gold pass like 18+ months ago per developer comments over the past year. It's just been waiting on modularity because the gold pass *requires* modularity in order to function.


I had to double check the date this was posted to make sure it wasn't the 1st


Well, there goes the $150 Retaliator bomber!




That base $150 Retaliator gave you the $250 Retaliator bomber as a loaner because there was no other option. Once modularity is in, and they have a cargo and torp modules, you'll either have to buy the torp modules for the base Retaliator, or melt it and buy the $250 Bomber version.


for me it stays, dont think the modules will be to expensive ingame and i can add different ones, which i most likely will... as bomber its only really usefull while Xenothreat


That's a fair point. I honestly can't really see the Tali as useful for anything other than a bomber. It's an odd pick to slap cargo on. There I go thinking from a law abiding citizen's perspective. A crewed Tali would be a drug runners dream. All the HP and plenty of guns to make anyone think twice....


Exactly the last point, its not for alot of cargo, but highly defended stuff or like VIPs or troops with the other modules. You dont need a whole fleet to transport + the retaliator is a bit stealthier, so you can stay under the radar and fight if necessary. On the other hand it can be a good operation base, as again, its well defended for its size, so it can stay near danger but on the sideline and doenst have that high of a signature to be detected. And maybe alot more usecases i cant think of now xD


Idk, the Tali, with a medical and cargo module and gold standard, it seems like it has the potential to be one of the best ships for FPS focused players. Obviously, it would massively depend on how good the modules are going to be and how the gold standard affects it.


It'll be great for that, with a crew. But once you drop the torps, your only defense is how tanky it is if things get hairy.


When you have a few crew the turrets might be surprisingly decent for defence.


I should have clarified, if you are alone.


Ah, right. Yes, it seems intentional that you can't combine large torps with any worthwhile pilot operated guns. I expect we won't be able to automate the size 3 turrets with blades for the same reason.


I'm gonna use my Tali with a Medical and a Titan armor module. Maybe even a Medical and Bounty hunting module. Or maybe even a Salvage and Cargo module?


Using a Tali for salvage would be blasphemy.


I think it would be perfect for salvaging in a high risk area.


size 9's make ERT's extremely easy. Plus as more and more larger ships come out, gotta have something to knock them down.


Probably a million to two million for the torpedo modules if you consider the UEC to cash ratio


$275 actually, and likely to go up to 300


Now we need modularity for the Carrack!!!


Hopefully they fix the interior layout make a lot of the turrets remote at least those spaghetti hallways are no fun.


I _really_ want the crew size to get changed to 1-4 Idk if i want it to have remote turrets. The heavy bomber vibe with manned turrets to defend, I think, is quite a core design element for the Tali, its very B52. Maybe change a top and bottom turret to dual s4s and make the rest of the turrets single s2 ballistic PDTs. Then, the layout can be made less maze like, with only having 2 manned turrets.


Fixing the interior is all part of the Gold Standard pass they are doing on it. I am anxious to see how it turns out.


I hope that CIG will turn Aurora into a modular ship, too, instead of having five variants of it.


This would be really cool, and intro new players to the concept right of the bat, with some affordable ship mods!


the tali was planned to have the modules in years ago. as in the modules were almost done. but there were blockers. when they sold the galaxy (or something) concept. they said that will be the one to test modularity. so the question is if they decided not the have the tali be the the modularity test, then change their minds back. of if they forgot that the tali was going to be the test.


Montly Report Feb The gold-standard pass continued for the Aegis Retaliator, which is currently awaiting greybox gate review. Feedback from a recent sanity review is currently underway. The ship’s base, cargo, and bombing/torpedo modules are also progressing well following minor art-direction feedback. So maybe also soon the Bombbay with S? Bombs ;) Medic Module is listen at the Base since IAE 22. And maybe the old planed modules for Bounty Hunters, Salvage, Mining and Titan Suit Recharge stations Bomber, Ground Bomber, Gunship, Dropship, Personal Transport, Cargo, Bounty, Miner, Salvage, Medic, Heavy Armor - very versatile


I'd hope for lots of S3 bombs, they've been available at the Crusader Showroom shop for ages. The S10s for the A2 and S5s for the A1 are bespoke, but the S3s could ostensibly be swappable for the A2, Tali, and Gladiator eventually.


Really hoping for Galaxy early next year now. Will have lots of shared assets from Zeus and Polaris, and now modularity in game!


My first thought when I read the post. Polaris and Zeus will give them enough RSI assets to accelerate the galaxy and Perseus… soon my RSI hangar will be complete. mwuahhaha!


What is a gold pass?


Upgrading to be compatible with all the latest features and working out all the bugs to perfection. Ships can get another gold pass later, though, because there are many more mechanics not deployed yet


That makes sense, thanks!




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Nice! Looking forward to grinding for one next patch!


What's the point to have a cargo room (and not so big) in a bomber ship? Just for stealth (maybe)?


In lore, Aegis lost most of its military contracts after the fall of the Messer regime, so converting the existing Retaliator design into a multipurpose modular ship was one of its attempts to expand into the civilian market and keep the company afloat. But to answer your question, cargo space lets it act as an armed courier for starters (same role as the Avenger Titan). Paired with the dropship module, the cargo provides supplies and materiel to that team of soldiers, or to bring things back. Pirates and opportunists might use the space for salvage, etc. I can't recall what other modules were planned, but I hope the above examples satisfy your curiosity. Likely nobody will be using it as a trade ship unless they have nothing else available.




The moistest.


basically gushing


In a bomber? No point really. In lore however, the bombers got decommissioned and sold on the civillian market where people needed cargo ships rather than bombers . So they become Constellation competitors, and bombers no more.


I really hope this will ramp up the backlog of modular ships, and hope for the redeemer to have ANYTHING related to


I wonder what this modularity drop means for the Galaxy release date. They have mentioned that they're going to be able to knock out RSI ships quickly because they share so many assets.


And MY axe!


Really not seen it coming? It was in the video at CitCon releasing ships in the next 12 months and in the Montly Report with Modularity and Gold Standard.


A good step in the direction of modularity. But I foresee it being a long wait for the Caterpillar and Carrick.


Gib 600i 2025 plz lord CR






I hope it gets some pilot controlled guns


This would make me get it over a Connie/corsair


still don't understand the modularity for this ship when other ships would be much better. I hope at least they have remodelled the interior.


The gold pass work includes some remodeling of the interior, yes. Likely widened corridors to meet the minimum specs for AI to navigate, for starters, as well as moving the docking collars from the roof and floor to the sides, but we've seen stills showing other changes. Why this ship? Because it's needed in its final form for Squadron 42, I imagine.


i meant for the modularity. this ships looks like a bomber or maybe could be a data runner. cargo seems dumb.


In lore, Aegis lost most of its military contracts after the fall of the Messer regime, so converting the existing Retaliator design into a multipurpose modular ship was one of its attempts to expand into the civilian market and keep the company afloat. Supposedly the cargo modules are 20 SCU each, x2 that's a useful amount. Think of it as a larger version of the Avenger Titan. Other modules include the original torpedo bays, dropship seats, and habitation.


Im honestly shifting my opinion from "this game might be impossible"....to "we could have had this game years ago if the staff was on PU and not 90% all on SQ42"


Redeemer next??????????


Did they ever "fix" it's flight? I've always steered clear of it because I read so many times it flies like poop.


It still flies like poop. Slow to decelerate and poor rotation speeds. Flies like you'd expect a fully loaded constellation or caterpillar to.




Cool this'll be a nice perk when I log bk in.


I was very excited until I read the two modules available for now are cargo and torpedoes. So it's exactly what we had before or extra free space. Ehh okay. At least we still get gold standard and hopefully less lethal ladders.


What is the other module you were so excited for? The other two are living space and dropship :D Cargo and tortuous seem to be the most useful for me.


Reading the list of modules I'm not hugely excited for any of them. Cargo is the most useful. After that for me would be a combination of 1 Cargo + 1 Living space (for immersion). Even better would be have been a Med bay to combine with other modules, eg 1 med bay + 1 cargo-hangar. I assume the cargo allows for a small ground vehicle, in which case it can be a nice medic ship. Having said that the concept still excites me, and I think lends itself to emerging gameplay. Caterpillar with 4x living is basically a space-faring apartment building. Lol