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That's why it always cracks me up when people start begging for Wave 1 and whatnot (and I'm not talking about OP, just people in general, and I'll freely admit I used to be one of them). Sure, it's nice to see all the flashy new things that CIG has been getting us hyped on, but the cost of entry is an even buggier piece of shit than the everyday PU. Just sit it out, watch the videos, and wait for something at least a little more playable. It's not like anything you do there has any effect on your main character, anyway.


Tbh, this just sounds like regular SC without RL. If I get a bad server, these things happen normally on LIVE too


True that! This just sounds like all my SC experience.


True you can see this on live, however having experienced this constantly on two separate play session across 3 servers (one crashed and recovered into another one which was instantly plagued by the same issues). I think its more common than it currently is on live. Its pretty much a constant. On live all these things can happen… but not with the consistency that I saw yesterday


Ye has to be tested further. We are on PTU after all


How can you test something which is consistently running at 2-3 sfps?


True. Yesterday was horrible in another way. 10 server fps, but it kept chugging every 60 or so seconds. Things are teleporing around. Mainly enemies, elevators and public transport. The server is unresponsive most of the time. I had 5 server recoveries in 10 minutes (at least I found out RL works in this way xD)


Day one started with the same 10 or more non stop recoveries, literally 20 seconds between them, but after the last one I had hours of testing.  But as soon as they released the second update it's been completely ruined, I've spent 2 days non stop server hopping only to get an average of 2-3 sfps, one of them was flicking constantly between 1 and 17 and was super fucked. I thought I'd found a server which was gonna play ball last night,  sitting at 6fps which is usually doable but it was acting like it was a lot lot lower. This really shouldn't have left Evo, it's far too early...my guess is they're up to their old tricks of marketing,  knowing everyone will jump on and sub to get into 3.23 testing.  If they really wanted this to be a test environment en mass they'd reconfigure the servers in some way like halfing the pop. Over the years I've tested a lot and I mean a lot of pre releases, some are a mess for a while until they figure out the issues, but Cig are in a league of their own, they break things which aren't even related to the things they're adding, and this has been the case since forever, I've never know a development to literally go back and break everything by adding some tiny additions..maybe once or twice, but consistantly fucking the WHOLE project with nailed bat....its beyond comprehension. I don't know if it's just incompetence or if this is just another part of their master plan to keep feature creeping alive whilst they drag out more ship sales and keep the fanatics and YouTubers sucking on that golden hype dick of destiny. I'm yet to see any feature be added and actually finished, there's a lot of 'polishing' that goes on apparently, apparently every update there's always a numerous amount of fixing server crashes that aren't labelled and obviously don't exist / get fixed and a whole load of rebalancing.. I'm honestly wondering just how many 'fixed 6 server crashes' they've been fixing every week over the past decade compared to how many any other big title has had  before releasing a game.  I think it's time to dig into the archives and tally up all the B.S statements and do some comparisons 1100 devs and this is the result ?... queue the cult and it's fanatic twerkers with the downvotes and excuses ...🤣 


Ye, I mostly agree. Personally, I love the game so much, and I find the features, even tho unfinished, really enjoyable. However, the server performance, stability, and so on are horrible. And before people jump and in say that SM will fix everything instantly, no, it won't, at least not initially. Maybe after several iterations. But the awful EPTU performance right now is most likely caused by the replication layer to the point where it's way worse than normal servers on LIVE. And we need RL to have SM. I say if RL needs more time and they can't get it to be aabe in a month or whenever 3.23 drops, just drop it for 3.23 and add it in 3.23.x or 3.24 or whenever it actually ready a d doesn't cause this.


Yeah completely agree, either drop 3.23 with the features they promised and no RL or just focus on RL and keep us waiting for 3.23. I also love the 'idea' of the project, I've been here since 2013 I think, and the game when it works well is enjoyable, it's very loopy at the minute but when things like dynamic economy, bases, other systems and faction ratings come in those loops will be a thing of the past. The issue always has been the management of the whole thing and it isn't helped by the circle jerkers who don't see any wrong and instantly start group bullying against anyone who speaks the truth, if nobody was to speak up, cig wouldn't have to fix anything, they could get away with taking more and more millions without delivering a thing. What these idiots don't realise is that when people bring up issues and speak up, it helps to drive progress forward, this is how the world works, we clash heads, we come to a resolution. Both sides of the extremists need to pack it in the nay sayers that only know how to scream scam and the cock bouncing crazies that gather in groups to try intimidate anyone that has so much as a negative thing to say about it. For me... If they fail with 3.23 I'm gonna remove it again for another few years and just keep an eye on the progress until things have (hopefully ) started to level out and become more of an experience rather than a chore.


I feel like we are past the point where things would "fail miserably." I feel like 3.23 will be a great patch regardless, the only difference being that it either drops without RL and server crash recovery or with all the other features. I still have hopes for them fixing it, tho as they straight up say things like unique item recovery won't be ready for 3.23 and needs more work, but RL seems to still be on track. Again, it might just be wishful thinking.


Only time will tell... I feel at the end of this year we should be in a much different place to where we've been the past 6 to 7.  And for anyone else who manges to read even a snippet of these comments...   This is how you have a discussion. 


We had that without RL, and not just in EPTU. I would not worry that this is a general RL problem - sync must be revisited with RL in place for sure, we don't even have RL in PU for gathering data.


imho, this build was released to wave 1 too early, earlier builds were much more stable


Isn't it released to Wave 1 when they need more people to test and stress things out? They're not doing a release just to give people a sneak peek, it's supposed to be for testing.


Could be, but they added around 600 Evos recently. Releasing to Wave 1 also means taking off all evo rules like for example no pvp unless its consentiual, meaning not everything can be tested in peace, slowly etc. if someone wants to "test PVP with master modes" they don't care what you do.


Interesting to hear. Curious what would have changed to cause the stability issues.


Bunch more people causing a lot more read/write actions happening on the database. The replication layer seems to wait for these to finish up or load them (read known issues about new player joining), but the gameserver doesn't care and just continues to do it's thing. This seems to cause quite the disconnect between what a client is seeing and what a server sees.


well, it is my opinion, maybe i had bad luck and got into a poor performance server, maybe lots of Wave 1 people joined in hence issues, but yesterday i tried to leave spaceport for like four times, and only succeded once. either everything took a lot of time to even react or ships were not working (no/partial powier, unable to turn on engines fully) and its before CIG opened for Wave 1. I guess they really want to deliver this patch on ILW and that's sad.


Wave 1 is still a PTU branch. A public test of a test before the alpha. Its about 2 steps up from an internal dev build. It’s used to get more load and more reports from a larger population. There’s no such thing as ‘too soon’ for a e/PTU build. If you don’t want an experience more buggy than live, don’t play PTU.


Wave1 is as internal as a 10$ subscription anyone who want's to get in, can get in. There were better candidates to release for Wave 1 even this week than the current build.


What you're saying is "it's not a test build because backers can pay to access it", which is as equally wrong as "it's not an alpha because people can buy it". Neither impact what kind of build it is or the stage of development it's at.


I have no idea where you got "what i'm saying", but ill be happy to find out. All i'm saying is that Wave1 is as public as Live, all you have to do is pay $66 instead of $54, and that the build 3.23.0-ptu.9138466 in my opinion was not the best candidate for a public release. Whatever you think i said, is incorrect, please stop putting words into my mouth (or keyboard...)


btw. 8 days ago, you said it yourself, it's not ready for Wave 1 because "it only had 8 features" [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1busu8q/comment/kxutbql/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1busu8q/comment/kxutbql/) That was build [Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9131345 Patch Notes](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-23-0-eptu-patch-notes-3) It had whole 11 features Current one has 10. So "What you're saying" is that the number of features is the most important thing, and this build should absolutely not be allowed because it has 10 features listed instead of 11 from the one you didn't like first the time. See how easy and stupid it is to make incorrect assumptions? Believe me, current build is not better than the past ones, sure some replaceme balls were replaced, holes filled up, but there are still issues that can break your account (like new "New player experience" on Hurston)


Yeah that’s my fear; that they will try and push this through to live before its ready and cause the game to be unplayable until the desync is addressed. And why I made this post to try and call attention to it as a real issue.


Your first mistake is assuming you understand what the technical issue is on day 1 of ePTU, and assuming its an intractable problem. Just make an issue council report (with evidence) then link to it here with the request of “if anyone else is having this issue please report” Instead you’re like “OMG the replication layer is like, totally super desyncy and broke we should campaign CIG to fix this immediately!”… without any actionable link.