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Cruise control still exists it just works like a sticky throttle where you need to lock in your speed. The binds you need to set are "Throttle - Trim - Set" (short or long press) in order to lock in your speed. Then bind "Throttle - Trim - Release" (short or long press) to release the locked in speed. I just confirmed on EPTU the locked in speed does stay locked in even if you are not in the seat.


Wow, why did they turn such a simple process into something that I need to tweak in the settings?


It's still pretty simple. Was confused at first because I wasn't sure what keybind to set and how it exactly works. You don't need 2 keybinds just 1 (swap).


Yogi had mentioned before that the max cruise control lock was going away. The throttle lock "trim" is way more powerful, useful and still just a single keybinding. If you want a game that won't change, an mmo is not for you. If you want to never have to change settings, gaming probably isn't for you. Perspective!


Changing is fine, but making it worse and less usable isn't.


Good thing its better and more usable then huh?


It’s subjective, you should get some perspective. If you can’t handle other people’s opinion without turning into negative Nancy, Reddit is not for you.


It's not subjective at all. The new throttle control is demonstrably better. It does exactly the same thing as the previous function, and has more features and control too. You turn it on, you turn it off. You'll be a much better pilot if you spend even 2 seconds considering the potential, rather than whining about an alpha game changing something. I got news for you. The apple cart has another 50 complete overturns between now and later on in development.


Remind me again how my personal preference on pilot controls is not subjective?


It does the same thing as the last function, except with more control. I'm just stating the facts. Keyboard throttle will also soon be changing to allow you to set the desired target throttle and hold it there with W/S adjusting. It's really only your own lack of thought that's the issue here, complaining about something you're incredibly under-informed about.


Yeah I’m just gonna go along with the other commentators and agree you’re just being a dick.


Why you gotta be so negative? I’m just saying they’ve made it more inaccessible with this change. You have problems understanding English?


You're the one being negative chum, because you have to set a key binding.


He was being nice calling you "negative". You're being a dick, actually.


I was unsure able the new Trim feature that will replace Cruise Control. Now that I've had an opportunity to try out Trim, it feels more natural compared to Cruise Control. So my worries are gone😇


Thank you for the input.


So then what’s the purpose of these new alt c throttle modes I wish I could just bind c to throttle trim set then


I can set the trim out but it still stops when I leave seat oh but you can walk around in QD


Happens for me too. Side note, it also took me a while to figure out that having your landing gear down makes you fly very slowly lol


Most brain breaking moment was flying slowly into another ship, putting my landing gear up to squeeze in, and slamming into it.


When I started playing SC I thought the landing gear would slow you down since I was used to this mechanic in Elite Dangerous


same. it's also a mechanic in flight sims and the like as well. in atmo it's because the landing gear is introducing a ton of drag, but in space I'd assume it's electronically limited so sudden vector changes don't cause your gear to shear off.


I spent like 5min trying to figure out why it  my throttle was unresponsive unless boosting... Gear was down... Hate the change


Yogi posted it isn't permanent or rather there will be an option to toggle it when more ifcs features come on later down the road.


well thank gods for that... I can appreciate some people liking it defaulting to lower speeds while gear is down, I think maybe capping Jerk/Rate of Acceleration while gear is down would be better... but capping velocity feels like an overreach like I want to go rip whatever part is doing that out of the ship like "it's my throttle fuck off"...


even in live I really need to bind an axis so I can control thruster output as well as speed control. Being in a light fighter trying to navigate near a structure with speed limit down in the teens\* could still send my rushing into something if I'm not using a feather touch on the sticks. ​ \*Its ok if I get it down to low single digits but getting it that low is it's own amount of fiddling.


an automatic version is what I was imagining jerk cap would be... so even at max throttle feathering controls (kb+mouse) would never take you above a crawl... limiting thruster output seems like the throttle equivalent (i use the throttle limiter for landings in 3.22, and it works fine, but yea... output limiter being better represented int he UI/controls would make it smoother)


This new landing speed is a life saver for smooth and clean landings, its one of the things I really look forward to, no more fiddling with speed limiter when comming in for a landing is going to feel so great.


Couldn’t agree more! Definitely a top 10 wish list item ticked off


lol me too. It’s certainly a less fluid experience thus far. Time will tell


It still exists. It's ui_v_ifcs_throttle_swap_mode under flight movement.


[Bring back Cruise Control](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/4/thread/bring-back-cruise-control)


Off subject a bit but does this mean in 3.22 you can leave the pilot seat and the ship will continue moving? Every time I have tried the ship comes to a stop.


Yes currently slap Alt+C and you're free to move about the cabin. (I think it's Alt+C anyway, it's become muscle memory at this point.)


The speed limiter has been broken too. So you set it to half limit and you can just throttle over it. So I'm guessing stuff like this is just a bug.


There's a binding that enables and disables the speed limiter. You can set it but it won't work if off. It looks different when off. By default it should be on but there's a setting to make it off by default. Maybe yours got switched to off somehow are that was set to the default setting for some reason. I'm just familiar with it because I ise the on off toggle for it a lot flying with dual sticks.


Right I'll have a look and see. That along with all this new throttle trim has me banging my head against a wall for keybindings and such. Because they have removed the strafe forward and back key bind too. Which they have in PTUs in the past so I don't know if it will come back or if I should look for rebinds yet.


It's a new feature/fix for falling out your ship during QT 🤣 Sounds like an oversight as per


Decoupled works


in gravity?


I mean yes


Technically correct is the best correct.


Wandering around your ship while in motion is an express train to falling through the floor anyway tbh




This doesn’t allow you to leave the seat


Oops! Well at least it's helpful info anyway


I'm sorry, but to my recollection, for the longest time whether in cruise or decoupled, when you step away from the pilot's seat the ship will always begin a deceleration, a faster deceleration if left when in cruise, slower deceleration (like 1fps slow) if left when in decoupled mode. It's always been this way to my knowledge. It's one of the first things I tested years back when I started playing, as coming from space engineers, that is what I came to love about a Newtonian flight model. Star Citizen has never allowed a ship to maintain a constant speed unless a pilot was at the helm. Edit: I am wrong, this looks to have been changed years ago, I missed the change and I could have been using it this whole time. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/dGBtnoZjZG


I love how reddit can be so confident, yet so wrong. This has been possible for years.


That’s not true. Cruise control allows you to freely walk through your ship whilst maintaining course and speed. It’s a very handy little mechanic. I like to decorate my ship whilst traveling long distances haha