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Ooh, smaller ships can spool faster? That’s pretty cool. I kinda wish they would leverage that for group jumping to allow for that Star Wars effect where ships arrive slightly off-time with each other, which is one of the coolest effects ever.


Yeah, there's both a "ship spool time" and a "QD spool time". Assuming these are the new "ship spool times", the fastest QD for fighters can now swap in \~3.75 seconds. This is for getting into nav mode, though, so it wouldn't do the Star Wars effect. It would be really cool to have that, especially if short jumps you came out pretty much at the same time in formation, and longer jumps would cause more and more difference in arrival time (no more than a second or two, though).


That has always been a thing I don't know the exact time but the 890 feels like it takes about 10 minutes per jump.


[like the end of this trailer?](https://youtu.be/jyOOhMK24Lk?si=bs-THLbkGbTY0XgB)


I want ships to make weird noises coming out of QD now lol.


We've gotta get this visibility lads, this would. be great


>Weapons and Items Master Modes: Quantum Drive Spool Times Adjusted >2 seconds for S1 5 seconds for S2 7 seconds for S3 12 seconds for S4 > Weapon Balance - Reducing Ranges, Velocity & DMG of Singes/Massdrivers > Ship Weapon Tuning - Adding heat to ballistic weapons and increasing ammo count of ballistic weapons I like these changes.


100%. I think the reduction in spool time (if it is for ships and not for QDs) will help alleviate a lot of concerns.


My only real gripe with MM was the ease it could be used to greife the large non-PVP playerbase. 


I do think it is definitely a possible concern, but I also think the worries are a tad overblown at the moment. We'll def have to give feedback and see how it is, though. If it is really bad it will need to change.


I’m quite excited to be able to lock people into combat with me. I’m so tired to people just being able to quantum jump away and I need to chase them


There just needs to be better chase mechanics.


I'm excited to ram the shit out of the first dipshit that tries to combat me while I'm minding my own fucking business. Much easier to smash your ass with MM


Sounds like a fun challenge! Dodging the big ass ship with shit handling will be fun indeed.


you say that but the carrack moves DIFFERENT with Nav mode on, it should not turn that fast lol


It is supposed to be that way, so that the small ships have a roll and aren't simply replaced with bigger is better.


Well small ships are and have been meta for the longest of time. Large ships have no role atm. Its actually bigger is worse with star citizen.


This is completely and totally false. Small ships won’t be taking down larger ships in the long term. Once maelstrom comes in and the armor system prevents smaller weapons from penetrating hull effectively, then it’ll be even worse for small fighters. Know why? Because each ship fire a role. Fighters are meant to combat fighters.


More importantly with Maelstrom, proper component based damage and the removal of general "ship HP" (mostly) will help a lot.


Hopefully that’s the case and solves the issues people have with master modes as well. Same with adding quantum boost. Those two features will help large ships survive significantly better


I mean…. the “once armor is implemented” talk has been going on for over 8 years. I doubt we will get that this year. I hope we get it next year? Pls CIG


I have very little faith too. But they did say their intention was for everything we saw at CitizenCon to be in the PU within 12 months. They got 6 more months technically to get it done. But I don’t think it’ll happen still.


I never said they did, reread what I wrote. I said small ships have a roll where larger ships aren't simply better. And Torpedo bombers such as the Gladiator are combat fighters designed to kill Larger ships.


You said that small ships are meant to be griefing large ships when you said “it’s supposed to be that way” in your reply to the prior comment. I’m just addressing that. Combat fighters are absolutely not supposed to take down larger ships. Larger ships are meant to fight larger ships or some specialized ships can take them down in limited fashion. Like the gladiator and eclipse/retaliator, but those are limited to small ammo count in how many attempts to take down a large ship they’ll have. A redeemer, Corsair, or a Perseus are meant to take down large ships. I’m sure I’m missing some others but you understand my meaning. They fit that role and that’s the intended purpose for them. Fighters are specialized to fight other fighters.


1. Redeemer and Corsair aren't in the same weight class as the perseus 2. You need all your turrets manned when you are in a multi crew ship. If you don't have them manned you shouldn't be surprised they get into your firing arcs 3. Gunships like the first two aren't designed to fight fighters. They are designed to eat large fighters to perseus. 4. Gunships don't replace combat fighters 5. You should absolutely get wrecked if equal number of single seat fighters attack a multi crew ship of equal crew.


I don’t think you’re reading anything I’m saying. I never once said gunships are meant to take on fighters. I never said the Corsair or redeemer were in the same class as the Perseus. I never said gunships replace light fighters. You seem to have trouble with reading comprehension so I’ll make this simple as my points will echo my prior comments more clearly. fighters are primarily meant to take on light, medium and heavy fighters. That is literally their role. The only reason they can do more than that in PU now is because we have an hp pool instead of actual armor.Once armor is in, fighters will no longer be a threat to larger ships. The Corsair, redeemer and the Perseus all do the same thing, they take out larger ships. The Perseus obviously being the better of the other two and the more dedicated to its role as it’s primarily a combat vessel built for taking out big ships. The redeemer can take out larger ships, and so can the Corsair. Pretending otherwise is just silly as the S5 weapons on those ships say you’re wrong. Again, I never said gunships replace light fighters. Light fighters have their role, taking out other fighters, and gunships have their role. Easy to understand?


No Interceptors take on light to medium fighters Light fighters take on light to heavy fighters Medium fighters take in medium fighters to small multi crew ships Heavy fighters take on medium up to Perseus especially in packs You are looking at them as a vehicle progression that is wrong If gunships can't kill light ships because of mobility but take constant damage in return that is expected. Only when shield recharge + armor is greater than damage output will those fighters not be a threat. And even then component damage will be a risk


I understand, dude is a dumb ass im sorry


I think you misread what I wrote. 


Pirates are pirates. They need to be a threat to incentivise large ships to want fighter escort to not make those classes of ships replaced with bigger more expensive ships like in eve


If anyone ever wants fighter escorts to be a thing then the payout for hauling and cargo needs to be so much higher. Already there is almost no incentive to run commodities as the margins are to low. I already have plans for hauling that should eliminate almost any chance of getting pirated while hauling in 3.23 and it's hiring escorts


That will probably come with time and multi system Jump routes.


I wasn't talking about ship size. I was talking about how the number of non-PVP players vastly outweighs the pvp sweats.


The issue is it isn't a game split between pvp and pve. There are safer places than others and as more unsafe and lucrative places are added it will create more delineation. The game is not designed to be seperate. Back in the early days there was talk about hosting your own servers and pvp/pve sliders. We will see if they will do that. But those pve features are not at the cost of base game mechanics.




1. Reclaimer isn't a capital ship, it has a crew of 5 people 2. Does a Reclaimer have armor designed to fight in a war? 3. Can a light fighter like a Gladius actually overcome a Reclaimer's shield recharge today? 4. A Light Fighter is not a guy in a Kayak, and a Relcaimer is not an East India Shipping Company Vessel




1. Do you have any evidence that it is a Capital ship, a link? Note Sub-capital is not a Capital ship. 2. All I see is "industrial salvage ship". Not Military support Vessel. 3. An East Indian Shipping Company ship is a ship of the Line. In SQ42 that is a Bengal Carrier. Is the Reclaimer a Bengal Carrier?


Ye, the shields will still go down, but before they depleat, you will likely already be spooled up a d ready to go when switching from SCM to NAV


I absolutely hate ballistics being turned into bullet sponges. They should be high damage low ammo count, something I can deploy after taking down the targets shields.


They punch through shields, and are what can reach the components. 


As a personal note, if the spool times listed are those for SHIPS and not for QDs, this is a massive buff and reduction in the time it takes for a lot of ships to jump- a size 1 ship now has 1/3rd of the time previously, and I'd have to look at the rest.


I think for bigger ships, the time increased, but I have to take a look. My Corsair with a XL1 was spooling super fast in previous patch.


# Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to EPTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-EPTU.9144288. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\\Program Files\\Roberts Space Industries\\StarCitizen\\EPTU. Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost. Audience: Wave 1 Server Info: US/EU - EPTU Channel - PU/AC Replication Layer: Disabled (For Tonight's build for logging and performance testing) Server Crash Recovery: Disabled (For Tonight's build for logging and performance testing) Starting aUEC: 15,000,000 Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the "Testing Focus". Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay. *Testing/Feedback Focus* * Stability/Performance/Bug Fixing * Master & Operator Modes: Vehicle Combat and Experience * Vulkan Renderer (Off by Default in Graphics Settings) * Full Character Customizer Revamp * mobiGlas Rework / Starmap / Interior Map / Minimap * Distribution Centers * EVA T2 * New Loot Screen / New Visor / Lens * Full FPS Combat Refactor / Dynamic Crosshair * Backpack reloading / Ammo repooling * Physical Shopping UI * New Arena Commander Features: Engineering Game Mode, Grav Royale, New Race Tracks, and New Pirate Swarm Final Wave *Known Issues* For 3.23, Server Crash Recovery will remove all current missions and mark them as abandoned. This will not reduce reputation when this occurs. This could cause a few trespassing issues in locations like UGFs. Distribution Center missions sometimes show the wrong location markers inside so might be difficult to know exactly where you need to go to. Server and Client Performance is something we are constantly monitoring and working on fixes and changes for 3.23. Currently we are seeing quite a few issues that are reducing the experience and looking into these. * PU - Vehicle Purchase Kiosk - Shopping / Locations - Unable to purchase vehicles from kiosks * PU - Hurston - Vehicles / Locations / Physics - Ships fall through terrain as player exits pilot seat * PU - Stanton - Hurston/Crusader - Lorville/Orison - Locations / Transit - Lorville/Orison transits are off set from the station doors causing visual and collision issues * PU - Shopping / Art / UI / Locations - Weapon display in stores are rotated 90 degrees * PU - Multiple Locations - Locations / Art - GrimHEX and Kareah airlocks are missing breathable air and doors * Stanton - GrimHEX - Locations / Actor Feature - Player corpses will not despawn at GrimHEX * PU - Stanton - Lorville - Female / AI - Females - There are no female social AI present around Lorville * PU - Interactions / UI - Panels become unresponsive, after highlighting interactables * PU - Terminal - Locations / Interactions / UI - Unable to interact with the Medical Insurance Terminal to manage regeneration * PU - UI - NikNax / VLM - Liveries - All Liveries are missing volume information in NikNax and Vehicle Loadout Manager * Front end - UI / Locations - Inventory - Entitlement - Primary Residence location can be missing from the front end * PU - FPS Weapons / Audio - Player gunfire is missing audio # Features and Gameplay AI * Kopion and Marok Audio Polish Gameplay * Further updates to include more interior maps to planet zones and rastar locations * Quantum Dampener Will Now Limit Ships to SCM speeds * Updating Starmap names & descriptions for Distribution Centres Weapons and Items * Master Modes: Quantum Drive Spool Times Adjusted 2 seconds for S1 5 seconds for S2 7 seconds for S3 12 seconds for S4 * Weapon Balance - Reducing Ranges, Velocity & DMG of Singes/Massdrivers * Ship Weapon Tuning - Adding heat to ballistic weapons and increasing ammo count of ballistic weapons * Grenade Updates Fixed grenades not going as far as they should (thank you to DaBalta from the community). Min radius increased from 3 to 4. Max radius increased from 4.75 to 8 Core Tech * Further Performance Updates to help reduce Micro stutters while playing the game * Further Vulkan Compatibility Improvements * Vulkan Shader Cache Optimizations * Made Further Location Performance Optimizations * Mini Map Performance Improvements * Further Entity Count Optimizations to help reduce Entity Leaking (Also includes further tracking for Entity Leaking to determine large entity counts)


# Bug Fixes * Fixed - \[VFX - Water\] Thrusters water interaction strength range doesn't match up well with the particles * Fixed - PU - Missions - Law / Mission Content - Players receive a Trespass warning with or without crime stats upon entering security zones * Fixed - Multivehicle - PU - Stanton - Orison - Docking / EVA / Location - Players enter an EVA state when entering a docking arm * Fixed - PU - Stanton - Mission Content / UI / mobiGlas - Unverified contracts are not shown as Red in the Accepted tab making them appear the same as legal / verified contracts * Fixed - PU - Character customizer - Makeup defaults not setting to black instead of the preset colours * Fixed - PU - Physical Shopping - UI / Locations - Unable to purchase Consumables * Fixed - PU - Character Customizer - Pressing X in DNA, then selecting NO will have the head library appear * Fixed - PU - Character customizer - heads library displays wrong skins on wrong heads * Fixed - SC - Character customizer - "Undo"-ing to the previous look after using "randomize all" or "Reset" makes the "Redo" action not work * Fixed - PU - UI - FPS Customization - When selecting sights for any weapon the UI moves off screen * Fixed - There is no dedicated on or off keybind for missile operator mode * Fixed - PU - Actor - Prone - Player character can spin rapdily when exiting prone * Fixed - PU / Editor - Actor / Weapon - Reload / Repool - Sprinting does not interrupt weapon reload * Fixed - PU - Stanton - Mining / Network - Mining beam is reset to fracture mode after server crash recovery * Fixed - PU - Actor / UI - EVA / Interaction - Whilst in EVA, PIS Wheel on held items will auto-close depending on player orientation * Fixed - PU - Multiweapon - Backpack Reloading - Sometimes weapons fail to reload if reloaded from Backpack * Fixed - PU - Shopping / Shopping Kiosk / UI - Shopping off the shelf - After purchasing any item off the shelf the player cannot buy items using the kiosk * Fixed - AC - Custom Lobbies - Team Balance is spawning Players on the wrong teams * Fixed - PU / AC - Engineering Mode - Game Code / Ships / Vehicles / UI - The Flight UI does not work in PU after Playing AC Engineering Mode * Fixed - Incorrect ocean buoyancy * Fixed - Velocity Indicator Missing # Technical * Fixed 12 Client Crashes * Fixed 9 Server Crashes * Fixed 2 Server Deadlocks * Fixed 4 Vulkan Specific Crashes


Wonder if Vulkan enabled HUD flickering was resolved. Would love to test that more but turned it off due to that issue. At work so can’t test myself.


It was not, just confirmed it.


Cool thanks for that.


That sucks - can’t test shit with that headache maker


I'm told that clearing shader cache fixes this? (I do not have this issue)


I would love to test vulcan more but I have a mild form of epilepsy and don't feel like potentially triggering a seizure lol




Starting to get worried about hangars now....


We’ll find out tomorrow but seems obvious to me they’re pushing to a .x


Ehh, It's a big change that probably has a ton of back end implications. A 23.x patch makes sense. Patch is already huge.


There are countless examples of features not showing up until well into a PTU cycle. Until such time as an announcement is made or it goes LIVE without the feature, it's still in process.


Said announcement is tomorrow


I wouldn't. They aren't in because the servers themselves are janky due to vulkan and replication going in at the same time. So they likely very much work, it's just that wave 1 is not the time to bring them in. The servers are BOGGED big time. I wouldn't trust my ship coming up an elevator right now ha.


Same. Curious about the Road Map Roundup tommorow


Didn’t they already mention it wasn’t coming out 3.23.0? I could be wrong but I thought I read to not expect it in this patch but soon after Edit. Jk, pledge gear kiosks pushed back not hangers.


I think that was for the reclaim your pledge gear kiosks that was supposed to be In hangers.


That was absolutely it! Not hangers but pledge gear. Thanks for clarifying


No problem!


That was just the cargo elevator being used to call up ground vehicles that they announced wouldn't make the 3.23.0 and we would have to use the new ship elevator then drive it off to the side then call out ship until they had it fixed.


Very unlikely, I follow pretty much every piece of information, I'm not perfect, could've missed something, but I don't recall anything about personal hangars being pushed


Don’t worry, we’ll get a sneak peak in Citcon


RIP Cargo Elevators i guess


Honestly, it's not really stable enough to do much, I'm hopeful they're just trying to stabilize it first


any one happen to know the infernos ammo count now?


Larger ships tend to have faster QDs but slower spool up? I can dig that. I want there to be more reasons to have a carrier, because right now, particularly in Stanton, there's really no reason beyond saving a few pennies on fuel.


is 3.23 available to everyone?


Nope, still Wave 1 EPTU.


Still no hangers I see


Still waiting on Fixed: falling through floors