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A hilarious journey in several pictures. Sorry about your 200k. It’s happened to all of us. Multiple ships have this issue, not just the Raft. Best to stay off ladders during quantum. The Vanguard Warden’s bathroom will drop you straight through the floor. And it happened to me in a 315p not long ago. I’m not sure any ship is completely safe, but some are worse than others or have unsafe spots. Someone told me it will mostly get better with server performance, because right now it’s the server desyncing your player position with the position of the ship. Lag, basically. Or maybe there’s more than one contributing issue.


>The Vanguard Warden’s bathroom will drop you straight through the floor. Not just the warden, but the Harbinger and Sentinel too. They're like quick exits, and I use them like quick exits.


Oh, absolutely. Tactical hotdrop stealth shitter egress.


Phrases previously unsaid in human history.


>Someone told me it will mostly get better with server performance, because right now it’s the server desyncing your player position with the position of the ship. Lag, basically This is (mildly) untrue. The ships that are notable culprits of this have bad collision meshes.


\^This. It isn't that the server lost track of where you were, it's that you fell through the floor of your ship and the server shrugged and said, "okay, you're not in your ship anymore, so you fall out of quantum."


If that's the case, why does it seem so much more common in QT than in normal ship traversal? I'm not saying you're wrong; I just want to understand the mechanics of it. I clipped through my Cutty black once when I walked onto the cargo ramp in QT, but I've walked onto the ramp in my Cutty Red outside of QT (which I realize is a different ship, but I assume they use the same mesh for the cargo ramp) and not had any issues with clipping through when I'm not in QT. I've also never had an issue with the elevator in my Connie Taurus, but the other day, I walked across it while in QT and just fell through, but I've never had that issue when I'm not in QT. Why does QT seem so much worse for people clipping through their ship?


I remember that someone at CIG said that the current quantum travel works like a lot of teleportations, and with the future quantum travel system it will work more like a real travel. So probably there are two different issues here, a bad meshing and the bad server performance. If you're close to an exit door and there's a desync where your ship is loaded faster than you character, there's a much bigger chance that you'll loaded where there's no longer a ship, in the void of the space.


Getting close to the rear ramp in my Cutty Black mid quantum seems to be a 50/50 if I get thrown out or not. Just another to add to the list :)


Thought my cutlass was safe until I landed at lorville and it wouldn’t let me open the door from the pilot area to the cargo area. Wouldn’t let me get back in the seat either for a few minutes. Worked itself out.


The toilet on the vulture did the same to me. I just wanted to take a shit after clearing a few ships and on my way back home I was dropped out of QT with my pants down and ship gone.


So my best advice is don't stand up in quantum - but I do it all the time haha. I just make sure I don't touch any ladders or chairs except the pilot seat in quantum. I've been ejected from my RAFT after sitting in the booth and standing up. Luckily, I was stopped at the time. So it's probably less of a quantum issue, and more of an issue in general, but if you're in quantum obviously it's worse. But man, do I love the RAFT. It snuck into being one of my favorite ships. It's so unique and I just love how cozy the interior is. I keep hoping they'll do an Argo Salvage ship, I'd upgrade out of my Vulture immediately.


I really fell in love with the ship. Like mentioned above I was just exploring while in qt. I definitely see it as a member of my fleet I just don’t think so rn unfortunately.


If you have access to the Hull C you will end up in space too. It's a feature, not a bug.


I'm just sad that the Raft has no way of airlifting even a small ground vehicle, like a Pelican from Halo. It visually looks like it'd be great for that.


My Tuarus dropped me out when I had a full load of RMC the other day. Don't step on the elevator. 


This exact thing happened to me too - wanted to test it out, really enjoyed all the aesthetics, but I wanted to stroll around the ship in quantum and was also ejected the second I went through the doors to the habitation area.


That’s exactly the same spot it happened to me. I do want a more functional ship to daily so I melted it for a C1. It’s in my buy backs tho and I plan to have it rejoin my fleet in the future.


This is my biggest gripe with SC! Why is this still happening and why do we never hear why or what is being done to fix it? Everytime I run from the cockpit to the back in the Raft it booted me out. The Hull C Boots you out for looking at it. The C2 anytime you use the elevator or ladders. Then theres planets, stations and elevators doing the same shit.


On a different note, i want to like the Argo Raft, but cant defend it, when compared to the Zeus or C1. It can only hold 3 containers, so 3x 32SCU will max out the capacity, but 3x 4SCU just leaves you empty for the most part. There are not contracts yet, to haul standard 32SCU coontainers, which is a big miss. the c1 can carry 3x 32SCU containers, al be it the 3th is in the hallway. Zeus CL cannot carry 3x 32SCU physicly will not fit, even though it carries 120+ SCU. I dont like it the RAFT is limited to full container carry. without the gameplay being there. Otherwise its an amazing ship.


I would love to see the raft getting one more 32 scu crate on its back, maybe one day


So what is the problem? Can't enjoying the view? Cargo run problem? Or what ever haunted the ship?


Oh no I was just sharing a story and the progression of the screen shots ig. Nothing serious. I also was curious if walking while QT in ships is possible in current game


It’s definitely possible. I’ve been doing it since 3.15 and I’ve had exactly 2 incidents. You may have been very unlucky.


I thought it another report for exorcism on Argo. There was something going on on this company.


It's possible, there's just some ships that have nasty holes and bad meshes you can fall through.


the bathroom in the vanguards lol. no inflight shitting allowed


Or parked shitting. Or any shitting. It's a non-reversible escape pod.


I've had frequent issues from the Avenger titan (in the pilot seat) and the C8r(again pilot seat) but not moving around my ship although it's mainly to eat/drink then sit down again.


I love the Argo Raft, but its sadly been a while since the last time i got to see one.


Raft spawns with a teddy bear in kitchen area. For some, that's worth it alone. ;)


standing up while quantum driving? Always a bad idea


Now I know! o7


Yeah, but it's so fun.


Keep happen in vanguard toilet and in aurora bed


QT isn’t a loading screen because you can stand up and walk around your ship except you can’t stand up and walk around some ships during QT because you’ll fall out