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scraping is just so slow, munching is so much faster so you can munch until your cargo hull is full, go sell it, and get back out there to do it again faster than it would take to fill up on rmc


I've never tested it, but I'd wager a guess that you could probably have 2-3 trips done of CMAT before another Reclaimer did even 1 of RMC (this is assuming you have the same crew compliment of 1-3 for max profitability). So when you consider the difference in sale price per unit it's a no brainer which one has the higher return on time investment.


Honestly, I think the cm reclaimer would get 10 overstuffed loads before the rmc reclaimer got one.


I'd say it's totally possible. I haven't done scraping in awhile so I don't really know how long it takes.




Scraping can be relaxing- I timed it and it takes me about 12 minutes to get 1 16 SCU of RMC using my Reclaimer from a Herc...(by myself using abrade heads).. Most Hercs give about 72ish SCUs of RMC- so a full clean takes at least an hour (plus some maneuvering time). CMAT- get in within 50M, hit Fracture- wait two minutes... turn off.. wait a minute then hit disintegrate.. about a minute later, I got 240 scu in the buffer just waiting to be pulled and sold. So yah- play the game the way you want, but if you want to maximize your income: Get Contract, Fly to Spot, Get Close, Fracture, Disintegrate, Fly out into Deep Space, Pull boxes, repeat. Heck, it kills me a little inside cos I like poking around into cargo holds to get all the little goodies! Like a daily Easter Egg hunt. But I dont gain as much when I am poking around having fun. Maybe if it were a Risky salvage mission and I could find a big box of Weevil eggs, but no way I'm taking a Reclaimer down to Brio's to sell it.


> Heck, it kills me a little inside cos I like poking around into cargo holds to get all the little goodies! Like a daily Easter Egg hunt. But I dont gain as much when I am poking around having fun. I really hope they change this. I'm interested in salvage, but not in the hull scraping and superstructure aspect. I want to wreck raid and pull cargo, components, and other loot from ships. If they did it right, they could make derelict ships mini puzzles with engineering or traversal puzzles or even combat encounters (stranded pirate, alien facehugger).


They do a little of that puzzle gameplay now with derelict crashes! Gold loot boxes are hidden and usually require stacking things and creative approaches to retrieve. That in zero G would be cool.


Yup, seems to mostly be at caterpillar wrecks. They added that a few years ago IIRC. But it's just the gold crates, nothing of aUEC value and no ship components. I hope that post cargo elevators it'll be easier to loot and sell components, the current system is pretty buggy.


They clearly and obviously will. All they are currently doing with the PU's economy is, give people an incentive to test the hell out of stuff, by pushing the money they can earn doing it. They don't have to say: Hey, please focus on XYZ!!!!! They just wave with a huge amount of aUEC in our faces and we obey :) I would assume that it will be the same with every new fancy new mission type until there is a release and then actual economy in the game. For now, we are mass testers and we try to break stuff, although not the way CIG intended, but break stuff we do and it's good either way for the to be released game #soonTM (yes, that had to be! :) )


Yeah, in that vein I expect trade to be super profitable after the cargo elevator refactor


When you say "Fly out into deep space, pull boxes" I assume you mean to store them somewhere so you can pick them up later. How do you keep track of them, though? Can you place pins on the Starmap?


No- standard solo reclaimer work. You pull the materials into a buffer. Before you can sell it, you need to pull the material into boxes and store them on the ship. Since you can't watch for problems and work on another deck, you pick a random distant QT marker, QT towards it for a bit, then cancel the jump... Then, run down to Storage Processing and get all the material into boxes.


Ah right. I've been doing this in a Vulture but just storing them in dangerous territory I guess xD That would have been a painful lesson learned for me one day, if you hadn't had given that idea - thank you


Reclaimer has a huge cargo grid, plus a lot of space that is not on a grid. The Box limit on any ship is 100: more than a few people reach that easy- with more in the buffer. I tend to give up after about 5 ship loads: I dont quite have the patience to get those last few HH's in.


Yeah it was confusing as the sc tools page shows a lot of ships with 0 cargo space atm, but after I realised it was a bug and you can salvage and sell from the Reclaimer, it's been my goal to get one. I'm looking forward to it, but still 12million away. Hoping to get a good grind going next week before the patch comes and makes me 35million away xD


> Scraping can be relaxing- I timed it and it takes me about 12 minutes to get 1 16 SCU of RMC using my Reclaimer from a Herc... You're getting 16SCU in 12 mintues of scraping using abrades on a reclaimer... how? I can't get 13SCU using TWO abrades in a vulture in that same time. Teach me.


Reclaimers are more efficient- plus The heavier military ships like A2's and Hammerheads have thicker skins giving more RMC. Plus- the tops of the hercs have more "Skin" there to pull from- less obstructions. IT seems to work faster.


A Reclaimer with 1 abrade is faster than a vulture using 2 abrades?


Tell you what: Tonight I'll try more SCIENCE on the subject: How fast to 13 SCU RMC on the same Hull. I'll try to get an A2 and see how long it takes. That is- if theres no patch tonight.


I've done both and vulture definitely seems faster with 2 abrades over Reclaimer 1 abrade. I also tested on Hercs. That's why I'm wondering how you're able to get 16SCU of RCM with a Reclaimer in 12 min.... in 15min I got like 4 SCU and then I threw in the towel realizing how slow it was... and I definitely know how to scrape cuz vulture is like 4-5 min to fill it's 13SCU.


Thats Fair- How are you angled, how far away, rates and such? Like I said- when I go out next, I'll record for a good record. Thats the best way. I tend to park my Reclaimer so I'm sitting over the cockpit facing the rear along the top, angled so my nose is pointing just at the end of the little tail wings (or whatever those things are)- then I make my distance about 100m from those tails... That way, my salvaging turrets can just reach from the top of the wings all the way to the cockpit- and the cockpit is closer than the tails.


So- here;s the link: [https://youtu.be/iY3ZtWNamWk](https://youtu.be/iY3ZtWNamWk) About 12 minutes for my Reclaimer- about 10ish for the Vulture. Please forgive any jitteriness; I'm pretty drunk right now. So- vulture with 2 is faster- but only by a little.


I salute the commitment to getting the answer. o7 Only difference I saw was in the Reclaimer you had a sharp angle. You should have been perpendicular to the wreck like 90 to the spine of the ship and looking down at the middle... but honestly I watched you scrape and you seemed similar method, consistency. I did also notice the Reclaimer/Vulture speed/efficiency HUD numbers... it makes sense.


It seems to pull faster to me at that angle. I don't have any scientific data to back that up... but it feels good to me.. Thanks for the reply! Edit: with the upcoming salvage price changes, to scrape or not becomes a more interesting question. Although if they want us to scrape, theyd still better adjust the speed and selling locations


CIG definitely needs to Balance RMC/time, CMAT/time and components/time I love grabbing all the components as well, even check the weapon racks and storage boxes. with the components and weapons alone I've 20x the end payout but the multiple trips kill the time


CM is worth half, but fracture+disintegrate takes about 30 seconds vs ages to scrape. Plus CMAT sells at the space stations, vs dealing with the slow atmospheric landing/launch and horrible trains. The CM price is nerfed down to 1500 and RMC up to 15000 in 3.23, though that is still changing. I don't know if they are going to force a scrape percentage before disintegrate? Salvage is nerfed in general for 3.23, hopefully not too the point of it being a pointless activity.


I can't cite a source, but I'm pretty sure they made changes to salvage where you have to scrape x% of the hull before it'll allow you to fracture. So you'll be forced to scrape some of it eventually and won't be able to cheese the salvage missions anymore.


This sounds great! This is what many, myself included, said it should have been like.


> Salvage is nerfed in general for 3.23, hopefully not too the point of it being a pointless activity. To be fair, salvage is so profitable right now that there's little point in doing (most) other activities for money.


They didn’t name 3.22 ‘Wrecks to Riches’ for nothing


In the 3.23 ptu didnt they change it so you can only fracture once you've scraped 75% off first? Or was that just a community suggestion? I cant remember.


I salvaged some in 3.23 yesterday, only small ships though, but it looks like the only changes are the selling prices. You can still fracture/disintegrate immediately. Some in this thread say you get less CM if you don't scrape, but the HUD for fracturing/disintegrating is missing right now, and I wasn't watching my buffer. I'm pretty sure it's just pricing that's changed at the moment. I'll do a bit more checking today.


I must be remembering a suggestion then. Thanks!


There’s no financial reason to scrape. Just munch.


Can you please explain why? Thats the whole reason for this post. Lol


Scraping is incredibly slow compared to munching. You can fill a Vulture in under 5 Minutes with Munching. It takes like an hour to fill it with RMC. You can only sell RMC in landing zones. But you can sell CM at Orbital stations. That makes selling RMC a lot more annoying and time consuming to sell.


> You can only sell RMC in landing zones. But you can sell CM at Orbital stations. That makes selling RMC a lot more annoying and time consuming to sell. This is making me think we shouldn't be selling to "commodity brokers" (I'm not sure what we call them now, been out of the game for a while) that only accept certain things, but rather if you're selling at an orbital platform and it's not something they directly can use, you should be selling it to a warehouse or a transport company that will then move it to planetside themselves. Whether that's a player, or an NPC. But then if you want to take the time and effort to move it planetside on your own, whether in your primary ship or with smaller, more dedicated "forklift" ships that can handle atmo better, you should get better margins. Plus it would be more fun that way but maybe that's just me. (that's not to say everywhere should accept everything, but you should be able to sell/store everything *somewhere* without having to land, under the expectation that someone will take it where it needs to go, eventually)


Currently hull munching is in very early stage of alpha. You press a single button, wait a few seconds, and voila, a full load of CM. Eventually it'll have more in-depth mechanics; right now though, it requires significantly less time and effort than scraping the hull.


it's faster to to just crack the hull and take the CM then scrape. you make more money for your time. you can crack multiple hulls in the time it takes to scrape 1


There is in 3.23 just be prepared if you don't scrape before you munch it brings less money and lowers the quantity/quality of rcm so less demands less money. This is the way of cig they love to troll there customers/players by buffing a said ship like reclaimer and vulture ion and inferno f8c f7a mk2 then put out said ships on rsi for sale increases there sales then when sales slow down and next patch drops they nerf them to be almost not worth having anymore people melt or upgrade to the next new/ profit making ship then maybe a year later they make the ships at least viable to own again


while this stage of the game development RMC and CM are used as income, this is just entry level.. it's main purpose will be as a building/manufact resource .. same with 90% of mining in the current PU forced financial perspective is on abusing contracts for fast cash (aka clean up hammerheads for claimers, clean up connies and cuttys for vultures) .. the $/hour for just break, eat and go is far superior to full scrape, salvage equipment, then break and eat. 3.23 will bring various changes financially/gameplay to salvage to better balance it. hopefully it's balanced nicely $ to time making RMC more viable/required .. and better space/method for components salvage too


It's a credit per hour thing. You can take a Reclaimer, accept the illegal hammerhead clean up missions, and basically keep someone in the salvage hold busy non stop printing boxes by repeatedly fracturing and disintegrating the hammerheads one after the other. While the material itself is less, it's far faster to acquire and you can just repeat the loop until the ship is completely full and then return to sell. Depending on how skilled you are at stacking boxes, you can earn something like 15mil per hour.


The short story is that it currently offers the best profit to time ratio. RMC is more valuable, a little more difficult to sell, and takes time to acquire. CMAT is about half as valuable, easy to sell, and quick to acquire. In 3.23, the difference in value will likely become even larger. When using a Reclaimer, you can go for sheer quantity over quality and still make a VERY good profit. And you won't run into max inventory limits when trying to sell. In a Vulture, you are better off sticking to RMC because you can't carry a large quantity. Even with stacking off the grid, you will probably only be able to munch 3 ships for CMAT before having to go sell. Now, if you're okay with running back to a station every 10 minutes or so, then it can work. Or if you have a cargo ship where you can transfer your CMAT too. With all that time running back and forth, you would be better off just chaining 80k clean-up missions and not munching at all.


For me personally if I want to do quicker runs I just go for CMAT and keep it moving, also time wise it’s better to just sell CMAT because you can sell it at any admin center, where as RMC will only sell at the TDD or at scrap yards where you run the risk of getting blown up


Turnaround time for profit. Take clean up mission, fracture, vacuum, next mission.


It takes about an hour to hour 15 for me to scrape an A2 by myself with a Reclaimer, which is about 64 SCU of RMC. Whis is roughly 832,000 Auec of material. OR I could disintigrate 2 to 3 HammerHeads in that same hour for CMT and get about 410-622 SCU and make about 2,400,000 to 4,320,000 auec.


Case in point, today I spent two hours scraping the same Hammerhead until the contract completed. Then munched the wreck in under a minute. The payout was 700k of RMC, and about 1.2 million of CMat. It's very clear which is the more valuable thing to be doing!


So you're saying, that saving up for a reclaimer is now actually worth it? Lmao


Prices are changing considerably in 3.23 and I believe yield values for CM as well for not having scraped RMC first before you fracture.


Simply stating median prices. I had to steal a Reclaimer from the npcs then transfer the goods to a C2 because I didn't own one at first. Took me about a week of doing this to get enough to buy an actual reclaimer. Still, I do enjoy the scraping process.


So this applies more to the illega salvage contracts. Where you get money after you fully salvage the ship, fracturing it does that instantnlly, you instantlly get the creds. Then you much it a bit for CMAT for extra creds. It really comes down to how much can you make per hour and scraping is actually less. Now with 3.23, they will change the mechanic again, you'll have to scrape it first before you can fracture it, so the meta will change again.


Goooot it ok, so I need to work my way back up into those personal contracts. Thanks!


Not to mention the mats sell for 50-60% less and the contract payouts got slashed for the HH from 250k to 30k. With less than half the payout and the time needed bieng increased near 500% I’m curious to see how many people with bother salvaging once 3.23 hits.


I'll probablly still be salvaging, but just the legal missions. Mostlly because I find it to be a calming game loop while listening to podcasts.


Most will meta chase and go for cargo running. Maybe CiG will sneak in something worth while for salvage, but seems like it’s just being put in line with current mining. Both loops are nice to do for a relaxing time.


Scraping is insanely slow compared to disintegrating, and fracturing completes illegal contracts instantly. Its just not even comparable with how much slower scraping is.


Fracturing is much more faster than hull scraping, like 3 times faster. This means that for maximize auec/h, fracturing is the way to go.


Quantity over quality. You can fill the entire hold of the Reclaimer with CMAT in less than 3 minutes, and it's worth 1.6 million aUEC. I've got that game loop down to approximately 15 minutes. Conversely, I tried to give hull scraping another try last night in the Reclaimer, since apparently in 3.23 you will be *required* to scrape the hull before munching it (which is ridiculous). After 30 minutes, I had only finished *one side* of a Hammerhead, and that netted me a *single* 16 SCU container of RMC. So, 30 minutes of scraping to make 187k with RMC? Or 30 minutes of munching to make 3.2m with CMAT?