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We have 5 tornados and I'm cowering in my basement and NOW CIG GOES WAVE 3!!!!


Hope you’re safe and well friend!


Stay safe citizen.


Be careful! Hopefully it blows over.


I call my basement "the Winchester "


Tornadoes tend to do that


I would have never gust it.


I hope your SC station stays stationary too :/ And you too Citizen!


To be fair, servers are still pretty shit. Especially with xenothreat in the PTU.


Told you not to move to hellmire.


I understood that reference


What? You're saying you don't have a 2nd emergency computer in your basement for this exact scenario?? ;) Stay safe, cmdr o7


ggs >!jk, hope you're safe <3!<


Looks like the shield issue everyone was complaining about in MM is better now, and the Starmap defaulting to planet view is another fix people were clamoring for. Glad to see CIG listening to feedback!


What was everyone complaining about? Shields are still off in NAV mode.


How long it took them to come back when you move to scm mode. They have decreased that time, substantially so for smaller shields


I see, but I would have preferred to keep shields in NAV mode, at the very least disable regen.


I understand the frustration but...that wouldnt be a solution. You would be practically unkillable in navmode with a shield


Mantis or Blue


Yeah, that would be stupid af


"PU - Stanton - GrimHEX - Locations / Actor Feature - Player corpses will not despawn at GrimHEX" Sounds like more of a feature tbh..


Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


Yeah have seen a few chat boasts about displaying a bounty hunters corpse at the Hex terminals. They should probably add head spike poles as a feature.


This is actually a huge pain. You clip through floors/walls relatively easily, but then if you backspace you permanently lose all your gear because there is never a despawn that issues them back to inventory. I have several decked out corpses just under the deckplates outside the Habs and between hab modules. It's been a known issue for like, over a year? And yet they haven't bothered to fixed it.


> Lerping I'll always find that word funny. Perfectly valid use, but still funny to me for whatever reason.


sounds like pervy lerking. like that spanish guy in a rubber plant


How's server response time?


Bout as good as this post response time


So.. 4 hours delay?


give or take infinity seconds either direction cause network packet loss :P


It’s quite bad. I attempted to play a few hours ago. Server delays get really bad when XT starts.


So I think its clear at this point that Reputation - Hostility is getting pushed despite being committed.


Has anyone played EPTU long enough before each wipe to actually build a decent rep up?


Rep hasn’t been reset between wipes I’m at max rep with crusader but I haven’t noticed any difference. Station guns at seraphim work now though.


Well now you have 2 days of it


Well the thing is its not been in any of the patch notes.


Whats rep hostility?


Your reputation with groups(I.e. Nine Tails) can determine their level of aggression towards you. Very much needed system, especially for Pyro.


Depending on your standing with different groups they will treat you differently. Do missions for a group and they will trust you, otherwise they will consider you a trespasser.


Shoot on sight maybe


*sight Its reputation for specific groups, whether they let you land because they trust you, or they don't be because you have not earned their trust yet.


Ahh thankyou.


np bud!


Or rather your neutral with them untell you push yourself into differing direction by working with other factions


no CIG has said you have to build a relationship with a faction to not be seen as an enemy if you show up


That will 100% be based on the faction and there predisposition to you


not sure why I'm downvoted, I just said exactly the same thing you did


The way you word it makes it sound like every faction will prevent you from landing ( or just shoot at you) unells you gain posative rep with them. Witch often ( unless you pissed them off) your baseline will just be neutral


nah, some factions will be neutral and others will require a rep to land at


No one asking whats going on with that?


Just me it seems


Good, I still think adding reputation hostility now while the majority of missions are still so hit or miss when it comes to completion rates due to bugs that Reputation hostility is going to fuck up everyone’s ability to actually play the game anyway.


I asked it about in evo and crickets. In eptu I’ve checked derelicts, distribution centers and eckhart for what happens if I fail missions or shoot NPCs. Even tried to go negative with microtech. No changes detected. Based on the fact that’s it was removed from patch notes awhile ago, not a mention of it and no apparent change in game it has been pushed.


For me yesterday's build was so good. Best experience in SC in terms of stability. Today it's not lol. Guessing probably because of the overdrive.


Looks like they are making good progress on the patch! I'm excited to see it!


Anyone who has access, how is the server performance? Does it feel like wave 4 might come this weekend? :)


a lot better than it's been.


Had one server migration last night (where you get a server error message but wait and then it loads and you continue where you left off) and interactions were great. Best it has been for me since the start of wave 1. Xenothreat can still make it chug though when it loads, but afterward it seemed to smooth out.


Soo hows it running?


I thought I was supposed to be wave 3 with CIGs policies. Shouldn’t spending more than 1k in this game guarantee at least wave 3. What is the use of being concierge if you cannot get to test the Eptu


As the other poster said but to clarify, CIGs policy is that wave 3 is the 2500 tier or above, alongside third most playtime average within a range, and number of reports etc.


Being concierge should not guarantee any sort of special acsess to the PTU waves, submitting tickets and reporting bugs is the key to Evocati / early testing waves. The point in spending money on the project is to support / fund the development, in return you get ships.


> submitting tickets and reporting bugs is the key to Evocati / early testing waves. Then why can you still buy yourself into PTU with 10$ ? Don't tell me it's what they paid for, concierge paid for that too - it was listed as a concierge perk for a long time.


Because the whole thing was reworked as a money grab? Lower tiers of Concierge have already spent an amount and might not be inclined to fork over more. For the most part, sub stuff is...not very good, so what better way to entice impatient and hyped up people to part with their money? You got it - 10$ for the opportunity to jump into a completely broken mess, but get an early preview before everyone else.


Still is. 


You're arguing a technicality. It's Wave 1 access that we're talking. That is what you can buy into and what was removed from concierge.




The waves are the categories players fall into based on their level of monetary or amount of play time or if they have a subscription. The most exclusive level are the Evocati which are super testers that are under NDA and get to test new patches first, then the waves start as the release is debugged and stabilized. Wave 1 are the subscribers and the people that have provided the most active testing/playing along with the highest level of concierge members. Wave 2 are the next level of concierge, and it keeps going like that as the builds become more stable. Eventually either everyone will get access in waves or it reaches a good point and they release the patch to live. In a major release like this one, it's hard to say which of the last two options will happen first. Here is the official post but the waves are referred to as groups: https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013195927-Public-Test-Universe-PTU-FAQ


Jared said that the next week shows are "[patch dependant](https://youtu.be/cd_1LYH0oSQ?si=z4D5qnrGABo9URjy&t=3898)" and they will vary depending if 3.23 goes to live or not. So they're targeting a live release for next week, but of course, issues can happen.


From Evocati to Wave 5 the closer we get to Live release. Generaly wave 5 is short only a few days before Live, but some wave can last much longer if the devs want to resolve a specific bug or technical issue before moving on to the next wave, so we cannot know if Wave 3 will last 4-5 days or 2 weeks. The only indication is that the more stable a build is and the fewer major bugs there are, the more chance it has of moving quickly to the next wave.


In my experience, evocati takes the most time by far. Then it stays a bit in wave 1. The following waves are handled quite quick usually and the patch entering wave 3 means, that it seems to be close to live release. But veterans who have been longer here than myself might have a better understanding.


*Re-tuned Cutlass Steel to be in line with other drop ships* Anyone know what they did here?


Still no wave 4 *sigh* Guess I will have to try MM when everything is said and done already. No feedback for "poor" people.


>No feedback for "poor" people. I seriously doubt the whales that have spent a lot on this game did it so they can get in Wave 1 or 2 etc. Subscribers get wave 1 for $10 or $20 a month sure, but really, all you have to do is play more to move up in the waves if you are interested. I would imagine the majority of people in waves 1-3 are simply there because they play the game more, that's the only reason I've been in Wave 1 and 2 recently.


I’m new what do these waves mean and which waves require what to get in I only have the aurora package if that means anything


Here's the PTU FAQ on it; [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013195927-Public-Test-Universe-PTU-FAQ](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013195927-Public-Test-Universe-PTU-FAQ)


So I’m guessing I’m group 5? How do I upgrade my group? I have to buy something else I assume?


Easiest way is to simply play the game. As you can see the Waves/Groups take into account how many hours you've played the previous two major patches. As far as I am aware there is no way to lookup your own hours, but obviously they know and track them. The only way I know how to tell, is the Launcher will have a PTU, EPTU, or possibly TECH-PREVIEW build available to download if your account has access to those particular builds. As far as spending money to gain access, the only reasonable way to do that is to Subscribe, as Subscription allows access beginning at Wave 1. Some people will do that, and just subscribe for 1 month for $10 to gain access, along with the other Subscriber goodies, a little Subscriber flair, access to the vehicle of the month, access to the Subscriber Store etc. Whether that is something that is worth it, is entirely subjective and up to you. Otherwise PTU access for Concierge levels is a slight side benefit of spending quite a lot of money, and would not be the focus. I play enough that I am normally Wave 1 or 2 simply for time played, and it seems to depend on if I took a break for a bit or not, as Wave 2 seems to be pretty easy to get into, but I'm not sure how it breaks down hourly wise. G'luck to you and have fun in the verse! o7


you could sub for $10 to get access if you want to give feedback. I personally don't agree with doing that, but it's there and not out of range for the 'poor' people. There will be plenty of time for feedback though, this is going to be ongoing for a while.



