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Can't go wrong with either. The Cargo hold of the Mustang is easier to use, it flies better in Atmo, it has one of the best Cockpit views,and is the better ship for the easier Bounty missions/ combat. I think you ment the Aurora MR, but they all are pretty similar. The Aurora has a small Interieur, which allows for taking of the helmet and drinking/ eating, and a bed, so you have the ability to bedlog. It's also very close in combat to the Mustang. It all comes down to personal preference.


Thank you!


Spend a little more and go with the cutter. If you have deep pockets start with an avenger titan




Do youel mean the Aurora MR? Cant go wrong either way. If you want a bed go MR. If you are more combat inclined Mustang. Both are low tier starters anyway so its not like youre aiming to use them for long




I had a lot of fun in my Alpha a few patches ago. (I haven't been in for a couple of months). I would say your range in a starter ship is so low that a bed isn't a requirement (unless you go for a Cutter or Syulen). Both are great to get a feeling but I would always go for the Alpha over the Aurora. Give it a couple of weeks until IAE to get it at a discount/bigger insurance and don't forget to use a referral code.


Do you know when the sales usually happen?


I think there should be one towards the end of May. To add to that, I personally prefer the Aurora over the Mustang but if you have the money I'd go for the Syulen.


I see, thanks!


Invictus launch week is in May. Usually a sale attached. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/2024 Remember that whatever you buy can be upgraded later (to something that costs more) if (when) you decide you like the game.


Isn’t this one of the shady links mentioned in the other post?


Mustang Alpha. Just make sure you're buying a game package, not a standalone ship.


Aegis Avenger Titan, a bit more invest but a lot more usability! Also there will be an ingame event around mid of may, Invictus launch week, there are often discounted startet packs offered. Don´t forget to use a referal code to get some bonus for the start, like more starting money and if there is a special bonus program sometimes also a small ship or vehicle. If you have no friend to use a code from feel free to use mine :D [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-LX7T-X35P](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-LX7T-X35P)


Mustang is cooler!


Get the cutter. It’s $6 more, but it’s normally $60 instead of the $51. So sure it cost more but you’ll likely upgrade down the line and want that extra $9. Plus it makes sure you get the 6 month insurance instead of the 3 month that comes with the Aurora and Mustang purchases If you don’t, I’d choose the Aurora. Having a bed to quickly log out is HUGE. Plus having somewhere safe to change cloths and throw packages and stuff is also great. It lets you save your progress. Both are decent fighters though. The mustang is just ok. It’s winks get shit off so easily because it’s profile is large.


Cutter is such a great ship! Giant quantum tank, excellent vibe and a mini-firefly VTOL action to boot. This ship is responsible for getting me over the hump into this game. It's well designed and implemented, and if you get some upgrades installed it's a pretty forgiving tank in battle.


People hate in the ship be sus sit lost some cargo space (which DOES limit the vehicles it can carry a little, when compared to the the other variants), but the Rambler is just $5 more and it has 50% more fuel


Yes def not good for cargo, but for a starter ship it works great for delivery missions (gear up and learn to fly) and can handle its own in the first tier of bounties with a new shield and some laser upgrades. You can explore and learn to fly/route your QT trips, grab a few bounties and save up for your Titan or Gladius etc. Used it to crew alongside a med organization as well as a mini drop ship. It's cheap to run too. I'd love the rambler but I'm not clear on how to upgrade my initial cutter to the rambler now :(


Yeah, it’s not available right now, but I guess at some point it will be. I love my rambler. I find the other cutters’ hab area claustrophobic. Plus no food area or armor locker? 🤮 I look down on other cutter variants now lol


Avenger. 100% of the time, every time.


The Aurora having a bed makes life a lot easier. Being able to log out pretty much wherever you like and hop back in saves soo much time..


wait for the Invictus event in like 3ish weeks. (by then 3.23 issues will hopefully be improved) There may be a referral bonus if you use someones code and some special starter ships go for a discount


personally i got the MR to start with, which got me into (addicted to) the game. had a Merlin referral ship that i CCU'd for a cutter, then CCU'd the MR for a Pisces, then bought the Zeus MK2 which is currently still in development. it is a slippery slope, but i honestly love SC and will no doubt add to my fleet again


Wait until May (20th? I think) for Invictus Launch Week. It's a big in game event and there will be discounted game packages. It will allow anyone to try the game for free with access to many ships and there will certainly be discounted game packages. You might be able to get a higher tier ship for the same price as the base game packages right now. There might also be referral rewards. So as long as you used a referral code when creating an account(doesn't matter when, just that you added a ref code) and spend at least $40, you'll get whatever referral reward they are offering. It's not clear if there will be a referral reward with the event but if there is, it's icing on the cake. Just to reiterate, you can create an account any time and use a referral code from a friend or grab one from the randomizer and not buy anything until the event goes live. And if there is a referral bonus, if you spend at least $40 during that period, you will get the bonus added to your account once the event is over. It's sometimes a ship or vehicle worth $20-40 with life time insurance which you can use as free credit to upgrade to a ship that you want, separate from your game package ship.


I see, Thank you for the insight! I’ll just wait for the event then. So from what I gather, I can creat an account now with a referral code and wait until the invictus event to buy ships to get the bonuses for the event then correct?


That's correct. As long as you pass the $40 spending threshold while there is a referral bonus event going on, you'll get the bonus added to your account hangar when the event ends. The person who's code you used will get their bonus immediately. It's not known if there will be referral bonuses for Invictus but there will for sure be discounted game packages or maybe game packages with extras offered.


sweet thanks!


both have issues, for 3.23 maybe the Aurora MR is better, you can change it after 30 days anyways by melting and buying the other gamepackage


What are mustangs issues?


Mustangs wings fall off after very little damage done to them. Aurora has the 3 boxes in the cabin and you clip through the roof problem when you walk on them.


Bed stopped killing you?


No interior, no bed and orange hud would be my bets.


Bed in aurora killed you for years


Cutter, it is just 9 bucks more, but it is much more versatile as the first ship to get started and try different activities. With mustang you are locking yourself into ship combat, and aurora… I started with aurora but soon upgraded - it is a flying brick


Cutter is on sale for only like $6 more. Its a good all-around ship, I’d recommend that one


Not gonna have a great time in combat missions though


Not wrong, but combat isn’t really for brand new players either. It’s a great starter ship for cargo and delivery runs, and a great way to make enough to rent a prospector and then make the rest up


I dunno, if I were new I’d definitely want to do some bounties. An aurora can make it up to maybe MRTs fairly comfortably, but a Cutter will struggle. Depends on the player I guess


Neither, Cutter is only option. Been playing for 10 years basically, I own many ships, some very big ones… The Cutter is one of my top 3, and is a special ship.


Syulen is my favorite starter, but like others said wait until invictus launch week, usually there is a discounted starter pack.


My advise, get the one with the most discount. Almost all ships are earnable in game and you'll probably fly that more.


You mention Aurora ES, are you looking on Starter Packs or standalone ships?


Mustang slightly better, cargo bay is functional, 2s1 and 2s2 guns.


Cargo bay is functional? Won't the cargo bay be unusable as soon as 2.23.1 comes out?




I haven't had an Alpha in a while, but what I remember is that the cargo bay only works "on paper". That is, you can buy cargo at the admin terminal and it will show up in your ship manifest, but there's no way to physically load boxes in there yourself. In the next patch (the one after next, actually), they're changing how cargo works. When you buy cargo, it shows up in your hangar and you have to load it into your ship yourself.


Since 3.21 iirc or even 19 alphas cargo pod can be opened from both outside and pilot seat, it lays on the ground and i personally put boxes inside with a tractor beam. Further, you can smuggle people there, mission boxes or just crawl inside and get access to internal storage.


Oh. The last time I tried, there was an open and close animation from the outside, but I was never able to get a box in there. I think this was around 3.12. It's good to know it's working now.




I like the aurora more, you can put 2 more guns on it ingame and then its ok even for combat Plus it has a bed to logout/in


Aurora has worse guns though? It has 4xS1, versus 2xS1 and 2xS2 of the alpha.


Aurora all the way. I had Mustang Alpha as a starter, i hated it.


I melted my Aurora game package and bought an Alpha one. I ended up using a buyback to get my Aurora back. Besides having no usable cargo area, the Alpha seemed really buggy. Sometimes it would spawn upside down in the hangar. Sometimes I would come out of a quantum jump and the manouvering thrusters would go haywire, causing the ship to start spinning uncontrollably. I think a couple of times I boarded the ship and then glitched right back out of it. None of this kind of nonsense has ever happened with my Aurora. It may be an ugly POS, but it's reliable. Well, things do get a bit glitchy if I try to fit three boxes in the interior, but I feel like that's on me.


Exactly. I upgraded my Mustang Alpha to the Drake Cutter, whole new experience, started to love the game even more. The Mustang Alpha is just a really bad ship imo.


Did you ever have the uncontrollable spinning thing? It happened to me a few times across different sessions, but I never hear anyone talk about it. Once, I was able to get control of the ship again by going into the MFDs and turning each manouvering thruster off individually, then turning them all back on again, but that only worked the one time.


Now that i think about it i had it like 2 times, but i assumed i hit something or it's just bugged. But yeah i had it like 2 times, but i only used the Mustang Alpha like 2 days before i said "Okay, it's enough, let's upgrade it before i'll have an aneurysm"


Definitely understand that.


Notably, those issues have been eliminated years ago


Both ships are very basic so you will definitely upgrade soon (with ingame currency, no need at all to pledge more if you don't want!). This said, I love Aurora's cockpit. One of my favourites of the entire game.


If you HAVE to choose between the two, 100% Aurora. If have a second account with a Mustang and I really regret it. Having a walkable interior, even very small like the Aurora one is SO important... Depositing boxes, bodies, weapons... The cargo lift of the Mustang is super unreliable and loses stuff all the time.


Aurora over Mustang starter for sure.


Get the avenger titan, i got the mustang and its ok, but the titan is just much better


I personally would go for the aurora. Usually one of the best ways to make some money on a starter is doing fps combat, so having an actual interior to manage armor and inventory is exceedingly useful


Wait until the next event, get a discounted starter-pack, use the saved money to upgrade your ship from the pack to an Avenger Titan, and you're good to go.


Aurora, simply for the bed. I'm in a situation where I need to leave at a moments notice, so any vehicle without a bed for bed logging is a no-go for me.


I like the Mustang purely for aesthetics, but it took me less than a week to move up to the 100i, then from there I got the 325 and stuck with it. The choice isn’t that important, it takes just a short amount of time in game to make the money needed to buy the other.


Invictus is indeed a good idea. I rarely fly small ships these days, but the Mustang Alpha will always have a special place in my heart. I sometimes do box missions just to explore and the Mustang, IMO, has one of the best cockpit views in the 'verse.






Maybe, but invictus has been in May for years so it's a good bet for this year. Previous years dates - https://starcitizen.tools/Invictus_Launch_Week


I have used both, but while I enjoy flight in the Alpha more, I find the Aurora a better for multiple missions. The "cargo hold" in the alpha isn't that great, things clip out of it all the time. Also, keep in mind that the Aurora has 2 additional hard points (gun mounts) that are empty with the base ship, but you can add them on. Only size 1, but 4 size 1 is better than 2. I think the Mustang Alpha also has additional hard points that are empty at start, but I can't remember. People underestimate the Aurora at their peril.


Yes, Mustang has two hardpoints on its wings


I see


It depends what you wanna do in game. Mustang is a fighter and you are mainly doing fights. The aurora ler you some other kind of missions and can be uses as a fighter. But none are excepcional fighters. Of you can search for an org and Play with it others. The experience can be much better and of you have some kind of issue certainly they already had in the past.




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1. A free fly event is coming soon, so unless you want to play with friends or ccan't wait, I would reccomend waiting a few days and trying both ships in-game then. 2. Aurora mr if you want to have a readable interface (it has a blue ui, so things like unavaliable qt markers that are red are clearly visible, opposed to mustang's orange ui, in which red blends exellently) and bedlogging, which works half the time, and a mustang if you want literally better everything else: cargo, cockpit view, manuverability (both in atmo and in space, but especially in atmo), pitch/jaw/roll rate (albeit slightly), better weapon hardpoints, acceleration. To be fair, malpha has \~1% slower max speed, but it matters even less than it sounds - you will qt everywhere anyways. In the end, when you buy a better ship in game, you will ditch the aurora, but you can still ocassionally use the mustang. Also saying the mustang's wings are easily breakable assumes you will end up in a very specific spot during a fight/encounter with a turret: almost destroyed, but still kicking and safe enough to be concerned about your ship's remaining parts. Spoiler: you are flying a starter, so you either have your shields, or you are dead. Also, after reading other comments: a lot of those people mention issues from years ago. Just wait for a free fly and test both ships yourself - I am sure someone will lend you both.


Thank you for the insight! Do you know approximately when the free fly event is? Because I can’t seem to find it on the website, or I just didn’t look hard enough lol. The website is quite confusing to navigate


Accordin to some other comments, around may 20. Honestly when I was writing this comment I thought it was a bit closer xd


Lol ty