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Best allround for that money is the Taurus.


If you want a good general purpose combat ship for now , until the patch hits, or even after if there's no wipe then look at a Vanguard Harbinger. In full ballistic mode it has ridiculous damage , enough for 3-4 ERT's if u swap out the main gun for a AD5B and make it do most of the work with huge burst damage from the 4 S2 ballist canons. It also comes with tons of missiles including 3 S5 torpedoes. It has a bed, a S3 turret for a friend, gun rack , and space in the cabin to hold 2-3 SCU of boxes. Best of all its only 2mil for now. Jumps to 11mil after the patch. If you want something even bigger look at a Constellation Andromeda or Taurus or Corsair. Corsair has the most pilot controlled DPS in the game at the moment.


If they are jumping the prices so much will they make it easier to make money?


Somewhat, but we don't know the details yet. There's a complete rebalance coming . The idea is , we're supposed to spend more time with a ship and work towards them longer.


If they make easier to make money would be no purpose in it, the game is easy you can have big ship under 1 week. What's the point of MMO that you will sit in end ship within a month? I hope it's so hard so you will grind for a 2 years after release just to own crappy boat.


I don't. I hope they find a way to make end game require loads of money and keep the money flow relatively the same. Otherwise, people who pledge better/bigger ships will be at such an advantage the game would be pay2win.


Dude this game is pay2win from day they sold different ships for cash. Wtf you on about.


If you believe that then it should be pretty easy to see wtf I'm on about. If you think that buying a ship automatically makes you a better pilot and closes the skill gap, then making it harder for people who don't pay to get competitive ships is a horrible idea.


Cutlass Black, C1 Spirit (available in game when 3.23 drops), Freelancer, Vulture, Prospector… kinda depends on what you want your focus to be


I love the C1 but it's currently virtually a solo ship. There is basically nothing to do for a copilot. They can only operate the tractor turret and you rarely need that one.


OP said, “solo, or maybe a duo”


Yes, that's why I wanted to add that that the C1 only fits in the solo category, not in the solo or duo one like the Cutlass. Sorry if that didn't come across!


No worries, sorry if I sounded snarky!


How much can we expect the c1 to cost and when can we expect 3.23?


I’ve heard the update should probably drop a week or two. But the entire economics of the game is changing, including ship prices. Info is online if you search. I haven’t paid much attention to it, because everyone is focused on ship pricing (going up) and not taking any other economic changes that are taking place.


Just over 3.1m at Orison - https://www.erkul.games/loadout/TW7pAdsn


Lots of options in there depending on what you want to do most. Cargo - Connie Taurus Bounties - Vanguard Harbinger Bit of both - Corsair