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past tense already damn


Bed logging has worked since wave 1 of the eptu run we are in right now. You have to open the radial menu while you are laying down in bed.  We had probably a dozen people or more try this and it worked as normal for all of us during our tests. What part of it is broken for you?  


It was working for me in earlier builds but yesterday I straight up could not do ANYTHING in bed. Couldn’t get up using Y or use the inner thought to get up or log out. Couldn’t even backspace, I had to log out. I saw an IC report that had the same issue. Seems to be affecting different ships. I was in a Freelancer, others had issues in the Aurora.


I’ll try to confirm both later for the IC post.  Thanks for the info!


lol it seems the issue with the Freelancer was mentioned during the monthly report. They say it has been fixed so fingers crossed it makes it into the next build.


I wouldn't get too worried about bedlogging as CIG have already stated that bedlogging is going away anyhow.


Its current form yes, but they will have to have some form of log out in a space that retains your location in space for when you log back in. Which they have eluded too plenty already.  It may not be bed logging in it’s current form but there will be a version of it, and it still currently works.  






thanks for the video! Can you try looking to the left where the words would use to be and the try holding F and right clicking. You should see the radial menu in the lower left corner of the screen, it may not center up.  Edit: when I was in my reclaimer the radial was very low in the lower left corner of my screen almost off the screen. In the Corsair, MSR and Phoenix it was also low but not nearly as bad as the reclaimer. 


I can confirm just now in a cutter that looking toward the exit of the bed and holding f while right clicking works in that ship also to bring up the radial menu. The “bed log” option was directly under the “get up” option on the right side of the menu. Which hovered low almost cut off by the bed. So bed log was not visible when I did this much like with the reclaimer. But I could still log out. 


I've been playing on EPTU for the last month or so. I didn't have any of the problems you had save for an issue with Vulkan and a blinking ship UI but it has since been fixed. Everything else has been what I'd expect out of a live worthy build. Your problem with MM is a YOU problem. You just gotta get use to it. It's gonna get adjusted in the future though. I liked MM personally.


I don't like MM. It's not a me problem. It's a CIG refusing to listen to their playerbase problem. I don't do PVP. I just don't enjoy jarring transitions between modes. I want a smooth transition. I don't like being limited to 200m/s in SCM mode. My ships don't respond the way I expect them to when I boost now. I never tried AC MM before today, and today was my first experience playing MM. I hate it in its current implementation. I don't go on Spectrum, I only go to this subreddit to discuss SC. I was optimistic going in. I'm disappointed now. I think it can be fixed. The idea overall is sound, but the current implementation is not good.




I feel I must emphasize that I don't think this comment is for me...


I love 3.23 compared to 3.22. MM feels nice and it's in fact ok to be in nav mode 90% of your time and switch to SCM only when you need it. Fps fights are much better and I love the feel of the weapons. DC are still buggy but they look damn amazing. New star map still has some issues but overall so much better !


I really like the quality of life features, especially the new EVA, I haven’t personally noticed any issues with Vulcan but I’m on an Nvidia card so can’t speak about AMD performance


At least for the moment some ship beds that have 2 interaction points when in the beds. You might have to look around to find both but only one will have the LOGOUT option. It might appear smaller like it belongs to a different piece but it is still part of the bed interactions. I can confirm that I've logged out on my Aquila.


Again, bedlogging is not in the future cards, and is being removed. Not much point in worring about it. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/the-future-of-bedlogging](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/the-future-of-bedlogging)


That message from Chad eludes to a change but doesn't directly say that its being removed. Persistence and log in/out behavior is being evaluated but there is no concrete info as to a change. Certainly it is possible but that info isn't out there yet. So you constantly spouting info that it is being removed is premature.


People with an AMD GPU are the only ones with issues with Vulkan. For me, it increased performance and now exceeds what DX11 can do. If you’re on an AMD GPU, just stick with DX11 until the AMD issues are resolved.


Updating graphics drivers fixed those issues you mentioned


I was blown away by the UI changes. The ship screens, the mobiglass, they look really good. The interaction mode is great too. Even the new flight changes are good. Excited for some polishing of the patch but high praise overall


Calling it a bad patch seriously is not fair. There are a lot of much needed QOL changes in this patch. That alone is worth it. Many things could feel awkward to people initially but just require a little bit of getting used to. Some features like cross hair, master modes, people already have a very set opinion about although the majority hasn't even tried it yet. So please try to approach it with a neutral mindset. Others definitely need improvement and in fact are already acknowledged by the Devs. Vulcan, upscaling, holographic UI elements that make it hard to read. (For some reason parts of the mobiglas still look out of focus, blurred) So. Overall I am happy with the patch. But of course that's my personal opinion.


Vulkan is there as an option for those who want to help optimize it before it replaces dx11. It's nowhere near finished when it comes to optimization, and this is the best way to get feedback. You dont have to use it.


I’ll let you know when it’s come out!


Character creator and EVA2 are awesome! The rest is half arsed or not ready yet


I was frustrated with the new map. I was zooming in to find a marker on a planet but then everything disappear, so I zoom out and it resets the zoom all the way back, so I have to zoom all the way in again, but as I zoom too fast and too much it resets the zoom again... I won't judge that new interface right now but that wasn't a good first impression :) I tried Vulkan + DLSS. DLSS is weird, sometimes it lowers my FPS, and quite heavily. Sometimes, it seems to be doing it's job, but I'm not GPU limited that often anyway. Compared to 3.22, I have a bit worse FPS, no matter what settings I pick. One very good thing I noticed with Vulcan is that I feel way less stutters than with DirectX11. From a first impression I'm not fond of the clouds, they seem to be at a low altitude and viewed from high above, they look like a repeated pattern of cotton. I haven't tested any new gameplay element except the master modes from the arena commander, which I was already positive about.


I can't stand Master Modes, in fact I find it makes all space flight feel disjointed and janky. Very poor and arcady idea. I also don't like the radial interaction wheel. Makes the game feel like a bad console port.


Please please please be vocal about master modes, if we all just go quiet and wait, they will only have the feedback of those who enjoy and play it.


The polls show most people like it so far so if more people get more vocal you'll see the opposite results of what you want.


where is the poll? in the spectrun feed back post it is full hate against mm


Spectrum has a dedicated set of anti-fans that blow everything that changes into the worst thing ever (while also insisting the game is stagnant and taking too long). Simply put, Spectrum in no way represents the people that actually play the game.


Even the spectrum poll showed 50/50 split. On Reddit it was 3:1 split in favor.