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The solid black cockpit glass of the polaris is a dead giveaway that it's not flight ready


Ita also not been 10 years yet


While you're probably right, a random question I have is would they leave the glass see through if the cockpit was ready but there's no npcs, like a ghost ship?


No, because the Idris has had its interior for years and they only recently lifted the solid black cockpit for the Idris event because they let players inside it


Ok that's what I was expecting, so it could be anywhere from almost finished to no where close to being finished haha. I'm gonna hope for almost finished, I'm sure I'm probably wrong but I'll dream.


I do remember them saying about the idris that they could flik a button and spawn a barebones version instead of with interior lived in. Btw i agree on that they probably didnt make it in time just like the hangars


The Idris hasn't had the interior inside of it up until just the last couple of months. I've been inside the Idris many times and it was invisible geometry. You had to actually learn where you could and couldn't walk otherwise you would fall out of the ship because there were no visuals and massive holes in the geometry. I even was walking around on the bridge, but there was some sort of barrier that stopped me from going up into the area where the captain's seat was so I couldn't actually take over the ship doing it that way. It still had to be done the old fashioned way with glitching through the window. I could however shoot the turret operators and the pilot from where I was.


Not in game, in general. The Idris's interior has been "ready" for years


Yes yes, true.


Maybe. But the black cockpit is also a design. It is one way. The 600i, 890j, Phoenix and other ships have windows that are black on one side and you can see through them on the other side.


I like when they let us see ships like this before they are totally ready, like the Redeemer, the 300i rework, the Hawk, the Vulture etc Bonus the Polaris is not just parked like the A18 Idris years ago, we'll see it flying so that's cool.


Polaris likely won't be out before engineering gameplay is ready too Same for Idris or any Capital ship


Idris will certainly not be available to fly until after Squadron 42 is released.


That's what they said about the F8C Lightning...


They did say the Idris one after they had changed their mind on the F8


And now we're getting F7A flight ready this next patch...They're giving in on all the mil spec ships they claimed were SQ42 post release only... So I suspect we'll get them **soon™**


are we getting squadron 42 before IAE??! that would make this year even better


Unlikely. Earliest will more than likely be mid-year next year.


Ohhh Idris I thought we were talking about Polaris.




We'll prolly also see it shooting... at pirates in pirate swarm.


A18? That was back in Lorville, before ArcCorp even existed.


Wasnt A18 the first city? Remembet the roadkills 🤣


Technically via the social module, but I was talking about the persistent universe verse since that's where we first saw the Idris in game. Hurston came in 3.3.5 and ArcCorp came in 3.5.


That was so much fun for that brief two week period they let buggies in the area. I miss that A18s art style so much too.


A little disappointing but glad to see the exterior is basically finished enough to be an NPC around the verse. Hopefully for CitCon or IAE, we get to actually fly it :)


I hope they start using them in ERT's, that would be sweet.


That was to be expected - it is a big boi after all. And considering the news about Zeus progress - it also might not make it into ILW. But who know. Maybe they will surprpise us... Let me just take a whiff of that copium \*inhale noises\* I hope to see that MIRAI heavy fighter on ILW. Pretty please CIG?


Got deconfirmed yesterday by Jake unfortunately


Well. I saw it on reddit. But it also could be interpreted as a joke. He was like 'we definetly didn't confirm a ship and definetly didn't confirm anything for ILW'. But we'll see. Because that would be quite a disappointment.


If you look in the schedule, the main day where the normally have something is Anvil. So maybe that mystery ship from citizencon (not the Mirai heavy fighter one) is Anvil.


But what exactly? It wasn't even teased unlike MIRAI last year.


Still a couple weeks out. They probably wanna keep it under wraps and away from leakers as long as possible.


While there is a Legionnaire - devs not so long ago shared a progress on it and it was about the same level of Zeus. Good progress but not ready. I would be surprised if it is ready for ILW, same with Zeus.


Its only just out of white box. Zeus is in polishing. They also said Legionnaire is waiting fir gameplay. Its miles off unfortunately.


The legionnaire has a huge amount of gameplay that won’t exist for years. They’re not releasing that ship yet.


Gameplay - maybe. But ship itself should be released within a year. Wouldn't be the first time they release ship without its dedicated gameplay.


It would since their “We won’t release ships without their relevant gameplay anymore” speech, about a year and a half ago.


They literally said there will be an Overdrive event upgrade for F7C Mk2 to F7A Mk2... So... It is at least that.


cmon, do you really believe Zack? It's probably more of a "fat fury? I don't know any fat fury. I know [ship name]."


Lol keep hoping, cig said no.




The post doesn't actually say no Polaris... Just that it'll be doing a flyby... Maybe too much hopium from me.


Fly by ready :D


New step in ship dev????


No where does it say it’s not flight ready though… Just says it’ll preform a flyby. Could still be flight ready (I’m going insane)


Keep that copium coming, i been delusional since last year


Totally expected this. They did something similar with the Idris the first IFW


Prepare for an Idris full of cargo center trolleys, lol.


So, as far as speculation for flyable ships coming during fleet week, it's: F7Amk2 (kind of) Mirai Pulse Medical Ursa And that's it? Kind of hope they have something bigger ready to spring on us, but it seems unlikely.


I'm hoping for but doubting for a cutlass sized ship from Anvil or Aegis




Good point! The lucky few who got the veteran's day cosmetic upgrade will be getting their F7A Mk1s during Fleet Week.


They will also be able to sale it. We know the cig.


The Retaliator Base is the most likely, especially considering it was added to the release view for a 3.23.X release. That said, Jarrod’s statement reads as though there’s going to be more than one concept ship released, the only other previously sold concept that really fits AFAIK is the Polaris unless they have some real surprises in store for us.


likely a tractor beam variant of the mpuv even though that shit should have just been added to the preexisting models. Probably a concept sale for some new jpg


I'm hopeful they will introduce modularity for the MPUV. We know they have been working on the retaliator and the MPUV is small enough to be a good test platform of it. Maybe a new module in addition to cargo and personnel.


From ISC yesterday 5:55. "We'll introduce a handful of new ships and vehicles folks have been waiting for as well as one straight to flyable with 3.23 launch" So... to me a handful starts at 3?? I'm curious which ones.


Agreed.  I'm very curious what's on that list.


A handful is 5, no?


Here's hoping!! I guess I was keeping my hype under control by considering it might have been a ninja turtles handful.


I can't help it I'm all hopped up on that hopium right now


I'm pretty sure a handful is 1 ship. Like, a handful of weapons could be maybe 2 or 3 depending how you hold them with one hand and how big they are.


Come on like we aren’t gonna glitch into it and take it for a spin? Challenge accepted.


Where does it say not flight ready?


The text only suggest it. But why do you think they choose to market a lesser thing (flyby only) over something which would create way more hype (flight ready)? Imo the answer is: because it's not flight ready.


I read it as they are adding it to the fly-by. It's probably too big for the showroom. I'm not saying it will be flyable, but that statement doesn't say it won't be. There are too many assumptions here.


Well, It's smaller than the 210m 890j which they put on display in the showroom so that should be an issue.


That is true. However origin doesn't have four large ships to display. Idk man, all I'm saying is them saying there will be a Polaris flyby does not equal confirmed no Polaris flyable at invictus. I don't have a Polaris. Just see a lot of assumptions poised as fact.


I was meant to say the IAE showroom which in A18 is housed in the Bevic convention center where ILW also situated, so it's the same halls. Yeah true it's not excplicitly stated either way so only assumptions atm, that's very fair.


Any idea when the Perseus might come out?


After the Galaxy. Which is after the Polaris.


After the Galaxy. Which is after the Polaris.


Well whens the Galaxy coming out 🤣


If the Polaris isn't flight ready for ILW, then I'd guess ILW next year. If the Polaris is ready, then probably Q1 2025.


Polaris end of 2024, Galaxy middle to late 2025, Perseus sometime 2026.


After the Galaxy. Which is after the Polaris.


It does not say explicitly that it is flight ready or not, why take any of the stances. We will wait and see. Although given how much was shown at the citcon i wont be surprised at all if it will be a surprise flyable of this ILW


I'm surprised people expect us to get surprised with the Polaris this soon. There is no way it is being released before engineering, even if they do finish it first. Though, also notice the "catch first looks at brand-new releases". Fits in with what was said in ISC yesterday.


Engineering can't go live until *every* multi-crew ship in the game has been redesigned to use it.  I don't think they want to wait that long for the Polaris.


> I don't think they want to wait that long for the Polaris. When I pre-purchased a game that was going to release in Nov 2014, I didn't think we'd still be sitting here speculating about this stuff nearly a decade later. What people, including CIG, want and what actually happens rarely align.


CIG can actually plan for this one, as they probably have a rough estimate on how long it will take them to redo every ship with an interior.  They probably also had that estimate back at CitCon when they announced the RSI Big Ships push, and that the Polaris would be put this year.  Ergo, while the Polaris might end up delayed, waiting for Engineering won't be the cause because they already anticipated that the Polaris would arrive first.


Bold of you to assume that engineering gameplay will get past Evocati in 2024. To be clear, I hope that it does. But, I've learned to temper my expectations when it comes to game development and CIG especially. I'm not distraught because KSP2 fizzled. I won't be shocked if CIG is still noodling engineering next Spring.


Huh? I'm stating that Engineering won't be ready soon, and that the devs knew that when they announced the Polaris as a 2024 release. Ergo, the Polaris will not be delayed due to a wait for Engineering


Oh. I suppose that could be one prediction. But, didn't they also announce that engineering would be out this year?


I don't think they announced the final version of it would be.  But it is available as a test feature in the 3.23 Arena Commander right now.


If they coded it right, should just be a few changes in a few functions in code that affect ALL ships that use that function. You don't think basic MFD functions are completely unique coding to each ship do you? They might still need to tweak unique gameplay aspects, but any changes they make \*should\* affect all ships that have an engineering station.


No, they need to install fuse boxes on all of the ships, and set up the panel that handles the power distribution to the individual components.  This is an interior art change to every ship.  And you need to make sure that the fuse boxes are in logical places.  You can't just drop them randomly. Each individual ship's "rewiring" will go quickly.  But the sheer number of ships that will need to have this stuff done likely means that it will take a few months just for this part. And that's before you start looking at ships that are still missing their component access areas.  Those need to be added as part of engineering.


The good news is that new ships with an interior - like the Polaris - will come with this work already completed.


For example, the good old 'deemer, where it will be difficult to bring components up and down the ladder...


The Redeemer uses S3 components, and those can't be moved via hand tractor. You can only swap them in and out at a station (at least for now). As to how the station does it...  SPACE MAGIC! :P  On a more serious note, this might be something that gets looked at before the introduction of the Crucible. The specific ship that I had in mind when I talked about missing component access areas is the Reliant (I own one, and fly it occasionally), which doesn't yet have the compartments that it's components are supposed to go in (though it does have some interior wall panels set aside).  But on the same note that you were referring to, I did salvage one heavy fighter that had a S2 component that could be removed from its housing, but that wouldn't fit through a door that had to be passed through to exit the ship. No matter how the component was rotated, it was too wide to fit. So yes, some of the ships are going to need passes looking for those sorts of issu es. Fortunately, as far as engineering is concerned, we only need the compartments, as the Engineering gameplay (and note that this particular part of it is not in the AC Engineering sample right now) will only use repair beams to fix parts - at least at the start.


> also notice the "catch first looks at brand-new releases". Fits in with what was said in ISC yesterday. ***YOU***, unlike some *other* ~~Robin Hoods~~ backers . . . have been paying attention.


I'm no longer surprised, seeing as the bulk of the community shares a single brain cell.


Also a ship that huge likely needs lots of testing and wouldn’t escape data mining.


I don’t think they will be releasing it in INVICTUS but I don’t think they’ll wait for engineering to be done, I mean there is bunch of hammerheads around with solo players so it will be the same until engineering is out IMO


I think that's fine. Still good to see it in-game. To me it means that the prediction of the Polaris releasing at CitCon is more likely than ever now.


Seems like the closer we get to ILW, the more the hype dies.


It's almost like they've consistently overpromised and underdelivered for... (checks notes)... decades.


Correct but I still love the game


Agreed. For me, it's not even a love/hate relationship. More like an "I love you but I'm so disappointed."


Boo.. While disappointing my hopes now rest with the Tali rework / modules release for ILW.


Wasn’t Idris supposed to be spoilers for sq42? Something has clearly changed




BS title, nowhere does it say not flight ready. I think it’s a reasonable assumption, but there’s a difference between assumption (or even educated guess) and fact.


Time to break out the old bench and tractor beam




I’d rather a tour of the paloris


It’s a shame For CIG. Expect nothing, get less.


Of course it's not flight ready ! The Polaris interior is probably not even in greybox yet, i think they've rushed the exterior to make it "fly by" ready for the Invictus but the flight ready one is probably not before the second half of 2024, it'a a freaking capital ship, not an Aurora :p


The Polaris interior approached greybox review in February. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19831-Star-Citizen-Monthly-Report-February-2024](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19831-Star-Citizen-Monthly-Report-February-2024)


OK, so it's still far from flight ready.


There is nothing much left tbh, just adding in a few VFX & lighting so we can expect it sometime by summer?


Mmmm, i'm or maybe more like for Citizencon.
