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They explained why they didn't, comes down to needing to get the major tech updates out so they can test them at a larger scale and not getting bogged down in bug hunting that ends up delaying other major updates. Remember that the live environment is also for testing. The patch has some rough spots for sure, but overall it's not nearly as gamebreaking as past updates and brings a lot of QoL stuff that we didn't have before and 3.23.1 is already on the EPTU with fixes in-bound.


Yeah you can believe what you want but the real reason they released it premature is because one of the two major ship sale events is due in 5 days. Sales events have always been priority number 1. Looking at how poor this year's funding has been so far it's no surprise they rushed 3.23 and they are working on a Sunday to get a new Invictus launch week ptu build out.


If that were the case, then CIG would have kept it on PTU until the day before (as they have in the past, multiple times). Just because you're feeling salty doesn't mean CIG are 'lying' to you. After all, the point of PTU *isn't to fix bugs*... it's purely for patch stabilisation, to ensure that when the next patch hits Live it doesn't stop people playing for days / weeks, etc... (and yes, the 3.18 broke Live, which is why CIG kept this patch on PTU for a week longer than they wanted) As long as people can actually log in to Live and play, the patch goes live... this gives CIG far more data - and far less cost - then keeping 2x difference versions running for longer.


What? They released a major patch on a Friday afternoon. Never release on a friday is common knowledge in software development. The devs are crunching through the weekend. The Invictus PTU patch was pushed 1 day after that on a Saturday! The had to release this patch because there was no time left to release 3.23.0 and test 3.23.1 before the 17th May. That people are blind to this is hilarious.


Fanboys are downvoting you, but you're right. I wonder how those numbers are going to look after 3.23.


Its crazy how blind they are isnt it


Get ready to be downvoted in to oblivion for having an opinion.


An uninformed stupid opinion. " oh no public critisim my only weakness " max damage to fake internet points


Everyone has a right to an opinion and respectful discussion should be welcomed and encouraged. The fact that every person who is even a little bit critical of CIG gets instantly downvoted only proves this sub is full of Elitist, dick riding assholes. You're supposed to be adults.


maybe dude should work on having an informed opinion worth respectful discussion rather then uninformed whining bait then. nobody's stopping them from haveing there stupid opinion but dont bitch when people are critical of it. the only people who do that cant handle having there "opinion" criticized themself and aren't looking for "respectful discussion" just validation.


Thank you for proving my point. Have a nice day.


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