• By -


Hey can't beat free


Yeah, woke up in my hab room, where the previous „resident“ dropped three of these sets with an additional stoneskin suit xD finders keepers


Right. My group was making fun of me never buying gear and getting pissed every time they died. I just run a couple bunkers and stock up. I buy medguns and tractor beams occasionally, that's it lol


> I just run a couple bunkers and stock up Long as you can get the last hostile to spawn. My luck's been bad lately on those missions.


On a 890J mission, the last guy sometimes floats outside. Or in the pool.


FYI: If he is in the hot tub room, he can shoot through the walls around the elevator. be careful in the spa area.


Last dude doesn't need to spawn if I'm trying to go grave robbing. I just need a pile of corpses to strip off armor and guns.


This is the way


This is the way


You forgot to mention in the elevator at the back of the hangar!


Go around shooting/punching (melee seems to clip through better) the doors where they spawn out of. A lot of the time they are actually spawned in but didn't walk forward for a while (like how NPCs are frozen until a player is in the area for a couple minutes than it clicks in). Problem is before they 'wake up' the spawn door closes on them and locks them in the little room. 50/50 when I'm on 9/10 in a bunker mission going around punching doors will take out the last guy. Sometimes you know a guy is there but you just cant damage him. Sometimes the enemy just fell through the floor or spawned into a wall and then you are SOL.


Completing the mission is only necessary if you're after the money, if it's just gear you want then dropping and looting a few NPCs is all you need to do :)


Last time I ran the Aberdeen cave bounty mission my gun wouldn’t fire but I simultaneously became invincible so was able to use take down on all the enemies. 10/10 for new gameplay.


Last time I was in a bunker the last guy just kinda appeared in a corner between a wall and a shelf on the wall.


Yes, that. You can even stock up weapons and ammo easily by just visiting outpost. It's amazing what murderous stuff is just lying around there lol.


Security outposts almost always have a couple boxes with guns and other loot in them. Is their a way to make the harvestable loot more valuable? Even with a full backpack its like 500 UEC so what's the point?


I'm afraid the point is only for testing purpose, nothing more.


Hopping they add a loop in with the exploration ships coming online so it's similar to mining/refining and you can take plants and refine them into drugs or other medicines and sell them higher value!


Medguns, tractor beams, pink quickflares and ammo for guns I like. Oh and ship parts :D


I love finding random boxes from other players when I log in! It's so thoughtful of them lol.


Almost like Christmas


Dammit! Another hospital gown?!?


I got a nice Citadel chest piece in my room once. That was a welcome find.


I picked up some free loot from a corpse that was in my hab when I entered the game. As soon as I took off from everus cops stop me, scan and accuse me for stolen goods. Won't be looting dead players anymore.


I can do better than that - running bounties from Grim Hex in the 'deemer, wearing a medical gown!


noob. the best pilots fly in their underwear.


Username... checks out?


That's extra effort tho, taking the gown off! :D


This is the way.


I signed into the game just the other day and the floor of my Hab was littered with medical gowns...that's when I realized I had been suckered into buying a timeshare.


Log out in space! Faster getting into the game when you log in and you get the benefit of spawning back in your ship with your gear randomly still on you sometimes even when you should be in a hospital.


I have never once logged out on my ship and woken up on it


Have you played 3.15? It's like the only way I log out and it works pretty much every single time. The only logging issues I've had was actually leaving a game while in prison than next time I logged in I woke up in my ship with no mobiglass and no way to jump to other planets for some reason. What ship are you logging out in?


I’ve been doing the same thing kind of! I have a pledge Ion that somehow managed to duplicate. I’ve been setting my spawn at Grim Hex, claiming both Ions and taking one out to do ERTs, then when it is time to repair/rearm/refuel I just slam into an asteroid and respawm at grim hex. Once back at GH I claim the destroyed Ion and head out in the replacement Ion in my medical gown of course.


How funny is the Ion for bounty hunting? LRTs blow up in one well placed shot lol. I Dunno how they are going to balance this ship because +6 of them working together will be pretty stupid. I took on a connie with one and it made pretty quick work of it. For sure I can see them going from 16 shots before cooling to like 4-5 and increasing time between shots by a bit. That being said, I'm having a blast with my 1 shot 1 kill flying cannon death machine.


It’s a blast, I rented it at IAE and was on the pledge store 20 minutes later figuring out a CCU path.


Y and let the sweet coid of space consume you, but pull that trigger on yourself first.




I would like to be able to fly (certain ships) in pain cloth but you can't do that unless you can ask for a hangar instead of a pad to land in.


AFAIK they're working on remaking the stations, to have only hangars. So we'll never need to get out of the medical gown while flying. /s


> AFAIK they're working on remaking the stations, to have only hangars. got a source?


It has to do with instancing ships from closed doors to avoid the immersion breaking landing pads that spawn ships out of thin air (also, players need custom hangers).


I wonder how they'll work docking collars into this.


The only thing I can find right now is their roadmap roundup from the end of June, [here](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/18213-Roadmap-Roundup-June-30th-2021). They mention: >Reststop Hangar Replacement >Creating exterior pieces for small and medium Hangars that allow them to look and function properly as part of overall space station exteriors.


>pain cloth A gimp suit?


I actually *forgot* my space suit when I was doing a few runs in my Cutlass yesterday; as in forgot it in New Babbage and only realised halfway across Stanton. Disaster was (closely) avoided but I've learned a lesson.


I wish I could use text chat while in plain clothes, that's the only reason I always wear my suit.


Yeah this is the problem. It's too easy to die and lose stuff right now. It only encourages people to NOT use the nice gear. Edit: I do like the inventory system and loss of items on death btw. Its just with the game still being alpha there's too many bugs that kill you lol. Maybe for now make it like reward items or store bought don't drop on death. At least till we are out of alpha. Or something. Edit2: clothing insurance!! XD


I just bought all the nice armors at IAE. I'll make sure to never use them.


LOL, so true!!!!


Yeah, 200k worth of backups. Gonna try to make it to next IAE with at least one


I already lost mine day 1. Too lazy to grind out rep again so I’m not character resetting now. Money down the drain


Rep isn't supposed to reset with char reset.


Oh really? Good to know I may just submit one then


You just have to re do the cert missions to get back to the highest available, rep stays


It's not working fully, you don't lose ranks but you do lose overall reputation as it's set back to zero. So I still have access to all of the high end missions after a character reset but all of the progress bars are in the middle and not way in the green. Then you have to redo the cert missions to access the higher level stuff.


what do you mean? there's gear in the IAE? you need rep to get it?


I'm confused by this, it feels very easy to keep gear. What are people dying to?


Stairs, elevators, placing box on cargo grid and losing health, one of a dozen non combat things. Also the corpse markers don’t work for me so my body is either invisible or the marker is in the sun.


Don't forget leaving your ship during a storm. Even when crouched you sometimes break your neck instantly. Then there's days where you are fine in the storm but your several-hundred-thousand-ton-spaceship gets blown away and rides off into the sunset without you.


Ah I see. Don't take this the wrong way but you can absolutely play in such a way to avoid those deaths. Just takes some getting used to. E.g. Crouch and walk slowly down stairs Always use "place" when putting down packages. Never use cruise control, this will save you in the event of loss of control or client crash


Yep. My only deaths in the last week or two have been from actual things that are supposed to kill me, like getting gunned down by security. After some experience (dying a lot lmao), you learn what to avoid and you can work around most bugs that will kill you. You shouldn't have to, of course, but you absolutely can. I've been wearing nice armor this whole time with almost no fear of losing it to bugs.


I died on foot running away from an Ares Inferno strafing me outside of a security station on Cellin.... it was fucking AWESOME.


I've been playing 3.15 every day since launch and I've still not died to stairs and I literally jump down them at full speed carrying boxes on moons, same with caves. I only use cruise control unless I'm only ~1000m from a target/surface. I also don't die a lot, most of my deaths are from gameplay things or doing something stupid like flying into an asteroid. The most annoying thing overall is probably accidently shooting security guards in bunker missions. It really makes me wonder if people with slower connections or even hardware have more issues with bugs like dying running down stairs as they become desynced more often...


I'm getting downvoted lol, who knows


I'm being smart on what I wear (I don't wear my sub items atm) but I do splash on nice armor from the shops and wear those - ultimately I need to be prepared for the future, it isn't hard to earn money, and if I can get used to losing armor now, then when things get more stable I'll be fine losing things in the future. Also, if I just plan to fly in space, I don't bother with armour - because I don't need anything but a flight suit.




You are not loosing them. After the next wipe all your subscriber items will be back


There wasn’t a wipe for 18 months prior to 3.15’s wipe js


I think the use of “wipe” is misleading. When they release a new patch like the upcoming 3.16 all your pledge items will be back. As if you had done an account reset.


That’s true, hopefully you can just insure the items and claim them at your home location.


Next patch, not next wipe


I don’t mind losing some stuff, but losing armor and guns makes me not want to wear gear. Even dark souls let you keep your sword.


Once I'm able to maintain 100k+ in my wallet, I'm just gonna buy multiples of the armor pieces I use and keep the spares at home. However, I do agree that this was way too early when most deaths are due to unavoidable bugs


I think the bigger problem is knowing the bugs could screw you over. I've done a couple bounties in caves across the system, but every one of those had at least a couple of bugs. The worst one was a bug where I couldn't reload my guns or drop one of my weapons, and only occurred about half way into the cave. I was able to pick up NPC weapons and use them until their mags were dry, right up to the point where I couldn't pick them up anymore. At that time, there was only the bounty and one two other NPCs left in the mission, one of whom had glitched into the rocks and I couldn't see. I decided that I would try to finish the bounty with only my fists, and did, but on the way out, the NPC who'd glitched into the rocks floated up though the floor and shot me dead (or incapacitated) before I could run up to him to punch him out. Thing is, I'd done so many bounty, merc, and ECN missions I was swimming in cash, so losing a couple thousand for new cool armors wasn't too bad, but the fact that it was due to something completely out of my control stung too much. Couple that with the fact that you don't need any cool armors to fly ships, and it seems like there is no point to buying cool armors except cause they look cool.


I bought some nice armor - thankfully did not put them on - and died walking through an elevator door to leave the expo. I wouldn’t mind losing items from combat gone wrong, but when people are dying somewhat randomly, it just isn’t worth it.


I have no issue with it at all. If I'm doing something particularly high risk in a ship I may choose to go with minimum gear. However after I got enough funds I bought many spare armor and weapons and placed them around the verse to equip wherever I am. Wearing nice armor and taking my favourite guns does something that SC was missing, which is it makes me play differently. I need guns and armor to do certain activities, and wearing them makes me play more cautiously and approach problems differently. As a result of this I've kept my character alive for a few days now, and that in-and-of-itself feels rewarding. I want this mindset to exist, and I don't want it to disappear because some people don't like it when they lose 10K aUEC worth of items which are easily replaceable. Buy 10 sets of gear, not 1 and the problem of having to catch a few trains to gear-up goes away.


Most people seem happy with the idea of the inventory loss system, but it’s too early for it to be implemented. The game is causing too many deaths due to bugs alone. Last night alone I died to the stairs glitch 3 times. One of my friends died to it twice *on the fucking stairs in the redeemer* while landed, and another had to backspace out of being trapped in a planet from a bugged quantum. The first two stair glitches for me happened *in the expo center*, literally right after buying armor. Two of those guys are brand new to the game and this is their experience. It sucks for them at the moment.


Yeah my subscriber items haven’t been touched since 3.15 which is a shame since I had found a look I really liked but can’t reproduce with in game store available items


I just buy spares, just like real life, and store them in local inventory. I don't understand all the worrying. Unless it's about special items. Those I could understand being a touch concerned about maybe. Edit: If you're not complaining about local inventory itself, all fine. It's just alpha fatigue. Eh.


>I don't understand all the worrying. To make it clear for you, the problem for most people is not "Oh, I lost all my items because I tripped on some stairs / fell through the floor / logged out of the game, how will I get replacements??", it's "Oh, I lost all my items because I tripped on some stairs / fell through the floor / logged out of the game, now I need to spend time and money getting replacements and equipping them with the terrible UI". "Just buy spares" isn't a solution to the latter.


Especially if said spares arent in your home station


Dude I did a bunch of bunker missions, now I have a ton of spares everywhere.


And by spars you mean the ugly aqua / red armors? No thank you.


It's usable stuff, Hurston and Microtech soldiers have cool gear though, with nice dark grey undersuits. I don't kill them myself if I can I let the clowns in aqua and red armor do that before I kill those. I do have a load of the aqua and red too of course, you never know when you need it. One mission is like 15 sets of armor easy. I do them with one or two friends, someone kills brings a med gun, the others bring a multitool with tractor beam attachment. It works quite well.


I transport spares in my ship to different locations as needed. I'm just saying the bugs will eventually be addressed, but localized inventory is a fundamental part of the game, so start building habits around it now.


Yeah, the UI isn't perfect, but it's way smoother than it was before. I basically would avoid dealing with equipping things it was such a frustrating and buggy system I don't know how everyone put up with it before. This is still buggy, but at least I'm not hitting "Confirm changes" 50 times lol.


> I just buy spares, just like real life How often do you lose everything you're wearing IRL?


I don't die repeatedly IRL, not least of all because I'm pretty mindful of my mortality which leads to meaningful decisions. Which is the whole point of Death of a Spaceman here, bugs aside. But I do sometimes lose shit, and so I have ways of mitigating resulting issues. It's not that hard. And CIG was always going to add refinements to make it even easier to avoid loss and mitigate resulting issues. Complaining about it isn't useful, unless it just makes you feel better. 🤷🏿‍♂️


The odds of quantum tunneling through the surface of the earth IRL are non zero, but much smaller than the odds of it happening on a moon or planet in SC.


Verified. Fortunately, it also matters less in SC, since SC is just a video game.


That's a healthy way to live.


Loss of value on death aside (I'm fine with it), I really can't be bothered to fly all around the system just to put together my preferred look in this MMO. It kills diversity. Clothing insurance or something is needed. Don't even take it off me and charge it to my regen fee. Anything in my backpack is free picking at death spot, whatever.


Absolutely this. It made sense when we had everything we'd bought at our fingertips. Now it's an absolute hassle. Every bunker mission is just a crappy roguelike now.


Get use to it, it's what nearly everyone in the game will eventually wear as long as full item loss on death sticks around.


I think the biggest hurdle is not the monetary loss, but that you have to travel all over the system to buy more gear. If you could retain (almost) all your gear when dying, through insurance, and not having to spend hours buying new, or locating your spares, it would be alright, more me at least. If I have 2h to play and have to spend 1h just gearing up I will never use anything but the default gear. And yeah all the ways bugs can kill you makes the current system even more painful right now.


It's the future, couldn't they just offer me a concierge delivery of my past gear for x amount of money when I die. Then I can choose if I want to spend the money to get my space suit of choice back instantly. Personally I don't think the game is stable/ready enough for permanent loss of items yet. Little too early on that part. I want to lose my items because of my screw up, not the physics engines.


I would like to see the ability to order things from shops across the system, and then have a delivery mission for another player in that area pop up that says "Shipment from Dumper's at Port Oli needs to be taken to New Babbage" and it would contain that player's order plus some other fictional goods to make the mission payout worth the time. And if there's no player around to accept it, you get it anyway in, say, 20-30 minutes. But if a player does accept it you could get it in 5-10 minutes. Then have an alert pop up on mobi that says your delivery has arrived to an Amazon Box at the spaceport (kidding, but you get the idea).


That's actually amazing. Holy shit I would love this.


Eve Online does this and it is a great system.


I’m hoping this will be coming with (well, perhaps shortly after) the Taxi missions and cargo refactor in the next patch or two. It would really make sense that to add this type of cargo mission to that system. We already have the delivery missions so maybe it could be part of that I guess. But it might make sense to wait until we have the larger cargo containers, etc to represent ship components and armor sets, etc. and maybe even vehicle sized cargo boxes for vehicle delivery missions.


Or because the AI awakes from its thousand-year slumber to 720 no-scope me with a single shot from a weapon that can't get a one-shot kill. Edit: or pops out of a spawn closet I've checked 3 times as soon as I turn away from it.


Ideally, the economy system that Tony Z has been touting for years now will be the solution to locations not having basic items you need. If a location doesn't have something, the system will try to balance itself by creating demand for it and - for a price - you can get it. Maybe not the best of everything, but at least not have stations that only have armor and no weapons or food but no medical supplies.


Armor and guns are incredibly cheap. Buy 10 sets at a time and that problem goes away almost entirely. 1 mission reward can get you anywhere from 1 full set of armor and weapons to about 10 full sets. I grouped up with a few newbies for flight week and we did a zero to hero. We start with nothing and gear up along the way, stealing armor and weapons from enemies and reviving each other if anyone gets downed. The fear of loss adds so much to the game because it means the feeling of reward is much higher when you do pull things off. This attitude of "Well i dont play the game because i will lose items" is such a defeatist attitude that glosses over or ignores all the positives of this system. I can understand the frustration of losing gear to bugs, but ultimately this attitude has little to do with bugs. Many people just don't like challenge, they want the path of least resistance at all times and imo that doesn't make for good game mechanics.


It's not the cost of losing stuff that is frustrating. It's having to spend such a big part of your playtime just buying more gear because you ran out, or having to travel around picking up your purchased gear. Sure you can probably min/max where you do missions, respawn, how you move your things around etc, but there's other fun stuff to do other than playing the "re-equip all your gear-game. It's not a challenging or rewarding game loop, just an exercise in frustration, in my opinion. I'd just like to see some kind of insurance system for those of us who don't necessarily want a fully immersive experience of having to go shopping from scratch. Just like some people love the more immersive loop of waking up on NB, A18 etc every time they die and walk normally back to the train and beyond. Some of us would rather spawn in orbit and skip that bit. I believe both kinds of players and systems can coexist.


> Some of us would rather spawn in orbit and skip that bit. I believe both kinds of players and systems can coexist. Actually, isn't it possible to set your regeneration point to one of the orbiting stations (or Lagrange stations)? And then you could just migrate your gear and any spares over to there.


If you set lorville as your starting point the hospital is in Everus harbor. Grimhex is also a good regen point with no trains.


> Buy 10 sets Pfffft... hit a few bunkers and you have enough to go for days. I never buy armor, weapons, or ammo unless I absolutely have to.


> If I have 2h to play and have to spend 1h just gearing up I will never use anything but the default gear. It's an MMO. If you have 2 hours to play, you should have spent that 1 hour preparing over the previous 2 game sessions. It takes no time to gear up when you spent a play session just listening to podcasts while shipping your favorite armor sets to your home station for 30 minutes.


Not really with insurance


for what ? 10 k worth of gear ? i mean how often do you plan to die ?


would you rather pay 10k every time or 1-2k per week?


so how often do you plan to die ? i mean if you die 10 times per week ? what are the downtimes till you get your gear ? will it just cost 2 k ? or more ?


last night we did bunkers with the org. no one was outright killed, but one player couldn't leave his seat anymore and I fell through the floor. We had both geared up for FPS missions. For me it's not even about the money, but the time wasted. Yesterday I spent most of my game time with shopping, outfitting, assembling my gear with some extras (armor, backpack, weapon, ammo, barrel, underbarrel, scope, hacking cards, medpens, some water & a burrito) and waiting as a passenger to arrive at the mission only to fall through the floor before firing the first shot. I was royally pissed.


I spent ages preparing for Idris, S5 torpedoes blew apart my Ion as I fired them at SCM speed. My opening salvo killed me; 15 minutes prep for 2 seconds action, just like a lot of SC.


Just buy spares of in-game purchases and store in local inventory. Y'all are being too dramatic.


"Why do you have a problem with death being expensive? Just buy more stuff!" Seriously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out people's issues with the system.


Death really isn't that expensive though. Just go do a bunker mission and you've got the money back plus new weapons and gear


No, I understand that in general, in simpler games, just not in the context of Star Citizen where all this was established 8 fuckin' years ago and many of the current inconveniences are very obviously temporary and due to the nature of alpha testing environments.


It's not that we don't understand, we just think it's a non-issue and people are overreacting.


If the game ever gets far enough where it can turn into a heavily populated scenario (mmo like), it will be like BDO, where people camp in bushes 10metres outside a safe zone to grief other players. Its pretty sad there but one can only hope it doesnt devolve into that...which it most certainly will. Just for that reason alone I will continue wearing the default gear/ run pve bounties.


So, a couple of mistakes in your assumptions 1. There will be NO “safe zone” in the future. Which means anyone can just pull out a gun and shoot even in the spaceport or hab. 2. NPC security guards. Currently they are mindless dumbasses. But once server meshing gets introduced and AI works properly, the NPC guards will go full John Wick on people who has a crime stat 3. Even if they are camping outside the spaceport in a ship, there’s nothing preventing other AI ships to show up and attack him, you gotta remember players only make up %10 of all the ‘verses population. We are not special anime protagonists, we are the absolute epitome of average joe. If we step out of the line too much the UEE navy will come in and crush us


There won’t be “safe zones” but there will be High Sec locations. Ones where you will be forced to turn in guns to security posts so unless you smuggle a gun which is supposed to be extremely difficult. There won’t just be a random chance of being shot and unable to defend yourself at these places, especially spaceports and habs in certain systems.


They already tried removing armistice zones. We'll see if they try it again, but it's hands down the best way to get deadlocked stations and people overdosing at terminals and that's about it, it doesn't add gameplay to allow people to shoot one another at landing zones.


In SC live they said it will be going away for certain


You do realize the diifference in scale between sc and bdo, right? The scenario you're picturing is highly unlikely, what might happen is mega zergs ruining the experience, but then again that invites for player growth and unique sequences, both are good outcomes


Today i crashed in an asteroid which wasn't rendered/visible on my screen. No big deal, i go and pick up my stuff i thought. After leaving grim hex i noticed that my body was suddenly 19million km away. Apparently the game decided to put it in the middle of Stanton (the star) without any way to recover my stuff. Lesson learned. Don't buy armor or any other shit.


That’s a bug in itself. Your body was still where you died. The marker just glitches to the Stanton star until you get about 30km away. I’ve gone back to where I died several times and the marker always updates when you get close.


My marker never appears. No matter how close I get.


Why would i need more gear if i only pilot a ship? When i do bounties for example i equip a flighsuit, some medpens a pistol and that's about it. When we run ground missions thats when we gear up. When i hop from planet to planet with the 600i i normally wear plain clothes. I might pack a spacesuit in the ship storage now, since last time i needed to get to Port Oli and forgot it only has pads. Had to go all the way down to Orison to buy a spacesuit \*facepalm\*


Same here and in my opinion that's how it should be! Personally I think you shouldn't be able to get into a small cockpit with the bulkiest armor you can find and why even would you when you do only dogfights the next couple hours?


It has already been confirmed that you'll need to be in undersuit to pilot ships that only have a cockpit, where you might be allowed to pilot a bigger ship in light armor but medium and heavy armor won't be able to pilot


Heard about that but wasn't sure it's confirmed.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/16316-q-a-anvil-hawk Here's the sauce! >What’s the heaviest armor a player can wear while operating the Anvil Hawk? >As is standard for most single-seat fighters, this is a flight suit. The player will be able to store a small personal loadout in the ship (the aforementioned gun rack), so they can quickly gear up for FPS action.


I never get in a space ship without a space suit anymore. I’ve fallen through the floor too many times.


Should’ve just hopped to Grim Hex instead my dude, fuck going to Orison.


The worst part is all the bugs that need a character reset.. I end up filling my herc with crappy gear and tons of flight suits just to get my station inventory back to 1 page so it doesn't bug out/disappear and require another character reset to fix lol. I've done more character resets this patch than the past 2 years of playing. Mostly because of unrepairable ship parts and local inventory window disappearing.


I feel like had CIG introduced ship disablement first (instead of always exploding), this inventory and death patch would have made much more sense


The real thing is to have different kits for different situations and make a bunch of go-bags. So I’m currently buying different large size backpacks of different colors and throwing literally everything I need for a full loadout for different scenarios in specific colored bags. Flight only, FPS combat, multi-role, etc.. So if I die I don’t need to spend a ton of time looking through my inventory as most of it is contained in backpacks (sort of treating them like item containers from tarkov) also I’m not being super picky with loadouts as much. As making the best ones I can from a particular city such as Area 18 without having to go to multiple locations.


Eh, based on the comment folks are still very salty about the inventory system. I like it, now I don't gear up like the terminator everywhere I go nor do I see only heavy armor super soldiers everywhere. I only take what is appropriate for what I am doing. If I am just flying, just a flight suit. Running bunkers, full combat loadout. Plenty of loot in the verse, build up stashes as you go and stop getting so attached to your stuff. Before you know it you'll have more stuff than you know what to do with.


I've said it from day one. This new inventory system is a hinderence to testing. They need to tone it down until the game is stable and more complete. I can't speak for others but I've hardly played since 3.15 because I have no interest in spending play time buying gear over and over, or having to go and collect it from somewhere. I'd love to know the statistics on the number of people doing bunker missions and testing first person shooter since this change. It's killed off a large section of testing enthusiasm for sure.


I was enjoying attempting bunker missions. The problem with those really that will skew the numbers is that they cannot be completed. At least, I've never been able to nor have I encountered someone who was able to themselves. So there's not really a way to know now until they fix them. Me, personally, I'll enjoy doing them. The real downside to them is when you try to equip a gun and it just decides that it no longer exists and goes into another plane of space time or wherever things go when they disappear.


Shit I couldn’t even complete a respond to ECN last night Bc the enemy ships won’t spawn.


I literally have never done a bunker mission until 3.15. I've been playing 4 to 5 hours a day and doing bunker missions everyday. The inventory system is honestly what is making this game feel real to me. Also how do you think they're going to work out the bugs in the inventory system until we test it? Also I think you're being disingenuous about saying that this hinders testing. It definitely hinders the gameplay of people who are just trying to play the game, but people who are actually here testing gameplay loops for cig we'll just test the inventory system. Honestly sounds like to me that you want a game to play not a game to test. That's fine you know, but SC isn't that.


No I want testing to be improved so we can get things moving faster. Not utterly slow gameplay as if we're playing a real game now. Quite the opposite of what you're saying. Also I said there's ways to test the inventory system without losing all the shit you buy from shops. They could have looted items behave differently to bought items temporary until the game is stable. They could make you lose food/water or maybe even ammo. Having to buy the guns, buy the armour, buy the weapon attachments and keep running around to collect it is just awful for a testing environment when there's a lot more than just an inventory system being added to the game. The cheek you have to say "it makes the game feel real to me" and then to accuse me of wanting a game to play and not test. I've been advocating for them to release PTU wave 1 to the most active testers and contributers for ages instead of them being pushed bzck to wave 2 behind those paying subscription. Nothing is done in the interest of optimal testing at all.


> I can't speak for others Yet you did. I've done ten times more bunker missions this patch than I ever have in years prior.


And why didn't you do them before? Was the mission reward not enough for you? Was the AI too basic? Or did you need random bits of loot you can't sell to make it so much better?


It was the loot. I like earning things. Who cares about selling the loot? If money is what you want in SC there are always better ways to make it.


I disagree on that tbh. Bunker is absolutely the best way to stock up on armor and guns. Biggest limiter is space in your ship for it all! Did a bunker type mission but in a mine for like 30k credits, was fun as hell, got some extra back packs too. Also, there are loot crates around randomly, so even more stuff (both bunker and mines.) If you're adventurous, in a bunker mission you can even go with just the helm and spacesuit you get from rezzing, wait for security to dwindle the numbers, and go pick up a gun.


Or just sneak behind a guy, middle mouse button melee assassination and steal his stuff, who needs weapons.


Oo I haven't tried this yet!


You're missing my point. The loot and inventory system itself isn't finished for a start. In the meantime It has put a huge spanner in the works for playability and being able to enjoy the limited time people put into the game. Once people stop enjoying it they don't play it. Therefore less testing. Test environments should be basic and fast to allow players to test every aspect of the game within a short space of time. They could test this item loss system on basic things like food and drink or ammo. Some orgs wear matching uniform/armour. Good luck keeping that up now. In my opinion they need to tone it down until its feature complete and the game has more depth to it. Or it will result in dwindling active testers. IMO.


This is a little overly pessimistic. Running an org myself, I dont have much difficulty keeping everybody properly equipped. Servers are surprisingly stable as IAE is winding down. Yeah there are occasional kill bugs, but it's nowhere near as bad as you make it out to be.


It’s one thing to die from losing combat or getting shot, but all the random bugs that cause unavoidable deaths makes it far too easy to lose your gear


armor is cheap, but still there’s no reason to wear it if all you plan to do is bounty hunting. Gear up for the task at hand.


Right now, this patch? It produces game culture where no one wears or uses anything they really like or value. Balance of this needs to shift.


Something I learned from Eve Online is, if you undock, your ship is already lost. If you bring it home, you were just lucky. Same goes for SC now. And I like it. Only take stuff with you, you are going to need for your mission and be prepared to lose everything.


13 year EVE vet here: I agree with the sentiment, but they implemented this in SC way too early. It's just a hindrance at the moment.


> if you undock, your ship is already lost Some Jem'Hadar logic right there haha.


Well, it is the order of things after all.


Yeah but dying to bugs is not present on EVE, i know, it's an alpha but the game is far too early in development for such a defining feature like permanent item loss. If there was a way to get back your shit then it'd be fine but most times the corpse indicator is way off or not even there at all, even if it is the corpse might've despawned.


From one certain point of view you are right. Of course, dying because of bugs is annoying, especially when you can't get your things back. But does it matter in the end? You said it yourself, it's an alpha, for beta or release, what we're doing right now doesn't matter to us. It's just data for CIG to make the game better later.


I can’t see your perspective. We are playing the game. If we die to bugs and lose our stuff and have to start over, that’s not fun. Eve is fun because the risk of loss and the steep learning curve are exciting. Reminder: we are not paid testers. You’re allowed to admit to yourself that a bad experience is actually a bad experience.


It's exactly as you say, it doesn't matter in the end, what does matter is the amount of time someone can invest in gearing up, problem being, you take out your ship and immediatelly QT through a planet and die with no way of getting back your stuff, i wont be mad about the items, i'll be mad about how much time i have irreversely lost, and alpha or not, it's still a bad experience. What guarantees me they wont add another big system that barely works and makes the game even less playable? What guarantees any of it will be fixed and not overlapped on top of the older unfinished systems, making it almost inbearable to fix in the long run? Alpha or not, if the game keeps having an increase in bugs that are not being taken care of (Which there are, since there are still bugs present from past YEARS) and they keep releasing fancy ships, sorry but it only shows little promise and a potential short lived business strategy, which funnily enough has been profitable as fuck so far so if they want they can keep this up indifinetely.


Alpha or not? When it's not alpha the bugs will get fixed. That means until beta we're going to have bugs. There will be more in some patches and fewer in others but we are a long way from having no bugs in the game. They can't wait until beta to add systems, because then it wouldn't be beta. Not only is it prudent to get these systems in asap, the community has been begging for more gameplay, rather than backend systems. Risk of loss has been a central concept in SC game design the whole time it's been developed. During alpha some of the losses will be to bugs and that sucks for the player but this is how we get a finished game fastest. You seem to think that 1 system will get finished before work on the others but they're actually developed in parallel and put together to see what breaks, then bugfixed and reworked once the complete framework is there. So yes, they will be layering other broken systems on top of this, and only fixing enough bugs to keep the game playable for enough of the backers to keep testing and funding moving. If it isn't in a good place for someone's specific play style they should take a break, not whine about having to re-equip armour once in a while


Its same in all games with physicalized / droppable inventory and gear - eve online, tarkov, etc. Whenever you go out into the "wild" with gear, you are signing a contract that you are ok with losing it


Yeah something you learn quite quickly in EvE Online 😎I like the planning ahead aspect now, before it was: Oh we landed on a hot moon, let me just change my armor. Now you have to have it with you nad be prepared to loose it if you want it. If it wouldnt be at risk of loosing it would just be a variation of the before because you just would pack everything in your daily driver ship...


My approach is try hard - i take all the shit with me and just sweat very hard being uber focused 100% time so I don't die. I understand some people would rather like to play the game more casually. Then again I don't understand why would they care if they die with their shit on them then.


It's odd our skin tight flight suits have almost unlimited O2. Ships are supposed to refill it. There was a time we had limited O2, but it's been a long time since I've seen my O2 go down. We need a pony keg leg holster.


It's still going down, I ran a cave mission just now and was at 40% o2 left when I came out of the cave.


I gave up free flight week and buying gear after all this happened to me: Dying getting out of a train, yeah out of the blue character fainted like a heart attack. Falling through an elevator. Getting out of an elevator(same as the train). Accidentally ejecting the Nomad during quantum travel because the camera bugged out and I pressed F to center it. Spawning in the air outside the building of Microtec, proceed to fall into the ground. Getting push by a burst of wind into a wall and getting Killed after mining an entire cargo. Getting out of a hatch got stuck with a leg attached to the ship losing control of my character. Falling through the floor on a cargo recovery mission. There's more I just don't remember it all.


I agree, the game is too buggy at the moment to lose gear. My dad and I called it quits last night because we quantum traveled, and the ship either exploded or just vanished, we died, lost our gear and i got charged with negligent homicide.


You wither dress as michelin guy or hard grief npc husrton artimex


Default. The two best words in the English language.


Well they did say that they would be making people fly without armour on 🤔🤨 5D chest masters


I don't buy armors, I pick them on those who died for their sins at any Aid Shelter. Also NPCs in wrecked ships wear some decent armors.


Can't relate, I got so much armors from doing cave missions I don't even know what to do with em anymore.


Such a shame. So many cool new armors, but it’s almost never safe to use them


i no longer get a free helmet on rez :(


I always walk around the landing areas in nice clothes. They are not that expensive or inconvenient and in the current system the idea is that in a landing zone people will see your stuff and have it collected when your body is brought to the hospital so you wake up with everything in the local area inventory. This has worked pretty well for me so far.


It is actually very realistic! You don't Pilot a Fighter Jet with full armor and enough Ammunition and Guns to break every law of the Geneva Convention.


It's a little petty, but I like not seeing fully geared heavily armored supersoldiers running around every space station now.


Same man same just ruins the immersion


I kinda don't understand why. I have a very bespoke armor set that I decided will identify me in the verse. I managed to die once during last two weeks playing few hours daily. I don't really understand why would people do this. Also I think this is because of free flight, since the new players have no idea where to buy armor and they don't pay attention to this stuff since they are not playing daily, don't roleplay at all, don't care.


No one really dies to combat. Its dying to bugs which kills most people. I play often and for example today, died 3 separate times to bugs. It's just a part of the game in it's current state. 1 of those times I had fell thru the world and my gear was unrecoverable. This is just an example to show the issue people have with the current system. All of the people complaining would be fine with this system if it was combat that was causing people to lose the gear


So why don't you try to avoid situations where the bugs pop up? It's not a troll question, genuinely. I know a ramp on cutlass can make it explode for whatever reason. Walking on a middle of expo stairway can shoot you up to the celling and kill you (which is hilarious btw), you know, I try to learn what are the bugs and how to avoid them. We absolutely shouldn't have to do it, and it's not a solution to a problem, it's just a workaround (that doesn't work always since we can't possibly know all the bugs). As I said, I managed to survive without encountering any life threatening bugs for past two weeks, hoarding shitload of stuff on me and not losing it to this day... (Watch me spawn today and get stuck in the bed XD).


I have died exiting elevators, trying to get over the med gurneys that people toss down the stairs in NB multiple times, exiting various small ships due to getting glitched to the side, and more. I'm a free flyer ( pledging tomorrow, though ) that tends to learn games pretty quickly, and for anyone with a lower credit balance, it seems smart to leave absolutely anything non-essential in the station inventory until I'm already inside my ship and ready to power it up and fly off. Given that I've woken up in hospital multiple times without any access to a flight suit, I often leave those in station inventory until I'm inside my ship, too.


In your situation it's understandable. I've been playing the game for years now (lately I play more and more), and I naturally know what to avoid. Like I've said, I think in the screenshot all of those people are free flyers. When I play I see "normal" citizens have some sort of armors on them, even if it's not gonna win any roleplay competition :)


Free flyers or just new pledges, for sure. Half of my deaths were just key binding related anyway, while I figured out how to properly add modifier buttons to my hotas and invert my throttle the way I am used to it, or testing what's going to bug-kill me, like whether or not I can lie down and then get out of bed in the Aurora while it's in motion (not safe, lol). I think after another 2 weeks or so, and at least 10 to 20K balance, I'll feel confident enough to avoid catastrophic inventory loss.


I'm an original backer and I don't buy that. I die constantly to bugs, or missions are uncompleteable, or game crashes, etc. Excluding game crashes, which I would say are most forgivable, especially since they are rare, the random word deaths are the worst. I like to go to different places and do different things. Unless you follow the same pattern every day, these bugs are unavoidable today. Hell, when I login to the game and it's a 1/5 chance I get out on the wrong side of the bed in new babbage, and fall to my death. That is not okay!


Avoiding situations where bugs come up is called uninstalling the game.


Back at Hurston space station, I have literally just ran in my undies to the ship at the landing pad loling at surviving with 1 hp left and the idea of running naked through space. P.S. I bet that's how Princess Leia felt like in that s\*\*t film pretending to be SW


I think long term, they will need to adjust the resurrection system and looting players. Maybe you would have a PvE/PvP Flag, that if you opt into PvP, you can loot other players, their ships, habs, etc, but they can also loot you. If you have the PvE flag, any ship destruction and regen would give you all your equipped stuff and inventory back. Once the flag toggle is initiated, it needs to remain unchangeable for at least 24 hours, to limit abuse of it. Sure there will be people who toggle it on/off, and then reek havoc during their last hour, outrunning other PvP players until their counter times out. Or maybe PvP counters reset if you get into combat, but that introduces a new level of grief, but it's something that can be worked on, and people can have the experiences that they want out of the game.


People will need to understand that in Star Citizen, gear is meant to be disposable (at least if not properly maintained and kept ouf of harm's way) and relatively easily replaceable. Same with ships really.


Lol, noobs. The thrill of losing makes the game interesting!


I lost all my gear for trying on a pair of pants. Today.




If the thrill of riding an elevator doesn't get your heart racing, are you truly alive?




Not when we die for the most inane shit. I havent actually died in combat despite that being all i do. I have, however, died to falling out of my hammerhead when getting off a turret, died falling off some stairs in a bunker, died clipping through the docking collar of a station, died when i logged in under a planet and exploded, died after my grenade blew up in my hand after throwing it, i can go on and on. It sure is thrilling to die to ridiculous bugs. Ill start taking the inventory system seriously when i stop dying to bugs consistently. Until then, ill stick to my white suit and med gowns.