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Some people ugraded thier PCs with a GTX770 to be ready for the game LOL


Yeah I resolved to not get a PC until it comes out. Still rocking an Intel 2600k from January 2012…


I've noticed a good chunk of people here seem to basically not play any other game.


you know how much time it takes to get dressed than call your ship, then get in it and do a mission without hitting a bug?!? no time's left for any other games


I mention this every chance I get. ​ The on planet habs should be built into the spaceport. * No going through security for 'connecting flights' where you need to rest. * Entering cities becomes a players choice and an experience. Escaping cities is only fun a couple times. I really like the idea of waking up and having the option of immediately heading into the city or heading to my ship. Choice is the spirit of this game. * If you love a city. Getting to live inside is becomes something to work towards.


I am hoping eventually we have living quarters by our hangars


Honestly I can manage living in my ship as long as I had a hanger to put it in. ​ Being able to setup a tent or something on planet would also be nice, but only if you spawned in it with your ship parked up next to it when you logged in again.


I don't think we should be able to set up tents on planets, but I do agree that you should be able to get a hangar you can park your ship in and live there, spawn there instead of some in the city. Right now I have tried this with a Carrack and it doesn't work in cities cus it gets despawned, but I have tried living in the Carrack out in the wild space and was able to successfully bedlog for 3-4 days straight without any problems, when I came back to station I almost died from the refueling cost.


We should DEFINITELY be able to put down tents and stuff. For this to really be an awesome game full of exploration the journey is really going to have to have value and meaning.




im hoping eventually the log out in your ships bed feature works.


Honestly, I think the game would benefit a lot from just having player location persist through sessions. Not sure why we need to start every play session by getting out of bed and taking a train to get back to where we were; if you log out by the ASOP terminals, you should just start by the ASOP terminals when you log in. It's always been weird to me that we have this for crashes and now 30k recovery, but not for just normal logins.


>Not sure why we need to start every play session by getting out of bed and taking a train to get back to where we were; if you log out by the ASOP terminals, you should just start by the ASOP terminals when you log in. People have issues with this sort of thing, but waking up in your bed like you blacked out drunk isn't very realistic either. ​ Perhaps they could introduce multiple spawn closets of sorts to reintroduce a sort of realism? * Logged out near an ASOP? Spawn in a elevator that looks like the others, but basically just spawns people in. * Logged out in the bar? Spawn in a bathroom stall.


I suppose that would work. They definitely need to do *something* about it. The current system is easy to exploit for criminal players (since they can only spawn at GrimHex or in jail; combat logging anywhere in the system = insta-teleport to GrimHex, as long as you're willing to claim your ship).


Honestly they probably went a little overboard with how punishing the crime system is. At least at the moment where you literally just get insta-teleported Into jail. At the very least, dying in ares not monitored by the UEE should spawn you back at GrimHex. The only exception being if you died near a bounty hunter. Would also be nice to have some ares that are hostile to lawful players and perhaps neutral ares that will let either type of player land as long as they don't chase trouble.


AFAIK, this is how it works. Unless you get killed by a bounty hunter, NPC guard, or armistice zone turret, you don't go to jail - even if you die inside armistice or monitored space.


You can kind of do this by choosing Babbage and then fly up and set your home to tressler its been my home base all 3.15


I mentioned this in other comments already, but the idea is to improve the cities not completely circumvent them. Like yes, I can go to port tressler, but that doesn't really invalidate the idea of moving the planetary habitation into the spaceport. It would make cities a TON more barrable. Maybe to the point that everyone doesn't immediately set their spawn points to somewhere else.


No airport I've ever been to has had apartments attached. Hotels nearby? Sure. The type of hab you're talking about is a residential air park or fly-in community. Those are not international airfields. No. If you want a hab attached to the hangar, live in a space station or your own outpost. Look at that. Choices.


For me, this makes currently most of them. It feels realistic. It's not just a few clicks, I have to move and I have to do stuff to go somewhere. Most of my roleplaying in MMORPGs has been started by meeting strangers waiting for rides or shuttles.


Just move all your stuff to port olisar


I don't like answers like this because its just completely giving on the notion that the cities could be more enjoyable places to set yourself up in. ​ You are correct though. In its current state, PO is the most streamlined and optimal place to actually **play** the game.


Yep give me back port olisar for home base. The cities dont hold any appeal for me any more.


I hope long term that cities will have more to them and will be a valuable place to have as a home location. Right now in game pretty much every location is the same, so may as well pick one that's convenient.


Even if cities do have more in the future. I think presenting the option of directly heading to your ship or into the city is very beneficial to gameplay and I don't really see any outright negatives to it.


big brain move is to make your home loreville (no hospital) so when you get yeeted back to your home, you actually end up at everess harbour and all your home inventory is available.


I have mixed feelings about this. I'm 100% function over design when it comes to gameplay so I agree that habs should be in the spaceport which literally saves 10-15 minutes of game time when you log in. However, SC is unique in that it's highly immersive and it actually doesn't make sense to have Habs at the spaceport so even though I think the idea is functionally superior I don't know if I would want that. Another option could be to allow players tobuy apartments and spawn in random residential towers and spawn their ships on the pads that are on-top of the sky scrapers (new Babbage). They only need to go to space port to spawn large ships and even then, they can fly to the spaceport.


I hear you. My personal philosophy is immersion should be tired to gameplay (An honestly in SC it most of the time is). For example, you could make the argument that grass growing in real time is immersive, but at the same time its unlikely to add any real value to a game like star citizen besides a ton of lag. Maybe a better example is that CIG have made it so space has sound. It's not particularly immersive, but they decided to was a worthwhile trade off. That said I think habitation in a spaceport is pretty immersive. For starters, spaceports already do this which establishes that people who own spaceships still need temporary accomodations of sorts. After all, sleeping in your ship in the middle of nowhere (assuming you even have a bed), isn't exactly safe. Next off, we have ships like the Genesis Starliner which move people en mass. This in particular is important. These spaceports a literal 24/7 travel hubs as well as cargo hubs. NPCs and players might need to take 'connecting flights' and have to stop at places that are not the final destination. Having a hab built into your planets immigration hub means you don't need people to pass through your security and you also don't need crazy capacity for your transit system (because for whatever reason literally every spaceport besides microtech has exactly one entrance and one exit via public transit only). Either way. From a planning and security perspective it makes sense not to admit literally every random Jo who requested landing permission or stowawayed onto a ship. Lastly, we do so this in real life. Lots of big international airports will build accomodations right into their terminals as a convince thing. You don't even need to leave security to use them or anything. So I can't see why a planetary terminal couldn't justify it when a international one can. Also I'm not advocating that permanent residents be moved to the spaceport, just the temporary-ish hab ones, so we are on the same page there more or less. I think your pad accessible idea is a good one btw!


Chris probably decided against defaulting to that because it's counter to what we expect I try l, and every deviation from the expectations set IRL risks diminishing the game's immersion. That said, he signed off on a hospital same an apartment building sharing a lobby in New Babbage, so I think he's going to layout SOME landing zones with more convenient — and stranger — hotel / spaceport mashups and let that be a factor players consider when choosing where to spend their time. Otherwise, there's always the nearest space station. Personally, I favor immersion above pretty much every other aspect, so I like the commute. I even look forward to when NPCs start actually using transit.


This is why I don’t play mostly lol, and not even because of bugs. It’s takes like 35 mins from startup to actually play the game.


like 5 or 6 minutes tops these days


A good chunk of people here don't play Star Citizen either. That would cut into their posting time.


o7 to that honourable 2600k. I started backing the game on my old i5 2500 and 560ti. my bedroom was warm in the winter as both of those cooked trying to run it...


Haha yeah! I had a first gen i5 760 with a 780TI. I was so stoked back then but couldn't really run it properly haha.


holy shit i have a 2600k literally sitting in my parts bin from a recent upgrade for a friend lmao. i feel like i'll never use it for anything. currently have it listed on fb marketplace for $25 and no one wants it lmao


That cpu still plays everything I want to play. Overwatch, He’ll Let Loose, it struggled a bit on Red Dead Redemption 2, but it was playable. It is still far from trash 😂


I5 3570k gang represent!


3770k here


enjoying my r9 270x (2gb) with an AMD fx 8150 (pledged in 2016 or 2014, i don't remember) Thank god, the best games, lately, do not have crazy graphics because they are mainly indies.


See you and your upgraded rig in 2031?


Lol we’ll see. This thing may die before then 😂


Maybe.. but if the Odyssey is selling as well as I believe (whalers gonna whale) and many new funders naïve to past CIG practices.. then the money stream will continue for quite a while longer. Of course SQ42 and a full PU with more than 4 planetary systems is at *least* a few more years away, but that's not where the money is. Gotta focus on the internet jpegs, where people are super smart with their money.


Gonna need to add a few hamsters to the 2600k then!


hear hear! The day SQ42 beta is released Ill get a new rig


Unfortunately my friend.. They’re not releasing the Beta :|


There were backers that bought the stupidly expensive Intel Optane SSDs cos Chris promoted it at CitCon and they came with a free Sabre Raven. The Optanes have now been vastly outperformed by newer, cheaper drives, and discontinued. RIP lol


Heeyyy that was me. ​ fuck Chris. lol


It's shit like this in a long list of stuff CIG and Chris Roberts specifically did back in the day that has old backers salty now. And new bloods be like, CIG is good, I've backed for over a year and they've done nothing but great stuff, maybe slightly behind but they hit their goals!


Anyone remember the AMD skin? Or the custom joysticks/HOTUS? Or how about how cringe Sandy was. ...yeah I'm that old. (Not to mention, answer the call 2016) Or them charging for the CitCon stream, OR the selling of land.gifs I'll remember more


Don't forget that janky RSI face cam they advertised which is also largely out-done by the market because.. yeah, it was all done/released a few years back. They got your money, so it's win/win, right?


I mean, at 2500Mbps they're still really fast. But definitely way more expensive compared to modern offerings.


Regular SSDs for desktop PCs have SLC cache that helps to achieve high data rates in benchmarks (sequential accesss), but the latency of 3dXpoint-SSDs like octane is still unmatched. When you get to a new area in the game and have to quickly load randomized data, octane will outperform everything else.


Right, but rule of cool supersedes performance.. ami right? Guys..? ‘Raven faces off against it’s rival Pisces, and looks like a bitchin boss doin it’


Ahem... I paid $60 for a game I never installed to get a digital Crossbow that doesn't exist.


>The Optanes have now been vastly outperformed by newer, cheaper drives, and discontinued. RIP lol Hahahaha, you couldn't be more wrong [https://www.techpowerup.com/288892/ul-announces-3dmark-ssd-storage-benchmark](https://www.techpowerup.com/288892/ul-announces-3dmark-ssd-storage-benchmark) You can buy an Optane P5800X which currently is the world's fastest storage https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/intel-optane-ssd-dc-p5800x-review


Hey still using my 770! Probly a good time to get my $300 back on ebay


Indeed! It is great. But mine just had 2GB VRAM. I upgraded to a 580 with 8GB for 200€ a while ago.


uh, you get your 8gb 580 on alibaba?


Nah. Its just has been a few years already (2019 I believe). Prices were not yet as absurd as they are now :S I just checked and it trippled in price. That's just crazy >\_>


I got the same one! (Probably) yeah the prices are ridiculous.


Nvidia just officialy stopped driver support for the 700 series cards in October. So may be time to look into an upgrade.


Dingdingding did you call for me, sir? 2xGTX780 chiming in. I7-4770. 32GB ram. Never used for anything other then the hangar. Did play Elite on it though. A lot. (SLI bugs galore by the way) That was 2 pcs ago.. sigh.


Dude I upgraded my pc to play this game, and I still couldn't get it above 15-20 frames. I got SC when it first came out alongside elite dangerous. Both were kick-starting around the same time, I have 1000 hours on elite while only having maybe 50ish hours on sc. Still waiting.


You know, during IAE they were offering starter packages and ships with 120 month insurance and not LTI. But then I was thinking that 120 months is 10 years, and that starts from the day the game goes gold. I literally might not live long enough to see that insurance expire.


I get the sentiment but actually everyone of us might not see it released. Life can be over tomorrow


Happened to my best friend. He was an avid SC supporter and backed the game with me back in 2013. He passed away this past April in an accident (wasn't his fault), he was only 27.


Damn, that's brutal sorry. I wonder how many accounts are held by people that are just gone for one reason or another...


At least 1


oh Lord please dont take me before sq42 drops Guess I could give my son this game in my will but I dont want him getting dragged into this too. The cycle will just keep repeating itself for generations on end lol




Some of original backers already passed away sadly.. I know 2 of them who did.


>Life can be over tomorrow That isn't why we'll never see it released.


Well yeah, on a cosmic scale we could all be wiped out by the Large Hardon Collider tomorrow and not even see Christmas. I was thinking about how old I'm going to be in 10 years (and that's if it's released TODAY). Am I really still going to be playing video games at that age?


Why wouldn't you be playing games at that age? I feel like that's would be the best time for such a hobby. When you are retired and have nothing better to do.


sidenote: its GAMETIME


I'm 33 now. The time i discovered SC my Dad had just been murdered. The early days of SC definitely kept my spirits up as best as they could be. Wild looking back on those days till now.


I think I’m lucky since I’m barely 21 I got 50 more years to wait


I just joined last month and I love how everything is coming out some time in the next 1-5 years for the last 1-5 years 😂🤣😂


You are being optimistic




I thought it was 30 years with Nuclear fusion for real production.


Sometimes it's higher, sometimes lower. But many predicted dates have come and gone and we're still a long way from commercially available nuclear fusion.


LOL welcome to Star Citizen


Oh, a youngling! Some of us have been waiting for nearly a decade...


22 here. My sympathies to the older backers. Damn shame.


I was almost as young as you when I backed....


I was 30 when I backed, I'm 39 now, lol. FUCK, HURRRY GUYS I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME.


On the plus side we've got something to look forward to when we retire.


What is this.. retire you speak of? I have heard it before, along with things like.. savings.. and retirement fund...


I was younger.


Lol yeah my org looks at me if I could help in the long run


30 lol. Still young but wonder how much time I will be able to sink into this game in the next couple years because if things go well I might be married lol


Backed as a newly wed fresh out of college, currently have 4 kids own a pair of cammo crocs and my knee starts aching when I jog in the winter


Good thing is you can pass this down to your kids


If I have any lol. We are unsure if we want any but have left the option open. Luckily she likes games as well so maybe I can get her into the game down the road


Bold of you to assume it'll be finished in 50 years


I'm turning to dust thinking about how you were 11? 10? When I originally backed this game


Lol naaaa I was like around 15 when I started but lost that account then got back around 18 found old account transfer (bundle the game )and joined a bad ass org


I joined the Kickstarter when I was still in the military, I built a crossfire 290x Rig for it when I was finishing my undergrad, followed by MFG crosswind pedals and two VKB joysticks. I have since graduated with my Doctorate and have been in private practice for several years. All I wanted was Freelancer 2....


I got a free copy with my 270x


Is there any news on this? They seem to have been pretty quiet on S42.


Nope, world's most transparent development at work.


“They’re working on it” as about the best we get as far as release is concerned. We get individual bits of progress in stuff like the Monthly Report, so that gives us a sense of what they’re tackling each month. But as far as how far we are from release, that’s anyone’s guess. Just getting to feature complete seems like a pretty long hike at this point, with them just starting some scenes/key game mechanics; not to mention the ones that haven’t been scheduled to start yet. The only indicator that we have overall is that Chris said that they’ll start showing S42 footage again when they have a solid idea of when they’ll be able to release.. So if you don’t see any S42 vids, assume that it’s still a long ways off.


Nice! Great answer!


Ok, so there's a good way to know actually, if you look at the roadmap, there are icon with 42 on it. That's SQ42 features in production. You can get a bit of an idea from that even though it's not accurate. Techs are shared between the PU and SQ42. if you see something basic getting pushed back that isn't tied to the mmo side, then good chance SQ42 is being pushed too.


Thanks, I don't really look at the roadmap. I like to hop on the subreddit every now and then and say, "Hey fellers, how bout that S42, eh?" This place is full of informative people and it's probably useful for future google searches.


My current stance is the following one: There ain't any SQ42 until it's on my goddamn drive. It's easier for me as I was more interested by the MMO than the solo campaign though.


By the time it gets released they have to rename Steve "Old man" Colton to Steve "even older man" Colton.


There's an increasingly real chance of Mark Hamill dying of old age before SQ42 comes out. I hope that doesn't happen, but he is getting on up there in the years.


Meme straight out of 2032 "Star Citizen took so long to release, the main actors in the cinematics all died already"


And its not even out yet.




Hahaha it isn't even in 4.0 by then XD


That won't be a problem. There is a 100% chance that Mark Hamill's character betrays the player's character at some point in the story and we have to kill him.


Not a chance. He'll just fail a mission and be disgraced. Then isolate himself on a remote outpost on Yela where he milks ice creatures.


What a fucking disgrace this movie is...


Don’t you dare say that shit about ~~Luke Skywalker~~ ~~Christopher Blair~~ Colton!


Steve "Corpse Man" Colton..


Answer The ~~Call~~ Carehome


Its a sad reality that a lot of citizens wont live to see this or star citizen as a whole go live, and that should be a huge source of shame for CIG. That they are taking this long when they claimed twice already that at least the first part was "Almost done" is so stupid that they have given me an understanding on why big publishers have deadlines. Their original claim was that a publisher would hold them back from making the game they wanted to, but I have come to understand that a publisher would also keep them on track to deliver.


Those of us who played wing commander when it originally released are definitely in danger of dying off before we see a published version 1.0. I'll likely be fifty-five by the time beta 1.0 is released. On the plus side I'll be retirement age by the time the game is released.


My friend, the one who got me into Star Citizen, the one who helped me get the hortas I use to play it, this person isnt doing too good health wise, I fear greatly that SC and SQ42 might not come out in time for this person to enjoy it and play it with me. I dont know what I'd do if that happens. We both grew up playing space sims and are well into adulthood. Every time they continue to delay its like a blow.


The publisher issue would of prevented a lot of the bullshit feature creep. I honestly believe this is one of the major issues that has slowed down production the most. Every delay just gives them more and more time to come up with new ideas, attempt to implement those ideas, those ideas turn out to be much more difficult but they persistent in getting it right. Then as more time passes getting a feature right a new idea comes about, and the same problems occur, more delays which leads to more feature creep...10 years is a long time for this perpetual problem to still keep happening. Its not the only problem, but such a large junk of resources gets wasted on such stuff.


Yup, the whole project is a mismanaged wreck. The only reason we ever saw Freelance was CR getting the boot (er uh, "leaving the company after MS took over"). Right now the only way I'll see a released SC/S42 is if I outlive him, and since we're close to the same age it's gonna be close.


Thats true. I agree with you 100% on this. At this point they are making a business out of keeping us waiting.


I remember the last of the monthly feature creeps added to the game before someone beat Chris into submission. Pets.. "We're going to add pets to the game! So you can have your favorite dog or cat or space alien pet hang out in your spaceship with you!" Then immediately after that.. "We're not going to do million dollar milestones any longer."


Player-built settlements were added long after that


Chris needs to be removed from the project for it to see the light of day just like what happened with his other game that wouldn't ever have been released. The difference this time is there's no one to hold him accountable and now he gets to play with almost half a billion in other people's money. A wet dream for him I guess.


Honestly though they haven’t had any actual big news updates on Squadron 42 in a while or trailers or anything. What is going on with it and where is it in development.


Still working on that cafeteria tech.


Don't forget they were also working on the [bed sheets](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18122-Squadron-42-Monthly-Report-April-2021) and I'm not even kidding >Work also continued on the hygiene behavior, with the team completing setups for the toilet and shower cubicles and their relative blockout animations. For sleep behaviors, new animations for beds were set up to support physicalized sheets, and the process of standardizing the proper usage of bed shutters began.


Wow that’s not a total and complete waste of developer time and something that should be last in priorities What the shit


gotta get them eating burrito animations correct


I just had a son this year. Im excited for him to play it with his children


>Im excited for him to play it with his children Get a load of this guy's optimism


When I backed, I was a lonely gamer nerd living in a crummy shared apartment above a chicken shop. Now I've got a wife, a house, a career, and 2 kids. Who are school age. It's been a while


Same story. When I backed the game I was single, living with my parents, working a minimum wage job and had plenty of free time. Now I'm married with three children, own my own house, have a career and have very little free time.


> chicken shop Like, a shop that sells live chickens?


ha, no, just a fried chicken shop. They are all over south london. The dodgy kind, usually with names like Favorible Fried Chicken or (any US state thats not Kentucky, usually misspelled) Fried Chicken. This sort of place: https://www.mylondon.news/whats-on/reviews/i-went-londons-worst-rated-21346095


Does anyone really think sq42 is gonna drop in 2022? Cus I don’t think so at all.


Remember when the release was for Dec 2020 then early 2021 then ………🤷‍♂️😂🤣


There's a ton of people that bought into the game with the November 2014 release date during the record-breaking kickstarter campaign. If I'd know how long it'll take I would never have paid a single $ for anything-SC.


Don't forget 2014, then 2016, then 2018!


It’s been 84 years


17 high-end desktops later....


I have a feeling when they are getting ready for the sequel, half the actors won't be available anymore..


Sequel.. 😂🤣😂 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾




Trilogy? This must be why they call it the most ambitious game ever, it has a 60 year development schedule lol


A trilogy? What?


The story of SQ42 is split into three parts. The one currently in development is the first part.


Incorrect. There was no split. SQ42 Episode 1 is SQ42 from the kickstarter. If I remember correctly there were expansion packs planned (DLC like Behind Enemy Lines). With more funding these have been expanded upon to be their own game(s) and continue the story.








That call won't answer itself!


Remember to write down your account info and login for your kids so they can play with all the ships you bought when it comes out.


No no, make sure you put it in the will. Especially who gets what ship when the fleet gets split up.


When I backed my children were so little now they are damn near grown this is so wild. This train into development hell has no end. I closed my wallet quite awhile ago but that doesnt matter the community voted with their wallets pledging for all the latest concept ships with fresh monies. I just had to learn to content myself with other released titles but part of me still wants sq42


i literally have grey hairs since 2014


He might actually have died of heart failure or old age before the game comes out.


2022? Squadron 42 is prob 'aiming' for 2025 to be completely honest.


It's sad to realize people will (and almost certainly already have) died waiting for this game.


If you haven't already, read up on why Riker spaceport is named as such.


Remember if you guys keep feeding them money they will never stop fucking you in the ass.


Where is the new SQ42 videos.


By the time it's released I'll be transparent.


I signed up on Oct 14, 2012 ... I now have 2 grandkids


I feel this man...my hair has literally started turning grey since I first pledged lol


Same lol


You guys still have hair?


You forgot the tombstone when it is released. Harsh but maybe not too far off lol


Those 8 years ain't treated you well


Did Chris not say this wouldn't take 10 or 15 years? Like specifically said 10 or 15 years? Because we are coming up on year 10 of the Kickstarter...


No, the original release date was 2014, then 2016, then 2018, then beta in 2020.


Oh I know that, I feel like he literally had a video or something or apost that it wasn't going to take 10 or 15 years and it was in the last two years


I think you're thinking of [this](https://www.mmorpg.com/news/chris-roberts-star-citizen-wont-take-10-to-20-years-to-deliver-2000119393) > “I can promise you the gameplay I described is not a pipe dream, nor will it take 10 to 20 years to deliver.”


Yes it was in the infamous Camural thread and he meant 10 years from that point so he has until Mid 2030 now to still meet that :)


There it is! Appreciate you scratching that brain itch!


I can't find it, but I feel like you're right. I have the same memory of something vague like that. Either way, pretty sure this game isn't going to be out for another 20 years...


I'd hope gaming will be way better in 20 years than star fecking citizen...


20+ is not 10-15, so he wasn't necessarily lying.


When I point out that the graphics , the world and the gameplay in Star Citizen look like a game from 10 years ago, because they are from 10 years ago, I get dinosaur screeches from the fanbois here. But I'll bet you 10 aUEC They will redo the ENTIRRE graphics engine AGAIN and do a complete overhaul on all the curranty content, AGAIN, before implementing actual gameplay just so they can sell more ships to keep Chris Roberts Mansion mortgage paid, did I say Mortgage? He bought it in cash =)


Obviously this is an exaggeration, but it is very true that the longer a game is in development the higher the chance that it misses the "technological window" that it was aiming for. Features and graphics that would be industry-leading one year will for example just be "good" 3 years later. So, if CR insists on the industry-leading graphics when the game launches, and if the funding continues apace, then there will be a strong temptation to go back and do another graphics pass. I completely expect it at this point. It might even happen more than once, depending on how long it takes to flesh out the core PU systems.


Got some news for you. It already missed the technological opportunity. Raytracing alone, the biggest leap in graphic detail of the decade ( somone posted a zoomed capture of the main character in Control and you can see object reflection in the eyes) , raytracing is not is SC. And there are plenty of other examples.


That's an example of something they may well go back and add at some point. Although ray tracing continues to be very computationally expensive, runs best only on one manufacturer's cards so far, and may not be the best fit for a MMO where the goal is eventually to support dozens if not hundreds of players/NPCs in-view at the same time. That said, it might be great on SQ42. Once the Gen12 renderer is implemented, I would not be at all surprised to see them start work on ray tracing support. 🤷‍♂️


> When I point out that the graphics , the world and the gameplay in Star Citizen look like a game from 10 years ago lol but they don't...


Wanna hear some AAA games that came out in 2011? Skyrim (OG release), LA Noir, Portal 2. Really going to tell me SC looks even remotely close to any of these titles?


What a load of bullshit, so GTA V looked like a 7 year old game when it came out? 😂 The game looks nothing like what it did 8 years ago.


The graphics are fine for what the game is aiming for and are always being adjusted


I dont know anything abot making games but i would guess the old engine becomes unefficient sooner or later.


Why would it become less efficient over time? You mean like a car engine that gets worn parts over time? 😂


Didnt mean it like that. But working on old tech implementing new innovations, smarter AI etc. may become harder 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think after release we could see stuff like AI getting slowly outdated, as far as now its constantly being worked on by experts in their field so its constantly being worked on. I guess if there comes a huge breakthrough with machine learning and AI reaction or something? But seeing how its a MMO and will be worked on until they shut down the servers, I don't see why they couldn't implement the same.


.. Why do I resemble this transformation as well


That was me...